U.S.Capitol on lockdown

The protesters are very peaceful. Nothing has been vandalized. No one has been threatened. It it was democrats those statues would be rubble.

When the government fears the people there is liberty.

if it was anyone else, they would be shot before they stepped anywhere close to that building...

it is a maga privilege to invade a federal building and not even get touched by cops...
You guys have burning, looting, robbing at will and police didn't do chit. Every night your team tried to burn down that Federal Courthouse and nobody got shot. Lying Commie.

thats because cops didnt wait for the protests to start...
they started shooting long before the protest itself...

Portland had 100 plus days of riots and the police stood down. The same in Seattle, in fact they created a mini-city and police weren't allowed in. Several other cities were the same.

Quit lying!

when you are not an entitled maga brat, you get shot by the cops for no reason, before even you start any protests...

however when you are an entitled maga brat, you can protest as you like and even invade a federal building and can still walk out free with your privileges...

That wasn't what happened this last summer, there were riots and no one did a thing. Not buying your revisionist history.

Protests are fine, when people and property get hurt, I am done with it and people need to be contained and jailed.

those protests were as a result of police shooting people for no reason...

and i agree, when people in a protest cross the line, they should be contained and jailed...

nobody above the law...
The solution to this dispute is simple. An independent commission to look at the election, including Red Chinese involvement, the count, etc.

Like we had in 1877 during that disputed election between Hayes and Tilden.
There is 0 evidence.

Except, of course, for thousands of affidavits and videotapes, and analysis of the alleged tallies of votes indicating that they are tremendous inconsistent. And of course, the evidence that Red China has been involved as well in trying to collude.

What affidavits? There's a reason they've never been shown to the public.

There's a reason Trump's lawyers refused to even ALLEGE in their arguments that fraud had ever occurred.

You've been played.
These rioters who are committing crimes will be eradicated (just like trumpism, trumplicans and trump himself). You see; shit gets flushed out with the stained toilet paper and that's what's going to happen with these trespassers (and current occupant of the White House).
Give that a try. Let's see how it works out for you.
It's working - the faggots are retreating. Just as your bitch ass would if you came this way.
You'd never know if I did or not. Cowards like you, who hide behind the law after subverting it for your own ends, whine and get angry when they demonstrate against your ideas. A mostly peaceful demonstration at that.
As if 4 years of huge deficits, giant bailouts, recession, most pandemic deaths, couldn’t hit 3% gdp growth, failed on healthcare... wasn’t enough.
Trumpybear's Orangeshirts abandon Law and Order and attacks Congress

You reap what you sow.

That can't be true, Trump was the law and order president.

Hitler ran on a pro law and order platform after the Reichstag fire too.

They just carried out a bloody body out of the Capital on a stretcher

Hoping it was one of them.
Something about this photo is just hilarious and sad at the same time.

Mostly sad.
Your hissy fit is not going to change anything and you're going to give Republicans a negative image that will last for years to come.

Yes. They should all be shot down right?

If I had my way? I'd make as many examples out of them as I could. Hit em with some rubber bullets and tear gas and watch em stampede...or make them watch November 7th videos of Biden being declared the winner over and over again. :) Either way, I am sure there are many House and Senate Republicans rethinking their strategies as I think they thought they'd be able to get away with a sideshow and go home.

Why do you oppose Peaceful Protests? This looks a lot more peaceful than the Liberal protests in Baltimore or Ferguson or Kenosha IMHO.

This is peaceful?..This is treason. This is sedition. Oh well, we knew the Trump era wasn't going to end well. May as well not end well for some of his supporters.

I would never have guessed that Trump would have been this big of a baby but the people have a right to protest.

Protest all you want, but any violence, and destroying of property, looting, setting fires or defacing statues and then the police need to come in and take control by arresting and breaking up the riots.
The solution to this dispute is simple. An independent commission to look at the election, including Red Chinese involvement, the count, etc.

Like we had in 1877 during that disputed election between Hayes and Tilden.
There is 0 evidence.

Except, of course, for thousands of affidavits and videotapes, and analysis of the alleged tallies of votes indicating that they are tremendous inconsistent. And of course, the evidence that Red China has been involved as well in trying to collude.

What affidavits? There's a reason they've never been shown to the public.

There's a reason Trump's lawyers refused to even ALLEGE in their arguments that fraud had ever occurred.

You've been played.
There is a reason they lose every case with trump appointed judges...
This is why vote by mail is a bad idea.

Then Trump shouldn't have voted that way.

he votef using a legal absentee ballot. Biden won via illegal fake chinese ballots, no where near the same

All votes were legal. Trump needed to lead by example but that's not how he works.
so when a state reports move votes than registered voters, thats legal? When poll workers change ballots from Trump to Biden, thats legal? When the dominion machines flipped hundreds of thousands of votes, thats legal?

Do you live under a rock at the bottom of the ocean?

You are wasting your time with arguments that never happened.

there is video evidence of those things happening. thousands of sworn affidavits from americans who witnessed vote fraud. There is a ton of evidence.
Why are you still posting here, welsher? You lost a bet you made to never post here again.
Trump and trumpers have no honor
Fuck that. Having no honor sitting around and doing jack shit while the bullshit continues.
Trump rhetoric is driven by democrat election cheating
He's driven by his pathological narcissisms that won't allow him to accept defeat.

And he's embarrassing the entire country to do so.
No, he’s an American hoping to prevent the overthrow of this country. At least at the election level.
You’re just another propagandized dupe.
Let the war begin.

Pretty funny. Capitol police locked down the city to protect it from the PRESIDENT having a rally. :smoke:

FB and Twitter deletes and censors the PRESIDENTS posts. Trump has crawled right up the ass of the left.

People in DC brought their own food because they closed all the restaurants there so none of Trump's people could eat.

Democrats just cost their own businesses there about 6 million dollars there just in one day in food. :21:

Don't you just love how the democrats "win?" :laughing0301:
You are an official A+ moron.

Thanks for pointing out you have absolutely NO REBUTTAL to any of the points I actually made.

You think you "won" anything? Butthead, you don't know what you started. This is just the beginning. Several hundred thousand people have just taken over DC, stormed the Capitol and shut down the Congress. They can't even count the EC votes.

Not only have you cost businesses there MILLIONS in lost revenue over just a single day but you've woken the sleeping bear. America will not stand for your shit any longer.

What a great birthday present to me! :eusa_dance:
What's with the "you" shit? Moron.
The protesters are very peaceful. Nothing has been vandalized. No one has been threatened. It it was democrats those statues would be rubble.

When the government fears the people there is liberty.

if it was anyone else, they would be shot before they stepped anywhere close to that building...

it is a maga privilege to invade a federal building and not even get touched by cops...
You guys have burning, looting, robbing at will and police didn't do chit. Every night your team tried to burn down that Federal Courthouse and nobody got shot. Lying Commie.

thats because cops didnt wait for the protests to start...
they started shooting long before the protest itself...

Portland had 100 plus days of riots and the police stood down. The same in Seattle, in fact they created a mini-city and police weren't allowed in. Several other cities were the same.

Quit lying!

when you are not an entitled maga brat, you get shot by the cops for no reason, before even you start any protests...

however when you are an entitled maga brat, you can protest as you like and even invade a federal building and can still walk out free with your privileges...

That wasn't what happened this last summer, there were riots and no one did a thing. Not buying your revisionist history.

Protests are fine, when people and property get hurt, I am done with it and people need to be contained and jailed.

those protests were as a result of police shooting people for no reason...

and i agree, when people in a protest cross the line, they should be contained and jailed...

nobody above the law...

I agree to disagree with your first point, the rest I am in full agreement on. If the DC protests get out of hand, people need to be rounded up and held accountable.
"Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States."

Those who are watching the events today in DC, which was incited by The President of our United States, has put those of his base who entered the premises in danger of serving 10 years in prison, but trump's doing so has made him incapable of holding any office under the United States.

No link, post maybe closed soon.

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