U.S. Attorney John Lausch Appointed To Solve DOJ/FBI Delay/Cover Up Of Hillary / FBI Scandals


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
'The Justice Department will appoint a U.S. attorney to oversee the release of documents related to the FBI’s 2016 investigation of Hillary Clinton amid Republican complaints — including from President Donald Trump — that the DOJ is slow-walking their release.'

Congress has demanded that the DOJ and FBI hand over all Hillary's, the FBI's, and the DOJ's e-mails and documents pertaining to Hillary's crimes as well as those perpetrated by Obama's DOJ and FBI, to include the criminal conspiracy carried out to keep Hillary out of prison and in the race while attempting to take down the President.

The DOJ was tasked with handing over documents, and they refused to comply, instead engaged in passive non-compliance., telling Congress they could not find them - lost their internal correspondence, slow-walking the documents / files, and redacting anything and everything they could to hide all evidence of crimes committed by the DOJ / FBI.

Justice Department misses deadline to hand over FISA, Clinton investigation documents

3 APRIL 2018:

'The Justice Department has missed the Thursday deadline to give the House Judiciary Committee nearly 1.2 million documents related to FBI investigations surrounding the 2016 election, despite a subpoena, a congressman has confirmed.

House Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte, Virginia Republican, and Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy, South Carolina Republican, subpoenaed the
Justice Department two weeks. The subpoena requested documents related to the investigation of Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server, possible abuses in obtaining a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant for Trump campaign aide Carter Page and a recommendation by the FBI Office of Professional Responsibility to fire former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe.

As of Thursday night, the documents still have not been turned over, frustrating some Republicans. The deadline to hand over the documents was Thursday at noon.'

(The DOJ and FBI - it's leaders and agents having proven to have committed crimes and having extreme treasonous bias against President Trump, had been tasked to provide documents and evidence ... AGAINST ITSELF.)

This - missing a Congressional deadline after being subpoenaed - was the last straw for Congress, who had at this point had ENOUGH of the (Obama's) DOJ and FBI covering up crimes for Hillary, Holder, Lynch, Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Strzok...and possibly Obama himself.

"Patience ran out last week after a fourth appeal to expedite the process was met with a yawn," he added.

So Congress has appointed U.S. Attorney John Lausch to crack the whip to get the DOJ and FBI to hand over the documents / evidence faster. While the DOJ and FBI have refused to hand over documents and while they have been slow-walking the documents' release, they have also been redacting everything they can in an effort to render al lthe e-mails, documents, and evidence USELESS. R-Gowdy pointed out that Congress has had to simultaneously fight with Democrats , the DOJ, and the FBI to either get the information released or to give Congress a high enough security clearance temporarily to see the redacted portions the Liberals / DOJ / FBI are trying to hide.

The investigation into Hillary Clinton's Crimes, the Obama administration's / Obama DOJ's / Obama CIA's / Obama FBI's crimes of Obstruction (and Conspiracy) regarding the coordinated cover-up for those crimes, and the crimes involving the Conspiracy to overthrow Trump...it is most definitely continuing / going forward.....while the DOJ / FBI keep trying to keep the scandals covered up.

The Witch Hunters have now become the HUNTED, and they are trying to do everything they can to save their ass by keeping everything they can covered up.

DOJ to appoint U.S. attorney to oversee release of Clinton documents
Your predetermined convictions reveals your ulterior and disingenuous motive to sow hatred in Americans
'The Justice Department will appoint a U.S. attorney to oversee the release of documents related to the FBI’s 2016 investigation of Hillary Clinton amid Republican complaints — including from President Donald Trump — that the DOJ is slow-walking their release.'

Congress has demanded that the DOJ and FBI hand over all Hillary's, the FBI's, and the DOJ's e-mails and documents pertaining to Hillary's crimes as well as those perpetrated by Obama's DOJ and FBI, to include the criminal conspiracy carried out to keep Hillary out of prison and in the race while attempting to take down the President.

The DOJ was tasked with handing over documents, and they refused to comply, instead engaged in passive non-compliance., telling Congress they could not find them - lost their internal correspondence, slow-walking the documents / files, and redacting anything and everything they could to hide all evidence of crimes committed by the DOJ / FBI.

Justice Department misses deadline to hand over FISA, Clinton investigation documents

3 APRIL 2018:

'The Justice Department has missed the Thursday deadline to give the House Judiciary Committee nearly 1.2 million documents related to FBI investigations surrounding the 2016 election, despite a subpoena, a congressman has confirmed.

House Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte, Virginia Republican, and Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy, South Carolina Republican, subpoenaed the Justice Department two weeks. The subpoena requested documents related to the investigation of Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server, possible abuses in obtaining a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant for Trump campaign aide Carter Page and a recommendation by the FBI Office of Professional Responsibility to fire former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe.

As of Thursday night, the documents still have not been turned over, frustrating some Republicans. The deadline to hand over the documents was Thursday at noon.'

(The DOJ and FBI - it's leaders and agents having proven to have committed crimes and having extreme treasonous bias against President Trump, had been tasked to provide documents and evidence ... AGAINST ITSELF.)

This - missing a Congressional deadline after being subpoenaed - was the last straw for Congress, who had at this point had ENOUGH of the (Obama's) DOJ and FBI covering up crimes for Hillary, Holder, Lynch, Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Strzok...and possibly Obama himself.

"Patience ran out last week after a fourth appeal to expedite the process was met with a yawn," he added.

So Congress has appointed U.S. Attorney John Lausch to crack the whip to get the DOJ and FBI to hand over the documents / evidence faster. While the DOJ and FBI have refused to hand over documents and while they have been slow-walking the documents' release, they have also been redacting everything they can in an effort to render al lthe e-mails, documents, and evidence USELESS. R-Gowdy pointed out that Congress has had to simultaneously fight with Democrats , the DOJ, and the FBI to either get the information released or to give Congress a high enough security clearance temporarily to see the redacted portions the Liberals / DOJ / FBI are trying to hide.

The investigation into Hillary Clinton's Crimes, the Obama administration's / Obama DOJ's / Obama CIA's / Obama FBI's crimes of Obstruction (and Conspiracy) regarding the coordinated cover-up for those crimes, and the crimes involving the Conspiracy to overthrow Trump...it is most definitely continuing / going forward.....while the DOJ / FBI keep trying to keep the scandals covered up.

The Witch Hunters have now become the HUNTED, and they are trying to do everything they can to save their ass by keeping everything they can covered up.

DOJ to appoint U.S. attorney to oversee release of Clinton documents

Send in 82nd Airborne to get those documents
House Oversight and Intel Committee's are cleared to see classified info.

There is no reason for the DOJ/FBI to drag their feet.

Trump needs to order them to turn that info over to the House.

If they don't he is free to fire Rosenstein and Wray.

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