Two wildly different approaches to become Georgia's next governor.

"Abrams used her legal experience to pore over the text of proposals. Early in her tenure, when a Republican legislator was struggling to explain the details of his own bill, she passed him a helpful note, and then another, and another. Finally he sat down next to her and let her explain it for him, she recalls. At the end of the hearing, she was the only one on the panel to vote against the bill, a minor regulatory measure. The Republican was shocked; why had she helped him? “I said, ‘Look, I think your bill is a bad idea. I just don’t think it should be bad law,'” Abrams says. “After that, Republicans would bring me their bills and ask me to look at them. They didn’t always agree with me, but they knew they could trust me, and not every disagreement has to become a battle.”"
Stacey Abram's ad:

Brian Kemp's ad:

She's running on healthcare, jobs, transportation, education.

He's running on guns, racism, threats and Trump.

It will be interesting to see which one Georgia picks.

I hate to have to say it, but it is Georgia. I'm guessing that sadly, he will win.

Don't sell Georgia short. There are good people there who will reject hatred and embrace thriving.
Stacey Abram's ad:

Brian Kemp's ad:

She's running on healthcare, jobs, transportation, education.

He's running on guns, racism, threats and Trump.

It will be interesting to see which one Georgia picks.

I hate to have to say it, but it is Georgia. I'm guessing that sadly, he will win.

Don't sell Georgia short. There are good people there who will reject hatred and embrace thriving.

Thriving they are and without the leftist prescriptions.
Stacey Abram's ad:

Brian Kemp's ad:

She's running on healthcare, jobs, transportation, education.

He's running on guns, racism, threats and Trump.

It will be interesting to see which one Georgia picks.

I hate to have to say it, but it is Georgia. I'm guessing that sadly, he will win.

Don't sell Georgia short. There are good people there who will reject hatred and embrace thriving.

Thriving they are and without the leftist prescriptions.

Those prescriptions include healthcare for all, community college or trade schools for all, dignity in retirement, protections for the environment and equality under the law. I fail to see how any of those things brings a bad outcome.
Those prescriptions include healthcare for all, community college or trade schools for all, dignity in retirement, protections for the environment and equality under the law. I fail to see how any of those things brings a bad outcome.

Who pays for it ?
Those prescriptions include healthcare for all, community college or trade schools for all, dignity in retirement, protections for the environment and equality under the law. I fail to see how any of those things brings a bad outcome.

Who pays for it ?
If we can afford a platinum plated military and tax breaks for the wealthy, surely we can afford to serve American citizens with services to benefit their lives.
Georgians want a politically incorrect conservative not a "Common Sense" centrist liberal

Abrams has to do record minority turnout and then carry 25% to 30% of the white vote
I've love to participate in this obtuse line of questioning. But, I'm not going to.
So you just want to bloviate and spew partisan far rightwing claptrap and not be accountable for it? Got it.

I know I'll regret asking the question, but what the heck. The candidate proposes expanding government programs in healthcare, jobs, transportation, and education. New or expanded programs in those areas come with a fiscal cost. From where do you think the money to cover those cost will come?

Very few candidates, on either side of the aisle, are honest enough to say, 'Hey, I'm going to pander to my base with a huge new program and raise your taxes to pay for it". Politispeak is full of implicit, not explicit consequences.
Would you be interested in a feasible way to pay for what she's proposing?

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Which GOP candidate for Georgia governor did Trump support? I tried looking it up on Google, but it's mega-confusing. When he made a statement in the Rose Garden today he congratulated one of them, maybe prematurely because apparently there'll be a runoff?

Trump tweeted support for Kemp after he was up by more than 18 points in the polls. Sort of like betting on a baseball game in the top of the 9th inning

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LoL! A very Trumpian thing to do. Kinda like how he disinvites people and/or teams who already said they're not going to the White House.

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I've love to participate in this obtuse line of questioning. But, I'm not going to.
So you just want to bloviate and spew partisan far rightwing claptrap and not be accountable for it? Got it.

I know I'll regret asking the question, but what the heck. The candidate proposes expanding government programs in healthcare, jobs, transportation, and education. New or expanded programs in those areas come with a fiscal cost. From where do you think the money to cover those cost will come?

Very few candidates, on either side of the aisle, are honest enough to say, 'Hey, I'm going to pander to my base with a huge new program and raise your taxes to pay for it". Politispeak is full of implicit, not explicit consequences.
Would you be interested in a feasible way to pay for what she's proposing?

Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk

I'm always interested in ideas. How feasible I believe they are is up to me.
Stacey Abram's ad:

Brian Kemp's ad:

She's running on healthcare, jobs, transportation, education.

He's running on guns, racism, threats and Trump.

It will be interesting to see which one Georgia picks.

I hate to have to say it, but it is Georgia. I'm guessing that sadly, he will win.

She's a left wing extremist who wants to raise taxes,give more handouts to parasites and blowup stone mountain. As I said last night on the news pages on FB for Georgia she will win the shithole areas of Georgia. Athens,Atlanta,Augusta,Savannah and that's it. Its gonna be a landslide.

Handouts to parasites? You mean uneducated white Appalachian Republicans? I wouldn't call them parasites exactly.

Neither would I, they work hard

This alone should guarantee Brian Kemp the vote. Hero!

That's who I voted for in the primary but he came in 5th. Kemp was my 2nd pick.
Stacey Abram's ad:

Brian Kemp's ad:

She's running on healthcare, jobs, transportation, education.

He's running on guns, racism, threats and Trump.

It will be interesting to see which one Georgia picks.

I hate to have to say it, but it is Georgia. I'm guessing that sadly, he will win.

She's a left wing extremist who wants to raise taxes,give more handouts to parasites and blowup stone mountain. As I said last night on the news pages on FB for Georgia she will win the shithole areas of Georgia. Athens,Atlanta,Augusta,Savannah and that's it. Its gonna be a landslide.

Handouts to parasites? You mean uneducated white Appalachian Republicans? I wouldn't call them parasites exactly.

I live in a North Georgia Appalachian town. Once all the parasitical mexishit left ALL of the town is practically employed! So nope I am talking about the ghetto trash in Apelanta

Stacey Abram's ad:

Brian Kemp's ad:

She's running on healthcare, jobs, transportation, education.

He's running on guns, racism, threats and Trump.

It will be interesting to see which one Georgia picks.

I hate to have to say it, but it is Georgia. I'm guessing that sadly, he will win.

She is appealing to suburban voters and he is appealing to rural voters. Stacy Abrams' campaign is where the future is and the question will be whether it is further down the road or today.

She's running on extremist lefty garbage with no way to pay for it. Apelanta is broke because all the white suburbanites live OUTSIDE of Atlanta and only work in Atlanta. This will be a slam dunk for Kemp plain and simple. She doesn't give a shit about jobs if she did she would help wages grow by agreeing to keep illegals OUT of our state! The future eh? I guess you are right. Mexishit and Negro's do breed like rabbits so more welfare recipients who are unfortunately allowed to vote will be the future unless we stop that shit. Hopefully we can institute a work/college requirement for welfare watch them flee the state.
the brother of Stacey Abrams has an uncurable mental illness. he likes walking the streets shirtless and shoeless. ewww
There’s something about runnin’ for office in the South that exaggerates that drawl and drops all those g’s.
Those prescriptions include healthcare for all, community college or trade schools for all, dignity in retirement, protections for the environment and equality under the law. I fail to see how any of those things brings a bad outcome.

Who pays for it ?
If we can afford a platinum plated military and tax breaks for the wealthy, surely we can afford to serve American citizens with services to benefit their lives.

Ah so wealthy people pay for it ?
Those prescriptions include healthcare for all, community college or trade schools for all, dignity in retirement, protections for the environment and equality under the law. I fail to see how any of those things brings a bad outcome.

Who pays for it ?

All .. until all run out of money.

All do not contribute


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