"Typical White person"

There is a wonderful Seinfeld episode in which they take the idea that so long as you are of something you can then criticize that same something, because after all you couldn't be prejudiced, because then you would be prejudiced against yourself. When I read nonsense such as most of the posts above about how Obama is now tainted by being associated with someone I wonder at the mentality that can go through their own heads, and through all their friends' verbal thoughts and arrive at the conclusion that I/we have never thought any of these bad thoughts nor do any of my friends think any of these bad thoughts because if they did I wouldn't have anything to do with them.

"And he set me free to forgive stupidity, and he set me free to praise God in spite of an oppressive government. Our government has been oppressing folk since we stole this country from the Comanche. But I'm going to praise Him in spite of the government. Our country has been oppressing folks since it defined African men as three-fifths of a person. But I'm gonna praise Him in spite of our government. Our country has been oppressing folk since the Dred Scott decision in the 1850s and Plessy versus Ferguson at the end of last century. But I'm gonna praise him in spite of this government." Jeremiah Wright
There is a wonderful Seinfeld episode in which they take the idea that so long as you are of something you can then criticize that same something, because after all you couldn't be prejudiced, because then you would be prejudiced against yourself. When I read nonsense such as most of the posts above about how Obama is now tainted by being associated with someone I wonder at the mentality that can go through their own heads, and through all their friends' verbal thoughts and arrive at the conclusion that I/we have never thought any of these bad thoughts nor do any of my friends think any of these bad thoughts because if they did I wouldn't have anything to do with them.

"And he set me free to forgive stupidity, and he set me free to praise God in spite of an oppressive government. Our government has been oppressing folk since we stole this country from the Comanche. But I'm going to praise Him in spite of the government. Our country has been oppressing folks since it defined African men as three-fifths of a person. But I'm gonna praise Him in spite of our government. Our country has been oppressing folk since the Dred Scott decision in the 1850s and Plessy versus Ferguson at the end of last century. But I'm gonna praise him in spite of this government." Jeremiah Wright

It isn't "associated with" for one thing. Obama has stated he considers Wright a friend, and mentor, among other things. He also has attended Wright's church for 20+ years.

You don't attend a church for 20+ years and not agree in principle to it's view on politics, as expressed by the pastor. That goes a little deeper than "associated with."

There is no reason to NOT question it. He's only running for President. Y'all sure hopped on the bandwagon about Romney being a Mormon and Huckabee and evangelical Christian quick enough.

I'm not asking you to apply any but the same standard to Obama you do when you start digging into GOP candidates and/or their religious beliefs.
It isn't "associated with" for one thing. Obama has stated he considers Wright a friend, and mentor, among other things. He also has attended Wright's church for 20+ years.

You don't attend a church for 20+ years and not agree in principle to it's view on politics, as expressed by the pastor. That goes a little deeper than "associated with."

There is no reason to NOT question it. He's only running for President. Y'all sure hopped on the bandwagon about Romney being a Mormon and Huckabee and evangelical Christian quick enough.

I'm not asking you to apply any but the same standard to Obama you do when you start digging into GOP candidates and/or their religious beliefs.

So, what did he mean?

The reason I ask is that "typical" is indicative of the use of a stereotype. Stereotypes can be positive or negative. So, removed from context I need to ask, what did he mean?

I think he meant exactly what he said, what do YOU think he meant?

TYPICAL WHITE PERSON, its NOT difficult Diuretic, give it a try, just leave out the liberal spin.

There you go now...................:rolleyes:
That writer you quote is a conservative Kathie. He changed 180 on 911.

Now the white man The Rev was quoting in his speech? Well he is a diplomat 32 years experience in middle east affairs and he TRIED to tell the American people not to let Bush take us to war with Iraq.

Everything he warned about came true.

Well, at least in your somewhat perverted world it did.............:cuckoo:
I think he meant exactly what he said, what do YOU think he meant?

TYPICAL WHITE PERSON, its NOT difficult Diuretic, give it a try, just leave out the liberal spin.

There you go now...................:rolleyes:

Are you capable of making a post without being a fucking dickhead?
The way I see it, Obama's use of the phrase "typical white person" was a simple Freudian slip. And yes, that means I think Obama has tried to put on a nice face for the voting public, but it is only a mask. This slip combined with his continued close ties to people like Wright, and his "tossing Grand-momma under the train" tells me that Obama is every bit a racist. He's a smooth-talking, silver-tongued devil to be certain, which might be all he needs to get the Democrat nomination for POTUS in 2008.

Remember another great speaker who never made it? William Jennings Bryan. He was known as the "Golden Orator" and the "Great Commoner." Just food for thought....
The way I see it, Obama's use of the phrase "typical white person" was a simple Freudian slip. And yes, that means I think Obama has tried to put on a nice face for the voting public, but it is only a mask. This slip combined with his continued close ties to people like Wright, and his "tossing Grand-momma under the train" tells me that Obama is every bit a racist. He's a smooth-talking, silver-tongued devil to be certain, which might be all he needs to get the Democrat nomination for POTUS in 2008.

Remember another great speaker who never made it? William Jennings Bryan. He was known as the "Golden Orator" and the "Great Commoner." Just food for thought....
and Bryan won what?
The true issue is "oppertunity " and race is a crutch or excuse for failure . I point to the illegals who have taken a risk and entered this country chasing oppertunity. The work ethic has been their savior. The same as I was taught by my Mother. The illegals take jobs Americans won't do is the cry from the right and keeps our Economy growing. The left wants to be their MOMMY and save them with social programs(give aways) that provide more gov. jobs. The sad thing is Illegal Hispanics and the cultrual values they posess will pass other indigenous cultures in America who refuse to except so called "white values". Coveting MATERIAL things without excepting the intrinsic values of a culture the gets you there is the problem. Short cuts to wealth in sports, music , TV, and film are not going to raise all boats. Bill Cosby was bold enough to sound off about his own race prpbalby because he cares and also has enough money. Look what a responce THAT got him from his own race. A black man who achieves success with "white values" is labeled a " orieo cookie". Here in 2008 we have a candidate who for a long time trancended race. Although he spoke mostly of change change change.. it was what people wanted to hear. Most people are ready to let race be a thing of the past but the problem is the fear that there will be no crutch to fall back on if failure can't be blamed on "whitey". Unmasked, Barack is now just another black candidate hoping to find enough guilt in white Americans to help put him in the (ironic) White house.
Cultural differences are welcomed in festivals in cities across America. They tend to be displays of the "flavors" of immigrant cultures still remembered by Americans. The Irish festival, the polish festival, etc... the main thing all successful cultures shared can be tied to what I call "the 10 commandment philosophy". Whatever your god or good book place that in the blank but all cultures need morals and values to be successful . What type of food , dress, or music they like is what make them different. But ridiculing people of your own race for choosing the values of a work ethic and decent behavior says to me "I'd rather fail than be called an orieo cookie". now that is HATRED . just like Rev. Wright espounded in HIS so called church. This campaign is an end run on Americans and not an up the middle this is what I beleive in campaign. Barack may beleive in some of the things Mr Cosby says but after all he IS a politician and that is not the way to get votes.
The true issue is "oppertunity " and race is a crutch or excuse for failure . I point to the illegals who have taken a risk and entered this country chasing oppertunity. The work ethic has been their savior. The same as I was taught by my Mother. The illegals take jobs Americans won't do is the cry from the right and keeps our Economy growing. The left wants to be their MOMMY and save them with social programs(give aways) that provide more gov. jobs. The sad thing is Illegal Hispanics and the cultrual values they posess will pass other indigenous cultures in America who refuse to except so called "white values". Coveting MATERIAL things without excepting the intrinsic values of a culture the gets you there is the problem. Short cuts to wealth in sports, music , TV, and film are not going to raise all boats. Bill Cosby was bold enough to sound off about his own race prpbalby because he cares and also has enough money. Look what a responce THAT got him from his own race. A black man who achieves success with "white values" is labeled a " orieo cookie". Here in 2008 we have a candidate who for a long time trancended race. Although he spoke mostly of change change change.. it was what people wanted to hear. Most people are ready to let race be a thing of the past but the problem is the fear that there will be no crutch to fall back on if failure can't be blamed on "whitey". Unmasked, Barack is now just another black candidate hoping to find enough guilt in white Americans to help put him in the (ironic) White house.
Cultural differences are welcomed in festivals in cities across America. They tend to be displays of the "flavors" of immigrant cultures still remembered by Americans. The Irish festival, the polish festival, etc... the main thing all successful cultures shared can be tied to what I call "the 10 commandment philosophy". Whatever your god or good book place that in the blank but all cultures need morals and values to be successful . What type of food , dress, or music they like is what make them different. But ridiculing people of your own race for choosing the values of a work ethic and decent behavior says to me "I'd rather fail than be called an orieo cookie". now that is HATRED . just like Rev. Wright espounded in HIS so called church. This campaign is an end run on Americans and not an up the middle this is what I beleive in campaign. Barack may beleive in some of the things Mr Cosby says but after all he IS a politician and that is not the way to get votes.

The basic facts remain the same. Obama calls Wright a friend and mentor. He embraces the teachings of Wright's church, as evidenced by 20 years of attendance without seeking out another he felt he agreed with more.

Wright's message is divisive, radical, full of half-truthes at best, an dat least the excerpt shown was political not religious ...

Compare the reaction of the left to the above -- basically trying to sweep it under the rug -- with the left's reaction to a politician speaking at the Baptist National Convention in 2000.

Huckabee being an evangelical Christian.

Ron Paul accepting a contribution from an alleged racist organization.

Mitt Romney being a Mormon.

When applying the same standard to Obama, there doesn't seem to be enough threads in this forum initiated by liberals villifying Obama, his pastor, wails against impending theocracy, cries of racism, calls for Wright's church's tax exempt status to be revoked for his preaching politics ...

That alone, IMO, makes this whole thing a really sick joke. It isn't about the truth. It isn't about being fair and applying the same standards.

It's about being a Democrat.
Ask that when you examine why if a white man said that phrase and reason for that phrase about blacks they would be crucified, fired and accussed of racism as fast as the words were said.

Like what would happen if McCain were spotted at a Klan rally?:rolleyes:
My sister and I were discussin Obama the other day at a family get together. She is in college at Texas State University in San Marcos, TX. We were talking about Obama's recent diagnosis of "black victim" syndrome and this lead into his being half-black and half white. I asked her, "Why is it that he identifies himself more to be black than white?
My sister replied, "Well that's not true, when he spoke to the university, he embraced his 'whiteness'."
I then asked her what the ratio of blacks to white are in San Marcos.
She didn't know...so we looked it up.

%5.5 of the population in San Marcos, TX are blacks.

Well that explains his speech then.
That's about an ignorant conclusion to come to considering nothing I stated bears it out.

Perhaps we should let it be known from this point forward that you think it's just fine and dandy to talk out both sides of your mouth as it suits your agenda?

The simple fact of the matter that appears to be a bit beyond your steeltrap mind is that if one believes it is wrong for one to do it, then one should aslo believe it is wrong for EVERYONE. Right? As in, having the same standard?

You very well could be the most educated idiot I've ever encountered. No offense.

Here is your position in a nutshell, and by all means, tell me if I have it wrong:

The comment [typical white person] itself doesn't offend you, however the fact that it doesn't offend anyone else either offends you.

Do you have any idea how stupid that is? To bitch about other people not being offended by something to which you too are not offended.

Where is the common sense in that?

Hint: It's wholly absent.
You very well could be the most educated idiot I've ever encountered. No offense.

Here is your position in a nutshell, and by all means, tell me if I have it wrong:

The comment [typical white person] itself doesn't offend you, however the fact that it doesn't offend anyone else either offends you.

Do you have any idea how stupid that is? To bitch about other people not being offended by something to which you too are not offended.

Where is the common sense in that?

Hint: It's wholly absent.

The fact is, if a white candidate had said the words, "typical black person." (regardless of intentions--or used in the same manner as Obama), Jesse Jackson would come out of his hole, the NAACP would be all over his case, and their would be demonstrations in the streets. Whether he meant it to be racial or not, there is a double standard. "Typical white person" doesn't offend me directly, but it offends me that blacks would be up-in-arms about a comment like this...and blaming white people of racism
The fact is, if a white candidate had said the words, "typical black person." (regardless of intentions--or used in the same manner as Obama), Jesse Jackson would come out of his hole, the NAACP would be all over his case, and their would be demonstrations in the streets. Whether he meant it to be racial or not, there is a double standard. "Typical white person" doesn't offend me directly, but it offends me that blacks would be up-in-arms about a comment like this...and blaming white people of racism

Basically this sums it up. The whole point is the double-standard issue.

Why this needs to be discussed anymore in depth, and cause any more division then it already has, is beyond me.

ANY white person would be persecuted for saying the same thing that a black front-running presidential candidate just got away with.

What else really needs to be debated?
The fact is, if a white candidate had said the words, "typical black person." (regardless of intentions--or used in the same manner as Obama), Jesse Jackson would come out of his hole, the NAACP would be all over his case, and their would be demonstrations in the streets. Whether he meant it to be racial or not, there is a double standard. "Typical white person" doesn't offend me directly, but it offends me that blacks would be up-in-arms about a comment like this...and blaming white people of racism

So what?

It offends you that black people are sensitive to references about their skin color? Why on earth should you be offended by that? It has absolutely nothing to do with you.

"typical white person" doesn't offend most white people
"typical black person" likely offends many black people

Why would these simple and reasonable realities be such a great cause for consternation?

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