Two-year-old baby dies week after 2nd shot in COVID Pfizer trials, no cause given, CDC pulls report


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
Let the world rise and say Stop. Right. Now.

Pfizer and Moderna are going through clinical trials for their mRNA shots on more than 10,000 children as young as six months old. The trials of these vaccines started in mid-March.

Moderna refers to its study as KidCOVE. The children are also being used as guinea pig by Johnson and Johnson and AstraZeneca.

Meanwhile, its possible the parents of these children are unaware of these facts.

An update reports that the CDC has removed the VAERS report (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) report #1074247. Because reports are sequentially numbered it can be determined that a report is missing.


Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla

Let the world rise and say Stop. Right. Now.

Pfizer and Moderna are going through clinical trials for their mRNA shots on more than 10,000 children as young as six months old. The trials of these vaccines started in mid-March.

Moderna refers to its study as KidCOVE. The children are also being used as guinea pig by Johnson and Johnson and AstraZeneca.

Meanwhile, its possible the parents of these children are unaware of these facts.

An update reports that the CDC has removed the VAERS report (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) report #1074247. Because reports are sequentially numbered it can be determined that a report is missing.


Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla

What idiot is giving a 2 year the vaccine---they have very very little to worry about with covid 19 at all......why chance giving a baaby an experimental drug. Its parents must be really exceptionally stupid.
What idiot would give their 2 year old a jab???

Have you not had a vaccine of some sort when you were a child? Whooping cough? Measles?

Come on. You know you have.
Are you really this stupid? The vax is a EXPERIMENTAL drug. You know..not fully studied. Hello??????
I hope you don't have kids at your mercy.
What idiot would give their 2 year old a jab???

Have you not had a vaccine of some sort when you were a child? Whooping cough? Measles?

Come on. You know you have.
Are you really this stupid? The vax is a EXPERIMENTAL drug. You know..not fully studied. Hello??????
I hope you don't have kids at your mercy.

I reiterate what I said.
Could you answer my question truthfully?
See how good you are now.
What idiot would give their 2 year old a jab???

VAERS report is not authentic​

The original VAERS report of a 2-year-old dying after receiving the Pfizer vaccine no longer exists. CDC spokeswoman Kristen Nordlund said via email that it was removed from the system for being "completely made up."
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Let the world rise and say Stop. Right. Now.

Pfizer and Moderna are going through clinical trials for their mRNA shots on more than 10,000 children as young as six months old. The trials of these vaccines started in mid-March.

Moderna refers to its study as KidCOVE. The children are also being used as guinea pig by Johnson and Johnson and AstraZeneca.

Meanwhile, its possible the parents of these children are unaware of these facts.

An update reports that the CDC has removed the VAERS report (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) report #1074247. Because reports are sequentially numbered it can be determined that a report is missing.


Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla

What idiot would give their 2 year old a jab???

Have you not had a vaccine of some sort when you were a child? Whooping cough? Measles?

Come on. You know you have.
Are you really this stupid? The vax is a EXPERIMENTAL drug. You know..not fully studied. Hello??????
I hope you don't have kids at your mercy.

I reiterate what I said.
Could you answer my question truthfully?
See how good you are now.
Normal parents don't use their kids as GUINEA PIGS......they don't give their children experimental drugs and hope for the best...especially when the child is in almost absolutely no danger of being harmed by the virus.
Are you saying the vacinnes are still experimental? No doubt you have proof or is it you are a recalcitrant Republican.
WTF is wrong with you.................these vaccines came on and are being used as NOT fully tested. They are experimental....they are by defination experimental drugs that required a government waiver to keep their manufacturers from being sued because they are not fully tested and would likely kill people or cause other health issues.
No doubt you can prove they are experimental and have a government waver. I'll bet you can't.

But the irony, there are plenty on here are advocating ivermectin and trumps snake oil, and neither have a government waver and not registered for use again st covid.

You're got a short memory son. Do you ever think before you have post?

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