Two-Thirds Of College Grads Regret Their Diploma, Costs And Major

The responses on here are a joke. You guys should have gone to college to study probability and expected outcomes.

Your best outcome is going to college and getting any degree. Yes there are some college grads who do worse than some tradesmen. Those are outlets and not the reality of your outcome if you decide to skip college. The trades are in demand and a great second option.
The trades are a great first option for many people but we don't tell them that we say everyone has to go to college

No we don't.
The responses on here are a joke. You guys should have gone to college to study probability and expected outcomes.

Your best outcome is going to college and getting any degree. Yes there are some college grads who do worse than some tradesmen. Those are outlets and not the reality of your outcome if you decide to skip college. The trades are in demand and a great second option.
The trades are a great first option for many people but we don't tell them that we say everyone has to go to college

No we don't.

They don't exactly let you into the trades after you've been to college, either. When "books are closed," it's final. It's a closed-shop labor union and you're too smart for your own good at a jobsite where a lot of other workers not only have access to dangerous equipment but cooperate to put you at a disadvantage.
The responses on here are a joke. You guys should have gone to college to study probability and expected outcomes.

Your best outcome is going to college and getting any degree. Yes there are some college grads who do worse than some tradesmen. Those are outlets and not the reality of your outcome if you decide to skip college. The trades are in demand and a great second option.
The trades are a great first option for many people but we don't tell them that we say everyone has to go to college

No we don't.

They don't exactly let you into the trades after you've been to college, either. When "books are closed," it's final. It's a closed-shop labor union and you're too smart for your own good at a jobsite where a lot of other workers not only have access to dangerous equipment but cooperate to put you at a disadvantage.

"Cooperate to put you at a disadvantage," why?
Your best outcome is going to college and getting any degree. Yes there are some college grads who do worse than some tradesmen. Those are outlets and not the reality of your outcome if you decide to skip college. The trades are in demand and a great second option.
The trades are a great first option for many people but we don't tell them that we say everyone has to go to college

No we don't.

They don't exactly let you into the trades after you've been to college, either. When "books are closed," it's final. It's a closed-shop labor union and you're too smart for your own good at a jobsite where a lot of other workers not only have access to dangerous equipment but cooperate to put you at a disadvantage.

"Cooperate to put you at a disadvantage," why?

I'm still here punk?
Your best outcome is going to college and getting any degree. Yes there are some college grads who do worse than some tradesmen. Those are outlets and not the reality of your outcome if you decide to skip college. The trades are in demand and a great second option.
The trades are a great first option for many people but we don't tell them that we say everyone has to go to college

No we don't.

They don't exactly let you into the trades after you've been to college, either. When "books are closed," it's final. It's a closed-shop labor union and you're too smart for your own good at a jobsite where a lot of other workers not only have access to dangerous equipment but cooperate to put you at a disadvantage.

"Cooperate to put you at a disadvantage," why?

I'm still here punk?

Which has what to do with the topic?
The trades are a great first option for many people but we don't tell them that we say everyone has to go to college

No we don't.

They don't exactly let you into the trades after you've been to college, either. When "books are closed," it's final. It's a closed-shop labor union and you're too smart for your own good at a jobsite where a lot of other workers not only have access to dangerous equipment but cooperate to put you at a disadvantage.

"Cooperate to put you at a disadvantage," why?

I'm still here punk?

Something to add, or just trolling?

You threatened me kid, I'm still here.
The trades are a great first option for many people but we don't tell them that we say everyone has to go to college

No we don't.

They don't exactly let you into the trades after you've been to college, either. When "books are closed," it's final. It's a closed-shop labor union and you're too smart for your own good at a jobsite where a lot of other workers not only have access to dangerous equipment but cooperate to put you at a disadvantage.

"Cooperate to put you at a disadvantage," why?

I'm still here punk?

Which has what to do with the topic?

Faggot Ninja threatened me....yet here I am.
No we don't.

They don't exactly let you into the trades after you've been to college, either. When "books are closed," it's final. It's a closed-shop labor union and you're too smart for your own good at a jobsite where a lot of other workers not only have access to dangerous equipment but cooperate to put you at a disadvantage.

"Cooperate to put you at a disadvantage," why?

I'm still here punk?

Something to add, or just trolling?

You threatened me kid, I'm still here.

No idea what you're talking about or why you have chosen to troll this thread.
Your best outcome is going to college and getting any degree. Yes there are some college grads who do worse than some tradesmen. Those are outlets and not the reality of your outcome if you decide to skip college. The trades are in demand and a great second option.
The trades are a great first option for many people but we don't tell them that we say everyone has to go to college

No we don't.

They don't exactly let you into the trades after you've been to college, either. When "books are closed," it's final. It's a closed-shop labor union and you're too smart for your own good at a jobsite where a lot of other workers not only have access to dangerous equipment but cooperate to put you at a disadvantage.

"Cooperate to put you at a disadvantage," why?

A higher power has attempted to come to your rescue…..I ain't playin.
Most satisfied were majors in math, science, tech and especially engineering. More than a third of computer science grads and four-in-ten engineering grads had no regrets about their area choice of studies.

I did a double major in math & computer science at the University of Alaska Fairbanks, and accumulated enough credits to graduate with two B.S. degrees, but I never got along with the sorry girls & frat boys, and consequently I became jobless and unemployable for life.

“Books are closed!” I was told. It's a mobster catch phrase, whether in reference to exams or financial books. I am permamently shut out of any profession that requires an exam, because such exams are so dishonestly proctored and administered, that I will never be allowed to "pass."

Which is also a transgender hate thing, also from the Mafia.

I can't say I "regret" my choice of studies, because that is what I was interested in and did well in — and what I wanted to study at the time.

It's just that I can't work for the Mob or an organized crime cartel without risking prison myself, and the sorry girls & frat boys left me no other options in this life except for poverty or organized crime.
You sound like a loser making excuses for why you failed in life
Except I'm not exactly a loser or a failure, because I'm still basically alive & well & not in prison, and I don't do the marijuana, drugs, alcohol, sex, or any of that loser shit other people do & continually try to blame on me or get me to take the fall for.

I am simply not willing to work for a drug-sex-alcohol Establishment, and until that organized criminal Establishment is brought down, it will remain necessary for me to keep fighting and waging war on the Establishment of the Left.
If you are unemployable for life because you did not get along, you are not only a loser, but a quitter
Degrees in engineering generally result in good paying jobs. But when one gets specific one finds that's not always the case.

Social Engineering, for example, is an overcrowded field just now. Oh there are jobs in the field - just about 12 times as many grads as there are positions.

Good as some degrees are, nothing pays ....for those with some natural ability.......SALES! AMA offers some really good seminars - quite inexpensive - but the problem is those enrolling are not screened for aptitude or attitude.
Well, that’s the choice they make.
The young makes [sic] stupid choices and then have to live with those stupid choices for the rest of their lives. I'm 54 and I'm still paying for mistakes I made when I was 17.

yeah that's quite a question.

How about quite an answer?
don't have one.
...Don't let young people make choices. I cry in frustration seeing the poor decisions my nephews make every day. Short of kicking their ass and knuckling them under I don't know what to do.
Mind your business.
Most degrees are in Business, Health Services and Education


The RW myth that today’s College students get worthless degrees is Bullshit
Masters in English, Art appreciation, Women's Studies, etc are worthless if you consider that the purpose of a degree is to get a better job.
Don’t know about that. Depends on your goals. Neighbor girl landed a $45k teaching job with an English major right out of college. She won’t get rich but that is what she wants to do with her life.

I helped a girl land a job making 60 grand a year with just a high school education a few years ago..

So what's your point?
I see what you did there.
Your best outcome is going to college and getting any degree. Yes there are some college grads who do worse than some tradesmen. Those are outlets and not the reality of your outcome if you decide to skip college. The trades are in demand and a great second option.
The trades are a great first option for many people but we don't tell them that we say everyone has to go to college

No we don't.

They don't exactly let you into the trades after you've been to college, either. When "books are closed," it's final. It's a closed-shop labor union and you're too smart for your own good at a jobsite where a lot of other workers not only have access to dangerous equipment but cooperate to put you at a disadvantage.

"Cooperate to put you at a disadvantage," why?

I'm still here punk?
No you're not.
I'm lost.
Most satisfied were majors in math, science, tech and especially engineering. More than a third of computer science grads and four-in-ten engineering grads had no regrets about their area choice of studies.

I did a double major in math & computer science at the University of Alaska Fairbanks, and accumulated enough credits to graduate with two B.S. degrees, but I never got along with the sorry girls & frat boys, and consequently I became jobless and unemployable for life.

“Books are closed!” I was told. It's a mobster catch phrase, whether in reference to exams or financial books. I am permamently shut out of any profession that requires an exam, because such exams are so dishonestly proctored and administered, that I will never be allowed to "pass."

Which is also a transgender hate thing, also from the Mafia.

I can't say I "regret" my choice of studies, because that is what I was interested in and did well in — and what I wanted to study at the time.

It's just that I can't work for the Mob or an organized crime cartel without risking prison myself, and the sorry girls & frat boys left me no other options in this life except for poverty or organized crime.
You sound like a loser making excuses for why you failed in life
Except I'm not exactly a loser or a failure, because I'm still basically alive & well & not in prison, and I don't do the marijuana, drugs, alcohol, sex, or any of that loser shit other people do & continually try to blame on me or get me to take the fall for.

I am simply not willing to work for a drug-sex-alcohol Establishment, and until that organized criminal Establishment is brought down, it will remain necessary for me to keep fighting and waging war on the Establishment of the Left.
If you are unemployable for life because you did not get along, you are not only a loser, but a quitter
I was driven out of college for being a heartless asshole, ie Republican. But I managed to scratch out a living without a college degree. A lot of these colleges grade you based on your politics not on your ability.
The entire college degree thing is backwards anyway.

People are guessing what degree they will need in the future and it seems most simply guess wrong.
Most degrees are in Business, Health Services and Education


The RW myth that today’s College students get worthless degrees is Bullshit

I never said anything about that so once again your point is meaningless to me.

You might want to try to read my posts and actually respond to what I said rather than just posting the same old talking points
He cannot think. In fact, I doubt he is human. RW is a very unusual type of spambot: he is a STUPIDBOT. (We have a couple on this forum.) He was written to create more idiocy than fifty ordinary morons could post...but without leaving week-old pizza on the floor, using flower vases as bongs, or peeing on the bathroom floor.
Degrees in engineering generally result in good paying jobs. But when one gets specific one finds that's not always the case.

Social Engineering, for example, is an overcrowded field just now. Oh there are jobs in the field - just about 12 times as many grads as there are positions.

Good as some degrees are, nothing pays ....for those with some natural ability.......SALES! AMA offers some really good seminars - quite inexpensive - but the problem is those enrolling are not screened for aptitude or attitude.
We need Doctors. We have a shortage of Doctors because we have a shortage of seats in University, they're all filled. The shortage is artificial. Why?
The responses on here are a joke. You guys should have gone to college to study probability and expected outcomes.

Your best outcome is going to college and getting any degree. Yes there are some college grads who do worse than some tradesmen. Those are outlets and not the reality of your outcome if you decide to skip college. The trades are in demand and a great second option.
The trades are a great first option for many people but we don't tell them that we say everyone has to go to college

No we don't.

They don't exactly let you into the trades after you've been to college, either. When "books are closed," it's final. It's a closed-shop labor union and you're too smart for your own good at a jobsite where a lot of other workers not only have access to dangerous equipment but cooperate to put you at a disadvantage.
Are you on LSD?

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