Two Ways to Help Stop Mass Shootings

You're wasting valuable time again.
These imbeciles don't give a flying fuck about right or wrong or who dies.
They are agents of oppression looking to hand absolute power to the corrupt machines that feed them and direct them.

By arguing with them you are validating their anti-freedom BS.

I don't debate them to change their minds....I debate them for the individuals who might look into this thread.....the people who only see anti-gun points of view in all the media they take in......and, in debating morons like this Brit, I find and develop information that I wouldn't find without the motivation of debating these asshats.....

These morons are like punching bags....I get a good workout, learn some things, but in the end, they are just bags full of sand.....
I don't debate them to change their minds....I debate them for the individuals who might look into this thread.....the people who only see anti-gun points of view in all the media they take in......and, in debating morons like this Brit, I find and develop information that I wouldn't find without the motivation of debating these asshats.....

These morons are like punching bags....I get a good workout, learn some things, but in the end, they are just bags full of sand.....
Oops, he's projecting his fears insecurities and inadequacies on to others again.
Do -try- to keep up.
"Any householder who encounters a burglar in their home are more than likely to attack them if they are at all capable."
Oh, that. It tends to be true in the UK. Here are a few examples:
Estate agent fights off three masked burglars in Rochdale home

Man left with bruising after fighting off would-be robbers

Brave have-a-go-hero fights off machete-wielding burglar with plank of wood

Gabriel: Arsenal defender fought off robbers armed with baseball bat

Duncan Ferguson fights off two intruders

The last one I find entertaining as the "victim" was a 70 year old. There are many, many more examples.
Oh, that. It tends to be true in the UK. Here are a few examples:
Estate agent fights off three masked burglars in Rochdale home

Man left with bruising after fighting off would-be robbers

Brave have-a-go-hero fights off machete-wielding burglar with plank of wood

Gabriel: Arsenal defender fought off robbers armed with baseball bat

Duncan Ferguson fights off two intruders

The last one I find entertaining as the "victim" was a 70 year old. There are many, many more examples.
Those dont say what you think they say, they say the home owners were DEFENDING themselves from attacks by the Burglars you stupid ****.
1) ALL politicians should be barred from accepting donations from the NRA. At the national, state and local level. The reason we cannot get any common sense gun laws put into place is because too many politicians (Democrat and Republican, I hear) are beholden to the NRA.

That's ignorant.

How many mass shootings were committed by members of the NRA?

2) Make it illegal to purchase or own any kind of assault rifle. They are not needed for home protection or hunting. They are only good for killing large numbers of people, really fast.

You don't need to run your mouth, but you do.

You don't even know what an "assault rifle" is, so spare me your tired rhetoric.

And, see, here's the thing about rights, Kitten: You don't have to explain why you exercise them. Period.

Getting rid of the so-called "assault rifles" isn't going to cut down on mass shootings. It will only cut down on the number of mass shootings committed with "assault rifles".

Your idea is stupid and, as such, is dismissed with all the consideration it's worthy of...

Our children are being killed in their classrooms. We must act now. They can't vote; they don't have a voice. WE MUST BE THEIR VOICE. PLEASE.

Armed, trained personnel on school grounds and in the classrooms is the best answer to come along thus far...
Oh, that. It tends to be true in the UK. Here are a few examples:
Estate agent fights off three masked burglars in Rochdale home

Man left with bruising after fighting off would-be robbers

Brave have-a-go-hero fights off machete-wielding burglar with plank of wood

Gabriel: Arsenal defender fought off robbers armed with baseball bat

Duncan Ferguson fights off two intruders

The last one I find entertaining as the "victim" was a 70 year old. There are many, many more examples.

Yes.....some people can fight off criminals who are only there to burgle.....the 70 year old couple couldn't, so they made the woman walk over broken glass in her bare feet, and the other woman had a hot clothes iron held to her stomach......

I enjoy how you want the victims to be at a disadvantage against truly are insane and foolish.
Oh, that. It tends to be true in the UK. Here are a few examples:
Estate agent fights off three masked burglars in Rochdale home

Man left with bruising after fighting off would-be robbers

Brave have-a-go-hero fights off machete-wielding burglar with plank of wood

Gabriel: Arsenal defender fought off robbers armed with baseball bat

Duncan Ferguson fights off two intruders

The last one I find entertaining as the "victim" was a 70 year old. There are many, many more examples.

Yep...... your brain is suffer from "reality dyslexia." To you, the victim is the aggressor, the violent criminals the victim....

I don't know how you would cure what you have, but you should get help.
Judging by your 'is not, is not' answers, I'm guessing that you don't want to address any facts
It is just the opposite. My denunciation of falsehoods shows that I do want to address facts.

If that's not true then argue the facts that were presented by MM on the culture of war.
If Michael Moore wishes to post anything here, I'll address what he says.

If you wish to quote any of his claims, I'll address your post.

But if no one posts any of these claims, I will have no idea what they even are.

And note: if any of the claims are untrue, I will address them by pointing out that they are untrue.

I don't have time for just 'is nots'.
It is appropriate that untrue claims are denied.

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