U.S.Capitol on lockdown

OTOH, President Trump has called for peace and asked the protesters to stay non-violent.
They got violent after he talked. Guess he fucked that up to. He will never stop being a failure it seems.

No one is getting violent. No buildings are on fire, no lootings, no killings.
And such has me disappointed.

I wish that whole city would burn.
As a naturalized citizen Who loves this country, and studied extensively past empires history I've been telling friends and family the US is the most fragile empire and has all ingredients of collapse and we will see it sooner than we think.

I'm glad I have a plan B and I wish everyone does. Education really failed the US.
Trumpsters have broken into the Capital building, and the politicians are hiding!

It was a mostly peaceful break in as I understand it. Nothing to see here.

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Mac has turned into an extreme partisan who only judges an action based upon the identity of the perpetrator.

It has been sad to watch how far he has regressed because he used to a good poster instead of just one more mindless hack.
Turned? The fraud has always been a leftist and a liar and now he can add hypocrite.
5 years ago his main theme was regressives on the left and how their partisanship was leading them to abandon liberalism and support some extremely illiberal groups.

Now, he is one of them.
He also claims to have ~400 clients. Average CFP has 96. And with 4x more than the average he is still here all the time....hmmmm....
Another poster constantly champions BLM and Antifa violence while claiming to have been in law enforcement.

It's all part of the game here.

this looks like from a 3rd world country...
I gotta wonder how many righties on this board are Russian trolls. They clearly hate the USA.
Call me what you want. Just let Texas out of this chickenshit "union."
Half of Texas isn’t much of a country. You better learn Spanish...
Already know it.

Like I said, I would rather die in battle and ride the Valkyrie to Valhalla to feast, fight, and fuck forever than live in the same country as you fuckers!!!
Just as long as Amazon brings it to yous on a platter..
Yes. They should all be shot down right?

If I had my way? I'd make as many examples out of them as I could. Hit em with some rubber bullets and tear gas and watch em stampede...or make them watch November 7th videos of Biden being declared the winner over and over again. :) Either way, I am sure there are many House and Senate Republicans rethinking their strategies as I think they thought they'd be able to get away with a sideshow and go home.

Why do you oppose Peaceful Protests? This looks a lot more peaceful than the Liberal protests in Baltimore or Ferguson or Kenosha IMHO.

This is peaceful?..This is treason. This is sedition. Oh well, we knew the Trump era wasn't going to end well. May as well not end well for some of his supporters.

I would never have guessed that Trump would have been this big of a baby but the people have a right to protest.

Sure protest. But storm a building with the intention of disrupting a Constitutional process cause you didn't like the outcome of the election? That's sedition.

Meh, they look foolish but they have a right to protest. Even violently if need be.

Their violence is defeating Trump, Congress has adjourned for the day.
Like this dog and pony show is going anywhere.
Trumpsters have broken into the Capital building, and the politicians are hiding!

Your thread title is fake news. It should accurately be titled Fascist Pig Trumpers attack America.

Geez. They stormed the Capital with confederate flags


I was wondering where the Stars and Bars were.....

They really can't help themselves. Nothing says patriotism more than an enemy nation's flag being brought to the Capitol.

which enemy nation?


Have no clue as to what CSA means. I grew up at a time when people weren't lazy and actually spelled out words instead of using juvenile initials. I'm not wasting time to figure your language out, not that important.

So if you don't know the enemy nation, fine by me.

OTOH, President Trump has called for peace and asked the protesters to stay non-violent.
They got violent after he talked. Guess he fucked that up to. He will never stop being a failure it seems.

No one is getting violent. No buildings are on fire, no lootings, no killings.

Yeah. Sure doesn't look anything like Portland, Seattle or Indi now does it??
Now it is proof positive both sides are equally despicable, right?
Yes. They should all be shot down right?

If I had my way? I'd make as many examples out of them as I could. Hit em with some rubber bullets and tear gas and watch em stampede...or make them watch November 7th videos of Biden being declared the winner over and over again. :) Either way, I am sure there are many House and Senate Republicans rethinking their strategies as I think they thought they'd be able to get away with a sideshow and go home.

Why do you oppose Peaceful Protests? This looks a lot more peaceful than the Liberal protests in Baltimore or Ferguson or Kenosha IMHO.

This is peaceful?..This is treason. This is sedition. Oh well, we knew the Trump era wasn't going to end well. May as well not end well for some of his supporters.

I would never have guessed that Trump would have been this big of a baby but the people have a right to protest.

Sure protest. But storm a building with the intention of disrupting a Constitutional process cause you didn't like the outcome of the election? That's sedition.

Meh, they look foolish but they have a right to protest. Even violently if need be.

Their violence is defeating Trump, Congress has adjourned for the day.

A pyrric victory at best.
Painting themselves as the party of law and order was a successful move. I admit it and I am a democrat.

But attacking police just killed that advantage. It's over. The Republicans are now the opposite of a party of law and order. They breached the capitol.

Even Republicans are turning against republicans. And I am loving it so much. This is good for the Democratic party. It's almost as if Trump were a Democrat disguised as a Republican trying to help the Democrats. Trump helped Warnock and Ossoff in Georgia and will continue to help for years to come.
I kept repeating this over, and over, and over...

Republicans were NEVER the party of "law and order", they're the party of the opposite, total lawlessness and disorder.

The house that bigotry and racism built.
Too funny coming from you Antifa supporters.
If we nuked DC right now the National IQ would shoot up 50 points.
Congrats MAGA on becoming the very thing you hated six months ago, Didn't take very long.
Left Wingers are dumb violent bigots.
These people are protesting the destruction of our democracy.
Wrong these people want to destroy our democracy.
This is what happens when you steal an election
Np this is what happens when a president lies about a stolen election.

No one in the media has even looked at the evidence. There are affidavits of huge counting chicanery in multiple states.

All that the people ask is that an independent commission be set up to look at and investigate the election.
Its the 1960s in reverse. Trump and Biden both need to talk to these folks together. Lets not see any deaths.
Trumpsters have broken into the Capital building, and the politicians are hiding!

It was a mostly peaceful break in as I understand it. Nothing to see here.

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So that's your excuse for this bullshit.
Nope. I think its terrible. Should not happen and those who are breaking the law should go to jail. My troll post was due to the hypocrisy of the left. Did you say the same about BLM protesters? Antifa?
If these protesters were burn loot murder and antifa, the statues would be rubble. The furniture smashed and the building would be ablaze.

OTOH, President Trump has called for peace and asked the protesters to stay non-violent.
They got violent after he talked. Guess he fucked that up to. He will never stop being a failure it seems.

No one is getting violent. No buildings are on fire, no lootings, no killings.

Yeah. Sure doesn't look anything like Portland, Seattle or Indi now does it??

Sure. Cause fomenting sedition by interrupting a Constitutional process and attempting to overturn the results of a free and fair election is so the same as a crowd protesting for racial justice...PS, don't care about the violence part. It's unacceptable on both sides of the aisle.
Can we call it a coup now? Seems like it might be a coup.
You mean the democrat usurpation of our election process? That coup?
I'm sorry, but the elected government of the country is evacuated from the Capital while conducting constitutional duties under threat of a mob of people.

That's as close to a coup as we've gotten in a really long time, maybe ever?
Its just a peaceful protest
No, it’s not a peaceful protest until fires are started, buildings damaged and businesses looted.
Congrats MAGA on becoming the very thing you hated six months ago, Didn't take very long.
Left Wingers are dumb violent bigots.
These people are protesting the destruction of our democracy.
Wrong these people want to destroy our democracy.
This is what happens when you steal an election
No, this is what happens when a president lies about a stolen election.

This is what happens when you try to steal an election. The chickens are coming in now.

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