U.S. Capitol Police to Be Sued for $10 Million for Killing Unarmed Rioter

DId that happen the day he was murdered? Is that why that murdering cop put his knee on his neck for 9+ minutes?
No, that happened back in Texas, I believe. It's probably why Floyd left there once he was out of prison and moved to Minnesota. Scum like him don't get away with much once they're on the Police's radar and doing a home invasion during which you threaten to kill a woman's unborn child is the kind of thing that cops don't forget! My guess is that George left Texas while the getting was good.

The main reason that George Floyd died that day was because he took too many drugs and had serious health issues. Did Chauvin hold him down? Of course...that's what happens when you resist arrest and Floyd had been resisting arrest for a good ten minutes before Chauvin knelt on him. Floyd was complaining that he couldn't breath when he was standing up long before Chauvin got involved. It's what happens when you overdose on the drugs he had taken a lethal amount of! If George Floyd had simply told the cops that he'd taken a bunch of meth and Fentanyl he'd be alive today. Then throw in that he had a heart condition and was recovering from Covid he may have very well have OD'd even if the Police hadn't been called. He'd already OD'd once according to his girlfriend. Chauvin will be in prison for years because a jury was afraid that bringing back a verdict of innocent would have burnt down the city. He was convicted of that crime before the evidence was even presented.
And that officer was going to do his duty and shoot every person who forced their way through that doorway until he was out of bullets and overcome by them. That guy deserves a medal.
That officer deserves to be investigated like other Police officers have been investigated for shootings. The fact that we still have no idea who he is speaks volumes to the two sets of rules that now exist for conservative and liberal protesters.
Yupper, you are so right.
None of them followed.
Which, unsurprisingly, speaks to the power of a credible example.
Mrs. Babbitt became an example of what not to do.
And to the mob's credit....they noticed.
Maybe because the opening in the window was so small.
I don't think people were viewing her murder though hopefully some were.

I kinda thought that the mob.....was more numerous.

Hell, even Don Trump has said there were "a million" people there.
Two or three police on the other side of a barricade that is being violently breached...vs...... Don Trump's purported 'million'...........well, it seems the arithmetic won't work well for the cops.

In my humble opinion.
I'm speaking of the police down in the lobby where Babbitt was assassinated.
There were at least three cops there. Three is more than one. Did you realize that?
And Babbitt was unarmed, making her murder even more deplorable.

But, it seems, it doesn't waste your repertoire of potty-mouthisms.

Why do you do that friend Eric?
You make Trump Supporters look really really bad.
As if ALL of them are like you.
As if ALL of them think and communicate like you do.
That is regrettable.
All of them ain't as poor at their messaging as you seem to be.

BTW, as this is probably none of our business.....but have you had several toddies today, before you logged on to this chatroom?
I ask because, I'm sure the real you is a responsible, articulate, well-respected, contributing member of your community and your family....in contrast to this avatar persona you've hired.
He seems to be...well, to be blunt...... drunk.

Or so it seems.

Just sayin'. ;)
I'll keep that in mind. I actually haven't had even a single beer in several years due to a
condition. Maybe if you didn't lie so much, felt more pity for the victim than the killer
and weren't such a general all around ass I wouldn't be compelled to strongly state
how much you defenders of murder turn my stomach!

I don't actually believe anything you say but if you stop defending murder then I won't feel the need to use the sort of forceful language you fake respond to. Okay? Okay, fine.
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That's hardly a rationale for murder, but thanks for eagerly declaring yourself on the side
of extra judicial executions. It seems to suit you.

So you're okay with Ashli Babbitt's murder but the man who shot an unarmed woman without warning
or a chance to surrender shouldn't have to suffer any inconveniences al all?
You're all heart, fascist prick.

Where in the video shot by John Earle Sullivan was Babbit ever warned a gun was trained on her?
And even if there was a warning, which there was not, how does that justify an execution by DC police
when simply arresting this woman was an option never taken?
Are you familiar with the Bill of Rights and the supposed rule of law? Fuck you fascists.
"Playing stupid games" is no excuse for murder. Same with "she had it coming".

So let this cop move away for awhile if necessary. It happens a lot. Living temporarily in a new place easily beats taking up residence six feet under ground because some nameless cop decided to end an
unarmed woman's life needlessly. You fucking bring tears to my eyes, fascist.

What a contrived pathetic attempt to compare a home break to what happened at the Capitol.
The analogy is bullshit! No one was warned they would be shot for trespassing.
And the police had the numbers and guns to take Babbitt into custody...if they so wished instead of
firing without warning the bullet that ended her life!

Your attempts to rationalize, justify and explain away this clear violation of Ashli Babbitts civil rights
are cowardly, weak and contrived.
In court the judge will want to know why the police simply didn't take Babbitt into custody instead of
murdering her. And there is no good reason why they did not.
Your crocodile tears for the killer's family are offensive and a real hoot! Go fuck yourself, sophist
piece of shit!

^ ^ ^ ^ ^
This matter does not rest on if. There were police standing by in the Capitol lobby where Babbit was murdered
without warning.
Stop with your hypotheticals. That's what losers do.

They also think their imagination trumps reality. There already has been a law suit filed against the government
and the murderous flunky cop who killed Ashli Babbitt.. Count on it, loser.
So what that there were police standing there? That didn't stop Trump's thugs from smashing in doors or windows, nor did it stop Ashli Targetpractice from entering the Speaker's Lobby.
So what that there were police standing there? That didn't stop Trump's thugs from smashing in doors or windows, nor did it stop Ashli Targetpractice from entering the Speaker's Lobby.
It's comments like that one that illustrate exactly what a piece of shit you truly are, Faun! Ashli Targetpractice? Go fuck yourself! She was there taking part in a protest that she felt strongly about...she didn't deserve to be shot.
That officer deserves to be investigated like other Police officers have been investigated for shootings. The fact that we still have no idea who he is speaks volumes to the two sets of rules that now exist for conservative and liberal protesters.
There has been 100’s of posts naming this officer
Are you saying that those posts were false claims of Doxxing?
That officer deserves to be investigated like other Police officers have been investigated for shootings. The fact that we still have no idea who he is speaks volumes to the two sets of rules that now exist for conservative and liberal protesters.
Of course he deserves to be investigated. And he was.
It's comments like that one that illustrate exactly what a piece of shit you truly are, Faun! Ashli Targetpractice? Go fuck yourself! She was there taking part in a protest that she felt strongly about...she didn't deserve to be shot.
She was a piece of shit domestic terrorist who was part of a violent mob who attacked the seat of our government with the intent of subverting the Constitution to prevent the winner of a presidential election and getting the loser of the election installed as president. The cop did the right thing shooting her as she presented herself to him as target practice by attempting to breach a police barricade to gain entry into a secured restricted area. She may have once proudly served her country but that dog died a traitor.

You would agree with me hade the roles been reversed and Ashli Targetpractice been a Democrat trying to get Biden named as president had he lost the election.
In what way specifically? Was that unarmed woman a deadly threat to an officer? Had she struck someone? You don't get to shoot unarmed people who are protesting. You don't get to shoot unarmed people who are trespassing. Can you even IMAGINE the shit storm of OUTRAGE that would have taken place if this had been an officer shooting an unarmed black female protestor?
We (black females) don't roll that way. Our parents raised us to have more sense than to go onto federal property where members of Congress
have congregated in order to conduct official government business and INTENTIONALLY do things that scares them, to the point that they begin fleeing for their lives.

There is a difference between marching down a city street chanting "No Justice No Peace!" and attempting to breech a LOCKED door by breaking out it's window and climbing through it.

That's why Ashli got shot, because she and the rest of the mob were not satisfied with only scaring the crap out of everyone who was not a part of the "protest". They made our Congressional members and the officers who were there to protect them believe that they wanted and intended to "get their hands on them". Their chants of "hang Mike Pence" I'm sure lead the officers to believe that violence was intended by the mob and they did what they had to, to prevent them from getting too close and/or their hands on any of their charges.
The mob did not squeeze through a broken out pane of glass and follow Babbitt to the place where she
was illegally executed.
The officers there could have simply taken Ashli into custody in cuffs but they thought it would be better
to murder her without warning or a chance to simply surrender.

Your rationalizations for an extra judicial execution will be on trial soon and I suspect
a judge will go with the law vs. your inexplicable stupidity and love of police state
Every sentence in your response is factually incorrect.
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We (black females) don't roll that way. Our parents raised us to have more sense than to go onto federal property where members of Congress
have congregated in order to conduct official government business and INTENTIONALLY do things that scares them, to the point that they begin fleeing for their lives.

There is a difference between marching down a city street chanting "No Justice No Peace!" and attempting to breech a LOCKED door by breaking out it's window and climbing through it.

That's why Ashli got shot, because she and the rest of the mob were not satisfied with only scaring the crap out of everyone who was not a part of the "protest". They made our Congressional members and the officers who were there to protect them believe that they wanted and intended to "get their hands on them". Their chants of "hang Mike Pence" I'm sure lead the officers to believe that violence was intended by the mob and they did what they had to, to prevent them from getting too close and/or their hands on any of their charges.
So that's what violent liberal mobs have been doing? Marching down streets chanting "No Justice No Peace?" They weren't throwing bricks at the Police that they'd brought in by the pallet load? They weren't firing large fireworks at Police formations? They weren't throwing frozen bottles of water at the Police? They weren't setting fire to Federal buildings that had officials inside? They weren't blockading major roadways and then beating on any motorists that tried to get past them?

As for chants? Are you seriously telling me that liberal protestors haven't chanted things FAR worse than "Hang Mike Pence"! And are you seriously telling me that you REALLY believe anyone would have DONE that! That's bullshit and I think you know it!
I'm not asking for violent protestors not to be punished for their behavior. I don't believe in violent protest! Never have. What I'm asking for is equal justice under the law. You know...what our entire justice system is SUPPOSED to be based upon?
So that's what violent liberal mobs have been doing? Marching down streets chanting "No Justice No Peace?" They weren't throwing bricks at the Police that they'd brought in by the pallet load? They weren't firing large fireworks at Police formations? They weren't throwing frozen bottles of water at the Police? They weren't setting fire to Federal buildings that had officials inside? They weren't blockading major roadways and then beating on any motorists that tried to get past them?

As for chants? Are you seriously telling me that liberal protestors haven't chanted things FAR worse than "Hang Mike Pence"! And are you seriously telling me that you REALLY believe anyone would have DONE that! That's bullshit and I think you know it!

"...breach a police barricade to gain entry into a secured restricted area..."
Ashli Babbitt was many things: soldier, daughter, wife, strident Trump Supporter.

But what will define her evermore is why she died, and poster Faun said it as well as any I've read.
To wit, "breach a police barricade to gain entry to a secured restricted area."

WHAT was she thinking? It was a friggin' "police barricade".

She is dead because she was urged to come to DC by Don Trump ("it will be wild"); and urged by Don Trump to march down to the Capitol with him, and 'take back' the country'; urged by Rudy G. to have "trial by combat".
And she bought into all of that.
She's now dead because of it.

A Captain Obvious moment.
With all due respect, Mary...if you're not intelligent enough to grasp what hanging someone in "effigy" means then I'm wasting my time debating you! The "gallows" that you show a picture of isn't real. It wouldn't hold Mike Pence because it's actually rather small hence it's not a REAL gallows! It represents anger and frustration by the protestors over what they perceived as an election that smelled to high heavens of voter fraud.
Ashli Babbitt was many things: soldier, daughter, wife, strident Trump Supporter.

But what will define her evermore is why she died, and poster Faun said it as well as any I've read.
To wit, "breach a police barricade to gain entry to a secured restricted area."

WHAT was she thinking? It was a friggin' "police barricade".

She is dead because she was urged to come to DC by Don Trump ("it will be wild"); and urged by Don Trump to march down to the Capitol with him, and 'take back' the country'; urged by Rudy G. to have "trial by combat".
And she bought into all of that.
She's now dead because of it.

A Captain Obvious moment.
She's dead because a Capital Police officer shot her in the neck at point blank range. That's the "Captain Obvious" moment, oh clueless one! So why is it OK for that officer to shoot to kill a conservative protestor when literally for YEARS liberal protestors have been doing far worse things in cities across the nation? Why is it that people arrested in connection with THIS protest gone violent are still being held in jail without bail when protesters in liberal riots were usually released on bail within hours? That also is a Captain Obvious moment! Why are these people seen as SO dangerous to society that they can't be trusted on the streets while people that burned and looted our cities were being bailed out by our sitting Vice President?
With all due respect, Mary...if you're not intelligent enough to grasp what hanging someone in "effigy" means then I'm wasting my time debating you! The "gallows" that you show a picture of isn't real. It wouldn't hold Mike Pence because it's actually rather small hence it's not a REAL gallows! It represents anger and frustration by the protestors over what they perceived as an election that smelled to high heavens of voter fraud.
This is not in effigy...

She's dead because a Capital Police officer shot her in the neck at point blank range. That's the "Captain Obvious" moment, oh clueless one! So why is it OK for that officer to shoot to kill a conservative protestor when literally for YEARS liberal protestors have been doing far worse things in cities across the nation? Why is it that people arrested in connection with THIS protest gone violent are still being held in jail without bail when protesters in liberal riots were usually released on bail within hours? That also is a Captain Obvious moment! Why are these people seen as SO dangerous to society that they can't be trusted on the streets while people that burned and looted our cities were being bailed out by our sitting Vice President?
Since you want to compare ... show others breaking into a secured restricted area of the U.S. Capitol, where lawmakers' lives were in danger, who weren't shot...?
So should every liberal protest where people shouted things out that appeared to be calls for violence have led to their being arrested and charged as if they actually DID those things? That's what you on the left have done in this case!
Should every liberal politician who used language that could be construed (under your new views!) as calling for violence be charged with "insurrection"? Because trust me...I can show a LOT more of those than the few examples that you on the left have trotted out to try and make this violent protest MORE than it ever was!
This is not in effigy...


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