U.S. colleges scramble after new Trump order on foreign students

Just another
There is no reason for those students to be in this country if all classes are on line. Certainly no reason for any school to be scrambling. There's no difference between a student across the street or across the world.

What dream world do you live in? I tell you what. Let me make you work the overnight shift from 11-7 for a few months and see how you like it and how your body adapts to it. Because that's what a lot of those foreign students would have to deal with. You see, they come here to go to school..you know, in the daytime. Even though they may be from other time zones, if they are forced out of the country, now you're looking at anywhere from 5 hours difference to up to 12 or 13. What it means in a nutshell is that a lot of these students will have to go to school overnight. Schools are scrambling because they hold their classes..you know...during the daylight hours. Having to tailor learning programs for other time zones takes time and effort...especially since the school year begins in barely two months.

Throw this edict on the pile of bans on people of color immigrating. Another attempt to Make America White Again.
Sickening and loathsome.
Many of those kids couldn't qualify for their state unis but had rich parents who could afford to send them to the States. Cry me a fucking Ganges.
This doesn't just apply to Trump but what I would like happen is for people to decide to ignore EO's.

If that's what people decide to do, it works both ways you know.

That's why I said it doesn't just apply to Trump.

I don't know much about it, but I'm sure there is a penalty of some sort for going against an EO. Otherwise many people would not obey them.

If everyone ignored them there could be no penalty.

Kind of what the Obama admin. Did with any laws that they didn’t like.

I didn't support it when he did it either. EO's are the realm of the lazy.
The higher education puppy mills will lose a huge sum of money if education goes online

in fact the schools could get by with half the staff they have now

imagine a Feminist and Black Studies professor getting canned and having to find a real job

I encourage trump change his approach and support internet teaching
Online courses can be problematic. There is something to be said for live interaction among students and students and faculty. Most schools are attempting blended models. Lot of discussion going on, and regardless, the face of education is going to change.

This virus led the way.

Over half of my property taxes go to support our local public schools. I (nor any of my tenants) ever had kids in the school system, yet we have to pay for it.

Yes, the cost of these schools are high, in the thousands a year for me. But what do those costs include besides teachers? The buildings. The buildings that use heat, air conditioning, maintenance. Then there are busses. You have to pay the drivers, the gasoline, insurance, and so on.

Think how much money taxpayers could save through education online. Close down and sell the schools. No more busses because there is no place to send the kids to. Given the fact that the average educational cost per capita is about 12-15K a year, it would be more cost effective to provide those poorer kids with internet access and a computer.

You are talking K-12? Everyone would be home schooling?

Correct, that's what I'm talking about, and so are school systems all across the country. I'm very surprised the teachers unions are not complaining about it, although I'm sure all their members are still paying dues and not having to go into work.
It would be a nightmare for parents, and single parents couldn’t do it. In addition, there is a lot of important social development that goes on in a school setting.
So you agree with Trump that schools should open

I think schools should open in a way that is safe and that means different plans in different communities. You can’t mandate a one size fits all opening, which Trump seems to be demanding.
If everyone ignored EO's it's not an issue
The immigration officers at international US airports are not/cannot ignore orders from the president

foreign students without visas are going back on the next available flight
Scrambling legal teams I guess. EO's of this nature are not legitimately enforceable, because what is proposed is not within the prerogative of the executive branch.
Visas aren't within the executive branch?
Then which branch is it, dumbass? Unless it's judicial or legislative in nature, all government agencies are administered by the administration. Why in hell do you think it's called the ADMINISTRATION?
Scrambling legal teams I guess. EO's of this nature are not legitimately enforceable, because what is proposed is not within the prerogative of the executive branch.
Visas aren't within the executive branch?
Then which branch is it, dumbass? Unless it's judicial or legislative in nature, all government agencies are administered by the administration. Why in hell do you think it's called the ADMINISTRATION?

EO's cannot make whole law out of thin air. They may be used in the interpretation of existing law, or in the practical implimentation of existing law. Removing people from the country who are allowed to be there BY LAW, is not within the executive prerogative.
Just another
There is no reason for those students to be in this country if all classes are on line. Certainly no reason for any school to be scrambling. There's no difference between a student across the street or across the world.

What dream world do you live in? I tell you what. Let me make you work the overnight shift from 11-7 for a few months and see how you like it and how your body adapts to it. Because that's what a lot of those foreign students would have to deal with. You see, they come here to go to school..you know, in the daytime. Even though they may be from other time zones, if they are forced out of the country, now you're looking at anywhere from 5 hours difference to up to 12 or 13. What it means in a nutshell is that a lot of these students will have to go to school overnight. Schools are scrambling because they hold their classes..you know...during the daylight hours. Having to tailor learning programs for other time zones takes time and effort...especially since the school year begins in barely two months.

Throw this edict on the pile of bans on people of color immigrating. Another attempt to Make America White Again.
Sickening and loathsome.
I have never heard of anything else that is this ignorant. Online classes are not held in real time. The lesson or lecture is posted. When you do it is up to you. Look at University of Phoenix website maybe they can explain it to you. Schools aren't scrambling to accommodate online classes. They already made that switch. You didn't think that the EO was mandating online classes did you?

Once the school made the move to all online classes and there was no physical presence possible for any student there is no need for student visas. That's what was changed.
Scrambling legal teams I guess. EO's of this nature are not legitimately enforceable, because what is proposed is not within the prerogative of the executive branch.
Visas aren't within the executive branch?
Then which branch is it, dumbass? Unless it's judicial or legislative in nature, all government agencies are administered by the administration. Why in hell do you think it's called the ADMINISTRATION?

EO's cannot make whole law out of thin air. They may be used in the interpretation of existing law, or in the practical implimentation of existing law. Removing people from the country who are allowed to be there BY LAW, is not within the executive prerogative.
If they are here on a student visa that visa can certainly be revoked. They aren't allowed to be here by law anymore. If the institution no longer requires a physical presence the basis for the student visa goes away.
Lol...no they aren't. They won't be going anywhere.
Thats too bad but I can live with a certain amount of residue knowing that new students will not be allowed in

then maybe we can grant waivers for s korean and japanese students, or maybe just waiver everyone except the chinese
The higher education puppy mills will lose a huge sum of money if education goes online

in fact the schools could get by with half the staff they have now

imagine a Feminist and Black Studies professor getting canned and having to find a real job

I encourage trump change his approach and support internet teaching
Online courses can be problematic. There is something to be said for live interaction among students and students and faculty. Most schools are attempting blended models. Lot of discussion going on, and regardless, the face of education is going to change.

This virus led the way.

Over half of my property taxes go to support our local public schools. I (nor any of my tenants) ever had kids in the school system, yet we have to pay for it.

Yes, the cost of these schools are high, in the thousands a year for me. But what do those costs include besides teachers? The buildings. The buildings that use heat, air conditioning, maintenance. Then there are busses. You have to pay the drivers, the gasoline, insurance, and so on.

Think how much money taxpayers could save through education online. Close down and sell the schools. No more busses because there is no place to send the kids to. Given the fact that the average educational cost per capita is about 12-15K a year, it would be more cost effective to provide those poorer kids with internet access and a computer.

You are talking K-12? Everyone would be home schooling?

Correct, that's what I'm talking about, and so are school systems all across the country. I'm very surprised the teachers unions are not complaining about it, although I'm sure all their members are still paying dues and not having to go into work.
It would be a nightmare for parents, and single parents couldn’t do it. In addition, there is a lot of important social development that goes on in a school setting.
So you agree with Trump that schools should open

I think schools should open in a way that is safe and that means different plans in different communities. You can’t mandate a one size fits all opening, which Trump seems to be demanding.
Trump didn't demand anything. The universities have already decided, independently, to go to all online classes.
The higher education puppy mills will lose a huge sum of money if education goes online

in fact the schools could get by with half the staff they have now

imagine a Feminist and Black Studies professor getting canned and having to find a real job

I encourage trump change his approach and support internet teaching
Online courses can be problematic. There is something to be said for live interaction among students and students and faculty. Most schools are attempting blended models. Lot of discussion going on, and regardless, the face of education is going to change.

This virus led the way.

Over half of my property taxes go to support our local public schools. I (nor any of my tenants) ever had kids in the school system, yet we have to pay for it.

Yes, the cost of these schools are high, in the thousands a year for me. But what do those costs include besides teachers? The buildings. The buildings that use heat, air conditioning, maintenance. Then there are busses. You have to pay the drivers, the gasoline, insurance, and so on.

Think how much money taxpayers could save through education online. Close down and sell the schools. No more busses because there is no place to send the kids to. Given the fact that the average educational cost per capita is about 12-15K a year, it would be more cost effective to provide those poorer kids with internet access and a computer.

You are talking K-12? Everyone would be home schooling?

Correct, that's what I'm talking about, and so are school systems all across the country. I'm very surprised the teachers unions are not complaining about it, although I'm sure all their members are still paying dues and not having to go into work.
It would be a nightmare for parents, and single parents couldn’t do it. In addition, there is a lot of important social development that goes on in a school setting.
So you agree with Trump that schools should open

I think schools should open in a way that is safe and that means different plans in different communities. You can’t mandate a one size fits all opening, which Trump seems to be demanding.
Where is Trump demanding all schools open under the same rules?

Your OP simply states that if a college goes 100% online, there is no reason for foreign exchange students to be here, and there isn’t.
The left 2016 - 2019
The wall won't stop illegals living here, most overstay their student visas, put an end to that.

The left 2020
We must let people overstay their student visas.

They are so predictable.
Foreign anyone without a valid visa won't make it through customs.
Pknopp does have one ace in the hole and I take it seriously

the universities will look for an obama judge to put a hold on the trump eo
Lol...no they aren't. They won't be going anywhere.
Thats too bad but I can live with a certain amount of residue knowing that new students will not be allowed in

then maybe we can grant waivers for s korean and japanese student, or maybe just waiver everyone except the chinese
There is no reason for a waiver. There are no classes to attend.

Why is this so hard to understand? There will be no physical classes. Instead of having classes limited by the number of seats, classes will number in the thousands. Literally limitless.
If everyone ignored EO's it's not an issue
The immigration officers at international US airports are not/cannot ignore orders from the president

foreign students without visas are going back on the next available flight

Lol...no they aren't. They won't be going anywhere.
If their visas are terminated, which Ice is saying will happen, they will be leaving or staying illegally
Lol...no they aren't. They won't be going anywhere.
Thats too bad but I can live with a certain amount of residue knowing that new students will not be allowed in

then maybe we can grant waivers for s korean and japanese student, or maybe just waiver everyone except the chinese
There is no reason for a waiver. There are no classes to attend.

Why is this so hard to understand? There will be no physical classes. Instead of having classes limited by the number of seats, classes will number in the thousands. Literally limitless.
But will for students who are expelled pay tution?

Trump's admin is trying to force colleges to hold live classes on campus to open up schools. That's all that this is about.

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