Tx Rep. Steve Stockman Officially Questions The Validity Of Obama's Birth Certificate


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
What you folks are going to witness over the next few months is a coordinated strategy that has been planned behind closed doors over the past several months. Texas Rep. Steve Stockman has been consulting with Sheriff Joe Arpaio's lead investigator of his Cold Case Posse with the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office over Obama's fraudulent birth certificate and selective service registration form. What they have done with the coordinated help of Stockman's friend, Senator Ted Cruz, releasing his original birth certificate with a big fat raised seal is the beginning of exposing Barack Obama's ineligibility to be president. This early phase has caused the media, internet blogs and political message forums to jump all over the issue and get a dialogue started. Stockman has recruited Rep. Ted Yoho, Rep. Blake Farenthold and Rep. Lou Barletta to help with his efforts of getting a congressional committee together to investigate why Obama released a fraudulent birth document to the public on April 27, 2011. The committee will have authoritative broad subpoena powers that Sheriff Joe Arpaio and Mike Zullo will want so Hawaii Department of Health officials, Social Security Administration officials, Selective Service officials and White House officials can be brought in for questioning. Steve Stockman in the article below has now publically gone on record for the first time questioning the validity of Obama's birth document.

Here are excerpts from the interview~

WND » Obama eligibility skeptic goes public on Cruz » Print

WASHINGTON – To hear Rep. Steve Stockman, R-Texas, describe it, the difference between President Obama and Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas – on the question of their eligibility for the highest office in the land – may be a case of comparing apples and oranges.

The congressman said with Cruz, it is a legal question of whether he is eligible to serve as president – whereas the issue with Obama is not really about where he was born, but whether his documentation is authentic.


Obama, on the other hand, is the subject of Stockman’s proposed legislation calling for a congressional investigation of both the president’s constitutional eligibility and the authenticity of the birth certificate he released to show he was born in Hawaii.


In an exclusive interview with WND, Stockman said, in the case of Obama, it is more of a question about the validity of the documentation as well as his forthrightness, whereas with Cruz, it is more of a matter for legal and constitutional scholars to decide.


The congressman said he doesn’t really know if Cruz is eligible for the presidency, but Cruz has been upfront and Obama was not.

Stockman mentioned another element that separates the case of Cruz and that of the president: the persistence of reports that Obama was listed as a foreign student in school and the fact he has yet to release records that would disprove that.~

A News 4 report from Jacksonville noted that U.S. Rep. Ted Yoho has promised to back Texas Rep. Steve Stockman’s proposed bill to investigate the president’s birth certificate.

“So I called Steve up when I got back. He says, ‘Yeah, we’re doing it. You want to get on that?’” I says, ‘yeah,’” said Yoho.
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Eventually you guys will realize that the more you push on this issue, the more you'll alienate normal people.
Eventually you guys will realize that the more you push on this issue, the more you'll alienate normal people.

wrong, normal people want the truth. they do not like being lied to.

on that topic, why are obama's college applications still hidden from public view? why is he still paying lawyers to fight any court cases to get them released?

the possibilities:

1. he applied as a foreign student to get scholarships and grants because he is not an american citizen
2. he registered as a muslim
3. he is an american citizen and committed fraud to get free money
4. he applied as Barry Soetoro and then changed his name to Obama
Most likely..Obama won't get a third term because of this.

Man, you folks really know how to spoil a party!
Eventually you guys will realize that the more you push on this issue, the more you'll alienate normal people.

wrong, normal people want the truth. they do not like being lied to.

It's been six years, and everyone in the country is laughing at you guys. Obama has already been elected twice, and the birther thing really hasn't caught on.

on that topic, why are obama's college applications still hidden from public view?
For the same reason your college records are "sealed". They are private information, protected by law.
why is he still paying lawyers to fight any court cases to get them released?
He's not. There is no reason for him to do so, since those records are already protected by law.

the possibilities:

1. he applied as a foreign student to get scholarships and grants because he is not an american citizen
2. he registered as a muslim
3. he is an american citizen and committed fraud to get free money
4. he applied as Barry Soetoro and then changed his name to Obama



Anything is possible. Ridiculous racist rumors are not evidence of anything other than the fevered imagination of birthers.
There is NO "verifiable proof" that soetoro/obama was born in Hawaii. Electronic image of certificate of birth posted online - PROVEN FORGERY.

soetoro/obama selective service card - PROVEN ALTERED DOCUMENT.

soetoro/obama social security number - PROVEN TO BE ISSUED TO SOMEONE ELSE.


The man is a walking, talking FRAUD from START to FINISH, and the sad thing is, EVERYONE KNOWS IT, even those PRETENDING otherwise. They're nothing more than bubble headed mouth pieces that will repeat ANY LIE to COVER for their MESSIAH.
Who are the mods here? I would like to speak to one. I find it interesting that threads on Ted Cruz's eligibility to be president and birth certificate are not moved to the conspiracy forum but threads about Obama's is.
Let me make this clear... I don't care where the Stuttering Clusterfukk was born.

He is an asswipe and the worst president in our history. Period. That said...

There are THOUSANDS and thousands of children born every year outside of Hospitals. Happens every day. In a lot of cases, the Mother does it on purpose. She uses a Mid Wife, gives birth, relaxes for a few days and shows up at the Hospital a week later for her and her baby to be checked out by a Doctor.

And that is where the Baby is issued a 'Certificate of Live Birth'. All the Doctor is saying is that, 'yeah I saw the baby, it's alive and here's the details.'

He has no idea where the baby was actually born. Might have been on Pluto and caught the Last Spacecraft out.

Sometimes, a baby is born on the way to the Hospital. In a Cab, in the back seat, in a Police Car...

Certificate of Live Birth gets issued.

What we have seen from the Stuttering Clusterfukk is a Copy, a Certificate of Live Birth, NOT a Birth Certificate.

It could be that the original was lost. Either by his slut of a mother, by himself or by the hospital or the County.

Or it could be that he never had one.

That his mama showed up a week after he was born, went to the Hospital and said, "I gave birth at home and wanted to have him/it checked out."

I think Rosemary's Baby was out at the time.

As to the ad in the paper about her having a baby? Easy, Stanley Ann's mama took care of that.

And if there's any other question about whether it's a forgery or not.....

The attending physician signed his name... U. K. L Lee...... As in Ukelele.


Funny stuff. Some real comedians, huh?


Like I said, I don't care.

I'm just adding my two cents that I don't think all the birthers are nuts.

Not by a long shot
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Eventually you guys will realize that the more you push on this issue, the more you'll alienate normal people.

that was the obot/antbirther strategy, which almost made it, but failed. it's an alinsky thing.

if Obama lied about anything in his past or used the power of office to intimidate, it's not going to be good for his party either.
Even Obama's own attorney admits it is a forgery. What more do you want?


This never happened.

We're all readily aware that "snopes" is a leftist front. That being said, it doesn't make any difference if it's a forgery or not because the colossal pile of shit has made a college course of how to hide his own past. With this there can be no denial. I don't care if he was born in HI or on mars. Personally, I believe it is a forgery. The reasons for doing so are more important to me than the act itself but for what it is worth, I don't believe the spear chunker from Kenya is his father. Probably just some black dude that his whore of a mother chose to bang when she was standing underneath a red light.
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Eventually you guys will realize that the more you push on this issue, the more you'll alienate normal people.

that was the obot/antbirther strategy, which almost made it, but failed. it's an alinsky thing.

if Obama lied about anything in his past or used the power of office to intimidate, it's not going to be good for his party either.

So, you're blaming "Obamabots" for making fools out of yourselves for the last 6 years?

People don't take you guys seriously because of what you guys have claimed.
Even Obama's own attorney admits it is a forgery. What more do you want?

I think that was a misinterpreted quote, or quotes out of context. I could never see where his attorney said that. it was a hot topic for awhile. I wish he had, i'm a semi-professional birther.

but there are so many other things.

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