U dub senior has sex with 12 year old

So why are libs trying to normalize pedophelia or think its cool roman Polanski corn holed a 13 year old girl? Lib icon Allen Ginsberg died still bring a nambla supporter
Now watch all the pro-abortion assholes flock to this thread to say it's all relative, and shouldn't be a crime, and they did the same thing when they were young.....

And anyone who dares to point out the illegality of such actions heads to bandom.

Not sure what abortion has to do with this thread.

Not sure what politics has to do with this thread either. Didn't stop a bunch of fools from going there.
Isn't jimmy page notorious for that? Not like this guy is a rock star. He is a u dub senior. Makes me embarrassed to have gone there

So the school is now sick and perverted because of this guy? You don't think sick and perverted people go to other schools? Some of the stuff you say is really out there.
So why are libs trying to normalize pedophelia or think its cool roman Polanski corn holed a 13 year old girl? Lib icon Allen Ginsberg died still bring a nambla supporter
I know of no one who excuses what Polanski did. I know of no one who thinks pedophilia is okay. I don't know anything about Ginsberg and the issue you are referring to. What's it about?

You are trying to create an issue that doesn't exist. Why?
Now watch all the pro-abortion assholes flock to this thread to say it's all relative, and shouldn't be a crime, and they did the same thing when they were young.....

And anyone who dares to point out the illegality of such actions heads to bandom.

Not sure what abortion has to do with this thread.

Why are the conservatives talking about abortion, homosexuality and bestiality?

This thread is about heterosexual men, such as Ted Nugent and others, having sex with underage girls, with children essentially: pedophilia.

Why are they saying liberals support pedophilia? No liberal on this thread, or, to my knowledge, anywhere on this board, has suggested any such thing.

Nor has any liberal on this thread, nor anywhere on this forum, supported bestiality. :confused:

Pedophilia requires a prepubescent child. No stories mention whether the 12 year olds were pre or post pubescent. So it's not clear that we are talking about pedophilia.

What we are talking about is statutory rape.
Isn't jimmy page notorious for that? Not like this guy is a rock star. He is a u dub senior. Makes me embarrassed to have gone there

So the school is now sick and perverted because of this guy?

Not to mention Ted Bundy.....

On a warm summer night in 1974, a woman sat in the passenger seat of her date’s car as he drove her home after an evening spent grabbing sodas together in the U-District.

The woman, who prefers to remain anonymous, recalls him seeming nearly perfect — a handsome, articulate recent UW psychology graduate ... Foster remembers his roommate as a staunch Republican...Spring 1973, Bundy graduates from the UW with honors...
Ted Bundy: The infamous UW alumnus? time on campus | The Daily

And he was a republican. That must mean all Republicans are serial killers.
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Now watch all the pro-abortion assholes flock to this thread to say it's all relative, and shouldn't be a crime, and they did the same thing when they were young.....

well, right now we are watching the conservative moron vomit in the thread.

And anyone who dares to point out the illegality of such actions heads to bandom.

more idiocy from the right.

Reality check time!

have you ever met a liberal?
Now watch all the pro-abortion assholes flock to this thread to say it's all relative, and shouldn't be a crime, and they did the same thing when they were young.....

And anyone who dares to point out the illegality of such actions heads to bandom.

Here we go, it's all abortion, all the time with KG. Jeezus, you're so fucking boring.

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