U.S.Capitol on lockdown

Congrats MAGA on becoming the very thing you hated six months ago, Didn't take very long.
Left Wingers are dumb violent bigots.
These people are protesting the destruction of our democracy.
Wrong these people want to destroy our democracy.
Just a mostly peaceful protest. Nothing to see here.

Yeah it is peaceful, just a few folks forced their way into the Senate chambers. Hell the cops aren't finding any violence and are just wandering around with the protesters.

The article headline clashed with the articles content.

There was no actual breach occurring:

Protesters tore down metal barricades at the bottom of the Capitol’s steps and were met by officers in riot gear. Some tried to push past the officers who held shields and officers could be seen firing pepper spray into the crowd to keep them back. Some in the crowd were shouting “traitors” as officers tried to keep them back.

Trump is a dumbfuck for exhorting the crowds since it shut Congress down, which can defeat his gambit there if it does on and on.

Both chambers abruptly went into recess. The District of Columbia's Mayor, Muriel Bowser, issued a curfew for 6 p.m.

If this stupid shit goes on, and on. Congress may just vote to Certify the election to Biden, just shut down the objection process, after all they have a deadline to meet.
Something about this photo is just hilarious and sad at the same time.
Trumpsters have broken into the Capital building, and the politicians are hiding!

It was a mostly peaceful break in as I understand it. Nothing to see here.

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So that's your excuse for this bullshit.
Nope. I think its terrible. Should not happen and those who are breaking the law should go to jail. My troll post was due to the hypocrisy of the left. Did you say the same about BLM protesters? Antifa?

Undefeated, Defending Civil War Champions!!!!
Texas is also undefeated when it comes to independence.

Come stop us.

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Bring it.
We have 40 million guns and itchy trigger fingers.
Half are dems. You probably would lose a civil war for Texas.
I would rather lose, die, and ride the Valkyrie to Valhalla than live in the same country as your fucking shit ass.
this is all scripted and staged and if you believe what is going on in D.C. is not pre-empted, scripted, or staged, I will have the Brooklyn Bridge to sell to you! Such obvious planned stupidity. This is all part of Trump's CHAOS agenda. Staged events to create chaos. Both sides are guilty of this. Where are we living anymore? Anyone have a deserted island for sale?

The protesters are very peaceful. Nothing has been vandalized. No one has been threatened. It it was democrats those statues would be rubble.

When the government fears the people there is liberty.

if it was anyone else, they would be shot before they stepped anywhere close to that building...

it is a maga privilege to invade a federal building and not even get touched by cops...
You guys have burning, looting, robbing at will and police didn't do chit. Every night your team tried to burn down that Federal Courthouse and nobody got shot. Lying Commie.

thats because cops didnt wait for the protests to start...
they started shooting long before the protest itself...

OTOH, President Trump has called for peace and asked the protesters to stay non-violent.
They got violent after he talked. Guess he fucked that up to. He will never stop being a failure it seems.

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