TX AG Paxon Acquitted 16-14

Hey if Texans want an immoral AG that's fine. I just think in the long run they'll choose to not have an immoral AG. In the long run, this is bad for Texas republicans.
3-4 Million Illegals , Refugees , Visa Overstayers Latin Down roots in Texas in last 30 months is bad for Texas
Michigan Nevada Wisconsin Pennsylvania Arizona North & South Carolina & Georgia going Red would also
You think Georgia is going red? It's consistently been trending towards blue for over a decade. South Carolina is blue? LOL! You have no idea what you're talking about. Stay in your lane, moron.

But back on topic, you think this is an overall win for repubs in Texas? What exactly did they win? They get to keep a corrupt AG in office and pay him back pay? LOL!
You think Georgia is going red? It's consistently been trending towards blue for over a decade. South Carolina is blue? LOL! You have no idea what you're talking about. Stay in your lane, moron.

But back on topic, you think this is an overall win for repubs in Texas? What exactly did they win? They get to keep a corrupt AG in office and pay him back pay? LOL!
Fuck you , South Carolina GOP is Lindsey Grahamnesty , I don’t need a Socially Liberal Turd Party Type tellingly me about GOP inroads after the Democommies go full Cloward / Piven
Fuck you , South Carolina GOP is Lindsey Grahamnesty , I don’t need a Socially Liberal Turd Party Type tellingly me about GOP inroads after the Democommies go full Cloward / Piven
What language was this? Were you speaking trumpanzee?
It was the Bush wing that wanted Paxton out of the way so they could install one of their own rino flunkies.... the Bush lovers are teaming up with dems to go after anyone who even smells like a Trump supporter....
Example in Georgia with Kemp and Willis.... all being orchestrated by W.....
I think it's far more than just the Bush Aristocracy, it's also some really old money families that own a fuckton of real estate and corporations. The Rothschild's sort of money that is too good to be printed. Bushes are their minions as well as the Kennedy's the way I see it. They own the political whores, the media and the money. They don't want some new money millionaires or billionaires screwing with their game.

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