Two Ways to Help Stop Mass Shootings

If I were in the NRA and I wanted to make a solid point to ensure that my guns were kept safe I would DEFINITELY want to support something like an "assault weapons ban" since that will effectively keep people from thinking about the fact that so many other guns have a similar capability.
The key is to distract those who aren't familiar with how guns operate by letting them think that all the "tricked out military gew-gaws" on an AR-15 somehow make it more deadly than a semiautomatic rifle or handgun so that people would feel like they actually achieved meaningful change by enacting the assault weapon ban but really just leaving the next mass shooting to a slightly different looking gun.
Otherwise people will start thinking that ALL guns need to be more strongly controlled or, gasp, even banned.
That would be sub-optimal for those who wish to defend the right to own guns without any real oversight.
I'm sure there must be some small advantage to things like that. But I think the NRA and 2A advocates should make sure that they keep secret the fact that there are a LOT of options for mass shooters that will be just about as effective not equally effective.
That way the Lefties will vote for the little fixes and feel like something meaningful has happened but the shootings can continue unabated. It's kind of win-win for America.
There are a number of problems with that strategy.

The first is, it is completely unacceptable for any gun to be outlawed for no reason, and that includes the AR-15.

Second, if we did allow it to be outlawed, progressives would just move on to demanding their next ban. So long as we hold the line on the AR-15, progressives never move on to demanding the next ban.

Third, many pushes for stronger background checks have been defeated expressly because progressives undermine them by demanding that their attempts to outlaw the AR-15 take precedence over background checks. So long as we keep fighting for the AR-15, progressives will keep using the issue to undermine their own position.

Fourth, as long as the gun control fight is all about the AR-15, it is an easy win for the NRA. Since there is actually no reason to outlaw them, the NRA finds it easy to convince congressmen to oppose such a ban.

The accusation of "Lies" is apparently all you guys have.
Literally ANYTHING that is said that DOESN'T come to the conclusion that more guns = GOOD! you will decree as a "lie".
It is reasonable that falsehoods be denounced as such.

It makes having nuanced discussions with you folks impossible, which is why I have stopped and just mock now. You guys don't care about facts, you don't care about science, you pick and choose those things which you like the most and you call everything else a "lie".
That is incorrect. That we denounce falsehoods shows that we do care about facts and science.

Meanwhile America has a mass shooting every week or so. When it happens you guys try to find some way to classify it as something else! AS IF THAT MATTERS!!
If a mass shooting is actually not a mass shooting, I think that detail matters.

America has the highest per capita rate of gun ownership and the highest rate of gun homicides in the developed world.
THAT'S ALL BECAUSE OF YOU GUYS. 100% YOUR WIN! You won! Now collect your prizes which are piles of dead kids so mangled that they require DNA testing to identify them
So what? Are people "more dead" when they are killed with a gun instead of killed with some other kind of weapon?

You want guns? This is your world. You got 'em.
Enjoy 'em.
And the VERY SECOND ANY of you express "thoughts and prayers" or "care" about the families of the victims be prepared for people to mock you.
Don't worry. No thoughts or prayers will be forthcoming from my end.

Unfortunately the time is coming where "compromise" is going to be too hard. The side that his horrified by watching kids get mangled by guns so badly that they require DNA testing to identify them is getting really pissed and the side that is terrified that another pile of dead kids will threaten their ABILITY TO HAVE MORE GUNS is having to retrench further and further into a position where they seem to actively ignore the HORRORS to defend their hobby.
Nonsense. Our "hobby" is not the cause of any dead kids.

Although, even if our "hobby" actually had been such a cause, our rights would still prevail.

I'm at the point now where I get tired of hearing about "law abiding gun owners", mainly because they are part of the problem. They are the ones that are keeping our country awash in guns. And the more guns they get the higher the probability that those guns will be used either against their own family (as the studies show) or get stolen and wind up in the hands of people who will use it against innocent victims.
Bogus studies.

There is no gun problem.

I honestly wish we'd show the mangled bodies after every shooting on prime-time TV. To show everyone what we are really talking about here. The pro-gun folks will pitch a fit because they know exactly what will happen next.
Actually I couldn't care less if they show the bodies.

I probably won't bother to look, but that'll be because I couldn't care less. I don't care if others look.

Nothing at all will happen next.

So we hide the truth. We show videos of desperate parents in Texas screaming at police to go in and save their babies but we bleep out the bad words. Why? Because we are more terrified of bad words than we are of kids dying.
Show us the truth of this debate.
Fine with me.

Let us make a decision based on the buckets of blood.
No. We gun rights advocates will make the decisions. And we will base our decisions on the Constitution.
Fake news. They did not improve their homicide statistics in any way when they abolished freedom in their countries.

Australia actually caused a massive years-long crime spree in their nation when they abolished their freedom.

Other countries permit abortions, stopped mass shootings and they also have universal healthcare and control their borders and illegals.
That is incorrect. No country has found a way to stop mass shootings.
Since when are semi-auto-only AR-15s designed for infantry use?

And why would it matter even if they were?

As I recall, Michael Moore has been caught lying in his documentaries.

I'm not sure what main point you are talking about, so it isn't as well known as you think.

But I would guess that his main point is being ignored because it is an outright lie.

They do no such thing. That is not even remotely the truth.

No it isn't.

There is no problem.

If you mean the falsehood listed above, I'm happy to discuss the fact that it is not true.
Judging by your 'is not, is not' answers, I'm guessing that you don't want to address any facts
If that's not true then argue the facts that were presented by MM on the culture of war.

I don't have time for just 'is nots'.
The kids at Uvalde said, "Shove your civil liberties where the sun doesn't shine"

No...that is what the government agents said when they decided to wait over an hour to go in and when they put handcuffs on the mother who wanted to save her children......
Thank you for making my point for me. Any housholder who encounters a burglar in their home are more than likely to attack them if they are at all capable.

The violence was caused by the criminal, not the keep tap dancing...trying to hide the violence in 59% pf the burglaries in Britain........wonder how often burglaries turn into rapes......

He is looking for a way to blame the violent burglary rate in Britain on the victims, like a typical leftist.....if they would just comply, take the waterboarding and torture quietly and without complaint, they would make the whole ordeal less awkward...
Thank you for making my point for me. Any housholder who encounters a burglar in their home are more than likely to attack them if they are at all capable.
~7.1 million property crimes where the resident was present.
In ~5.8 million of these, the resident took no action, while ~379k threatened or attacked the intruder.
Thus, your assertion has no basis in fact.
Page 6.
He is looking for a way to blame the violent burglary rate in Britain on the victims, like a typical leftist.....if they would just comply, take the waterboarding and torture quietly and without complaint, they would make the whole ordeal less awkward...
More complete drivel because you have no idea who starts the violence. Just another pathetic attempt to fear-monger.

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