U.S. colleges scramble after new Trump order on foreign students

Scrambling legal teams I guess. EO's of this nature are not legitimately enforceable, because what is proposed is not within the prerogative of the executive branch.

EO's of this nature are not legitimately enforceable

Why do you feel that?
This doesn't just apply to Trump but what I would like happen is for people to decide to ignore EO's.

If that's what people decide to do, it works both ways you know.

That's why I said it doesn't just apply to Trump.

I don't know much about it, but I'm sure there is a penalty of some sort for going against an EO. Otherwise many people would not obey them.

If everyone ignored them there could be no penalty.
The higher education puppy mills will lose a huge sum of money if education goes online

in fact the schools could get by with half the staff they have now

imagine a Feminist and Black Studies professor getting canned and having to find a real job

I encourage trump change his approach and support internet teaching
Online courses can be problematic. There is something to be said for live interaction among students and students and faculty. Most schools are attempting blended models. Lot of discussion going on, and regardless, the face of education is going to change.

This virus led the way.

Over half of my property taxes go to support our local public schools. I (nor any of my tenants) ever had kids in the school system, yet we have to pay for it.

Yes, the cost of these schools are high, in the thousands a year for me. But what do those costs include besides teachers? The buildings. The buildings that use heat, air conditioning, maintenance. Then there are busses. You have to pay the drivers, the gasoline, insurance, and so on.

Think how much money taxpayers could save through education online. Close down and sell the schools. No more busses because there is no place to send the kids to. Given the fact that the average educational cost per capita is about 12-15K a year, it would be more cost effective to provide those poorer kids with internet access and a computer.

You are talking K-12? Everyone would be home schooling?

Correct, that's what I'm talking about, and so are school systems all across the country. I'm very surprised the teachers unions are not complaining about it, although I'm sure all their members are still paying dues and not having to go into work.
This doesn't just apply to Trump but what I would like happen is for people to decide to ignore EO's.

If that's what people decide to do, it works both ways you know.

That's why I said it doesn't just apply to Trump.

I don't know much about it, but I'm sure there is a penalty of some sort for going against an EO. Otherwise many people would not obey them.

If everyone ignored them there could be no penalty.

I don't know how you figure that. If something is against the law, it's against the law and you serve the penalty for violating that law. The only way to fight an EO is through the court system IF it violates any constitutional right.
This doesn't just apply to Trump but what I would like happen is for people to decide to ignore EO's.

If that's what people decide to do, it works both ways you know.

That's why I said it doesn't just apply to Trump.

I don't know much about it, but I'm sure there is a penalty of some sort for going against an EO. Otherwise many people would not obey them.

If everyone ignored them there could be no penalty.

I don't know how you figure that. If something is against the law, it's against the law and you serve the penalty for violating that law. The only way to fight an EO is through the court system IF it violates any constitutional right.

Hiring illegals is against the law. Why is no one ever arrested for it?
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The higher education puppy mills will lose a huge sum of money if education goes online

in fact the schools could get by with half the staff they have now

imagine a Feminist and Black Studies professor getting canned and having to find a real job

I encourage trump change his approach and support internet teaching
Online courses can be problematic. There is something to be said for live interaction among students and students and faculty. Most schools are attempting blended models. Lot of discussion going on, and regardless, the face of education is going to change.

This virus led the way.

Over half of my property taxes go to support our local public schools. I (nor any of my tenants) ever had kids in the school system, yet we have to pay for it.

Yes, the cost of these schools are high, in the thousands a year for me. But what do those costs include besides teachers? The buildings. The buildings that use heat, air conditioning, maintenance. Then there are busses. You have to pay the drivers, the gasoline, insurance, and so on.

Think how much money taxpayers could save through education online. Close down and sell the schools. No more busses because there is no place to send the kids to. Given the fact that the average educational cost per capita is about 12-15K a year, it would be more cost effective to provide those poorer kids with internet access and a computer.

You are talking K-12? Everyone would be home schooling?

Correct, that's what I'm talking about, and so are school systems all across the country. I'm very surprised the teachers unions are not complaining about it, although I'm sure all their members are still paying dues and not having to go into work.
It would be a nightmare for parents, and single parents couldn’t do it. In addition, there is a lot of important social development that goes on in a school setting.
Families, businesses, governors, mayors, school or college administrators, taking "the hoax" seriously, all conspire to undermine Trump's efforts to expose the hoax as a hoax. Small wonder the overgrown baby is throwing another tantrum - any efforts to contain the virus ... er, the hoax expose the crybaby as callous and incompetent, with a direct impact on his reelection.

Very ignorant and non factual post.
And another EO, that makes no sense. Is it because Trump is impotent to affect the opening of public schools under local control? Wants to destroy higher education? Is pissed at Harvard? This new order contradicts previous policy regarding Covid....what a mess.

Many U.S. colleges were scrambling on Tuesday to modify plans for the fall semester in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic a day after the Trump administration issued an order that could force tens of thousands of foreign students to leave the country if their schools hold all classes online.
The announcement blindsided academic institutions grappling with the logistical challenges of safely resuming classes, particularly after the federal government had granted exceptions to the rules limiting online learning for foreign students when colleges and universities in March rushed to shutter campuses and move to online classes as the pandemic forced lockdowns.

There are more than a million foreign students at U.S. colleges and universities, and many schools depend on revenue from foreign students, who often pay full tuition.
The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency said institutions moving entirely to online learning must submit plans to the agency by July 15. Schools that will use only in-person learning, shortened or delayed classes, or a blend of in-person and online learning must submit plans by Aug. 1.

Too many Chinese nationals are working as spies for the Chinese government...we need to stop allowing them into the country.

They could join Feinstein's staff, like the others.
Online courses can be problematic. There is something to be said for live interaction among students and students and faculty.
Yes, liberal brainwashing of the students is much easier in person than not

True, but online, is online.
If students came to the USA to purchase something that we are not currently offering for sale, what is the rationale for lingering in the store?
The go home part seems clearly appropriate here.
And another EO, that makes no sense. Is it because Trump is impotent to affect the opening of public schools under local control? Wants to destroy higher education? Is pissed at Harvard? This new order contradicts previous policy regarding Covid....what a mess.

Many U.S. colleges were scrambling on Tuesday to modify plans for the fall semester in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic a day after the Trump administration issued an order that could force tens of thousands of foreign students to leave the country if their schools hold all classes online.
The announcement blindsided academic institutions grappling with the logistical challenges of safely resuming classes, particularly after the federal government had granted exceptions to the rules limiting online learning for foreign students when colleges and universities in March rushed to shutter campuses and move to online classes as the pandemic forced lockdowns.

There are more than a million foreign students at U.S. colleges and universities, and many schools depend on revenue from foreign students, who often pay full tuition.
The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency said institutions moving entirely to online learning must submit plans to the agency by July 15. Schools that will use only in-person learning, shortened or delayed classes, or a blend of in-person and online learning must submit plans by Aug. 1.
It seems to me that Trump thinks his political fortunes will be buoyed if kids get out of their parents' houses and return to campuses. Colleges and Unis want those foreign student tuition checks. So he and Betsy Devo are putting pressure on schools to offer on-campus classes so students will have no choice but to return.

Already the U of Penn, plans to have students in dorms and apartments. Ariz and Tex are already showing us the future. And Penn will probably have so close businesses again.
Just another
There is no reason for those students to be in this country if all classes are on line. Certainly no reason for any school to be scrambling. There's no difference between a student across the street or across the world.

What dream world do you live in? I tell you what. Let me make you work the overnight shift from 11-7 for a few months and see how you like it and how your body adapts to it. Because that's what a lot of those foreign students would have to deal with. You see, they come here to go to school..you know, in the daytime. Even though they may be from other time zones, if they are forced out of the country, now you're looking at anywhere from 5 hours difference to up to 12 or 13. What it means in a nutshell is that a lot of these students will have to go to school overnight. Schools are scrambling because they hold their classes..you know...during the daylight hours. Having to tailor learning programs for other time zones takes time and effort...especially since the school year begins in barely two months.

Throw this edict on the pile of bans on people of color immigrating. Another attempt to Make America White Again.
Sickening and loathsome.

You see, they come here to go to school..you know, in the daytime. Even though they may be from other time zones, if they are forced out of the country, now you're looking at anywhere from 5 hours difference to up to 12 or 13.

You're right. There is no possible way to record lectures and play them back at a later time.
No way to email teachers with questions and get a response later.

You should invent such technology. I think you would make hundreds of dollars.
If everyone ignored them there could be no penalty.
Its not as simple as you imagine

When Chairman Mao’s grandson arrives in New York to study ICBM design or bio weapons technology at harvard, and gets sent back to china because his visa is revoked, he’s almost sure to demand a refund from the greedy educators at Harvard

dontcha think?
The higher education puppy mills will lose a huge sum of money if education goes online

in fact the schools could get by with half the staff they have now

imagine a Feminist and Black Studies professor getting canned and having to find a real job

I encourage trump change his approach and support internet teaching
Online courses can be problematic. There is something to be said for live interaction among students and students and faculty. Most schools are attempting blended models. Lot of discussion going on, and regardless, the face of education is going to change.

This virus led the way.

Over half of my property taxes go to support our local public schools. I (nor any of my tenants) ever had kids in the school system, yet we have to pay for it.

Yes, the cost of these schools are high, in the thousands a year for me. But what do those costs include besides teachers? The buildings. The buildings that use heat, air conditioning, maintenance. Then there are busses. You have to pay the drivers, the gasoline, insurance, and so on.

Think how much money taxpayers could save through education online. Close down and sell the schools. No more busses because there is no place to send the kids to. Given the fact that the average educational cost per capita is about 12-15K a year, it would be more cost effective to provide those poorer kids with internet access and a computer.

You are talking K-12? Everyone would be home schooling?

Correct, that's what I'm talking about, and so are school systems all across the country. I'm very surprised the teachers unions are not complaining about it, although I'm sure all their members are still paying dues and not having to go into work.
It would be a nightmare for parents, and single parents couldn’t do it. In addition, there is a lot of important social development that goes on in a school setting.
So you agree with Trump that schools should open
This doesn't just apply to Trump but what I would like happen is for people to decide to ignore EO's.

If that's what people decide to do, it works both ways you know.

That's why I said it doesn't just apply to Trump.

I don't know much about it, but I'm sure there is a penalty of some sort for going against an EO. Otherwise many people would not obey them.

If everyone ignored them there could be no penalty.

Kind of what the Obama admin. Did with any laws that they didn’t like.
If everyone ignored them there could be no penalty.
Its not as simple as you imagine

When Chairman Mao’s grandson arrives in New York to study ICBM design or bio weapons technology at harvard, and gets sent back to china because his visa is revoked, he’s almost sure to demand a refund from the greedy educators at Harvard

dontcha think?

If everyone ignored EO's it's not an issue.

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