Two Ways to Help Stop Mass Shootings

No, blacks, of course. Blacks marching down the road, taking out whomever on their way. Think not? Not many people read about the French and Russian and all the other revolutions as I do: mass killings are the norm. A la lanternes! They hanged them on the street lanterns in Paris, the bakers. The National Convention kept begging the mob not to do that, bad response to the bread shortage, but they kept on and then invaded the National Convention and threatened to kill them all. When we are all disarmed, this will be the norm, I think, just as in Britain now, and leftists and their children will be killed just like rightists.
OK Circe. Have a nice day, my friend.
Criminals LOVE black markets, it is known that most guns used in crimes are in fact stolen, and not legally purchased.
I hear that 18 year old Payton Gendron legally purchased his gun. You remember him don't you? The guy who killed the 10 African-Americans in Buffalo, New York a few weeks ago.
Criminals LOVE black markets, it is known that most guns used in crimes are in fact stolen, and not legally purchased.

Where do black market guns come from? Do they just appear out of thin air?

Or are they stolen from the stashes of good, honest law-abiding gun owners?

This is why I think part of the problem IS the number of guns. Increasing gun ownership rates means, statistically, that you are increasing the PROBABILITY of those guns winding up in the wrong hands. Flood the market with more guns than people and you increase the chances of guns being stolen or diverted to "evil purposes".

Life is in no small way a probability game. We rely on probabilities all over the place. You currently can't purchase more than a couple boxes of Sudafed because they want to limit the PROBABILITY of Sudafed being diverted to meth production.

Why can't we use the same logic with guns? You can have sudafed but only so much and you are regulated. You can have guns but only so many and you are regulated.

Why is this such a horrible thing to consider?
No, blacks, of course. Blacks marching down the road, taking out whomever on their way. Think not? Not many people read about the French and Russian and all the other revolutions as I do: mass killings are the norm. A la lanternes! They hanged them on the street lanterns in Paris, the bakers. The National Convention kept begging the mob not to do that, bad response to the bread shortage, but they kept on and then invaded the National Convention and threatened to kill them all. When we are all disarmed, this will be the norm, I think, just as in Britain now, and leftists and their children will be killed just like rightists.

Wow. It's like a masterclass in Stormfront posting. Kudos. Offensive, ignorant and unhinged. I think you got the trifecta there!
1) ALL politicians should be barred from accepting donations from the NRA. At the national, state and local level. The reason we cannot get any common sense gun laws put into place is because too many politicians (Democrat and Republican, I hear) are beholden to the NRA.
2) Make it illegal to purchase or own any kind of assault rifle. They are not needed for home protection or hunting. They are only good for killing large numbers of people, really fast.

Our children are being killed in their classrooms. We must act now. They can't vote; they don't have a voice. WE MUST BE THEIR VOICE. PLEASE.

Boy, you are really stupid…..and I mean that in a nice way….

The NRA didn’t shoot anyone, and nothing you dumb shits want would have stopped the attacker…..

But please, for the humor of it, list the gun laws you want…..

The rifle he used was a civilian rifle no different from any other rifle you dimwit

When you actually can engage your brain and apply some thought to your post, please come back and post again…
Boy, you are really stupid…..and I mean that in a nice way….

The NRA didn’t shoot anyone, and nothing you dumb shits want would have stopped the attacker…..

Can I just say these two sentences together are beautiful. You call the poster "dumb" but ensure that they know it's in a "nice" way and then you refer to them as a "dumb shit".

I would REALLY hate to see what you say to people you are NOT being nice to!
When you actually can engage your brain and apply some thought to your post, please come back and post again…

" a nice way".
Not really. In fact, it could do enough damage to the lock to keep it from opening.

Especially if the schools have enough money to buy hardened locks and doors without windows that are bulletproof.

I wonder if Lakeside Teacher Supply store carries those. We could make the individual teachers buy their own hardened door so it doesn't increase the cost to the tax payers!!!

This actually sounds like a GREAT IDEA!

Then when we ARM the teachers we can make them buy their own guns!

This problem will essentially SOLVE ITSELF!!!
Can I just say these two sentences together are beautiful. You call the poster "dumb" but ensure that they know it's in a "nice" way and then you refer to them as a "dumb shit".

I would REALLY hate to see what you say to people you are NOT being nice to!

" a nice way".
He's a winner isn't he? I put him on IGNORE. People who insult or use profanity are not worth my time.
The definition has been posted several times in this thread.
Either accept the definition you see hear. Or Google it.
No it hasnt ONE definition was posted and if you use that that is already HEAVILY regulated and an AR15 does not have a fire select lever to allow burst or auto fire.
No it hasnt ONE definition was posted and if you use that that is already HEAVILY regulated and an AR15 does not have a fire select lever to allow burst or auto fire.
See. You already knew the definition of the gun I was referring to. Thank you.
I hear that 18 year old Payton Gendron legally purchased his gun. You remember him don't you? The guy who killed the 10 African-Americans in Buffalo, New York a few weeks ago.

Great. HE legally purchased a gun. What about regular every day murder? Guns are usually to blame, and they are as a rule, stolen most of the time. Over $135,000,000 worth of guns were stolen in 2020 alone. You know those were used in crimes. I doubt they'll willingly and legally surrender their weapons if such a ban ever took effect.

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