Two Weeks Maximum In Person Early Voting And No Mail In Ballots With Extreme Limits On Excuse Absentee Voting


Gold Member
Feb 3, 2018
" Two Weeks Maximum In Person Early Voting And No Mail In Ballots With Extreme Limits On Excuse Absentee Voting "

* Mail In Voting Must Go So That X Voters Show Up And X Votes Get Counted *

In my opinion , the ability to vote at some other time than " election day " , but within a window that is reasonable , is functional for those who have very committed schedules .

Mail in voting needs to go away , completely , and in person verification of voters is essential to ensure that dead people do not vote , that voter harvesting does not occur , that fake ballots are not created , that voter impersonation does not occur , that ballot stuffing does not occur , and that a voters are not registered to vote in multiple states .

Only those who vote in primary elections should be allowed to vote in runoff elections .
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Two weeks is too many for early voting.

The problem is in places run by DemonRats, like the shit-hole that they have turned Fulton County Georgia into (mainly run by black DemonRats). Where they have too few polling places on Election Day

My dad worked in a factory, came home on Election Day afternoon, washed up, and he and mom went to vote.

It is Election DAY.
In the past, mail-in voting wasn't a huge influence. Because of that, verification wasn't a problem.

However, now that it has been established that mail-in votes can be generated on demand to achieve the desired outcome, verification needs to be AS strict as in-person voting. Without vote verification, we can never be confident on our elections again.
In the past, mail-in voting wasn't a huge influence. Because of that, verification wasn't a problem.

However, now that it has been established that mail-in votes can be generated on demand to achieve the desired outcome, verification needs to be AS strict as in-person voting. Without vote verification, we can never be confident on our elections again.
If you could come up with any credible proof that votes are generated on demand you might have something. So far, nobody has.
" Two Weeks Maximum In Person Early Voting And No Mail In Ballots With Extreme Limits On Excuse Absentee Voting "

* Mail In Voting Must Go So That X Voters Show Up And X Votes Get Counted *

In my opinion , the ability to vote at some other time than " election day " , but within a window that is reasonable , is functional for those who have very committed schedules .

Mail in voting needs to go away , completely , and in person verification of voters is essential to ensure that dead people do not vote , that voter harvesting does not occur , that fake ballots are not created , that voter impersonation does not occur , that ballot stuffing does not occur , and that a voters are not registered to vote in multiple states .

Only those who vote in primary elections should be allowed to vote in runoff elections .

Elections voting used to be spread out over months in our early days as a nation. We could indeed spread it out over two weeks with no problems, other than finding the volunteers who will man the polling stations for that long. I think it should at least be a national holiday, and remove the decision on what day to hold them from the Parties.

Given how corrupt the Parties are, we might even consider contracting the elections out to Sweden, or Finland.
Compromise. Democrats love free shit so make election day a national paid holiday and provide every CITIZEN with a free US ID card but in return make all voting be in person and on election day. That should satisfy everyone except the stealers.
" Obvious Propaganda When Idiocy Speaks For Everyone "

* There Goes The Republic Jumping Off A Bridge *

150 million voted in 2020...most in history
We can thank mail in voting due to COVID. People tried it and people loved it.
Republicans want to take it away
First of all your opinions typically represent a bunch of lazy excuses by partisan hacks too disingenuous to care whether voting was corrupt as long as their side is winning , and that can be garnered easily by a statement as idiotic as claiming that all 150 million people loved having their equal protections violated .

There are fraud problems with mail-in absentee ballots but the problems with universal mail-in ballots are much more significant. Still most countries ban even absentee ballots for people living in their countries.

Most developed countries ban absentee ballots unless the citizen is living abroad or require Photo-IDs to obtain those ballots. Even higher percentages of European Union or other European countries ban absentee for in country voters. In addition, some countries that allow voting by mail for citizens living the country don’t allow it for everyone. For example, Japan and Poland have limited mail-in voting to those who have special certificates verifying that they are disabled.

Mail-in ballots are the ballots most vulnerable to being altered, stolen, or forged.

These kinds of technical problems—when a voter doesn’t provide all of the information required with an absentee ballot—occur because there is no election official in people’s homes to answer their questions. At polling places, by contrast, election officials can try to remedy any problems a voter encounters.

Then there is the problem of mail-in ballots being miscarried or not delivered by the U.S. Postal Service. States with recent primaries, including Wisconsin and Maryland, have reported voters not receiving their ballots or not getting them in time to be voted and returned.

In addition, there have been problems with the Postal Service not postmarking ballots, making it impossible for election officials to determine whether the ballots were mailed in time to be counted. The U.S. Election Assistance Commission says that in the last four federal elections, 2.7 million mail-in ballots were misdelivered and 1.3 million were rejected by election officials.
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" Obvious Propaganda When Idiocy Speaks For Everyone "

* There Goes The Republic Jumping Off A Bridge *

150 million voted in 2020...most in history
We can thank mail in voting due to COVID. People tried it and people loved it.
Republicans want to take it away
First of all your opinions typically represent a bunch of lazy excuses by partisan hacks too stupid to care whether voting was corrupt as long as their side is winning , and that can be garnered easily by a statement as idiotic as claiming that all 150 million people loved having their equal protections violated .

There are fraud problems with mail-in absentee ballots but the problems with universal mail-in ballots are much more significant. Still most countries ban even absentee ballots for people living in their countries.

Most developed countries ban absentee ballots unless the citizen is living abroad or require Photo-IDs to obtain those ballots. Even higher percentages of European Union or other European countries ban absentee for in country voters. In addition, some countries that allow voting by mail for citizens living the country don’t allow it for everyone. For example, Japan and Poland have limited mail-in voting to those who have special certificates verifying that they are disabled.

Mail-in ballots are the ballots most vulnerable to being altered, stolen, or forged.

These kinds of technical problems—when a voter doesn’t provide all of the information required with an absentee ballot—occur because there is no election official in people’s homes to answer their questions. At polling places, by contrast, election officials can try to remedy any problems a voter encounters.

Then there is the problem of mail-in ballots being miscarried or not delivered by the U.S. Postal Service. States with recent primaries, including Wisconsin and Maryland, have reported voters not receiving their ballots or not getting them in time to be voted and returned.

In addition, there have been problems with the Postal Service not postmarking ballots, making it impossible for election officials to determine whether the ballots were mailed in time to be counted. The U.S. Election Assistance Commission says that in the last four federal elections, 2.7 million mail-in ballots were misdelivered and 1.3 million were rejected by election officials.

US has been using absentee ballots for decades, even Trump uses it.

Show some instances of ACTUAL fraud
" Show Up Within A Window Else Imagine An Interstate Where Everyone Is Trying To Be Some Where All At Once "

* Rising Legions Against Sacraments Of Good Faith Is Sacrilegious *

US has been using absentee ballots for decades, even Trump uses it.
Show some instances of ACTUAL fraud
To acquire an absentee ballot requires personal identification .

A greater individual of state should be designed to ensure safety and security of citizens , and voting integrity assures each citizen of its equal representation , along with safety and security , which are sanctimonious in a ritualistic act of voting .

Where paper and electronic are collected with in person verification , adding qr codes to ballots would increase integrity by non repudiation and must include confidentiality , and would normalize public uncertainties caused by suspicions that its safety , security and equal representation are being compromised .

A qr or bar coded paper ballot generated by an electronic device , or a paper ballot submitted with in person verification at a collection location , could be produced upon audit or by individual request , to confirm that the paper ballot directly matches that entered into an electronic tabulation .

Imagine a poor design of a paper ballot voting system where one ballot could not be distinguished from another , where there was not a correlation between a ballot and an individual .

Imagine a poor design of a paper ballot voting system where money is paid to cast votes , or organized around gullibility of peer pressure , or individuals anonymously impersonate other individuals , or where ballot completion requirements are ignored , or not included in the process of ballot creation and voter verification .

* Democrats Adopted Rapid Online Voter Enrollment In Twice Twenty Election Where Latent Republicans Were While Did Knot *

Signing up new voters online was a system designed by the left that the right has not yet exploited as there are great numbers of young to middle aged individuals who do not participate in the voting process .
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" Two Weeks Maximum In Person Early Voting And No Mail In Ballots With Extreme Limits On Excuse Absentee Voting "

* Mail In Voting Must Go So That X Voters Show Up And X Votes Get Counted *

In my opinion , the ability to vote at some other time than " election day " , but within a window that is reasonable , is functional for those who have very committed schedules .

Mail in voting needs to go away , completely , and in person verification of voters is essential to ensure that dead people do not vote , that voter harvesting does not occur , that fake ballots are not created , that voter impersonation does not occur , that ballot stuffing does not occur , and that a voters are not registered to vote in multiple states .

Only those who vote in primary elections should be allowed to vote in runoff elections .
That all sounds good but it's all to late. Once we allowed a fraud in the White House and the population allows it we are done. Americans are a pathetic bunch. Joker Joe puts his John Henry on a paper that gives out cash that his tax hike to allow illegals to live the good life will cost us billions and to show the pure stupidity of the ones thinking it's something for nothing but will end up paying for 10 times over raise his approval rate. He might have gained office by fraud and fights to destroy the Constitution but he gave me some chump change that didn't cost him a dime. Like I said Americans are a pathetic bunch. Our military generals only care about promotion and putting out adds that glorify war sending off boys to fight these endless wars we have no business being They are like democrats that need government to run their lifes. 50 years ago we built a road system in Afghanistan. all that's left of those roads is a few overpasses with sand dunes at both ends. They are like democRats that need a government to run their life. Roads are nice but not worth maintaining. During the democRat debate I listened to these democRats all tell of what they would give, a thousand dollars a month, free housing, free medical, free, free, free. Never one word on the national debt. Sure they will raise taxes because that's what they do to pay for Global Warming, Climate Change, or what us normal thinking people call Summer, Winter, Spring, and Fall, They want to defund police as they disarm us One more time the American people are pathetic and what's coming most deserve.
I say compromise from both sides is needed. Republicans only want to address issues they raise. Democrats refuse to listen to anything. I'd give mail-in voting up though to oblige Republicans in return of a guarantee that anybody waiting more than 15 minutes to vote is offered opportunity to vote by mail. If they so choose they'd be given a mail-in ballot with postage free return envelope whose return must be postmarked within 3 days.

Oh, the reason I vote by mail is because of a local election when I went to the polling place and was forced to use a provisional ballot. Months later I received letter stating it was their error and that they were sorry and my provisional ballot should have been counted. Last October the day after Columbus Day I dropped my ballot off at the post office and a few days later when I checked its status online I saw it was received and my signature was accepted.
" Independence Requires Independent Choices That Includes A Necessary Degree Of Anonymity "

* Preferring Efficiency *

I say compromise from both sides is needed. Republicans only want to address issues they raise. Democrats refuse to listen to anything. I'd give mail-in voting up though to oblige Republicans in return of a guarantee that anybody waiting more than 15 minutes to vote is offered opportunity to vote by mail. If they so choose they'd be given a mail-in ballot with postage free return envelope whose return must be postmarked within 3 days.

Oh, the reason I vote by mail is because of a local election when I went to the polling place and was forced to use a provisional ballot. Months later I received letter stating it was their error and that they were sorry and my provisional ballot should have been counted. Last October the day after Columbus Day I dropped my ballot off at the post office and a few days later when I checked its status online I saw it was received and my signature was accepted.
If upon arrival at a voting center the voter identity and eligibility could be verified , and traceable paper ballots could then be completed in cubicles and consequently scanned for electronic tabulation , at which point a great many anxieties about susceptibilities to fraud would be eliminated .

A definition for election fraud would include voter compromise through such as intimidation , or impersonation , or through purchase which is available through mass mail ballots .

A fair but zero tolerance policy for fraud is a far better standard than speculation to answer court pleadings as to whether fraudulent voting was significant enough to affect an election outcome .
If upon arrival at a voting center the voter identity and eligibility could be verified , and traceable paper ballots could then be completed in cubicles and consequently scanned for electronic tabulation , at which point a great many anxieties about susceptibilities to fraud would be eliminated .

I don't see how cubicals resolves the matter. In 48 years of voting my polling place has never been anywhere other than churches and schools. Bringing in cubicals would be far less efficient than bringing in additional voting booths.
" Count Of Voters Equals Ballots With Confidentiality Integrity Availability And Secure Chains Of Custody "

* Mail In Ballots Violate Standards Against Voter Intimidation By Failing To Ensure Anonymity *

I don't see how cubicals resolves the matter. In 48 years of voting my polling place has never been anywhere other than churches and schools. Bringing in cubicals would be far less efficient than bringing in additional voting booths.
The records retention for elections includes both a physical semblance and a digital semblance of the ballots , so voting booths or paper ballots are sufficient .

Also of concern about voting integrity is to ensure the independence of votes by voters , which can only be provided by in person voting and a process that assures a sufficient degree of anonymity .

Clearly , mail in ballots cannot be completed with a sufficient degree of anonymity and therefore cannot ensure the independence of votes by voters in an election .

For those considering a voting provision in election by paper ballots , cubicles were suggested as a possible way to expedite the process , while also providing a sufficient degree of anonymity to ensure the independence of votes by voters .
" Two Weeks Maximum In Person Early Voting And No Mail In Ballots With Extreme Limits On Excuse Absentee Voting "

* Mail In Voting Must Go So That X Voters Show Up And X Votes Get Counted *

In my opinion , the ability to vote at some other time than " election day " , but within a window that is reasonable , is functional for those who have very committed schedules .

Mail in voting needs to go away , completely , and in person verification of voters is essential to ensure that dead people do not vote , that voter harvesting does not occur , that fake ballots are not created , that voter impersonation does not occur , that ballot stuffing does not occur , and that a voters are not registered to vote in multiple states .

Only those who vote in primary elections should be allowed to vote in runoff elections .
Mail in voting has been around for a hundred years or so.

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