TX AG Paxon Acquitted 16-14

"Zionism:" the belief that Israel has a God given right to the he Land of Israel

Zionist Fascism - the believe that it is "Gawd's will" that Israel reconquer the land defined in Ch1 of Book of Joshua by any means necessary, including

assassinating JFK, RFK, and MLK
trying to hate hoax the USS Liberty deliberate attack/murder into a US war with Egypt
offing 250 US Marines in Lebanon 1983 and trying to hate hoax it on Hezbo
murdering 4k on 911 and hate hoaxing it to "AQ" - starting two wars over total lies and nothing in US national interest
Murdering Pat Tillman and hate hoaxing it to "AQ"

The idiot SUBs who believe AMERICA exists to re-conquer that land for Israel, because that will result in Jesus floating down from the clouds, are the worst sub human traitors in America, IQ<5, no understanding of conservatism or even numbers. What has specifically wrecked the GOP is bringing in the SUB during the 1990s, since the SUB seeks and loves handouts and big government and no right to privacy and having armed Feds kick down hospital doors etc. And no matter how obvious the hate hoax, if it sends US troops to the Middle East to fight and die for Israel, these sick sub human traitors are alway for it.

The GOP needs to PURGE the SUB and ZIONIST FASCISM and go back to FISCAL CONSERVATISM, PATRIOTISM TO AMERICA, all the issues that worked for America in the 80s and 90s.
Yes. Dipshit. Have you ever heard of a bribe before?

You must be one of those Neanderthals that thinks that Republicans can't be bribed by the left.

Christ, all of that kick-back cash coming from Ukraine has to go somewhere. Not just to criminal Democrats, but to Republicans that don't mind being paid a stack of cash to forget their principles and take leave of their integrity?

Just how stupid can you fucking assholes get????

His own aids testified against him, and witnessed his crimes first hand.

The only thing that was discovered today is there is no bigger coward that exists than a Republican, and any further talk of law and order does not apply to them.

The country will now go forward this facts in hand.
His own aids testified against him, and witnessed his crimes first hand.

The only thing that was discovered today is there is no bigger coward that exists than a Republican, and any further talk of law and order does not apply to them.

The country will now go forward this facts in hand.

And couldn't come up with any evidence
Bush who ousted a Democratic incumbent when he ran for governor? Bush who was decisively reelected (unlike Trump) with the popular vote? Bush who got 44% of Hispanic voters during his reelection? Bush who was the last Republican candidate to win Nevada, New Mexico, Colorado, Virgnia, and New Hampshire?

Is that the "shit" you're talking about?

I don't agree with his foreign policy, but it's ironic to see people who support Trump criticize Bush.
Especially so since most of them were probably big Bush supporters during his time in office.
Just how stupid can you fucking assholes get????
They establish new depths daily. They dropped the bar long ago, it fell right through the core of the earth and blasted out of the Indian ocean into orbit.

It was last tracked approaching Saturn.
I guess the Bush influence on the impeachment was too obvious and they backtracked. I'm surprised at the vote.
The Republicans are who is impeaching him.
The fact that you Lefties refuse to recognize that RINOs are NOT representative of the whole party, doesn't make you correct. There's a civil war going on within the party and the RINOs are becoming desperate. If they manage to somehow remove Trump from the ballot, they will lose up and down the ticket in '24.

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