Two Venezuelan opposition leaders taken from homes over night

None of our business. Let's stay out of it. Folks who are in the know, understand that this is all about the US/West trying to get back to looting Venezuela. They want their Puppets back in there. I support minding our own business for once. Let's stop meddling over there.

This has nothing to do with the US or West that is the excuse of every communist tyrant ever to suppress civil liberties and the opposition, go suck Chomskys cock some more fucktard.

My goodness, when are Americans gonna wake up? Venezuela is only about oil. It has absolutely nothing to do with what's best for the Venezuelan People. Chavez stopped the US/West looting. He refused to be their Puppet. They've been destabilizing Venezuela ever since. They want their Puppets back in there. That's what it's always about. If folks refuse to go along, the US/West targets them for elimination.

It all gets back to Imperialism. The US/West truly believes all of the world's lands and resources belong to them. Anyone opposing them, will be targeted for elimination. Maduro doesn't have much chance of survival. He doesn't possess the strength & fortitude Chavez did. He'll likely become another C.I.A. casualty.

When are leftist scum going to wake up and realize that Venezuela is only about consolidation of power for the state and party elite? Imperialism made the commie scum lock up political dissidents and opposition politicians? It forced them to draft a new constitution written solely by low level ruling party members? It forced them to end freedom of the press and freedom of assembly? Go fuck yourself you Chomskyite little hack, your excuses for this tyranny are the same ones used time and again from Stalin to Mao to Castro we've heard all of your tired bullshit before, and the hundreds of million dead that you genocidal scum have left in your wake are screaming from their graves to give you a free helicopter ride.

All, none of our business. So why do we make it our business?... The oil.

It's the oil, son.

These are human rights issues as in an issue of the entire human race, and for someone who believes that it is none of our business you sure do spend a lot of time regurgitating Chavezista propaganda you trust fund commie scum. Your "we should mind our own business," rhetoric is just your cover in promotion of the goals of the socialist international, your pro-communist agenda is global so spare me your faux isolationist claims, because nobodies fucking buying it now get in the fucking chopper.

The Globalist Elites who run the show, could less about 'Human Rights.' They only purportedly 'care' about Venezuelans, because they're angry Chavez ended their looting of his country. They want back in. They want their Puppets back in there.

It has nothing to do with 'Human Rights.' It instead has everything to do with the oil. So don't delude yourself about 'Human Rights', 'Democracy' or any other fantasies. If they won't give the US/West what it wants, the US/West will take it. That's the ugly reality.
Wasn't this the great socialist country Sanders admired? We see where such systems end. It is quickly happening in the Philippines also in another form of fascism. At least three mayors killed there by police in so-called drug raids. One has to wonder just how legitimate some of these raids are in a country that has been corrupt for many decades.

Two Venezuelan opposition leaders taken from homes over night

wo of Venezuela’s leading opposition figures were taken from their homes in the middle of the night by state security agents on Tuesday, in President Nicolas Maduro’s first moves against his enemies since a widely denounced vote giving his government nearly unlimited powers.

The wife of opposition leader Leopoldo Lopez posted what appeared to be video of him being taken from their home after midnight.

“They’ve just taken Leopoldo from the house,” Lilian Tintori wrote on Twitter. “We don’t know where he is or where they’re taking him.”

Allies of former Caracas Mayor Antonio Ledezma posted video online of a man who appeared to be the opposition leader being taken by state security as a woman screams for help for neighbours.

“They’re taking Ledezma!” she cries. “It’s a dictatorship!”

Lopez was detained three years ago after protests against Maduro’s government and sentenced to more than a decade in prison on charges that include inciting protesters to violence. He was released last month to serve the rest of his term under house arrest. Ledezma, a former Caracas mayor, was also detained in 2015 and has been under house arrest.

Both have recently posted videos online denouncing Maduro’s decision to hold a vote for a constitutional assembly with the power to overhaul Venezuela’s political system.

Maduro said Monday evening he had no intention of deviating from his plans to rewrite the constitution and go after a string of enemies, from independent Venezuelan news channels to gunmen he claimed were sent by neighbouring Colombia to disrupt the vote as part of an international conspiracy led by the man he calls “Emperor Donald Trump.”

“They don’t intimidate me. The threats and sanctions of the empire don’t intimidate me for a moment,” Maduro said on national television. “I don’t listen to orders from the empire, not now or ever ... Bring on more sanctions, Donald Trump.”

A few hours earlier, Washington added Maduro to a steadily growing list of high-ranking Venezuelan officials targeted by financial sanctions, escalating a tactic that has so far failed to alter his socialist government’s behaviour. For now, the Trump administration has not delivered on threats to sanction Venezuela’s oil industry, which could undermine Maduro’s government but raise U.S. gas prices and deepen the humanitarian crisis here.

I'm sure Donald called to congratulate maduro.
This has nothing to do with the US or West that is the excuse of every communist tyrant ever to suppress civil liberties and the opposition, go suck Chomskys cock some more fucktard.

My goodness, when are Americans gonna wake up? Venezuela is only about oil. It has absolutely nothing to do with what's best for the Venezuelan People. Chavez stopped the US/West looting. He refused to be their Puppet. They've been destabilizing Venezuela ever since. They want their Puppets back in there. That's what it's always about. If folks refuse to go along, the US/West targets them for elimination.

It all gets back to Imperialism. The US/West truly believes all of the world's lands and resources belong to them. Anyone opposing them, will be targeted for elimination. Maduro doesn't have much chance of survival. He doesn't possess the strength & fortitude Chavez did. He'll likely become another C.I.A. casualty.

When are leftist scum going to wake up and realize that Venezuela is only about consolidation of power for the state and party elite? Imperialism made the commie scum lock up political dissidents and opposition politicians? It forced them to draft a new constitution written solely by low level ruling party members? It forced them to end freedom of the press and freedom of assembly? Go fuck yourself you Chomskyite little hack, your excuses for this tyranny are the same ones used time and again from Stalin to Mao to Castro we've heard all of your tired bullshit before, and the hundreds of million dead that you genocidal scum have left in your wake are screaming from their graves to give you a free helicopter ride.

All, none of our business. So why do we make it our business?... The oil.

It's the oil, son.

These are human rights issues as in an issue of the entire human race, and for someone who believes that it is none of our business you sure do spend a lot of time regurgitating Chavezista propaganda you trust fund commie scum. Your "we should mind our own business," rhetoric is just your cover in promotion of the goals of the socialist international, your pro-communist agenda is global so spare me your faux isolationist claims, because nobodies fucking buying it now get in the fucking chopper.

The Globalist Elites who run the show, could less about 'Human Rights.' They only purportedly 'care' about Venezuelans, because they're angry Chavez ended their looting of his country. They want back in. They want their Puppets back in there.

It has nothing to do with 'Human Rights.' It instead has everything to do with the oil. So don't delude yourself about 'Human Rights', 'Democracy' or any other fantasies. If they won't give the US/West what it wants, the US/West will take it. That's the ugly reality.

Lmfao nobody was looting Chavezs country we were purchasing oil at the market value, Chavez has destroyed the once thriving economy and your criticism of the global elite while promoting a communist despot is fucking laughable.
None of our business. Let's stay out of it. Folks who are in the know, understand that this is all about the US/West trying to get back to looting Venezuela. They want their Puppets back in there. I support minding our own business for once. Let's stop meddling over there.

This has nothing to do with the US or West that is the excuse of every communist tyrant ever to suppress civil liberties and the opposition, go suck Chomskys cock some more fucktard.

My goodness, when are Americans gonna wake up? Venezuela is only about oil. It has absolutely nothing to do with what's best for the Venezuelan People. Chavez stopped the US/West looting. He refused to be their Puppet. They've been destabilizing Venezuela ever since. They want their Puppets back in there. That's what it's always about. If folks refuse to go along, the US/West targets them for elimination.

It all gets back to Imperialism. The US/West truly believes all of the world's lands and resources belong to them. Anyone opposing them, will be targeted for elimination. Maduro doesn't have much chance of survival. He doesn't possess the strength & fortitude Chavez did. He'll likely become another C.I.A. casualty.

When are leftist scum going to wake up and realize that Venezuela is only about consolidation of power for the state and party elite? Imperialism made the commie scum lock up political dissidents and opposition politicians? It forced them to draft a new constitution written solely by low level ruling party members? It forced them to end freedom of the press and freedom of assembly? Go fuck yourself you Chomskyite little hack, your excuses for this tyranny are the same ones used time and again from Stalin to Mao to Castro we've heard all of your tired bullshit before, and the hundreds of million dead that you genocidal scum have left in your wake are screaming from their graves to give you a free helicopter ride.

All, none of our business. So why do we make it our business?... The oil.

It's the oil, son.

These are human rights issues as in an issue of the entire human race, and for someone who believes that it is none of our business you sure do spend a lot of time regurgitating Chavezista propaganda you trust fund commie scum. Your "we should mind our own business," rhetoric is just your cover in promotion of the goals of the socialist international, your pro-communist agenda is global so spare me your faux isolationist claims, because nobodies fucking buying it now get in the fucking chopper.

they are human rights issues.

but the human rights issues vis a vis Russia don't seem to be of concern to the prez.

gee... why would that be?
This has nothing to do with the US or West that is the excuse of every communist tyrant ever to suppress civil liberties and the opposition, go suck Chomskys cock some more fucktard.

My goodness, when are Americans gonna wake up? Venezuela is only about oil. It has absolutely nothing to do with what's best for the Venezuelan People. Chavez stopped the US/West looting. He refused to be their Puppet. They've been destabilizing Venezuela ever since. They want their Puppets back in there. That's what it's always about. If folks refuse to go along, the US/West targets them for elimination.

It all gets back to Imperialism. The US/West truly believes all of the world's lands and resources belong to them. Anyone opposing them, will be targeted for elimination. Maduro doesn't have much chance of survival. He doesn't possess the strength & fortitude Chavez did. He'll likely become another C.I.A. casualty.

When are leftist scum going to wake up and realize that Venezuela is only about consolidation of power for the state and party elite? Imperialism made the commie scum lock up political dissidents and opposition politicians? It forced them to draft a new constitution written solely by low level ruling party members? It forced them to end freedom of the press and freedom of assembly? Go fuck yourself you Chomskyite little hack, your excuses for this tyranny are the same ones used time and again from Stalin to Mao to Castro we've heard all of your tired bullshit before, and the hundreds of million dead that you genocidal scum have left in your wake are screaming from their graves to give you a free helicopter ride.

All, none of our business. So why do we make it our business?... The oil.

It's the oil, son.

These are human rights issues as in an issue of the entire human race, and for someone who believes that it is none of our business you sure do spend a lot of time regurgitating Chavezista propaganda you trust fund commie scum. Your "we should mind our own business," rhetoric is just your cover in promotion of the goals of the socialist international, your pro-communist agenda is global so spare me your faux isolationist claims, because nobodies fucking buying it now get in the fucking chopper.

they are human rights issues.

but the human rights issues vis a vis Russia don't seem to be of concern to the prez.

gee... why would that be?

He's going to sign the bill extending sanctions and he bombed Assad and is going after the Iranians two of Russias close allies. Wtf do you want a head on confrontation with a 2nd strike capable nuclear power?
This has nothing to do with the US or West that is the excuse of every communist tyrant ever to suppress civil liberties and the opposition, go suck Chomskys cock some more fucktard.

My goodness, when are Americans gonna wake up? Venezuela is only about oil. It has absolutely nothing to do with what's best for the Venezuelan People. Chavez stopped the US/West looting. He refused to be their Puppet. They've been destabilizing Venezuela ever since. They want their Puppets back in there. That's what it's always about. If folks refuse to go along, the US/West targets them for elimination.

It all gets back to Imperialism. The US/West truly believes all of the world's lands and resources belong to them. Anyone opposing them, will be targeted for elimination. Maduro doesn't have much chance of survival. He doesn't possess the strength & fortitude Chavez did. He'll likely become another C.I.A. casualty.

When are leftist scum going to wake up and realize that Venezuela is only about consolidation of power for the state and party elite? Imperialism made the commie scum lock up political dissidents and opposition politicians? It forced them to draft a new constitution written solely by low level ruling party members? It forced them to end freedom of the press and freedom of assembly? Go fuck yourself you Chomskyite little hack, your excuses for this tyranny are the same ones used time and again from Stalin to Mao to Castro we've heard all of your tired bullshit before, and the hundreds of million dead that you genocidal scum have left in your wake are screaming from their graves to give you a free helicopter ride.

All, none of our business. So why do we make it our business?... The oil.

It's the oil, son.

These are human rights issues as in an issue of the entire human race, and for someone who believes that it is none of our business you sure do spend a lot of time regurgitating Chavezista propaganda you trust fund commie scum. Your "we should mind our own business," rhetoric is just your cover in promotion of the goals of the socialist international, your pro-communist agenda is global so spare me your faux isolationist claims, because nobodies fucking buying it now get in the fucking chopper.

they are human rights issues.

but the human rights issues vis a vis Russia don't seem to be of concern to the prez.

gee... why would that be?

Interesting how it's only a 'Human Rights' issue when folks won't go along and be US/Western Puppets. Chavez booted the US/West because they were looting his country.

They could care less about the Venezuelan People. It was always only about oil. And it still is. The US/West wants their Puppets back in there. It's as simple as that.
My goodness, when are Americans gonna wake up? Venezuela is only about oil. It has absolutely nothing to do with what's best for the Venezuelan People. Chavez stopped the US/West looting. He refused to be their Puppet. They've been destabilizing Venezuela ever since. They want their Puppets back in there. That's what it's always about. If folks refuse to go along, the US/West targets them for elimination.

It all gets back to Imperialism. The US/West truly believes all of the world's lands and resources belong to them. Anyone opposing them, will be targeted for elimination. Maduro doesn't have much chance of survival. He doesn't possess the strength & fortitude Chavez did. He'll likely become another C.I.A. casualty.

When are leftist scum going to wake up and realize that Venezuela is only about consolidation of power for the state and party elite? Imperialism made the commie scum lock up political dissidents and opposition politicians? It forced them to draft a new constitution written solely by low level ruling party members? It forced them to end freedom of the press and freedom of assembly? Go fuck yourself you Chomskyite little hack, your excuses for this tyranny are the same ones used time and again from Stalin to Mao to Castro we've heard all of your tired bullshit before, and the hundreds of million dead that you genocidal scum have left in your wake are screaming from their graves to give you a free helicopter ride.

All, none of our business. So why do we make it our business?... The oil.

It's the oil, son.

These are human rights issues as in an issue of the entire human race, and for someone who believes that it is none of our business you sure do spend a lot of time regurgitating Chavezista propaganda you trust fund commie scum. Your "we should mind our own business," rhetoric is just your cover in promotion of the goals of the socialist international, your pro-communist agenda is global so spare me your faux isolationist claims, because nobodies fucking buying it now get in the fucking chopper.

they are human rights issues.

but the human rights issues vis a vis Russia don't seem to be of concern to the prez.

gee... why would that be?

He's going to sign the bill extending sanctions and he bombed Assad and is going after the Iranians two of Russias close allies. Wtf do you want a head on confrontation with a 2nd strike capable nuclear power?

he signed it this morning because the senate passed it 98 to 2. that's pretty veto-proof.

but where is our state department addressing these issues. why wasn't that discussed?

why isn't Donald standing with NATO to protect against Russian aggression? why does he like the guy who murders oppondents and journalists?

these and other questions are easily answerable.

so yes, Venezuela has major problems. so does argentina. many of those problems have to do with this country's past of upsetting the elections in south American in favor of supporting despots.

but Russia is more powerful than Venezuela. Russia has a goal of destabilizing this country's position in the world and our relationships with our allies.

those things aren't of any particular to concern to Donald who just lurves his BFF Vlad.
When are leftist scum going to wake up and realize that Venezuela is only about consolidation of power for the state and party elite? Imperialism made the commie scum lock up political dissidents and opposition politicians? It forced them to draft a new constitution written solely by low level ruling party members? It forced them to end freedom of the press and freedom of assembly? Go fuck yourself you Chomskyite little hack, your excuses for this tyranny are the same ones used time and again from Stalin to Mao to Castro we've heard all of your tired bullshit before, and the hundreds of million dead that you genocidal scum have left in your wake are screaming from their graves to give you a free helicopter ride.

All, none of our business. So why do we make it our business?... The oil.

It's the oil, son.

These are human rights issues as in an issue of the entire human race, and for someone who believes that it is none of our business you sure do spend a lot of time regurgitating Chavezista propaganda you trust fund commie scum. Your "we should mind our own business," rhetoric is just your cover in promotion of the goals of the socialist international, your pro-communist agenda is global so spare me your faux isolationist claims, because nobodies fucking buying it now get in the fucking chopper.

they are human rights issues.

but the human rights issues vis a vis Russia don't seem to be of concern to the prez.

gee... why would that be?

He's going to sign the bill extending sanctions and he bombed Assad and is going after the Iranians two of Russias close allies. Wtf do you want a head on confrontation with a 2nd strike capable nuclear power?

he signed it this morning because the senate passed it 98 to 2. that's pretty veto-proof.

but where is our state department addressing these issues. why wasn't that discussed?

why isn't Donald standing with NATO to protect against Russian aggression? why does he like the guy who murders oppondents and journalists?

these and other questions are easily answerable.

so yes, Venezuela has major problems. so does argentina. many of those problems have to do with this country's past of upsetting the elections in south American in favor of supporting despots.

but Russia is more powerful than Venezuela. Russia has a goal of destabilizing this country's position in the world and our relationships with our allies.

those things aren't of any particular to concern to Donald who just lurves his BFF Vlad.

He actually caved to the NWO Globalist Elites who demand he adhere to their Permanent War agenda. I'm disappointed in Trump on that. He shouldn't have signed it.
All, none of our business. So why do we make it our business?... The oil.

It's the oil, son.

These are human rights issues as in an issue of the entire human race, and for someone who believes that it is none of our business you sure do spend a lot of time regurgitating Chavezista propaganda you trust fund commie scum. Your "we should mind our own business," rhetoric is just your cover in promotion of the goals of the socialist international, your pro-communist agenda is global so spare me your faux isolationist claims, because nobodies fucking buying it now get in the fucking chopper.

they are human rights issues.

but the human rights issues vis a vis Russia don't seem to be of concern to the prez.

gee... why would that be?

He's going to sign the bill extending sanctions and he bombed Assad and is going after the Iranians two of Russias close allies. Wtf do you want a head on confrontation with a 2nd strike capable nuclear power?

he signed it this morning because the senate passed it 98 to 2. that's pretty veto-proof.

but where is our state department addressing these issues. why wasn't that discussed?

why isn't Donald standing with NATO to protect against Russian aggression? why does he like the guy who murders oppondents and journalists?

these and other questions are easily answerable.

so yes, Venezuela has major problems. so does argentina. many of those problems have to do with this country's past of upsetting the elections in south American in favor of supporting despots.

but Russia is more powerful than Venezuela. Russia has a goal of destabilizing this country's position in the world and our relationships with our allies.

those things aren't of any particular to concern to Donald who just lurves his BFF Vlad.

Wow! Lay off the Democrat Fake News, kid. :cuckoo:

trump loons are so stupid and funny.
Wasn't this the great socialist country Sanders admired? We see where such systems end. It is quickly happening in the Philippines also in another form of fascism. At least three mayors killed there by police in so-called drug raids. One has to wonder just how legitimate some of these raids are in a country that has been corrupt for many decades.

Two Venezuelan opposition leaders taken from homes over night

wo of Venezuela’s leading opposition figures were taken from their homes in the middle of the night by state security agents on Tuesday, in President Nicolas Maduro’s first moves against his enemies since a widely denounced vote giving his government nearly unlimited powers.

The wife of opposition leader Leopoldo Lopez posted what appeared to be video of him being taken from their home after midnight.

“They’ve just taken Leopoldo from the house,” Lilian Tintori wrote on Twitter. “We don’t know where he is or where they’re taking him.”

Allies of former Caracas Mayor Antonio Ledezma posted video online of a man who appeared to be the opposition leader being taken by state security as a woman screams for help for neighbours.

“They’re taking Ledezma!” she cries. “It’s a dictatorship!”

Lopez was detained three years ago after protests against Maduro’s government and sentenced to more than a decade in prison on charges that include inciting protesters to violence. He was released last month to serve the rest of his term under house arrest. Ledezma, a former Caracas mayor, was also detained in 2015 and has been under house arrest.

Both have recently posted videos online denouncing Maduro’s decision to hold a vote for a constitutional assembly with the power to overhaul Venezuela’s political system.

Maduro said Monday evening he had no intention of deviating from his plans to rewrite the constitution and go after a string of enemies, from independent Venezuelan news channels to gunmen he claimed were sent by neighbouring Colombia to disrupt the vote as part of an international conspiracy led by the man he calls “Emperor Donald Trump.”

“They don’t intimidate me. The threats and sanctions of the empire don’t intimidate me for a moment,” Maduro said on national television. “I don’t listen to orders from the empire, not now or ever ... Bring on more sanctions, Donald Trump.”

A few hours earlier, Washington added Maduro to a steadily growing list of high-ranking Venezuelan officials targeted by financial sanctions, escalating a tactic that has so far failed to alter his socialist government’s behaviour. For now, the Trump administration has not delivered on threats to sanction Venezuela’s oil industry, which could undermine Maduro’s government but raise U.S. gas prices and deepen the humanitarian crisis here.

I'm sure Donald called to congratulate maduro.

Actually he's been freezing the assets in the US of most of the Venezuelan leadership and he personally said Maduro is held responsible for the well being of the two opposition leaders grabbed "Nacht un Nebel" style.

Trump: Maduro responsible for safety of Venezuela opposition leaders
My goodness, when are Americans gonna wake up? Venezuela is only about oil. It has absolutely nothing to do with what's best for the Venezuelan People. Chavez stopped the US/West looting. He refused to be their Puppet. They've been destabilizing Venezuela ever since. They want their Puppets back in there. That's what it's always about. If folks refuse to go along, the US/West targets them for elimination.

It all gets back to Imperialism. The US/West truly believes all of the world's lands and resources belong to them. Anyone opposing them, will be targeted for elimination. Maduro doesn't have much chance of survival. He doesn't possess the strength & fortitude Chavez did. He'll likely become another C.I.A. casualty.

When are leftist scum going to wake up and realize that Venezuela is only about consolidation of power for the state and party elite? Imperialism made the commie scum lock up political dissidents and opposition politicians? It forced them to draft a new constitution written solely by low level ruling party members? It forced them to end freedom of the press and freedom of assembly? Go fuck yourself you Chomskyite little hack, your excuses for this tyranny are the same ones used time and again from Stalin to Mao to Castro we've heard all of your tired bullshit before, and the hundreds of million dead that you genocidal scum have left in your wake are screaming from their graves to give you a free helicopter ride.

All, none of our business. So why do we make it our business?... The oil.

It's the oil, son.

These are human rights issues as in an issue of the entire human race, and for someone who believes that it is none of our business you sure do spend a lot of time regurgitating Chavezista propaganda you trust fund commie scum. Your "we should mind our own business," rhetoric is just your cover in promotion of the goals of the socialist international, your pro-communist agenda is global so spare me your faux isolationist claims, because nobodies fucking buying it now get in the fucking chopper.

they are human rights issues.

but the human rights issues vis a vis Russia don't seem to be of concern to the prez.

gee... why would that be?

Interesting how it's only a 'Human Rights' issue when folks won't go along and be US/Western Puppets. Chavez booted the US/West because they were looting his country.

They could care less about the Venezuelan People. It was always only about oil. And it still is. The US/West wants their Puppets back in there. It's as simple as that.

Chavez didn't boot a god damn thing you fucking moron we are purchasing Venezuelan oil the same as always and in fact trade increased between us. The ones looting Venezuela are the Chavezista party elite the same as always happens in Communist hell holes, fucking kill yourself.
When are leftist scum going to wake up and realize that Venezuela is only about consolidation of power for the state and party elite? Imperialism made the commie scum lock up political dissidents and opposition politicians? It forced them to draft a new constitution written solely by low level ruling party members? It forced them to end freedom of the press and freedom of assembly? Go fuck yourself you Chomskyite little hack, your excuses for this tyranny are the same ones used time and again from Stalin to Mao to Castro we've heard all of your tired bullshit before, and the hundreds of million dead that you genocidal scum have left in your wake are screaming from their graves to give you a free helicopter ride.

All, none of our business. So why do we make it our business?... The oil.

It's the oil, son.

These are human rights issues as in an issue of the entire human race, and for someone who believes that it is none of our business you sure do spend a lot of time regurgitating Chavezista propaganda you trust fund commie scum. Your "we should mind our own business," rhetoric is just your cover in promotion of the goals of the socialist international, your pro-communist agenda is global so spare me your faux isolationist claims, because nobodies fucking buying it now get in the fucking chopper.

they are human rights issues.

but the human rights issues vis a vis Russia don't seem to be of concern to the prez.

gee... why would that be?

He's going to sign the bill extending sanctions and he bombed Assad and is going after the Iranians two of Russias close allies. Wtf do you want a head on confrontation with a 2nd strike capable nuclear power?

he signed it this morning because the senate passed it 98 to 2. that's pretty veto-proof.

but where is our state department addressing these issues. why wasn't that discussed?

why isn't Donald standing with NATO to protect against Russian aggression? why does he like the guy who murders oppondents and journalists?

these and other questions are easily answerable.

so yes, Venezuela has major problems. so does argentina. many of those problems have to do with this country's past of upsetting the elections in south American in favor of supporting despots.

but Russia is more powerful than Venezuela. Russia has a goal of destabilizing this country's position in the world and our relationships with our allies.

those things aren't of any particular to concern to Donald who just lurves his BFF Vlad.

Your whole screed is so unconnected from reality that it's actually sad.

You are falling to the level of SHE WHO MUST NOT BE NAMED idiocy.
These are human rights issues as in an issue of the entire human race, and for someone who believes that it is none of our business you sure do spend a lot of time regurgitating Chavezista propaganda you trust fund commie scum. Your "we should mind our own business," rhetoric is just your cover in promotion of the goals of the socialist international, your pro-communist agenda is global so spare me your faux isolationist claims, because nobodies fucking buying it now get in the fucking chopper.

they are human rights issues.

but the human rights issues vis a vis Russia don't seem to be of concern to the prez.

gee... why would that be?

He's going to sign the bill extending sanctions and he bombed Assad and is going after the Iranians two of Russias close allies. Wtf do you want a head on confrontation with a 2nd strike capable nuclear power?

he signed it this morning because the senate passed it 98 to 2. that's pretty veto-proof.

but where is our state department addressing these issues. why wasn't that discussed?

why isn't Donald standing with NATO to protect against Russian aggression? why does he like the guy who murders oppondents and journalists?

these and other questions are easily answerable.

so yes, Venezuela has major problems. so does argentina. many of those problems have to do with this country's past of upsetting the elections in south American in favor of supporting despots.

but Russia is more powerful than Venezuela. Russia has a goal of destabilizing this country's position in the world and our relationships with our allies.

those things aren't of any particular to concern to Donald who just lurves his BFF Vlad.

Wow! Lay off the Democrat Fake News, kid. :cuckoo:

trump loons are so stupid and funny.

Trump signed it because the almighty NWO Globalist Elites demanded it. Nothing more, nothing less.
All, none of our business. So why do we make it our business?... The oil.

It's the oil, son.

These are human rights issues as in an issue of the entire human race, and for someone who believes that it is none of our business you sure do spend a lot of time regurgitating Chavezista propaganda you trust fund commie scum. Your "we should mind our own business," rhetoric is just your cover in promotion of the goals of the socialist international, your pro-communist agenda is global so spare me your faux isolationist claims, because nobodies fucking buying it now get in the fucking chopper.

they are human rights issues.

but the human rights issues vis a vis Russia don't seem to be of concern to the prez.

gee... why would that be?

He's going to sign the bill extending sanctions and he bombed Assad and is going after the Iranians two of Russias close allies. Wtf do you want a head on confrontation with a 2nd strike capable nuclear power?

he signed it this morning because the senate passed it 98 to 2. that's pretty veto-proof.

but where is our state department addressing these issues. why wasn't that discussed?

why isn't Donald standing with NATO to protect against Russian aggression? why does he like the guy who murders oppondents and journalists?

these and other questions are easily answerable.

so yes, Venezuela has major problems. so does argentina. many of those problems have to do with this country's past of upsetting the elections in south American in favor of supporting despots.

but Russia is more powerful than Venezuela. Russia has a goal of destabilizing this country's position in the world and our relationships with our allies.

those things aren't of any particular to concern to Donald who just lurves his BFF Vlad.

Your whole screed is so unconnected from reality that it's actually sad.

You are falling to the level of SHE WHO MUST NOT BE NAMED idiocy.

poor dear... you are just so much stupid in one place
they are human rights issues.

but the human rights issues vis a vis Russia don't seem to be of concern to the prez.

gee... why would that be?

He's going to sign the bill extending sanctions and he bombed Assad and is going after the Iranians two of Russias close allies. Wtf do you want a head on confrontation with a 2nd strike capable nuclear power?

he signed it this morning because the senate passed it 98 to 2. that's pretty veto-proof.

but where is our state department addressing these issues. why wasn't that discussed?

why isn't Donald standing with NATO to protect against Russian aggression? why does he like the guy who murders oppondents and journalists?

these and other questions are easily answerable.

so yes, Venezuela has major problems. so does argentina. many of those problems have to do with this country's past of upsetting the elections in south American in favor of supporting despots.

but Russia is more powerful than Venezuela. Russia has a goal of destabilizing this country's position in the world and our relationships with our allies.

those things aren't of any particular to concern to Donald who just lurves his BFF Vlad.

Wow! Lay off the Democrat Fake News, kid. :cuckoo:

trump loons are so stupid and funny.

Trump signed it because the almighty NWO Globalist Elites demanded it. Nothing more, nothing less.


you let us all know when you aren't regurgitating alex jones insanity..

mmmkay, nutter butter.
When are leftist scum going to wake up and realize that Venezuela is only about consolidation of power for the state and party elite? Imperialism made the commie scum lock up political dissidents and opposition politicians? It forced them to draft a new constitution written solely by low level ruling party members? It forced them to end freedom of the press and freedom of assembly? Go fuck yourself you Chomskyite little hack, your excuses for this tyranny are the same ones used time and again from Stalin to Mao to Castro we've heard all of your tired bullshit before, and the hundreds of million dead that you genocidal scum have left in your wake are screaming from their graves to give you a free helicopter ride.

All, none of our business. So why do we make it our business?... The oil.

It's the oil, son.

These are human rights issues as in an issue of the entire human race, and for someone who believes that it is none of our business you sure do spend a lot of time regurgitating Chavezista propaganda you trust fund commie scum. Your "we should mind our own business," rhetoric is just your cover in promotion of the goals of the socialist international, your pro-communist agenda is global so spare me your faux isolationist claims, because nobodies fucking buying it now get in the fucking chopper.

they are human rights issues.

but the human rights issues vis a vis Russia don't seem to be of concern to the prez.

gee... why would that be?

Interesting how it's only a 'Human Rights' issue when folks won't go along and be US/Western Puppets. Chavez booted the US/West because they were looting his country.

They could care less about the Venezuelan People. It was always only about oil. And it still is. The US/West wants their Puppets back in there. It's as simple as that.

Chavez didn't boot a god damn thing you fucking moron we are purchasing Venezuelan oil the same as always and in fact trade increased between us. The ones looting Venezuela are the Chavezista party elite the same as always happens in Communist hell holes, fucking kill yourself.

The US/West should stay out of it. It's not their country. But why won't they? I'll let you ponder that a bit more. Don't rush to answer. Try and ponder it some first.
This has nothing to do with the US or West that is the excuse of every communist tyrant ever to suppress civil liberties and the opposition, go suck Chomskys cock some more fucktard.

My goodness, when are Americans gonna wake up? Venezuela is only about oil. It has absolutely nothing to do with what's best for the Venezuelan People. Chavez stopped the US/West looting. He refused to be their Puppet. They've been destabilizing Venezuela ever since. They want their Puppets back in there. That's what it's always about. If folks refuse to go along, the US/West targets them for elimination.

It all gets back to Imperialism. The US/West truly believes all of the world's lands and resources belong to them. Anyone opposing them, will be targeted for elimination. Maduro doesn't have much chance of survival. He doesn't possess the strength & fortitude Chavez did. He'll likely become another C.I.A. casualty.

When are leftist scum going to wake up and realize that Venezuela is only about consolidation of power for the state and party elite? Imperialism made the commie scum lock up political dissidents and opposition politicians? It forced them to draft a new constitution written solely by low level ruling party members? It forced them to end freedom of the press and freedom of assembly? Go fuck yourself you Chomskyite little hack, your excuses for this tyranny are the same ones used time and again from Stalin to Mao to Castro we've heard all of your tired bullshit before, and the hundreds of million dead that you genocidal scum have left in your wake are screaming from their graves to give you a free helicopter ride.

All, none of our business. So why do we make it our business?... The oil.

It's the oil, son.

These are human rights issues as in an issue of the entire human race, and for someone who believes that it is none of our business you sure do spend a lot of time regurgitating Chavezista propaganda you trust fund commie scum. Your "we should mind our own business," rhetoric is just your cover in promotion of the goals of the socialist international, your pro-communist agenda is global so spare me your faux isolationist claims, because nobodies fucking buying it now get in the fucking chopper.

they are human rights issues.

but the human rights issues vis a vis Russia don't seem to be of concern to the prez.

gee... why would that be?
Socialists violating human rights? *gasp*
My goodness, when are Americans gonna wake up? Venezuela is only about oil. It has absolutely nothing to do with what's best for the Venezuelan People. Chavez stopped the US/West looting. He refused to be their Puppet. They've been destabilizing Venezuela ever since. They want their Puppets back in there. That's what it's always about. If folks refuse to go along, the US/West targets them for elimination.

It all gets back to Imperialism. The US/West truly believes all of the world's lands and resources belong to them. Anyone opposing them, will be targeted for elimination. Maduro doesn't have much chance of survival. He doesn't possess the strength & fortitude Chavez did. He'll likely become another C.I.A. casualty.

When are leftist scum going to wake up and realize that Venezuela is only about consolidation of power for the state and party elite? Imperialism made the commie scum lock up political dissidents and opposition politicians? It forced them to draft a new constitution written solely by low level ruling party members? It forced them to end freedom of the press and freedom of assembly? Go fuck yourself you Chomskyite little hack, your excuses for this tyranny are the same ones used time and again from Stalin to Mao to Castro we've heard all of your tired bullshit before, and the hundreds of million dead that you genocidal scum have left in your wake are screaming from their graves to give you a free helicopter ride.

All, none of our business. So why do we make it our business?... The oil.

It's the oil, son.

These are human rights issues as in an issue of the entire human race, and for someone who believes that it is none of our business you sure do spend a lot of time regurgitating Chavezista propaganda you trust fund commie scum. Your "we should mind our own business," rhetoric is just your cover in promotion of the goals of the socialist international, your pro-communist agenda is global so spare me your faux isolationist claims, because nobodies fucking buying it now get in the fucking chopper.

they are human rights issues.

but the human rights issues vis a vis Russia don't seem to be of concern to the prez.

gee... why would that be?
Socialists violating human rights? *gasp*

like Russia?

feel free to let me know when the European socialists violate human rights.
These are human rights issues as in an issue of the entire human race, and for someone who believes that it is none of our business you sure do spend a lot of time regurgitating Chavezista propaganda you trust fund commie scum. Your "we should mind our own business," rhetoric is just your cover in promotion of the goals of the socialist international, your pro-communist agenda is global so spare me your faux isolationist claims, because nobodies fucking buying it now get in the fucking chopper.

they are human rights issues.

but the human rights issues vis a vis Russia don't seem to be of concern to the prez.

gee... why would that be?

He's going to sign the bill extending sanctions and he bombed Assad and is going after the Iranians two of Russias close allies. Wtf do you want a head on confrontation with a 2nd strike capable nuclear power?

he signed it this morning because the senate passed it 98 to 2. that's pretty veto-proof.

but where is our state department addressing these issues. why wasn't that discussed?

why isn't Donald standing with NATO to protect against Russian aggression? why does he like the guy who murders oppondents and journalists?

these and other questions are easily answerable.

so yes, Venezuela has major problems. so does argentina. many of those problems have to do with this country's past of upsetting the elections in south American in favor of supporting despots.

but Russia is more powerful than Venezuela. Russia has a goal of destabilizing this country's position in the world and our relationships with our allies.

those things aren't of any particular to concern to Donald who just lurves his BFF Vlad.

Your whole screed is so unconnected from reality that it's actually sad.

You are falling to the level of SHE WHO MUST NOT BE NAMED idiocy.

poor dear... you are just so much stupid in one place

Actually you provided all "teh stupid" in this thread, so you just earned a

he signed it this morning because the senate passed it 98 to 2. that's pretty veto-proof.

There is no such thing as veto proof you dumb bitch they are coequal branches of government.

but where is our state department addressing these issues. why wasn't that discussed?

why isn't Donald standing with NATO to protect against Russian aggression? why does he like the guy who murders oppondents and journalists?

these and other questions are easily answerable.

And by standing with NATO you mean the US standing alone and footing the lions share of the bill as always.

so yes, Venezuela has major problems. so does argentina. many of those problems have to do with this country's past of upsetting the elections in south American in favor of supporting despots.[/quote]

Yes yes the history of corruption and authoritarianism in Latin America is all the fault of the US.

but Russia is more powerful than Venezuela. Russia has a goal of destabilizing this country's position in the world and our relationships with our allies.

those things aren't of any particular to concern to Donald who just lurves his BFF Vlad.

Nah you're thinking of the former chimp in chief Obama:

Obama to Russia: ‘After My Election I Have More Flexibility’

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