U.S.Capitol on lockdown

What we are seeing is Americans who have lost complete confidence in out government after 4 continuous years of treasonous failed coup attempts and now a loss of confidence in our elections.

As snowflakes have said today, there is a lot of blame to go around....what you want hear any of them say is that Democrats and what they have done are in any part to blame as well.
The solution to this dispute is simple. An independent commission to look at the election, including Red Chinese involvement, the count, etc.

Like we had in 1877 during that disputed election between Hayes and Tilden.
There is 0 evidence.

Except, of course, for thousands of affidavits and videotapes, and analysis of the alleged tallies of votes indicating that they are tremendous inconsistent. And of course, the evidence that Red China has been involved as well in trying to collude.

None of which have made it before a judge. In a court of law. With those people who swore those "affivdavits" under actual oath. Wonder why?...oh yeah. NO EVIDENCE!
The solution to this dispute is simple. An independent commission to look at the election, including Red Chinese involvement, the count, etc.

Like we had in 1877 during that disputed election between Hayes and Tilden.
There is 0 evidence.

Except, of course, for thousands of affidavits and videotapes, and analysis of the alleged tallies of votes indicating that they are tremendous inconsistent. And of course, the evidence that Red China has been involved as well in trying to collude.

What affidavits? There's a reason they've never been shown to the public.

There's a reason Trump's lawyers refused to even ALLEGE in their arguments that fraud had ever occurred.

You've been played.
There is a reason they lose every case with trump appointed judges...
And the reason is:

If someone gets hurt, this will be directly on Trump.
Election theft is not as much fun as libs thought it would be

" WE lost the game because the refs cheated"

"I got a "D" in math because the teacher hates me"

'"My wife threw me out because she is a bitch"

"I got fired because the boss doesn't like me"

"Trump lost the election because the Democrats cheated"

I get it. You fucking losers have an excuse for your failures. Mayve, just maybe, you actually are the losers that you appear to be.
This is why vote by mail is a bad idea.

Then Trump shouldn't have voted that way.

he votef using a legal absentee ballot. Biden won via illegal fake chinese ballots, no where near the same

All votes were legal. Trump needed to lead by example but that's not how he works.
so when a state reports move votes than registered voters, thats legal? When poll workers change ballots from Trump to Biden, thats legal? When the dominion machines flipped hundreds of thousands of votes, thats legal?

Do you live under a rock at the bottom of the ocean?

You are wasting your time with arguments that never happened.

there is video evidence of those things happening. thousands of sworn affidavits from americans who witnessed vote fraud. There is a ton of evidence.
Why are you still posting here, welsher? You lost a bet you made to never post here again.
Off topic. Stay on topic.
Yes. They should all be shot down right?

If I had my way? I'd make as many examples out of them as I could. Hit em with some rubber bullets and tear gas and watch em stampede...or make them watch November 7th videos of Biden being declared the winner over and over again. :) Either way, I am sure there are many House and Senate Republicans rethinking their strategies as I think they thought they'd be able to get away with a sideshow and go home.

Why do you oppose Peaceful Protests? This looks a lot more peaceful than the Liberal protests in Baltimore or Ferguson or Kenosha IMHO.

This is peaceful?..This is treason. This is sedition. Oh well, we knew the Trump era wasn't going to end well. May as well not end well for some of his supporters.

I would never have guessed that Trump would have been this big of a baby but the people have a right to protest.

Protest all you want, but any violence, and destroying of property, looting, setting fires or defacing statues and then the police need to come in and take control by arresting and breaking up the riots.

There has been one rebellion. That comes to one rebellion in a century and a half for each state. What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Thomas Jefferson
The solution to this dispute is simple. An independent commission to look at the election, including Red Chinese involvement, the count, etc.

Like we had in 1877 during that disputed election between Hayes and Tilden.
There is 0 evidence.

Except, of course, for thousands of affidavits and videotapes, and analysis of the alleged tallies of votes indicating that they are tremendous inconsistent. And of course, the evidence that Red China has been involved as well in trying to collude.

None of which have made it before a judge. In a court of law. With those people who swore those "affivdavits" under actual oath. Wonder why?...oh yeah. NO EVIDENCE!
Or there's another reason....

The solution to this dispute is simple. An independent commission to look at the election, including Red Chinese involvement, the count, etc.

Like we had in 1877 during that disputed election between Hayes and Tilden.
There is 0 evidence.

Except, of course, for thousands of affidavits and videotapes, and analysis of the alleged tallies of votes indicating that they are tremendous inconsistent. And of course, the evidence that Red China has been involved as well in trying to collude.

What affidavits? There's a reason they've never been shown to the public.

There's a reason Trump's lawyers refused to even ALLEGE in their arguments that fraud had ever occurred.

You've been played.
There is a reason they lose every case with trump appointed judges...
And the reason is:

View attachment 438190

Or.....that the 'evidence' is shit and Trump's attorneys refused to even ALLEGE in their arguments that any fraud had occurred.

You've been played.
"Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States."

Those who are watching the events today in DC, which was incited by The President of our United States, has put those of his base who entered the premises in danger of serving 10 years in prison, but trump's doing so has made him incapable of holding any office under the United States.
Put all of them on a boat with little fuel.
What we are seeing is Americans who have lost complete confidence in out government after 4 continuous years of treasonous failed coup attempts and now a loss of confidence in our elections.

As snowflakes have said today, there is a lot of blame to go around....what you want hear any of them say is that Democrats and what they have done are in any part to blame as well.

No what you are seeing is a bunch of lemmings who bury their heads in echo chambers, stoked by alt-right media and egged on by the CIC. Who I believe is going to be in a large amount of hot water shortly. Trump makes all of his own issues and all you can do is blame it on someone else..except the guy that made them.
Shame on the Capitol police for shooting the Patriots.

Shame on the Capitol police for allowing a Communist take over of our country through a fraudulent election.

They should be joining the Patriots but then they will lose their dental plan.
You trump supporters should be embarrassed. It's one thing to march to the Capital. It's one thing to stand and voice your frustrations and concerns, however, breaching secure areas is criminal, trump sits around encouraging this anarchy and you cultist agree with it. Trump has always been about himself and the fact you cannot see that shows how your hatred of Democrats, liberals, and those who are different consumes you.
What we are seeing is Americans who have lost complete confidence in out government after 4 continuous years of treasonous failed coup attempts and now a loss of confidence in our elections.

As snowflakes have said today, there is a lot of blame to go around....what you want hear any of them say is that Democrats and what they have done are in any part to blame as well.

No what you are seeing is a bunch of lemmings who bury their heads in echo chambers, stoked by alt-right media and egged on by the CIC. Who I believe is going to be in a large amount of hot water shortly. Trump makes all of his own issues and all you can do is blame it on someone else..except the guy that made them.
Why do you hate the first amendment and mostly peaceful protests?

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