Typical Democrat stupidity


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2014
So the price of gas is going down due to increased production in spite of the Obama Administration's opposition to fracking, which is increasing the production.

Americans are saving a ton of money. So what do the stupid Democrats want to do? They want to take that money from the American people that earned it and spend it on inefficient and often corrupt .government projects. The idiots call it "infrastructure improvements" but we all know it is bridges to no where and million dollar rest restrooms all paid for at union wages. We all saw how money was wasted in other of Obama's "shovel ready" projects.

The Democrats hate for Americans to keep the money they earn. The Democrats think that wages should go to the government. They think jobs are somehow created when they take money away from the people that earn it and spend it on some bureaucratic program. Not understanding economics that don't know they are losing the jobs that the money would have been spent on by the people that earned the money.

Fuel prices fall time for gas tax hike Pennsylvania s Rendell

Fuel is cheaper—so let's hike gas tax: Former governor

Consumers may be enjoying extra money in their pockets thanks to lower gas prices, but former Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell suggests they shouldn't get used to it.

Gas prices, on average, are about 50 cents less a gallon than a year ago, giving a de facto tax cut and providing relief to millions of consumers as the holiday season kicks into high gear. However, a growing number of politicians have suggested that, given cheaper fuel costs, conditions might be ripe to hike federal taxes on gas in order to help fund infrastructure projects.
Damn I called that. Or something like it. I had predicted Obama would slap tariffs on imports. But this is sort of similar.
Yea, bridges, roads, sewers, education and so on are such a ridiculous waste of money. Better to lay around in pig slop and breath in filth. I love to gamble. Like driving my family over a dilapidated bridge. What a rush. You should try it some time.
Intelligent, of course. The gas tax hasn't kept up with inflation, so roads and bridges are badly underfunded.

Also interesting, how conservatives are hate-screaming against a perfect example of flat-tax national sales tax type thing. I guess all their claims about wanting a flat tax were just bullshit. By conservative dogma, people who use the roads should not fund the roads, but everyone else should.
1st thing: The administration is not anti-fracking.

2nd thing: one doesn't get gasoline from fracking.
Yea, bridges, roads, sewers, education and so on are such a ridiculous waste of money. Better to lay around in pig slop and breath in filth. I love to gamble. Like driving my family over a dilapidated bridge. What a rush. You should try it some time.
These projects would only create a minimal number of temporary jobs, and once complete, they wouldn't employ anyone.

Like the Keystone XL.

Right? Ya stoopid fuck. :slap:
1st thing: The administration is not anti-fracking.

2nd thing: one doesn't get gasoline from fracking.

Both statements are wrong.

Sorry, but it appears that the link to the evidence that supports your assertion is mysteriously not showing up.


I think the lack of evidence y'all are able to come up with speaks for itself, but whatever.

President Obama Gets It Fracking Is Awesome - Forbes
So the price of gas is going down due to increased production in spite of the Obama Administration's opposition to fracking, which is increasing the production.

Americans are saving a ton of money. So what do the stupid Democrats want to do? They want to take that money from the American people that earned it and spend it on inefficient and often corrupt .government projects. The idiots call it "infrastructure improvements" but we all know it is bridges to no where and million dollar rest restrooms all paid for at union wages. We all saw how money was wasted in other of Obama's "shovel ready" projects.

The Democrats hate for Americans to keep the money they earn. The Democrats think that wages should go to the government. They think jobs are somehow created when they take money away from the people that earn it and spend it on some bureaucratic program. Not understanding economics that don't know they are losing the jobs that the money would have been spent on by the people that earned the money.

Fuel prices fall time for gas tax hike Pennsylvania s Rendell

Fuel is cheaper—so let's hike gas tax: Former governor

Consumers may be enjoying extra money in their pockets thanks to lower gas prices, but former Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell suggests they shouldn't get used to it.

Gas prices, on average, are about 50 cents less a gallon than a year ago, giving a de facto tax cut and providing relief to millions of consumers as the holiday season kicks into high gear. However, a growing number of politicians have suggested that, given cheaper fuel costs, conditions might be ripe to hike federal taxes on gas in order to help fund infrastructure projects.

How would you propose to repair and improve the nation's transportation infrastructure?

Or do you simply deny that it ever needs repair and improvement?
The rightwing propaganda machine will always use this standard procedure to perpetuate the derangement:

a. If it's bad, it's Obama's fault

b. If it's good, it's happening in spite of Obama
When you pass trillion dollars infrastructure bills there's no need for a gas tax. Get rid of it and get gas below $2.00 a gallon. Idiots.
Here's where we can get some infrastructure money -

Stop sending aid to the Israelis, who use it to fund weaponry used to destroy Palestinian property, which then costs us more in aid to the Palestinians to rebuild.
Here's where we can get some infrastructure money -

Stop sending aid to the Israelis, who use it to fund weaponry used to destroy Palestinian property, which then costs us more in aid to the Palestinians to rebuild.
Aid to Israel is about $2B/year. Most of that comes in the form of weapons and supplies purchased from US suppliers.
So a tiny amount that is spent in the US anyyway.
Sorry to burst your Nazi bubble, Heinrich.

Well, I'm not a subscriber and therefore can't read that. Perhaps you can just quote the part that tell how they get gasoline from fracking.

Perhaps I should just quote the second link:

U.S. crude production rose to the highest level in a quarter-century as a shale drilling boom in states such as Texas and North Dakota cut the need for foreign oil and pushed the country closer to energy independence.

The U.S. pumped 8.075 million barrels a day in the week ended Dec. 6, a gain of 0.8 percent, or 64,000 barrels a day, the Energy Information Administration said today. It’s the most since October 1988.

“You can’t swing a cat without hitting a barrel of oil in North America,” said Stephen Schork, president of the Schork Group Inc., an energy consulting firm in Villanova, Pennsylvania. “It’s amazing how quickly things can change.”

U.S. oil output grew 18 percent in the past 12 months, the fastest pace on record, boosting fuel exports and reducing reliance on imports, according to the EIA. The boom will make the country the world’s largest producer by 2015, five years sooner than last year’s forecast, the International Energy Agency in Paris said last month.

Imported crude and petroleum products will dip to 28 percent of domestic demand next year, the lowest since 1985 and down from a peak of 60 percent in 2005, the EIA said yesterday in its Short-Term Energy Outlook. Refined product exports have advanced 16 percent so far this year, EIA data show.

West Texas Intermediate oil for January delivery dropped $1.07, or 1.1 percent, to settle at $97.44 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange. WTI traded at a discount of $12.26 a barrel to Brent crude, the European benchmark.

Fracking Boom Pushes U.S. Oil Output to 25-Year High - Bloomberg

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