U.S.Capitol on lockdown

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Great going Trump. You spent about a month throwing gas and NOW you want to calm things down.

Somebody is going to die and it's going to be entirely because of this idiot's insane rhetoric.

No, if this turns bad it will be the fault of the liars and schemers like Pelosi, Obama, Schiff, Schumer, Strzok, McCabe, Lynch, Holder, clinton, and most of the lying media who plotted since 2016 to overthrow a legally elected president.

Idiots like you are brainwashed.

Throw your temper tantrum and enjoy the next four years.

so what did you say when antifa and BLM burned cities all summer? Was that ok? Payback is hell and its coming to you lying libtards.
Reported shots fired in the building...Pelosi requests National Guard clear the Capital
Pelosi can go fuck her self. I hope one of these protesters gets her and executes her.

The National Guard should sit on its fucking ass and do nothing. Just like it did all summer.

This is going to be a winter of love.

Guess who started it.?
Jesus man, you’re seriously fucked up aren’t you
I wouldn't worry about who's fucked up.
Reported shots fired in the building...Pelosi requests National Guard clear the Capital
Pelosi can go fuck her self. I hope one of these protesters gets her and executes her.

The National Guard should sit on its fucking ass and do nothing. Just like it did all summer.

This is going to be a winter of love.

Guess who started it.?
Jesus man, you’re seriously fucked up aren’t you

This is the modern conservative movement. They're authoritarians. Never forget it.

As I've said over and over........neither the GOP nor conservatives give a fiddler's fuck about the constitution. They are the single greatest threat to our democracy today.
This is why vote by mail is a bad idea.

Then Trump shouldn't have voted that way.

he votef using a legal absentee ballot. Biden won via illegal fake chinese ballots, no where near the same

All votes were legal. Trump needed to lead by example but that's not how he works.
so when a state reports move votes than registered voters, thats legal? When poll workers change ballots from Trump to Biden, thats legal? When the dominion machines flipped hundreds of thousands of votes, thats legal?

Do you live under a rock at the bottom of the ocean?

You are wasting your time with arguments that never happened.

there is video evidence of those things happening. thousands of sworn affidavits from americans who witnessed vote fraud. There is a ton of evidence.

There isn't 'video evidence'. The video is of a poll worker taking legal ballots out of designated ballot storage box.....and counting them.

Says who?

Says the Election Implementation Manager for Georgia along with the Secretary of State of Georgia. Both Republicans.

Both liars possibly behind the steal. No one cares what they say, they have been denying inquiry into the signatures which are obviously fraudulent from the start.

Vote box didn't work... legal box didn't work... let's see if peaceful protests have more success.
Fox news turds like Brett Bair, Chris Wallace, and Karl Rove are so full of shit. They're clearly trying to gaslight anything possible with this peaceful protest.

We have been doing channel surfing to get the best coverage. CNN and MSNBC were despicable. Then we turned it on Fox (first time since the election) and heard that Chris Wallace asshole bitching.
Somebody needs to drag his ass out into the street too.
This is why vote by mail is a bad idea.

Then Trump shouldn't have voted that way.

he votef using a legal absentee ballot. Biden won via illegal fake chinese ballots, no where near the same

All votes were legal. Trump needed to lead by example but that's not how he works.
so when a state reports move votes than registered voters, thats legal? When poll workers change ballots from Trump to Biden, thats legal? When the dominion machines flipped hundreds of thousands of votes, thats legal?

Do you live under a rock at the bottom of the ocean?

You are wasting your time with arguments that never happened.

there is video evidence of those things happening. thousands of sworn affidavits from americans who witnessed vote fraud. There is a ton of evidence.

No there isn't,

millions have seen them, they aren't going away. Deal with your cheating party as it is exposed.
Not to worry. The right does't have the guts to actually start a civil war. Just ask the left.

Yeah, sure. . . . .

Is this the start of the rebellion? Anyone?

I think it may be. It's so hard to tell before --- years or months afterward we all know what was the tipping point, the moment of Truth ---- Lexington/Concord, Bull Run, Yeltsin on the tank in the U.S.S.R.

But I think this could be the genie out of the bottle.
The protesters are very peaceful. Nothing has been vandalized. No one has been threatened. It it was democrats those statues would be rubble.

When the government fears the people there is liberty.

if it was anyone else, they would be shot before they stepped anywhere close to that building...

it is a maga privilege to invade a federal building and not even get touched by cops...
You guys have burning, looting, robbing at will and police didn't do chit. Every night your team tried to burn down that Federal Courthouse and nobody got shot. Lying Commie.

thats because cops didnt wait for the protests to start...
they started shooting long before the protest itself...

Portland had 100 plus days of riots and the police stood down. The same in Seattle, in fact they created a mini-city and police weren't allowed in. Several other cities were the same.

Quit lying!

when you are not an entitled maga brat, you get shot by the cops for no reason, before even you start any protests...

however when you are an entitled maga brat, you can protest as you like and even invade a federal building and can still walk out free with your privileges...

That wasn't what happened this last summer, there were riots and no one did a thing. Not buying your revisionist history.

Protests are fine, when people and property get hurt, I am done with it and people need to be contained and jailed.
It's BEAUTIFUL! The only thing that can beat this is seeing traitors dragged out in cuffs and given a traitors sentence! We told yall we would play by the rules until it was no longer useful to do so. We TRIED to be peaceful and go about righting this wrong through legal means, yall refused to back down so America must be saved at ALL COSTS!

Mass arrests are being planned right now.
Commie Harris will bail them out
These rioters who are committing crimes will be eradicated (just like trumpism, trumplicans and trump himself). You see; shit gets flushed out with the stained toilet paper and that's what's going to happen with these trespassers (and current occupant of the White House).
This is why vote by mail is a bad idea.

Then Trump shouldn't have voted that way.

he votef using a legal absentee ballot. Biden won via illegal fake chinese ballots, no where near the same

All votes were legal. Trump needed to lead by example but that's not how he works.
so when a state reports move votes than registered voters, thats legal? When poll workers change ballots from Trump to Biden, thats legal? When the dominion machines flipped hundreds of thousands of votes, thats legal?

Do you live under a rock at the bottom of the ocean?

You are wasting your time with arguments that never happened.

there is video evidence of those things happening. thousands of sworn affidavits from americans who witnessed vote fraud. There is a ton of evidence.

There isn't 'video evidence'. The video is of a poll worker taking legal ballots out of designated ballot storage box.....and counting them.

Says who?

Says the Election Implementation Manager for Georgia along with the Secretary of State of Georgia. Both Republicans.

Both liars possibly behind the steal. No one cares what they say, they have been denying inquiry into the signatures which are obviously fraudulent from the start.

Vote box didn't work... legal box didn't work... let's see if peaceful protests have more success.

And demonstrating my point on the futility of a 'commission', we've got Norman. When the Georgia recount didn't demonstrate the fraud they'd imagined.......they just folded the Georgia republicans in charge of it into their batshit conspiracy theory.

Anything that doesn't ape the conspiracy.....must be part of it.

Says Birthers, Truthers, Flat Earthers.....and now conservatives.

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