U.S.Capitol on lockdown

How did a bunch of poor morons come to worship Spaulding from caddy shack? Spaulding is all grown up and a bunch of poor losers made him president. This country used to be smarter.
The protesters are very peaceful. Nothing has been vandalized. No one has been threatened. It it was democrats those statues would be rubble.

When the government fears the people there is liberty.

if it was anyone else, they would be shot before they stepped anywhere close to that building...

it is a maga privilege to invade a federal building and not even get touched by cops...
You guys have burning, looting, robbing at will and police didn't do chit. Every night your team tried to burn down that Federal Courthouse and nobody got shot. Lying Commie.
And the right shows their hatred of this country and the constitution.
Yes we do hate this bullshit fucked up union.
Traitors. And you choose the worst president ever over the greatest country in history. The dumb is epic.

How do you figure "treason"? Its the Biden Family that is in the pockets of Chairman Xi, America's chief adversary.
Going against the constitution.

Nothing in the Constitution prohibits Mostly Peaceful political protests.
They are protesting the constitution.

There is nothing "constitutional " about colluding with Red China to rig an election. This is the way people seen it, and Biden hasn't even explained himself yet.

Undefeated, Defending Civil War Champions!!!!
Texas is also undefeated when it comes to independence.

Come stop us.

Trumpsters have broken into the Capital building, and the politicians are hiding!

This is crazy.

He's gone from sedition to treason.
That all happened on Nov. 3rd and the days following yielding fraudulent results and denying any kind of transparency.
That's a lie.
Prove it with transparency. Scan ballots and forensic audits of the voting machines. A representative just told the nation AR is withholding both ballots and machines. What are they hiding?

Who do you want to perform this audit? Trump Humpers.
Yet rethuglicans keep claiming the left violent. The left didn't intimidate election officials or storm the capital building when certifying 2016 results.

Trump supporters are unhinged and deplorable .
Yes. They should all be shot down right?

If I had my way? I'd make as many examples out of them as I could. Hit em with some rubber bullets and tear gas and watch em stampede...or make them watch November 7th videos of Biden being declared the winner over and over again. :) Either way, I am sure there are many House and Senate Republicans rethinking their strategies as I think they thought they'd be able to get away with a sideshow and go home.

Why do you oppose Peaceful Protests? This looks a lot more peaceful than the Liberal protests in Baltimore or Ferguson or Kenosha IMHO.

This is peaceful?..This is treason. This is sedition. Oh well, we knew the Trump era wasn't going to end well. May as well not end well for some of his supporters.

Sure its peaceful. The capitol didn't burn , people aren't getting killed. Its neither treasonous nor seditious.

Its what Democracy looks like.
The police have arrived. Since no one is fighting them they are wandering around with the protesters.

Yeah and I'm listening to the MSM telling one and all how undemocratic these protests are. What a load of horse shit. Oh and the politicians are spouting their usual bullshit. Politicians. Who needs their sorry asses. LOL
Congrats MAGA on becoming the very thing you hated six months ago, Didn't take very long.
Left Wingers are dumb violent bigots.
These people are protesting the destruction of our democracy.
Wrong these people want to destroy our democracy.

No, we don't want to live under a tyrannical govt.
Could it be that Dumb Don and his supporters put an end to this criminal government? Happen consequence of Dumb Don’s failed presidency.

If only.

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