U.S. attorney reviewing classified documents from Joe Biden's vice presidency found at Biden think tank

yes, they spent a year working with the former President, and the former President was actively engaged with them....Xiden hid the documents for 6 years, and only after some random lawyer discovered them, and rated him out to the NA did he even acknowledge he had them
Lol he actively engaged? What does that even mean? Why would it take a year for him to turn them over? That is absolute nonsense.
we need to access the damage here now…6 years in some closet in some random office, with no federal agents guarding???? what other classified material migh he have? who else had access? a full probe and a raid of all his homes is necessary

not to mention we now know the chinese gave xiden 54 million to help build this office…did they have access???
not ignoring a subpoena

Trump had rats on his ship. He was lying, hiding and screaming 'They're all mine!"

lollipop giant.jpg
Lol he actively engaged? What does that even mean? Why would it take a year for him to turn them over? That is absolute nonsense.
it means working with them…turning over things, allowing them to inspect

the opposite of xiden who was hiding them
yes, they spent a year working with the former President, and the former President was actively engaged with them....Xiden hid the documents for 6 years, and only after some random lawyer discovered them, and rated him out to the NA did he even acknowledge he had them

Remember. Proper disposition of Presidential records, is the job of the president, not the vice president.

If the white house records office instructed Biden to return the classified documents, and he failed to, would he be culpable.
Otherwise the failure is one of the white house records office. And ultimately the president of the united states.
trump wasn’t ignoring it, he was objecting to it.

Actually there's no difference. Records that were supposed to be turned over to the National Archives, are supposed to be turned over to the National Archives PERIOD.
Afterward, they can move to get them back from, or to get access to them from the National Archives.

It's no different than a search warrant. You comply with the warrant, and then afterwards you can move to suppress, or to retrieve the items seized.
Remember. Proper disposition of Presidential records, is the job of the president, not the vice president.

If the white house records office instructed Biden to return the classified documents, and he failed to, would he be culpable.
Otherwise the failure is one of the white house records office. And ultimately the president of the united states.
haha so it’s obama’s fault xiden took them and hide them for 6 years? he’s still respondible to comply with the espionage age, and the administrative records act.

but you are right the obama admin was reckless with classified material…remember clinton’s illegal server and the docs that were found on sex offender Weiner’s laptop
xiden was hiding these top secret documents for 6 years…how could anyone issue a one????
Biden wasn't hiding them. The office of the president is supposed to keep track of classified information, including who has it, and where and how it's being kept.

That's how the National Archives knew the missing classified documents, which were last recorded in Trumps possession, were still being retained by the ex-president.

Bidens records were merely an oversight on the part of the white house records office, and ultimately the responsibility of the president to guarantee compliance with the President Records Act of 1974
haha so it’s obama’s fault xiden took them and hide them for 6 years? he’s still respondible to comply with the espionage age, and the administrative records act.

Actually Biden was authorized to have them as Vice President of the United States, through the inherent constitutional authority of his office. The same as the President, Vice President, Members of Congress, and Members of the Supreme Court.
Actually Biden was authorized to have them as Vice President of the United States, through the inherent constitutional authority of his office. The same as the President, Vice President, Members of Congress, and Members of the Supreme Court.
Biden had no authority to declassify. Sorry Charlie, but this tuna don't fly..
If the applicant for a search warrant lies, judges may sign search warrants. The mere fact that any magistrate signed a warrant, standing alone, is not a convincing argument.
Then the argument becomes convincing when the motion to nullify or modify or in any way invalidate that search warrant completely FAILS.
Biden had no authority to declassify. Sorry Charlie, but this tuna don't fly..
Nobody said he has the authority to declassify. He had the authority to possess. And it appears he did so during his term as Vice President. Locking them away before leaving office.

They were by law part of the President Records, and as such the responsibility of the White House Records Office (and ultimately the President of the United States) to properly handle, and dispose of them in accordance with the PRA 1974.
Then the argument becomes convincing when the motion to nullify or modify or in any way invalidate that search warrant completely FAILS.
That ^ makes no sense. As a general rule, “motions” regarding the alleged invalidity of a search warrant come AFTER one is charged with a crime. You might want to take note of the fact that President Trumps has not been charged with a crime.
That ^ makes no sense. As a general rule, “motions” regarding the alleged invalidity of a search warrant come AFTER one is charged with a crime. You might want to take note of the fact that President Trumps has not been charged with a crime.
Wrong, wrong wrong.
Several people subject to search warrants, have raised objection to those warrants, and were never charged with a crime.

Just one famous example

Trump ally Rudy Giuliani seeks to block feds from getting 3 items of thousands seized under search warrant

Rudy Giuliani is seeking to prevent prosecutors from seeing just three items out of the more than 2,000 items contained on electronic devices seized from him as part of a criminal probe, a court filing revealed.

As they say, where did you get your legal degree from? A cracker jack box?
Wrong, wrong wrong.
Several people subject to search warrants, have raised objection to those warrants, and were never charged with a crime.

Just one famous example

Trump ally Rudy Giuliani seeks to block feds from getting 3 items of thousands seized under search warrant

Rudy Giuliani is seeking to prevent prosecutors from seeing just three items out of the more than 2,000 items contained on electronic devices seized from him as part of a criminal probe, a court filing revealed.

As they say, where did you get your legal degree from? A cracker jack box?
I wasn’t wrong at all. You have to read all the words in a sentence.

Since you appear incapable of grasping such things as modifiers and qualifications, it is pointless to try to educate you.

Get back to your Special Ed. class and try to keep your crayons ON the paper when you scribble.

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