U.S.Capitol on lockdown

I thought leftists hated the USA, and the Constitution? Don't you want to burn it down? You toppled statues of Lincoln, Washington, Jefferson etc.
Damn dude you are stuck on stupid..
So that means I am right and you can't refute my facts.
Why argue with an idiot who knows everything yet nothing at all...You've got a little foam coming from the side of your mouth let me wipe that off for you.
Yes. They should all be shot down right?

If I had my way? I'd make as many examples out of them as I could. Hit em with some rubber bullets and tear gas and watch em stampede...or make them watch November 7th videos of Biden being declared the winner over and over again. :) Either way, I am sure there are many House and Senate Republicans rethinking their strategies as I think they thought they'd be able to get away with a sideshow and go home.

Why do you oppose Peaceful Protests? This looks a lot more peaceful than the Liberal protests in Baltimore or Ferguson or Kenosha IMHO.

This is peaceful?..This is treason. This is sedition. Oh well, we knew the Trump era wasn't going to end well. May as well not end well for some of his supporters.

Sure its peaceful. The capitol didn't burn , people aren't getting killed. Its neither treasonous nor seditious.

Its what Democracy looks like.
Trumpsters have broken into the Capital building, and the politicians are hiding!

Your thread title is fake news. It should accurately be titled Fascist Pig Trumpers attack America.

Geez. They stormed the Capital with confederate flags


I was wondering where the Stars and Bars were.....

They really can't help themselves. Nothing says patriotism more than an enemy nation's flag being brought to the Capitol.

which enemy nation?
Trumpsters have broken into the Capital building, and the politicians are hiding!

It was a mostly peaceful break in as I understand it. Nothing to see here.

View attachment 438164

View attachment 438165
Mac has turned into an extreme partisan who only judges an action based upon the identity of the perpetrator.

It has been sad to watch how far he has regressed because he used to a good poster instead of just one more mindless hack.
Turned? The fraud has always been a leftist and a liar and now he can add hypocrite.
5 years ago his main theme was regressives on the left and how their partisanship was leading them to abandon liberalism and support some extremely illiberal groups.

Now, he is one of them.
The protesters are very peaceful. Nothing has been vandalized. No one has been threatened. It it was democrats those statues would be rubble.

When the government fears the people there is liberty.

if it was anyone else, they would be shot before they stepped anywhere close to that building...

it is a maga privilege to invade a federal building and not even get touched by cops...
Great fun.

Maybe these idiots are upset because they've realized they've been had by an orange buffoon.
I don't care why they're upset as long as some people die and it gets burned to the fucking ground.

Will it be great to not have to live in the same country as Texas? You should support us.
Great fun.

Maybe these idiots are upset because they've realized they've been had by an orange buffoon.
You give them way too much credit. Hope they know they would be pushed away from any trump resorts too....
I thought leftists hated the USA, and the Constitution? Don't you want to burn it down? You toppled statues of Lincoln, Washington, Jefferson etc.
Damn dude you are stuck on stupid..
So that means I am right and you can't refute my facts.
Why argue with an idiot who knows everything yet nothing at all...You've got a little foam coming from the side of your mouth let me wipe that off for you.
Put this down it might help
Trumpsters have broken into the Capital building, and the politicians are hiding!

It was a mostly peaceful break in as I understand it. Nothing to see here.

View attachment 438164

View attachment 438165
Mac has turned into an extreme partisan who only judges an action based upon the identity of the perpetrator.

It has been sad to watch how far he has regressed because he used to a good poster instead of just one more mindless hack.
Turned? The fraud has always been a leftist and a liar and now he can add hypocrite.
5 years ago his main theme was regressives on the left and how their partisanship was leading them to abandon liberalism and support some extremely illiberal groups.

Now, he is one of them.
He also claims to have ~400 clients. Average CFP has 96. And with 4x more than the average he is still here all the time....hmmmm....

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