TX Gov. Abbott Reveals Plan to Authorize Every Officer in the State to Arrest Illegal Immigrants

Did you get that liberty threesome?
I’ve had many threesomes…I went to college in south Mexifornia with nothing but dumb immoral liberal whores…I had a fucking blast…smashed a ton of liberal ass.
Way to go Abbott! This will put Abbott at the top of the list for 2028. I hope he deports all of them.

---Governor Abbott Reveals Major Plan to Authorize Every Peace Officer in the State of Texas to Arrest Illegal Immigrants---

Go for it, Governor. Actually, it would be better to go after employers who hire undocumented workers. That would not only be fair but would also lower illegal immigration once the jobs dry up.

But then, which Republican wants to go after donors, amIright? Much better to fool the mouth-breathing party faithful with these types of stupid, useless red meat legislations.
Our Governor, Ron DeSantis, went public and told illegals, "You don't want to move to Florida. You won't like it here." No mercy.

Good on Abbot. dimocrap FILTH will, of course take him to Court. Try to shift blame and responsibility to the Judicial Branch. And, like the dimocrap Lapdogs they are, they'll give them the ruling they want. Like the Rio Grande blockades.

Didja ever notice, dimocrap scum are always real generous with other people's money, other people's cities and towns, but when it comes to their own, they get real pissy, turn into serious crybabies. Know why. Because dimocraps are the scum of the Earth.

Look at New Yawk Shitty and how they're crying the blues over a few thousand illegals, Cape Crud, remember that?

And now --

dimocraps truly are scum.
Hope it helps. At least UNLIKE Dimocrats, we try to come up with measures that will curb the flood.

By the way, since Moonglow always rushes in to trash ANY attempts to stop or slow the flood, I wonder how many illegals he has living with him? I mean, I assume someone that is pro-illegal, would put their money where their mouths are. Right?
Hope it helps. At least UNLIKE Dimocrats, we try to come up with measures that will curb the flood.

By the way, since Moonglow always rushes in to trash ANY attempts to stop or slow the flood, I wonder how many illegals he has living with him? I mean, I assume someone that is pro-illegal, would put their money where their mouths are. Right?
Telling you how the law works is pro-illegal, you are fucked up in la cabeza.

Prosecution of Employers for Hiring Unauthorized Workers Rare​

  • Only 11 individuals prosecuted between April 2018 and March 2019
  • Former ICE head had promised to quadruple work-site enforcement
Prosecutions of employers for knowingly hiring undocumented workers appear to be minuscule in comparison to prosecutions of other immigration-related crimes.

During the year running from April 2018 to March 2019, only 11 individuals were prosecuted in seven cases, and none were prosecuted in February or March 2019, according to the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC) at Syracuse University. No companies were prosecuted during that time.

During that same time frame, 85,727 individuals were prosecuted for illegal entry, 34,617 for illegal re-entry, and 4,733 were prosecuted for illegally bringing in or harboring immigrants, according to a TRAC analysis of Justice Department ...


Way to go Abbott! This will put Abbott at the top of the list for 2028. I hope he deports all of them.

---Governor Abbott Reveals Major Plan to Authorize Every Peace Officer in the State of Texas to Arrest Illegal Immigrants---

How would you do that? Whats the reasonable suspicion of a crime?

Prosecution of Employers for Hiring Unauthorized Workers Rare​

  • Only 11 individuals prosecuted between April 2018 and March 2019
  • Former ICE head had promised to quadruple work-site enforcement
Prosecutions of employers for knowingly hiring undocumented workers appear to be minuscule in comparison to prosecutions of other immigration-related crimes.

During the year running from April 2018 to March 2019, only 11 individuals were prosecuted in seven cases, and none were prosecuted in February or March 2019, according to the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC) at Syracuse University. No companies were prosecuted during that time.

During that same time frame, 85,727 individuals were prosecuted for illegal entry, 34,617 for illegal re-entry, and 4,733 were prosecuted for illegally bringing in or harboring immigrants, according to a TRAC analysis of Justice Department ...

Prosecution of Employers for Hiring Unauthorized Workers Rare

Don't you have to prove they knew they were illegals? I think so.

And if the 'illegal' presents documentation showing he is legal, what does a prospective employer do. Maybe take matters into his own hands and get fined Millions by the Feds?

You have a lot of complaints, how about some solutions.

Or better yet, maybe we can find some pretty-boy Gen Z types to work in the slaughterhouses, scraping guts up off the floor. Or work the fields in the July Heat.

We can't get enough workers as it is. Anywhere. And the ones we do get seem to have attitudes. Like they don't want to work. Hint: They don't.

At least, a lot of the illegals WANT to work, WANT to live the American Dream, WANT to raise decent families.

While most of America's youth would prefer to lay around playing on their Smart Phone all day.

The only thing I ask is that we have some idea, that we know who's coming in. We need some order

Prosecution of Employers for Hiring Unauthorized Workers Rare​

  • Only 11 individuals prosecuted between April 2018 and March 2019
  • Former ICE head had promised to quadruple work-site enforcement
Prosecutions of employers for knowingly hiring undocumented workers appear to be minuscule in comparison to prosecutions of other immigration-related crimes.

During the year running from April 2018 to March 2019, only 11 individuals were prosecuted in seven cases, and none were prosecuted in February or March 2019, according to the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC) at Syracuse University. No companies were prosecuted during that time.

During that same time frame, 85,727 individuals were prosecuted for illegal entry, 34,617 for illegal re-entry, and 4,733 were prosecuted for illegally bringing in or harboring immigrants, according to a TRAC analysis of Justice Department ...

Prosecution of Employers for Hiring Unauthorized Workers Rare

Yes, this should be dealt with by the state, but that would be real and result in him getting hammered by the powers that be.
Don't you have to prove they knew they were illegals? I think so.

And if the 'illegal' presents documentation showing he is legal, what does a prospective employer do. Maybe take matters into his own hands and get fined Millions by the Feds?

You have a lot of complaints, how about some solutions.

Or better yet, maybe we can find some pretty-boy Gen Z types to work in the slaughterhouses, scraping guts up off the floor. Or work the fields in the July Heat.

We can't get enough workers as it is. Anywhere. And the ones we do get seem to have attitudes. Like they don't want to work. Hint: They don't.

At least, a lot of the illegals WANT to work, WANT to live the American Dream, WANT to raise decent families.

While most of America's youth would prefer to lay around playing on their Smart Phone all day.

The only thing I ask is that we have some idea, that we know who's coming in. We need some order
In other words, you would rather go after the illegals than the employers who employ them? Yeah, spoken like a true trumptard.
In other words, you would rather go after the illegals than the employers who employ them? Yeah, spoken like a true trumptard.
And you, like the National Socialist you are, would prefer to accuse, try, convict and sentence people without due course. (note the lack of a question (?) mark at the end)

Sieg Heil, right Oberst-Gruppenfuhrer?

Tagged any Synagogues recently?
And you, like the National Socialist you are, would prefer to accuse, try, convict and sentence people without due course. (note the lack of a question (?) mark at the end)

Sieg Heil, right Oberst-Gruppenfuhrer?

Tagged any Synagogues recently?
Nah, I leave the harassment of the Jewish folks to right-wingers like you. So, how was your weekend? Hope you got your usual cross-burning party going.

Nah, I leave the harassment of the Jewish folks to right-wingers like you. So, how was your weekend? Hope you got your usual cross-burning party going.

The Pee-Wee Herman defense, huh?

It is your level

It cost our county millions of dollars in defending Joe Arpaio when Sheriff Joe took it upon his department to encroach on the federal power to enforcing border control. Don't expect Biden's justice department to stand idly by as the Supreme Court has in past ruled the federal government has the sole authority to deal with immigration.

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