Two weeks notice. Is it fair to the employee?

Not sure what kind of places you've worked but I never had a problem with my employers.
In fact they'd go out of their way to make me happy because I was valuable...and of course they knew I would never walk out without notice.

Nice fairy tale. But the world has changed. Most businesses today, honestly don't care whether you live or die. When it's time for you to go, you're gone. 'Professional Courtesy' is a thing of the past.

But if you do wanna hold workers to a particuar moral standard, make sure you hold businesses to the same standard. Otherwise, you're just being disingenuous and hypocritical.

You depend on the company for a living.

Doesn't mean you hold workers to a moral standard you don't require of Businesses. Moral and Professional Courtesy works both ways. It's too bad most Businesses have decided to behave like ugly Slave Owners.

There is no more 'Professional Courtesy.' It shouldn't be expected. Businesses threw that theory out the window a long time ago. The current ugly climate is all on them.

You work for them...not the other way around.
If you dont like it go into business for yourself,

Nah, i don't worship the Slave Owner. That's for you greedy white Republican dudes to do. Everyone's equal. Workers shouldn't be held to higher moral standards than Businesses are. It's a two-way street.

It has nothing to do with moral standards.
It's their company and they can run it as they see fit,dont like it find somewhere else.
As an addendum

No you don't have to give a notice if not specifically bound by a contract and most hourly wage jobs are non-contractual employment at will positions

But If I was interviewing you I would assume you would give a 2 week notice out of courtesy to your current employer if you said to me that you would quit without notice then I would think that would be a serious negative against you and consider that in my decision to hire you or not

As long as both employee and employer are held to the same professional/moral standards, i have no problem with such requirements. But too often i see people expressing that only the employee should be required to show 'Professional Courtesy.' They let the employer completely off the hook as far as professionalism and ethics are concerned. It's an old outdated double standard.

Most people get notice of a layoff and IMO if I'm firing someone for cause I am not allowing them continued access to my property for 2 weeks

Exactly, you aren't required to give two weeks notice when dumping workers. So it shouldn't be expected of workers either.
Businesses aren't required to give two week notices when they dump employees. They don't have mercy. It's all about business. So employees shouldn't be held to some outdated hypocritical moral standard.

No, they shouldn't. But if you don't provide a two-week notice, don't get too upset when they don't give you a good job reference in the future.

Outdated double standard Bullshite. Punish workers, but allow Corporate Fatcats to treat workers any way they choose. Sorry, but times are changin. That Corporate double standard Bullshite ain't flyin anymore.

the double standard exists because they rely on you. you do not rely on them. and you can't leave people short-handed. it is responsible to allow time to find your replacement and perhaps train them.

you're childish.

Nah, the double standard nonsense is childish. Businesses aren't concerned with two week notices when it's time to dump workers. Frankly, they don't give a shite whether you and your family end up homeless or die.

So they'll survive workers not giving two week notices. Workers shouldn't be held to standards that businesses aren't held to.

nah... you're a whiny little boy

Sounds like you Corporate Bootlickers are the whiners. The two week notice concept is an old outdated concept. "Professional Courtesy' is dead. Moving on...
the double standard exists because they rely on you. you do not rely on them. and you can't leave people short-handed. it is responsible to allow time to find your replacement and perhaps train them.

you're childish.

Nah, the double standard nonsense is childish. Businesses aren't concerned with two week notices when it's time to dump workers. Frankly, they don't give a shite whether you and your family end up homeless or die.

So they'll survive workers not giving two week notices. Workers shouldn't be held to standards that businesses aren't held to.

Than you should tell your future employer that you wont be giving a two week notice when you quit before he hires you.

I understand that it is the current system. I get it. But it's silly. Times have changed. There is no more 'professional courtesy.' That went out the window a long time ago. It ended when many Businesses decided to treat workers like worthless slaves.

It's a brutal cut-throat world now. No one owes anyone courtesy. And it's Businesses that have created that climate. So they have no right to bitch about it. Period, end of story.

I've known people with your attitude...they never advance and most of them end up being fired.

because they're horrible workers with a terrible work ethic

Yes, because we know all Businesses are tremendously ethical. Man, you Corporate Bootlickers sure are delusional. Most Busineses don't care if you live or drop dead. When it's time to dump workers, they do it with no mercy.

So quit being so preachy and naive. Don't expect such moral/ethical standards of workers if you're not willing to expect the same of Businesses. It is a two way street.
All you business saavy people here is a question. Should an employee have to give two weeks notice before leaving a job? I myself think that is not fair to the employee if the better job can be started immediately. Is there still this infringement of freedom on the employee?

Nobody can force an employee to give two weeks notice- unless there is an express written contract- and no- an employee handbook is not a contract.

In my experience, when possible give notice. It is best for everyone. But companies do not abide by the 2 week notice when they fire an employee for 'cause'- and I think employees can fire their employers for cause with no notice also.
Nah, the double standard nonsense is childish. Businesses aren't concerned with two week notices when it's time to dump workers. Frankly, they don't give a shite whether you and your family end up homeless or die.

So they'll survive workers not giving two week notices. Workers shouldn't be held to standards that businesses aren't held to.

Than you should tell your future employer that you wont be giving a two week notice when you quit before he hires you.

I understand that it is the current system. I get it. But it's silly. Times have changed. There is no more 'professional courtesy.' That went out the window a long time ago. It ended when many Businesses decided to treat workers like worthless slaves.

It's a brutal cut-throat world now. No one owes anyone courtesy. And it's Businesses that have created that climate. So they have no right to bitch about it. Period, end of story.

I've known people with your attitude...they never advance and most of them end up being fired.

Do they get two weeks notice? Pretty sure they don't. Because most Businesses don't care whether you live or die. When it's time to dump you, it's done. They don't feel they're required to give you a two weeks notice. So why expect it from workers?

Let's just stop with the pious preaching nonsense. We live in different times. No one owes anyone courtesy. It's an ugly climate Businesses themselves have created. It is what it is.

if you're fired "for cause" like not showing up or theft or some other misuse of your position,then you aren't going to get notice. if it's about normal termination, you generally get notice.

but then again, i've never been terminated from a job. you?

People get fired for all sorts of reasons. But one thing's for sure, most Businesses doing the firing, don't care what happens to them. They don't care if they end up homeless or dead. So spare me the morals/ethics preaching.

We live in an ugly unjust world. And it's the world Businesses themselves created. So I think Businesses can survive without workers giving them to week notices. It's a safe bet.
Nah, the double standard nonsense is childish. Businesses aren't concerned with two week notices when it's time to dump workers. Frankly, they don't give a shite whether you and your family end up homeless or die.

So they'll survive workers not giving two week notices. Workers shouldn't be held to standards that businesses aren't held to.

Than you should tell your future employer that you wont be giving a two week notice when you quit before he hires you.

I understand that it is the current system. I get it. But it's silly. Times have changed. There is no more 'professional courtesy.' That went out the window a long time ago. It ended when many Businesses decided to treat workers like worthless slaves.

It's a brutal cut-throat world now. No one owes anyone courtesy. And it's Businesses that have created that climate. So they have no right to bitch about it. Period, end of story.

I've known people with your attitude...they never advance and most of them end up being fired.

because they're horrible workers with a terrible work ethic

Yes, because we know all Businesses are tremendously ethical. Man, you Corporate Bootlickers sure are delusional. Most Busineses don't care if you live or drop dead. When it's time to dump workers, they do it with no mercy.

So quit being so preachy and naive. Don't expect such moral/ethical standards of workers if you're not willing to expect the same of Businesses. It is a two way street.

Not really,they dont need nor care about your sorry ass.
Work and behave up to their standards or they'll fire you.
You dont hold the high cards.....they do.
Than you should tell your future employer that you wont be giving a two week notice when you quit before he hires you.

I understand that it is the current system. I get it. But it's silly. Times have changed. There is no more 'professional courtesy.' That went out the window a long time ago. It ended when many Businesses decided to treat workers like worthless slaves.

It's a brutal cut-throat world now. No one owes anyone courtesy. And it's Businesses that have created that climate. So they have no right to bitch about it. Period, end of story.

I've known people with your attitude...they never advance and most of them end up being fired.

because they're horrible workers with a terrible work ethic

Yes, because we know all Businesses are tremendously ethical. Man, you Corporate Bootlickers sure are delusional. Most Busineses don't care if you live or drop dead. When it's time to dump workers, they do it with no mercy.

So quit being so preachy and naive. Don't expect such moral/ethical standards of workers if you're not willing to expect the same of Businesses. It is a two way street.

Not really,they dont need nor care about your sorry ass.
Work and behave up to their standards or they'll fire you.
You dont hold the high cards.....they do.

So says another Corporate Bootlicker. But you are right about one thing. They don't care. Most aren't concerned with whether or not you and your family lives or dies. When it's time to cut you loose, they do it without mercy. So to hell with em and their two week notice.
I understand that it is the current system. I get it. But it's silly. Times have changed. There is no more 'professional courtesy.' That went out the window a long time ago. It ended when many Businesses decided to treat workers like worthless slaves.

It's a brutal cut-throat world now. No one owes anyone courtesy. And it's Businesses that have created that climate. So they have no right to bitch about it. Period, end of story.

I've known people with your attitude...they never advance and most of them end up being fired.

because they're horrible workers with a terrible work ethic

Yes, because we know all Businesses are tremendously ethical. Man, you Corporate Bootlickers sure are delusional. Most Busineses don't care if you live or drop dead. When it's time to dump workers, they do it with no mercy.

So quit being so preachy and naive. Don't expect such moral/ethical standards of workers if you're not willing to expect the same of Businesses. It is a two way street.

Not really,they dont need nor care about your sorry ass.
Work and behave up to their standards or they'll fire you.
You dont hold the high cards.....they do.

So says another Corporate Bootlicker. But you are right about one thing. They don't care. Most aren't concerned with whether or not you and your family lives or dies. When it's time to cut you loose, they do it with no mercy. So to hell with em and their two week notice.

So they dont care yet you wish to antagonize them?
Sounds like a great path to success ....good luck.
If it's in the employee handbook or you were told ahead of time about the policy you have no room to complain.
It's unenforceable even if it's in the employee handbook

Oh no doubt. But it may very well come back and bite you in the ass at a later date.
I don't see how as if you leave with no notice you can never use that job as a reference

You're going to leave a years long break in your resume?
I don't have to worry about that as I don't work for anyone any more

But you could always list the employer you walked out on then check the box that says it;s not OK to contact them for a reference

FYI That's a bigger red flag than a blank on a resume
As an addendum

No you don't have to give a notice if not specifically bound by a contract and most hourly wage jobs are non-contractual employment at will positions

But If I was interviewing you I would assume you would give a 2 week notice out of courtesy to your current employer if you said to me that you would quit without notice then I would think that would be a serious negative against you and consider that in my decision to hire you or not

As long as both employee and employer are held to the same professional/moral standards, i have no problem with such requirements. But too often i see people expressing that only the employee should be required to show 'Professional Courtesy.' They let the employer completely off the hook as far as professionalism and ethics are concerned. It's an old outdated double standard.

Most people get notice of a layoff and IMO if I'm firing someone for cause I am not allowing them continued access to my property for 2 weeks

Exactly, you aren't required to give two weeks notice when dumping workers. So it shouldn't be expected of workers either.

Why would I allow a person being fired for say stealing to remain in my employ for 2 weeks?

And you don't have to give a 2 week notice we've been over this already
Nah, the double standard nonsense is childish. Businesses aren't concerned with two week notices when it's time to dump workers. Frankly, they don't give a shite whether you and your family end up homeless or die.

So they'll survive workers not giving two week notices. Workers shouldn't be held to standards that businesses aren't held to.

Than you should tell your future employer that you wont be giving a two week notice when you quit before he hires you.

I understand that it is the current system. I get it. But it's silly. Times have changed. There is no more 'professional courtesy.' That went out the window a long time ago. It ended when many Businesses decided to treat workers like worthless slaves.

It's a brutal cut-throat world now. No one owes anyone courtesy. And it's Businesses that have created that climate. So they have no right to bitch about it. Period, end of story.

I've known people with your attitude...they never advance and most of them end up being fired.

because they're horrible workers with a terrible work ethic

It's that whole entitlement mentality and the inflated egos kids have nowadays.
They cant get it through their heads that they work at the pleasure of the company,not the other way around.
And when you look at the job market these days when it comes to quality jobs there will be a crap load of people willing to fill the empty spot when they get shit canned.

i understand what you're saying. but i don't think he's particularly young. and i have an 18 year old whose work ethic makes me blush because he amazes me. so i suspect that some kids feel a sense of entitlement. others work their butts off and i wouldn't generalize. and like i said, i suspect the whiner is older than you think.

but whining failures like to whine.
Not sure what kind of places you've worked but I never had a problem with my employers.
In fact they'd go out of their way to make me happy because I was valuable...and of course they knew I would never walk out without notice.

Nice fairy tale. But the world has changed. Most businesses today, honestly don't care whether you live or die. When it's time for you to go, you're gone. 'Professional Courtesy' is a thing of the past.

But if you do wanna hold workers to a particuar moral standard, make sure you hold businesses to the same standard. Otherwise, you're just being disingenuous and hypocritical.

You depend on the company for a living.

Doesn't mean you hold workers to a moral standard you don't require of Businesses. Moral and Professional Courtesy works both ways. It's too bad most Businesses have decided to behave like ugly Slave Owners.

There is no more 'Professional Courtesy.' It shouldn't be expected. Businesses threw that theory out the window a long time ago. The current ugly climate is all on them.

You work for them...not the other way around.
If you dont like it go into business for yourself,

Nah, i don't worship the Slave Owner. That's for you greedy white Republican dudes to do. Everyone's equal. Workers shouldn't be held to higher moral standards than Businesses are. It's a two-way street.

if you get paid it isn't slavery.

you sound like an idiot. no wonder you're going nowhere and are so resentful.
Than you should tell your future employer that you wont be giving a two week notice when you quit before he hires you.

I understand that it is the current system. I get it. But it's silly. Times have changed. There is no more 'professional courtesy.' That went out the window a long time ago. It ended when many Businesses decided to treat workers like worthless slaves.

It's a brutal cut-throat world now. No one owes anyone courtesy. And it's Businesses that have created that climate. So they have no right to bitch about it. Period, end of story.

I've known people with your attitude...they never advance and most of them end up being fired.

because they're horrible workers with a terrible work ethic

It's that whole entitlement mentality and the inflated egos kids have nowadays.
They cant get it through their heads that they work at the pleasure of the company,not the other way around.
And when you look at the job market these days when it comes to quality jobs there will be a crap load of people willing to fill the empty spot when they get shit canned.

i understand what you're saying. but i don't think he's particularly young. and i have an 18 year old whose work ethic makes me blush because he amazes me. so i suspect that some kids feel a sense of entitlement. others work their butts off and i wouldn't generalize. and like i said, i suspect the whiner is older than you think.

but whining failures like to whine.

Obviously not all kids are like that but I've seen a crapload who are.
They'd work a year and feel they deserved what a twenty year guy made.
The boss would tell em to get started but he better not see em ask a single question from anyone and he'd proceed to give him the hard jobs.
Most of were red faced and pissed within the first hour.
I understand that it is the current system. I get it. But it's silly. Times have changed. There is no more 'professional courtesy.' That went out the window a long time ago. It ended when many Businesses decided to treat workers like worthless slaves.

It's a brutal cut-throat world now. No one owes anyone courtesy. And it's Businesses that have created that climate. So they have no right to bitch about it. Period, end of story.

I've known people with your attitude...they never advance and most of them end up being fired.

because they're horrible workers with a terrible work ethic

It's that whole entitlement mentality and the inflated egos kids have nowadays.
They cant get it through their heads that they work at the pleasure of the company,not the other way around.
And when you look at the job market these days when it comes to quality jobs there will be a crap load of people willing to fill the empty spot when they get shit canned.

i understand what you're saying. but i don't think he's particularly young. and i have an 18 year old whose work ethic makes me blush because he amazes me. so i suspect that some kids feel a sense of entitlement. others work their butts off and i wouldn't generalize. and like i said, i suspect the whiner is older than you think.

but whining failures like to whine.

Obviously not all kids are like that but I've seen a crapload who are.
They'd work a year and feel they deserved what a twenty year guy made.
The boss would tell em to get started but he better not see em ask a single question from anyone and he'd proceed to give him the hard jobs.
Most of were red faced and pissed within the first hour.

no doubt that exists.

no doubt the whiner is exactly that type of person.
Nice fairy tale. But the world has changed. Most businesses today, honestly don't care whether you live or die. When it's time for you to go, you're gone. 'Professional Courtesy' is a thing of the past.

But if you do wanna hold workers to a particuar moral standard, make sure you hold businesses to the same standard. Otherwise, you're just being disingenuous and hypocritical.

You depend on the company for a living.

Doesn't mean you hold workers to a moral standard you don't require of Businesses. Moral and Professional Courtesy works both ways. It's too bad most Businesses have decided to behave like ugly Slave Owners.

There is no more 'Professional Courtesy.' It shouldn't be expected. Businesses threw that theory out the window a long time ago. The current ugly climate is all on them.

You work for them...not the other way around.
If you dont like it go into business for yourself,

Nah, i don't worship the Slave Owner. That's for you greedy white Republican dudes to do. Everyone's equal. Workers shouldn't be held to higher moral standards than Businesses are. It's a two-way street.

if you get paid it isn't slavery.

you sound like an idiot. no wonder you're going nowhere and are so resentful.

Start demanding the same moral/ethical behavior from businesses, and we'll be fine. Until then, an employee shouldn't be punished for not giving two weeks notice. Period, end of story.
You depend on the company for a living.

Doesn't mean you hold workers to a moral standard you don't require of Businesses. Moral and Professional Courtesy works both ways. It's too bad most Businesses have decided to behave like ugly Slave Owners.

There is no more 'Professional Courtesy.' It shouldn't be expected. Businesses threw that theory out the window a long time ago. The current ugly climate is all on them.

You work for them...not the other way around.
If you dont like it go into business for yourself,

Nah, i don't worship the Slave Owner. That's for you greedy white Republican dudes to do. Everyone's equal. Workers shouldn't be held to higher moral standards than Businesses are. It's a two-way street.

if you get paid it isn't slavery.

you sound like an idiot. no wonder you're going nowhere and are so resentful.

Start demanding the same moral/ethical behavior from businesses, and we'll be fine. Until then, an employee shouldn't be punished for not giving two weeks notice. Period, end of story.
If you quit without notice your former employer cannot punish you

If you apply for a job and your former employer(s) tell your potential new employer that you quit with no notice they are simple telling the truth
Doesn't mean you hold workers to a moral standard you don't require of Businesses. Moral and Professional Courtesy works both ways. It's too bad most Businesses have decided to behave like ugly Slave Owners.

There is no more 'Professional Courtesy.' It shouldn't be expected. Businesses threw that theory out the window a long time ago. The current ugly climate is all on them.

You work for them...not the other way around.
If you dont like it go into business for yourself,

Nah, i don't worship the Slave Owner. That's for you greedy white Republican dudes to do. Everyone's equal. Workers shouldn't be held to higher moral standards than Businesses are. It's a two-way street.

if you get paid it isn't slavery.

you sound like an idiot. no wonder you're going nowhere and are so resentful.

Start demanding the same moral/ethical behavior from businesses, and we'll be fine. Until then, an employee shouldn't be punished for not giving two weeks notice. Period, end of story.
If you quit without notice your former employer cannot punish you

If you apply for a job and your former employer(s) tell your potential new employer that you quit with no notice they are simple telling the truth

The intent is to punish. We have to get away from these silly outdated double standards. Businesses have set up this cut-throat climate. They've shown they don't care what happens to people once they've decided to cut em loose.

They honestly don't care if those people and their families live or die. Once they cut ya loose, you're on your own. Morals/Ethics don't come into play anymore. It's Business. So, demanding two weeks notices from employees seems very spiteful and hypocritical.
I understand that it is the current system. I get it. But it's silly. Times have changed. There is no more 'professional courtesy.' That went out the window a long time ago. It ended when many Businesses decided to treat workers like worthless slaves.

It's a brutal cut-throat world now. No one owes anyone courtesy. And it's Businesses that have created that climate. So they have no right to bitch about it. Period, end of story.

I've known people with your attitude...they never advance and most of them end up being fired.

because they're horrible workers with a terrible work ethic

It's that whole entitlement mentality and the inflated egos kids have nowadays.
They cant get it through their heads that they work at the pleasure of the company,not the other way around.
And when you look at the job market these days when it comes to quality jobs there will be a crap load of people willing to fill the empty spot when they get shit canned.

i understand what you're saying. but i don't think he's particularly young. and i have an 18 year old whose work ethic makes me blush because he amazes me. so i suspect that some kids feel a sense of entitlement. others work their butts off and i wouldn't generalize. and like i said, i suspect the whiner is older than you think.

but whining failures like to whine.

Obviously not all kids are like that but I've seen a crapload who are.
They'd work a year and feel they deserved what a twenty year guy made.
The boss would tell em to get started but he better not see em ask a single question from anyone and he'd proceed to give him the hard jobs.
Most of were red faced and pissed within the first hour.

And we have a bunch of 50+ year old whiners here. You are full of stories but not much else.
You depend on the company for a living.

Doesn't mean you hold workers to a moral standard you don't require of Businesses. Moral and Professional Courtesy works both ways. It's too bad most Businesses have decided to behave like ugly Slave Owners.

There is no more 'Professional Courtesy.' It shouldn't be expected. Businesses threw that theory out the window a long time ago. The current ugly climate is all on them.

You work for them...not the other way around.
If you dont like it go into business for yourself,

Nah, i don't worship the Slave Owner. That's for you greedy white Republican dudes to do. Everyone's equal. Workers shouldn't be held to higher moral standards than Businesses are. It's a two-way street.

if you get paid it isn't slavery.

you sound like an idiot. no wonder you're going nowhere and are so resentful.

Start demanding the same moral/ethical behavior from businesses, and we'll be fine. Until then, an employee shouldn't be punished for not giving two weeks notice. Period, end of story.

Meh, she's a bitch. ;) She rarely has anything nice to say about anyone or anything. Just another old internet loon.

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