U.S. Assures Russia Snowden Won't be Executed or Tortured


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
LMAO-- Now Obama is kissing Putin's ass again.

Oh, we won't do anything you wouldn't do. lol

How friggin stupid can Obama be?

U.S. assures Russia Snowden won't be executed or tortured | Reuters

The United States has made a formal promise to Russia not to execute or torture Edward Snowden if he is sent home to face charges of illegally disclosing government secrets, and the Kremlin said Russian and U.S. security agencies are in talks over his fate.
Every time Papa Doc obama tries to kiss Russian ass Putin farts in his face.

I love it.

Spindle legs should take his caddy, Baby Doc holder, and get back to the golf course.
Snowden confirmed what Jesse Ventura reported in this video from Feb 2012. Interesting enough, everyone piled on Jesse saying he was a 'conspiracy' nut job.

Evidently, he was on to something with these fusion centers.

So keep your head in the sand folks......

Jump to 10:25 if you want to cut to the chase.


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How far have we fallen when we have to assure Russia that Snowden won't be executed or tortured if they return him to us. 20 years ago that would have been unthinkable since we were the good guys.
I wish people would get more into this. We have whistleblower laws in this country. He blew the whistle on Zerobama and Zerobama is going to do whatever he wants to this guy. He will have a good lawyer though. At least the tech community is rallying behind him.
How far have we fallen when we have to assure Russia that Snowden won't be executed or tortured if they return him to us. 20 years ago that would have been unthinkable since we were the good guys.

At least for an American citizen.
But more importantly- Why ensure anything to a former KGB agent?


Let's see so far this thing has gone something like this:

Obama Admin: "Give us Snowden"
Putin: "We are disinclined to acquiesce to your request" (politician for go screw yourself)
.... gnashing of teeth and chest beating in Washington ensues.
Obama Admin: "Okay we promise we won't kill him or torture him, now will you please give us Snowden?"
....the sound of Russians rolling on the floor laughing their asses off

What comes next is anybody's guess ... perhaps a "pretty please with sugar on top"?
How far have we fallen when we have to assure Russia that Snowden won't be executed or tortured if they return him to us. 20 years ago that would have been unthinkable since we were the good guys.

Today we are one of he few who still execute prisoners while Russia gave it up 20 years ago. We also brag about our torture

How the tide has turned
LMAO-- Now Obama is kissing Putin's ass again.

Oh, we won't do anything you wouldn't do. lol

How friggin stupid can Obama be?

U.S. assures Russia Snowden won't be executed or tortured | Reuters

The United States has made a formal promise to Russia not to execute or torture Edward Snowden if he is sent home to face charges of illegally disclosing government secrets, and the Kremlin said Russian and U.S. security agencies are in talks over his fate.

Do you have a better plan for getting Snowden back to be brought to justice?
But more importantly- Why ensure anything to a former KGB agent?



Would you rather have a former CIA agent running our Government or what we have now...?

A former rabble rouser, community organizer piece of shit lawyer?

Me too
LMAO-- Now Obama is kissing Putin's ass again.

Oh, we won't do anything you wouldn't do. lol

How friggin stupid can Obama be?

U.S. assures Russia Snowden won't be executed or tortured | Reuters

The United States has made a formal promise to Russia not to execute or torture Edward Snowden if he is sent home to face charges of illegally disclosing government secrets, and the Kremlin said Russian and U.S. security agencies are in talks over his fate.

Do you have a better plan for getting Snowden back to be brought to justice?

My plan compared to what?

What plan does Obama have?

Yeah, what's another plan of Obama that fails miserably..

Egypt and Syria comes to mind

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LMAO-- Now Obama is kissing Putin's ass again.

Oh, we won't do anything you wouldn't do. lol

How friggin stupid can Obama be?

U.S. assures Russia Snowden won't be executed or tortured | Reuters

The United States has made a formal promise to Russia not to execute or torture Edward Snowden if he is sent home to face charges of illegally disclosing government secrets, and the Kremlin said Russian and U.S. security agencies are in talks over his fate.

Do you have a better plan for getting Snowden back to be brought to justice?


Trade obama for Snowden.

Although the Russians might be getting the bad end of that deal
LMAO-- Now Obama is kissing Putin's ass again.

Oh, we won't do anything you wouldn't do. lol

How friggin stupid can Obama be?

U.S. assures Russia Snowden won't be executed or tortured | Reuters

The United States has made a formal promise to Russia not to execute or torture Edward Snowden if he is sent home to face charges of illegally disclosing government secrets, and the Kremlin said Russian and U.S. security agencies are in talks over his fate.

Do you have a better plan for getting Snowden back to be brought to justice?


Trade obama for Snowden.

Although the Russians might be getting the bad end of that deal

But more importantly- Why ensure anything to a former KGB agent?



Would you rather have a former CIA agent running our Government or what we have now...?

A former rabble rouser, community organizer piece of shit lawyer?

Me too

You would want Putin for this country?

Sick fuck
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How far have we fallen when we have to assure Russia that Snowden won't be executed or tortured if they return him to us. 20 years ago that would have been unthinkable since we were the good guys.

Today we are one of he few who still execute prisoners while Russia gave it up 20 years ago. We also brag about our torture

How the tide has turned

[MENTION=20321]rightwinger[/MENTION] Name the American citizens we have tortured.
How far have we fallen when we have to assure Russia that Snowden won't be executed or tortured if they return him to us. 20 years ago that would have been unthinkable since we were the good guys.

Today we are one of he few who still execute prisoners while Russia gave it up 20 years ago. We also brag about our torture

How the tide has turned

[MENTION=20321]rightwinger[/MENTION] Name the American citizens we have tortured.

So torture is acceptable as long as the victim is not a citizen?

Strange that Russians look at us as barbarians isn't it?
How far have we fallen when we have to assure Russia that Snowden won't be executed or tortured if they return him to us. 20 years ago that would have been unthinkable since we were the good guys.

Today we are one of he few who still execute prisoners while Russia gave it up 20 years ago. We also brag about our torture

How the tide has turned

[MENTION=20321]rightwinger[/MENTION] Name the American citizens we have tortured.

How about the ~150 million of us representing ~47%?

Feels like I'm water boarded daily under Obama....

Where did Papa Doc obama get the idea that the reason Russia won't extradite Snowden is because of threat of torture or execution? Maybe he got it from mexico since that's usually the reason they won't extradite any of the murderers that come here, kill and then run back over the border.

From the article:

Russian President Vladimir Putin had expressed "strong determination", he said, not to let relations suffer over the dispute "no matter how the situation develops". Putin himself is not personally dealing with the problem, the spokesman said.

But he reiterated Moscow's stance that Russia "did not hand over, does not hand over and will not hand over anybody".

I know that the truth and obama aren't on speaking terms, but surely the meaning of this statement can't possibly escape him. Neither can it escape his notice that Putin personally dislikes him, holds him in contempt and considers him a pig (since he said so). obama has spent the last five years making himself obnoxious, and now he can't get a favor! Can he seriously be expecting one? Really!!!!

The obama practice of trying people in the press rather than the courts has finally caught up with him. Lon Snowden, Ed's father exposed the maggoty underbelly of the obama regime.


The father of National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden said Friday his son has been so vilified by the Obama administration and members of Congress that he is now better off staying in Russia.

Lon Snowden of Allentown, Pa., had been working behind the scenes with lawyers to try to find a way his son could get a fair trial in the U.S. Edward Snowden has been charged in federal court in Alexandria with violating the Espionage Act by leaking details of NSA surveillance.

But in a telephone interview with The Associated Press, the elder Snowden said he has lost faith in recent weeks that his son would be treated fairly by the Justice Department

Mr. Snowden is late to the party, there are those of us who never had any faith that this Justice Department would treat anyone fairly. They'll be killed like Michael Hastings was killed, or vilified no matter what the court says like George Zimmerman is.

I'm so glad that Putin is pigeonholing obama in the inconsequential category. It couldn't happen to a more deserving person, nor done by a more capable man.

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