Tyre Nichols? How about supporting cops.

of course its about justification,, you just dont want it to be cause youre the typical nazi fuck that wants a police state,,,

one of your flaws is you think people have money to hire a lawyer to fight it in court,, more so when it can run into the tens of thousands,,

you might want to go watch some of the 1st amendment auditors that show most cops dont even know what the laws are let alone the constitution,,

now in this case since its looking like a hit job by one of the cops tyre might have seen that it was his girlfriends baby daddy on top of him and decide to run instead of being beaten to death,,
I have been stopped by police too. I answer their questions and provide my Id when they ask for it. If I get a ticket for an infraction I take my ticket. and a few minutes later I am on my way. you are one of those idiots that if police stops you and question you, you get your panties in a bunch right away.
I have been stopped by police too. I answer their questions and provide my Id when they ask for it. If I get a ticket for an infraction I take my ticket. and a few minutes later I am on my way. you are one of those idiots that if police stops you and question you, you get your panties in a bunch right away.
since when did become about you???
Everybody seems to enjoy coming down on the cops. But do any of you ever stop to consider the difficult and dangerous job they do? All those who are against the cops would be shitting bricks if they weren't around. And just look at the case of Tyre Nichols. Did he deserve to be beaten as severely as he was? Maybe not. But did he deserve to be beaten? Definitely! If you are going to resist the police, you get what you get. I saw both the videos. In the first body cam video, he wouldn't let the cops cuff him. If he had, none of the rest would have followed. From what I saw of the first video, they did manage to get cuffs on one of his hands. Before he broke free and took off.

Then there is the second video taken from a camera on the top of a pole when the cops caught him again. In none of it was he allowing the cops to cuff him again. Despite the beatings. Apparently the cops got fed up, stood him up and really beat him. I doubt very much if they wanted to beat him to the point that he would die 3 days later. But if you play that game, you take your chances. Like it or not, suspects don't get to decide on whether or not they get arrested. On that last point, do you agree or disagree.
I SUPPORT THE COPS IN THIS CASE! I support the cops that immediately suspended them. I support the cop (Top Cop in that city) that fired them. I support the Memphis Police department turning all footage over to Shelby County Prosecutor and making it public.
Along with the cops of the city police of the City of Memphis, TN, I also support the Elected leaders of that Blues city, by the Big Muddy Mississippi for handling this from start to finish, with openness, candar, outreach to family thousands of miles away, many timely updates to the local and national news media. The elected leaders, the police and community leaders and the family of the victim acted in good judgement and restraint in a time that have seen lesser cities, devolve into violence. Their actions should be a model to the rest other the country.
Did not pull over stop#1. Ran off stop #2. Did not cooperate stop#3....then got clocked....oh boo hoo.

LW loons think Cops have 8 hour shifts for every Black - runner - resistor - fighter.

And want us to pay for it? Send in Counselors lol! take all day on every criminal. What a bunch of saps!

Blacks have been given 60yrs of second chances And free money. Times up. Avoid the violent criminals at all costs.//
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since when did become about you???
it is not about me. it is about people been too stupid to do what is best for them. where they think running from police is in their best interest. there are many US citizens that do comply with police instructions and do not have the idiotic notion that they can remedy a situation by resisting police and take off running.
it is not about me. it is about people been too stupid to do what is best for them. where they think running from police is in their best interest. there are many US citizens that do comply with police instructions and do not have the idiotic notion that they can remedy a situation by resisting police and take off running.
if its not about you then why did you make it about you??

and now youre making it about other people that werent even involved in beating an innocent man to death,,

dude you are all over the place,,
If Tyre had merely been chased, possibly tazed to stop his flight and only subjected to a limited amount of force to subdue him and effect his arrest, we wouldn’t be having this conversation.

I happen to harbor great respect for the rank and file police in our land. But that doesn’t mean that any of them — or any group of them — should be allowed to get away with what happened to Tyre.

Let’s get very basic here; and I don’t know how anyone can honestly disagree with this point: Tyre should not be dead.
If Tyre had merely been chased, possibly tazed to stop his flight and only subjected to a limited amount of force to subdue him and effect his arrest, we wouldn’t be having this conversation.

I happen to harbor great respect for the rank and file police in our land. But that doesn’t mean that any of them — or any group of them — should be allowed to get away with what happened to Tyre.

Let’s get very basic here; and I don’t know how anyone can honestly disagree with this point: Tyre should not be dead.
the cops had an 800 lb advantage over him,, they were intent on beating him to death,,

fact is most cops are dirty and think they are above all laws of they even know what the laws are,,
the cops had an 800 lb advantage over him,, they were intent on beating him to death,,
They appear to have been intent on beating him. The intent to kill is not as clear. The wrongfulness of their behavior is clear anyway.
fact is most cops are dirty and think they are above all laws of they even know what the laws are,,
That’s not a “fact.” That’s an opinion. A set of opinions.
They appear to have been intent on beating him. The intent to kill is not as clear. The wrongfulness of their behavior is clear anyway.

That’s not a “fact.” That’s an opinion. A set of opinions.
an opinion based on personal experience and many many videos of watching them ignore and violate laws,,

its looking like he was targeted by one of them because he was dating his babies momma,,
an opinion based on personal experience and many many videos of watching them ignore and violate laws,,

its looking like he was targeted by one of them because he was dating his babies momma,,
That’s like saying I was beat up by a black guy once and I see some videos of black guys beating up some whites or Asians therefore all black people are inherently vicious and violent.

It’s not factual. It isn’t logical. It’s just an opinion.

By contrast, I’ve seen lots of cops do wonderful things (including just doing their jobs). I see the benefit to a community when policing is done properly.

Do we need to weed out the kinds of police who do what you say you were the victim of? And should we get rid of cops who do that kind of criminal behavior that Tyre was subjected to? Obviously. Of course. But that doesn’t make all or even most cops like that.
That’s like saying I was beat up by a black guy once and I see some videos of black guys beating up some whites or Asians therefore all black people are inherently vicious and violent.

It’s not factual. It isn’t logical. It’s just an opinion.

By contrast, I’ve seen lots of cops do wonderful things (including just doing their jobs). I see the benefit to a community when policing is done properly.

Do we need to weed out the kinds of police who do what you say you were the victim of? And should we get rid of cops who do that kind of criminal behavior that Tyre was subjected to? Obviously. Of course. But that doesn’t make all or even most cops like that.
thats a strawman,,

blacks arent trained on the law and expected to follow the laws,, cops are,,

I of course believe there are good cops and why I call out the bad ones so vigorously,, if I thought they were all bad I would call for them all to be shot down in the most gruesome ways and their bodies mutilated beyond recognition,,

face it in a civilized society theres nothing worse than a corrupt authority,,
That’s like saying I was beat up by a black guy once and I see some videos of black guys beating up some whites or Asians therefore all black people are inherently vicious and violent.

It’s not factual. It isn’t logical. It’s just an opinion.

By contrast, I’ve seen lots of cops do wonderful things (including just doing their jobs). I see the benefit to a community when policing is done properly.

Do we need to weed out the kinds of police who do what you say you were the victim of? And should we get rid of cops who do that kind of criminal behavior that Tyre was subjected to? Obviously. Of course. But that doesn’t make all or even most cops like that.
thats a strawman,
No. It’s not. Not even akin to that concept.
blacks arent trained on the law and expected to follow the laws,, cops are,,
I of course believe there are good cops and why I call out the bad ones so vigorously,, if I thought they were all bad I would call for them all to be shot down in the most gruesome ways and their bodies mutilated beyond recognition,,
Well, that would certainly be retarded of you.
face it in a civilized society theres nothing worse than a corrupt authority,,
Also ^ beside the point. That there could be even worse things is irrelevant. But here, it isn’t clear that we’re addressing merely “corruption.” It could be poor screening of applicants. It could be poor training. It could be a long history of allowing police misbehavior to get tolerated. But it isn’t necessarily “corruption.”

Finally, you might want to take note of the fact that one comma suffices. Two commas, in a row, is not part of our grammar. [,,]

Please see the teacher after class.
No. It’s not. Not even akin to that concept.


Well, that would certainly be retarded of you.

Also ^ beside the point. That there could be even worse things is irrelevant. But here, it isn’t clear that we’re addressing merely “corruption.” It could be poor screening of applicants. It could be poor training. It could be a long history of allowing police misbehavior to get tolerated. But it isn’t necessarily “corruption.”

Finally, you might want to take note of the fact that one comma suffices. Two commas, in a row, is not part of our grammar. [,,]

Please see the teacher after class.
sadly reality is not on your side,,
Cops are not your friend
Cops are not your friend.

if its not about you then why did you make it about you??

and now youre making it about other people that werent even involved in beating an innocent man to death,,

dude you are all over the place,,
you very thick headed. you want to turn it into a personal arguement
if its not about you then why did you make it about you??

and now youre making it about other people that werent even involved in beating an innocent man to death,,

dude you are all over the place,,
it is about people like yourself that are just plain stupid that cannot understand what is in their best interest. running from police is not the right course to follow.

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