U.S.Capitol on lockdown

Welcome to America, assholes, for 6 fucking months cities burned in the United States and the prog masters didnt say a word, now they are seeing how pissed off the people are, and i hope those asshats get there due.....
The capital needs to burn
Burn baby burn, and i hope the prog elites are barred inside, just like BLM tried to do to the police...

The brownshirts are cheering for the burning of the Reichstag.

This could have been avoided if the concerns of Americans over election fraud had been given due process instead of those Americans being told to 'stfu & accept the election results'.

From state to Federal officials, even the Chief Justice of the USSC, acknowledged there was election fraud...'just not enough to overturn the election results'...yet failed to make any of it transparent.

The more I see of what is going on the more I agree with Ted Cruise about appointing an 'Emergency Election Board' - as was done by Congress in 1877 - to address the major issues / concerns of election fraud of millions of Americans, if only to eliminate the loss of confidence in out government, loss of confidence in our elections, to eliminate all the Conspiracy Theories, and eliminate all the violence.
There is 0 evidence.... even the right wing judges found nothing
You continue to lie, a lie that is easily and has been debunked:

Election fraud has been found - even Democrats have agreed, also claiming not enough to overturn the election.

Many Americans are obviously NOT taking Democrats words for it, especially after 4 years of crimes, treason, and non-stop coup attempts.

Transparency and officially addressing the concerns of millions of Americans could have prevented this violence.

...and when snowflakes like you continue to get caught in lies like this - 'there was no election fraud' - confidence in elections and govt is further eroded.
Stop the BS . Are you a Russian troll
Or a traitor?
It's BEAUTIFUL! The only thing that can beat this is seeing traitors dragged out in cuffs and given a traitors sentence! We told yall we would play by the rules until it was no longer useful to do so. We TRIED to be peaceful and go about righting this wrong through legal means, yall refused to back down so America must be saved at ALL COSTS!

Mass arrests are being planned right now.
This is why vote by mail is a bad idea.

Then Trump shouldn't have voted that way.

he votef using a legal absentee ballot. Biden won via illegal fake chinese ballots, no where near the same

All votes were legal. Trump needed to lead by example but that's not how he works.
so when a state reports move votes than registered voters, thats legal? When poll workers change ballots from Trump to Biden, thats legal? When the dominion machines flipped hundreds of thousands of votes, thats legal?

Do you live under a rock at the bottom of the ocean?

You are wasting your time with arguments that never happened.

there is video evidence of those things happening. thousands of sworn affidavits from americans who witnessed vote fraud. There is a ton of evidence.
Not to worry. The right does't have the guts to actually start a civil war. Just ask the left.
Protesters have breached the Senate floor.

Burn that shit to the ground.
Yes, they should burn the protestors to the ground.
Protesting is legal in the US and per Chris Cuomo, no one said they have to be peaceful. LOL

Media is just as responsible for this as Trump is
Didn’t Cuomo ask “Where in the Constitution does it say protests need to be peaceful”? :laughing0301:
Exactly. It was Fredo Cuomo but still.
The solution to this dispute is simple. An independent commission to look at the election, including Red Chinese involvement, the count, etc.

Like we had in 1877 during that disputed election between Hayes and Tilden.

Like the Georgia recount that your ilk already ignored?
This is why vote by mail is a bad idea.

Then Trump shouldn't have voted that way.

he votef using a legal absentee ballot. Biden won via illegal fake chinese ballots, no where near the same

All votes were legal. Trump needed to lead by example but that's not how he works.
so when a state reports move votes than registered voters, thats legal? When poll workers change ballots from Trump to Biden, thats legal? When the dominion machines flipped hundreds of thousands of votes, thats legal?

Do you live under a rock at the bottom of the ocean?
No but he is as dumb as that rock. Don't waste your time.
This is why vote by mail is a bad idea.

Then Trump shouldn't have voted that way.

he votef using a legal absentee ballot. Biden won via illegal fake chinese ballots, no where near the same

All votes were legal. Trump needed to lead by example but that's not how he works.
so when a state reports move votes than registered voters, thats legal? When poll workers change ballots from Trump to Biden, thats legal? When the dominion machines flipped hundreds of thousands of votes, thats legal?

Do you live under a rock at the bottom of the ocean?

You are wasting your time with arguments that never happened.

there is video evidence of those things happening. thousands of sworn affidavits from americans who witnessed vote fraud. There is a ton of evidence.

No there isn't,
Welcome to America, assholes, for 6 fucking months cities burned in the United States and the prog masters didnt say a word, now they are seeing how pissed off the people are, and i hope those asshats get there due.....
The capital needs to burn
Burn baby burn, and i hope the prog elites are barred inside, just like BLM tried to do to the police...
great song
It's BEAUTIFUL! The only thing that can beat this is seeing traitors dragged out in cuffs and given a traitors sentence! We told yall we would play by the rules until it was no longer useful to do so. We TRIED to be peaceful and go about righting this wrong through legal means, yall refused to back down so America must be saved at ALL COSTS!

Mass arrests are being planned right now.
Just like the mass arrests that were done all summer?

Go for it.
Short-term, this does nothing to change the inevitable. Democrats won.

Long-term, this will further damage and divide the Republican party.

Good job, idiots.
Reported shots fired in the building...Pelosi requests National Guard clear the Capital
Pelosi can go fuck her self. I hope one of these protesters gets her and executes her.

The National Guard should sit on its fucking ass and do nothing. Just like it did all summer.

This is going to be a winter of love.

Guess who started it.?
Jesus man, you’re seriously fucked up aren’t you
Fox news turds like Brett Bair, Chris Wallace, and Karl Rove are so full of shit. They're clearly trying to gaslight anything possible with this peaceful protest.

We have been doing channel surfing to get the best coverage. CNN and MSNBC were despicable. Then we turned it on Fox (first time since the election) and heard that Chris Wallace asshole bitching.
This is why vote by mail is a bad idea.

Then Trump shouldn't have voted that way.

he votef using a legal absentee ballot. Biden won via illegal fake chinese ballots, no where near the same

All votes were legal. Trump needed to lead by example but that's not how he works.
so when a state reports move votes than registered voters, thats legal? When poll workers change ballots from Trump to Biden, thats legal? When the dominion machines flipped hundreds of thousands of votes, thats legal?

Do you live under a rock at the bottom of the ocean?

You are wasting your time with arguments that never happened.

there is video evidence of those things happening. thousands of sworn affidavits from americans who witnessed vote fraud. There is a ton of evidence.

There isn't 'video evidence'. The video is of a poll worker taking legal ballots out of designated ballot storage box.....and counting them.

Says who?

Says the Election Implementation Manager for Georgia along with the Secretary of State of Georgia. Both Republicans.
The people you see in this protest are the ones who the elite in government and media looked down there nose at. They were called deplorable, brushed off and laughed at. They are the forgotten Americans. When this happens to any group after a time they will rise up!
Protesters have breached the Senate floor.

Burn that shit to the ground.
Yes, they should burn the protestors to the ground.
Protesting is legal in the US and per Chris Cuomo, no one said they have to be peaceful. LOL

Media is just as responsible for this as Trump is
Didn’t Cuomo ask “Where in the Constitution does it say protests need to be peaceful”? :laughing0301:
He will deny he ever said that, now that it isnt his BLM burning, looting and murdering....

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