Two Ways to Help Stop Mass Shootings

Not at all, but you still haven't proved who starts the violence. What proportion of that alleged 59% is started by the householder, and what by the burglar?

Yeah....the guy who enters someone elses home begins all of the twit.

When you enter someone's home, uninvited, you have placed the owner is a state of imminent any violence is on you, you dumb ass...
To defend themselves and/or their property and to frighten the burglar, guns aren't necessary in either case.

Yeah...they are......

You tell that to the 60 year old woman with a bad hip......hey lady, just whip out your best Krav Maga moves....

You dumb ass......
To defend themselves and/or their property and to frighten the burglar,

So the 59% doesn't count, because some is the person defending themselves or their property?

guns aren't necessary in either case.

What if the perps are three 20 year old guys and the homeowner is a 70 year old woman?
Nice try at deflection, ask 2Aguy, that was my exact question to him.
You didn't ask a question, you made a statement:

Any householder who encounters a burglar in their home are more than likely to attack them if they are at all capable.

In what % of home invasions is this true, and how do you know?
1) ALL politicians should be barred from accepting donations from the NRA. At the national, state and local level. The reason we cannot get any common sense gun laws put into place is because too many politicians (Democrat and Republican, I hear) are beholden to the NRA.
2) Make it illegal to purchase or own any kind of assault rifle. They are not needed for home protection or hunting. They are only good for killing large numbers of people, really fast.

Our children are being killed in their classrooms. We must act now. They can't vote; they don't have a voice. WE MUST BE THEIR VOICE. PLEASE.
Lol total bs.

No, the truth. This is why you idiots can't be have "Reality Dyslexia,"......the truth, facts and reality are reversed in your tiny brains....
You are projecting your own faults and insecurities again in a pathetic attempt to avoid answering the question, what proportion of that 59% statistic was started by householders and what by the burglars.
1) ALL politicians should be barred from accepting donations from the NRA. At the national, state and local level. The reason we cannot get any common sense gun laws put into place is because too many politicians (Democrat and Republican, I hear) are beholden to the NRA.
2) Make it illegal to purchase or own any kind of assault rifle. They are not needed for home protection or hunting. They are only good for killing large numbers of people, really fast.

Our children are being killed in their classrooms. We must act now. They can't vote; they don't have a voice. WE MUST BE THEIR VOICE. PLEASE.

This is the post of an imbecile.

1). Exactly WHO will bar these politicians when THEY make the laws ????

2). You are such as assclown. Absolutely CLUELESS in Seattle over what the 2nd Amendment is all about.

What kind of closet dwelling, void of historical knowledge fool would even make this kind of post?
You make absolutely no mention of the ROOT CAUSE of a nation which has turned to violence.....LEFTIST POLICIES AND GODLESS DOCTRINES.

You are projecting your own faults and insecurities again in a pathetic attempt to avoid answering the question, what proportion of that 59% statistic was started by householders and what by the burglars.

It doesn't matter. What you desperately want to avoid is the truth that any violence is created by the criminal entering the house illegally.......the victim did not start the violence, the criminal did when they broke in....

That you really want to blame the victim shows a deep sickness in you....

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