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I guess you think whites are politically educated, you showed how ignorant you are voting for Donald Trump.

You mean the President that lowered my taxes, got rid of Commie Care fines, kept gasoline and utilities at a reasonable cost, secured our border, kept inflation at bay which of course kept interest rates at bay, gave us a growing stock market which greatly helped my IRA?

I guess in my ignorance I should have voted for Biden that gave us what we have today, huh?
What did the CRA or VRA do for one black person? What a asinine question.

If you can't answer just say so. The Voters Rights act would only have given our federal government the ability to override states rights in telling them how they must conduct their elections like getting rid of Voter-ID. Democrats hate any measures that help stop them from cheating elections.
You mean the President that lowered my taxes, got rid of Commie Care fines, kept gasoline and utilities at a reasonable cost, secured our border, kept inflation at bay which of course kept interest rates at bay, gave us a growing stock market which greatly helped my IRA?

I guess in my ignorance I should have voted for Biden that gave us what we have today, huh?
Right, thxs President Obama. We are seeing the full effects of Trump's policies and tax cuts today.
If you can't answer just say so. The Voters Rights act would only have given our federal government the ability to override states rights in telling them how they must conduct their elections like getting rid of Voter-ID. Democrats hate any measures that help stop them from cheating elections.
That's a good thing, see it was because of States Rights that black folks didn't have the right to vote at all. Give up the Trump bullshit about cheating elections, even the judges that Trump himself put on the bench have stated there was no cheating, hell even his AG said there was not cheating.
That's a good thing, see it was because of States Rights that black folks didn't have the right to vote at all. Give up the Trump bullshit about cheating elections, even the judges that Trump himself put on the bench have stated there was no cheating, hell even his AG said there was not cheating.

How would we know that unless it was thoroughly investigated? They didn't say there was no cheating, they said there was no evidence of it. Nobody can say if there was cheating or not until we get smart and get rid of technology in our voting system; do it the way we used to do it and countries in Europe still do which is hand count all ballots.

While there is no evidence of polling places cheating, there is evidence of the Communists cheating by sending out their FBI to suppress news in social media about the Biden scandals. If not for that, Trump would be President today so yes, that is cheating the elections.
How would we know that unless it was thoroughly investigated? They didn't say there was no cheating, they said there was no evidence of it. Nobody can say if there was cheating or not until we get smart and get rid of technology in our voting system; do it the way we used to do it and countries in Europe still do which is hand count all ballots.
States did investigate it and didn't find anything, it's just right wing, Trump Humpers who can't believe that Trump lost.
While there is no evidence of polling places cheating, there is evidence of the Communists cheating by sending out their FBI to suppress news in social media about the Biden scandals. If not for that, Trump would be President today so yes, that is cheating the elections.
No, the American people sent that racist assclown down the road. One and done, the country realized the mistake if made of electing a racist, egotistical, narcissist.
No, what we are seeing is the results of Dementia's policies today and all the vote buying and pork spending by the Communists.
Funny how you right wingers never whine about the deficit until a Democrat is in the WH, Trump ran up the debt
Under Donald Trump, the U.S. national debt rose by nearly $7.8 trillion, following the third-largest primary deficit growth out of all U.S. presidents except for George W. Bush and Abraham Lincoln
Please show me one female or person of color who signed the Declaration of Independence.

What was the criteria to vote when the country was founded?

Black folks were only considered to be 3/5ths human .
thats doesnt mean it was for white men,,,

the rest of your BS is your revisionist history,,
thats doesnt mean it was for white men,,,

the rest of your BS is your revisionist history,,
Who the hell was it for if not for white men. Were black folks not considered to only be 3/5ths human? Show me a woman who signed the Declaration of Independence. Show me a woman or person of color who helped to write the Constitution.

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