U.S.Capitol on lockdown

if you condemned it, you were the only democrat that did.

That's another lie. Maybe you should try thinking instead of spouting stupid nonsense.

Do you have more canned bullshit talking points that are easily disproven or are you going to say something useful this time? Go on.
This is why vote by mail is a bad idea.

Then Trump shouldn't have voted that way.

he votef using a legal absentee ballot. Biden won via illegal fake chinese ballots, no where near the same

All votes were legal. Trump needed to lead by example but that's not how he works.
so when a state reports move votes than registered voters, thats legal? When poll workers change ballots from Trump to Biden, thats legal? When the dominion machines flipped hundreds of thousands of votes, thats legal?

Do you live under a rock at the bottom of the ocean?

You are wasting your time with arguments that never happened.

there is video evidence of those things happening. thousands of sworn affidavits from americans who witnessed vote fraud. There is a ton of evidence.
Why are you still posting here, welsher? You lost a bet you made to never post here again.
Trump and trumpers have no honor
I am proud of people taking a stand for our democracy*

These rioters who are committing crimes will be eradicated (just like trumpism, trumplicans and trump himself). You see; shit gets flushed out with the stained toilet paper and that's what's going to happen with these trespassers (and current occupant of the White House).
Give that a try. Let's see how it works out for you.
It's working - the faggots are retreating. Just as your bitch ass would if you came this way.
The solution to this dispute is simple. An independent commission to look at the election, including Red Chinese involvement, the count, etc.

Like we had in 1877 during that disputed election between Hayes and Tilden.
There is 0 evidence.
Enjoy your zero evidence. In fact print that shit out and put it on your body. That'll protect you.
I’ll be fine. We are really seeing who the snowflakes are...

The time for reasoning is gone. It's over.
"Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States."

Those who are watching the events today in DC, which was incited by The President of our United States, has put those of his base who entered the premises in danger of serving 10 years in prison, but trump's doing so has made him incapable of holding any office under the United States.
Well, storming the capital is definitely going to help.
Thats called an unintended consequence

libs remembered the stolen 1960 election that they got away with

but this one is not so easily swept under the rug
Stop the BS . Are you a Russian troll
Or a traitor?

I'm not the one who just got caught lying about election fraud, snowflake.

I'm not the one who took $1.5 BILLION from the CCP.

I'm not the one who was caught facilitating CCP espionage for DECADES.

I'm not the one who screwed a CCP spy and hired another.

I'm not the one who has allowed a proven CCP spy facilitator remain on the House Intel Committee.

Your attempt at projection has failed.
You are the one making up BS
Your lies have been debunked. No one cares about your continued emotional opinionated claims of 'Nuh-uh'. Go away, snowflake.
This is why vote by mail is a bad idea.

Then Trump shouldn't have voted that way.

he votef using a legal absentee ballot. Biden won via illegal fake chinese ballots, no where near the same

All votes were legal. Trump needed to lead by example but that's not how he works.
so when a state reports move votes than registered voters, thats legal? When poll workers change ballots from Trump to Biden, thats legal? When the dominion machines flipped hundreds of thousands of votes, thats legal?

Do you live under a rock at the bottom of the ocean?

You are wasting your time with arguments that never happened.

there is video evidence of those things happening. thousands of sworn affidavits from americans who witnessed vote fraud. There is a ton of evidence.

There isn't 'video evidence'. The video is of a poll worker taking legal ballots out of designated ballot storage box.....and counting them.

Says who?

Says the Election Implementation Manager for Georgia along with the Secretary of State of Georgia. Both Republicans.
You can't convince the cult of reality. They're in too deep.
The solution to this dispute is simple. An independent commission to look at the election, including Red Chinese involvement, the count, etc.

Like we had in 1877 during that disputed election between Hayes and Tilden.
There is 0 evidence.

Except, of course, for thousands of affidavits and videotapes, and analysis of the alleged tallies of votes indicating that they are tremendous inconsistent. And of course, the evidence that Red China has been involved as well in trying to collude.
The solution to this dispute is simple. An independent commission to look at the election, including Red Chinese involvement, the count, etc.

Like we had in 1877 during that disputed election between Hayes and Tilden.
There is 0 evidence.
Enjoy your zero evidence. In fact print that shit out and put it on your body. That'll protect you.
I’ll be fine. We are really seeing who the snowflakes are...

The time for reasoning is gone. It's over.

For you ilk, its been gone for a long, long time.

Your ilk crave violence and authoritarianism. We'll see how far they get with both.
It's BEAUTIFUL! The only thing that can beat this is seeing traitors dragged out in cuffs and given a traitors sentence! We told yall we would play by the rules until it was no longer useful to do so. We TRIED to be peaceful and go about righting this wrong through legal means, yall refused to back down so America must be saved at ALL COSTS!

Mass arrests are being planned right now.
Just like the mass arrests that were done all summer?

Go for it.

When did they storm the Capital Building and threaten law makers this summer?

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