Two Ways to Help Stop Mass Shootings

You are confused Moon Bat.⁹As far as we know none of the mass shooters have ever been a member of the NRA.

However, we do know that the mass shooter that shot up the Republicans practicing baseball was a Hillary Clinton supporter and a Democrat.

You also may not know this but this country has a Constitutional right to keep and bear arms and the AR-15 is protected as a common use firearm. A 5th District Appeals judge just said that. Heller confirms it. Even Miller said that the guns in common use by the military is protected.

You stupid uneducated Moon Bats are way off course.

This little shithead that did the shooting was abandoned by his parents and had no moral foundation. The parents are to blame for not doing their duty to raise their son to not kill children.

Of course you stupid uneducated Moon Bats have no understanding of the concept of personal responsibility, do you?

Shame on you!

Mother is a druggie. Father is unknown. Grandpa is a convicted felon. Salvador has been talking about shooting up a school since he was 14.
Man, it's really annoying when the REASON 19 KIDS ARE BLOWN TO PIECES BY A GUNMAN is because someone forgot to lock the classroom door. I hope the teacher responsible is hauled before a court and held accountable for their crimes!


But, on the plus side we get another great example of how guns keep us free here!

Hey trollfish -- It's ALREADY MANDATED in most states that outside doors remain locked during classes. And it's drilled into teachers to LOCK the classroom doors when any intrusion alarm is given.

That's why they call it a "LOCK DOWN" alert that goes out to the schools automatically bullwinkle.
Should be at least TWO SROfficers at every school. One at the cam console and one always OUTSIDE. THAT is a commentary on kids themselves likely being MOST school shooters. HERE in Uvalde -- the ONE wasn't even on premises. We CAN afford to do that. Also make the school is REPORTING ASSAULTS/THREATS to local authorities. Need to DOCUMENT the warnings signs of aggression going nuclear.

Some of that $40 BILLION that was sent so quickly to Ukraine who are losing the war could have been better allocated to the schools instead for support and for small town police be better equipped to handle the terror problem.

But that doesn't seem to be important to lawmakers who prefer screaming at the NRA, Trump and republicans in general.

Government is the problem.
Tell that to the mothers and fathers who arm themselves to defend their children from home invaders.
Tell that to Bootney Lee Farnsworth who said:
Nothing would please me more that to watch your complete meltdown when the SC shoots down all federal gun laws.

Machine guns or Valhalla.
doesn't that sound to you like he thinks gun rights are more important than kids lives, cause it sure does to me.
That tells me a lot about you, EvilCat Breath.

It pains me to say it -- but I cannot BEAR the grief to know that a TROUBLED teen with obvious warning signs CAN LEGALLY purchase and own. But all this is because of societal/family/moral decay and the fact that people are not doing their jobs.

If the teen STOLE the weapon from parents and parents KNEW or if the parents PURCHASED the weapon for a kid that was under psychiatric care (like the shooter Sandy Hook school) -- I dont feel a lot of personal responsibility to change gun laws. Just use the law -- HOLD these parents responsible.

Parents ALSO need that leverage. As dealing with mental case child is difficult enough with the cutting/suicide/outbursts/conflict without having to ASSURE this future criminal doesn't LEGALLY obtain firearms.
Excellent post, IMO. Remember that it happens fast, fast, fast sometimes ----- remember the Batman killer? He went from a reasonably normal college student to weeks later that whirling-eyed character in the black rubber costume with his apartment all wired to blow up after he shot people in the movie theater ----- I think of these crazies and how fast they go downhill, it's terrible and so sad for the family.

I had an aunt, she went crazy WELL before I was around (and well before WWII) but she was sent to college, very promising, very smart, and was brought back by a wonderfully upright and conscientious boyfriend who brought her home by train, completely mute and catatonic. My grandfather, I hear, never accepted what was obvious to both his physician sons, but just said she'd had a breakdown and would be fine soon, but of course, not so --- she spent her life in mental hospitals until the psychotropics were developed and then lived independently for a few years at the end (huh, probably at the sons' expense!! I never thought of that till now), but she was always ------ strange. And drugged, and sleeping at Thanksgivings. Well, it never showed up again in the family, but don't think we haven't worried!
Hey trollfish -- It's ALREADY MANDATED in most states that outside doors remain locked during classes. And it's drilled into teachers to LOCK the classroom doors when any intrusion alarm is given.

So, like I said, the person responsible for not closing and locking the door must be brought to justice as soon as humanly possible.

That's why they call it a "LOCK DOWN" alert that goes out to the schools automatically bullwinkle.

When I was a kid there was no such thing. I tell you it was HORRIBLE living in America in the 1970's. We didn't know what TRUE freedom was! Hardened schools, churches with armed guards, teachers armed and ready to cap an evil doer. It was just terrible. We were so un-free back then.

Thank GOD we know freedom now.

I just hope they catch the person responsible for not locking that door. There's the REAL criminal.
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It pains me to say it -- but I cannot BEAR the grief to know that a TROUBLED teen with obvious warning signs CAN LEGALLY purchase and own. But all this is because of societal/family/moral decay and the fact that people are not doing their jobs.

True to a greater or lesser point. Society here in America didn't sign up to take care of others. If this kid's family couldn't afford good mental health care for their troubled son then it's THEIR FAULT. They should have made more $$$ to afford healthcare so their son might have had a chance of being stopped.

But, alas, the family didn't make enough money or they didn't pursue the mental healthcare so maybe we should haul all the surviving members of that family into court and put THEM on trial.

If the teen STOLE the weapon from parents and parents KNEW or if the parents PURCHASED the weapon for a kid that was under psychiatric care (like the shooter Sandy Hook school) -- I dont feel a lot of personal responsibility to change gun laws. Just use the law -- HOLD these parents responsible.

That's actually not a bad idea. It might then give people pause for having guns in their homes because someone might use it for ill. That's what the studies keep showing.

But if Americans didn't buy guns crime would sweep the nation and a vicious murdering dictator would come to the fore and enslave us all.

In the end there isn't really a good answer. We just need the guns for our freedom. We don't need 3rd graders for our freedom.

Parents ALSO need that leverage. As dealing with mental case child is difficult enough with the cutting/suicide/outbursts/conflict without having to ASSURE this future criminal doesn't LEGALLY obtain firearms.

The NRA and other gun advocates are truly leading the charge in improving mental healthcare in America. They talk about it so much I'm CERTAIN they are paying extra for their guns so that a fund can be set up to improve mental healthcare in America.

I am glad they are doing their part.
Do you understand that this is exactly why men buy them?

They are expecting invasions and rioting.
That is a sorry excuse to have one of those guns. Who are they expecting an invasion from? As for rioting, are they planning to take their guns out a la Kyle Rittenhouse, to "defend" themselves, when all they need to do is stay home?
"All politicians should be barred from accepting donations from any business or other organization."

There fixed it for you

What's an assault rifle?

By psychotic mental idiots who should have been institutionalized but were only "watched" and allowed to commit the horrendous act of violence by a government seeking more control.

View attachment 650626

BTW... The unborn can't vote and don't have a voice either but are condemned to death by unsympathetic women who only desire convenience.



Yes, yes. Let's save the babies while they are in the womb, but once they are in school, let's make it easy for them to be killed.
Makes perfect sense.
That is a sorry excuse to have one of those guns. Who are they expecting an invasion from? As for rioting, are they planning to take their guns out a la Kyle Rittenhouse, to "defend" themselves, when all they need to do is stay home?

For many the threat of invasion is everpresent. Sometimes the invasion comes in the form of a lost exchange student looking for directions like Yoshihiro Hattori, sometimes it's in the form of a family member coming home late.

It's critical to America's freedom that we be able to protect ourselves from all these dangers (and 3rd graders apparently). Guns ENSURE America's continued freedom.
That is a sorry excuse to have one of those guns. Who are they expecting an invasion from? As for rioting, are they planning to take their guns out a la Kyle Rittenhouse, to "defend" themselves, when all they need to do is stay home?
No, blacks, of course. Blacks marching down the road, taking out whomever on their way. Think not? Not many people read about the French and Russian and all the other revolutions as I do: mass killings are the norm. A la lanternes! They hanged them on the street lanterns in Paris, the bakers. The National Convention kept begging the mob not to do that, bad response to the bread shortage, but they kept on and then invaded the National Convention and threatened to kill them all. When we are all disarmed, this will be the norm, I think, just as in Britain now, and leftists and their children will be killed just like rightists.
What is assault RIFLE?
It's a rifle with multiple firing settings. As such, the civilian version of the AR-15 is not an assault weapon. Nevertheless, lots of people are easily influenced by appearances.
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What's an assault rifle?

I understand that essentially the AR-15 isn't much more than less intimidating looking semi-automatics on the market including some hunting rifles. It's just tricked out to look more "cool" and "military" but not functionally different.

As such I kind of see the point that banning "assault rifles" isn't necessarily going to move the needle since similar firepower can be purchased in less exciting "packaging".

But that means the REAL answer might be a lot less pleasant to consider.

If I were in the NRA I'd DEFINITELY push for an "assault weapons ban" if only so it would distract from the larger problem and not really impact the ability of gun loving Americans from getting a good armory set up. Kind of like how they treat "mental illness". Talk about it so people won't pay attention to the larger issue. Only problem with the "mental healthcare gambit" is that it might mean they would have to pay something extra for their guns to support actual mental healthcare improvement.

But you get the point.

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