U.S. Congress invites Netanyahu, Obama blindsided

I think it's rather comical that Boehner decided to blow right past Obumble and invite Bibi directly.

It lets Israel know in very clear terms that the Failed Messiah does not speak for America, when it comes to our friendship and alliance and support for Israel.

After months - years - of thinly-disguised animosity towards Israel on the part of the present US administration - Congress decided to send a much different message.

Good on them... bypassing Obama, and playing hardball back in return, for his Iran veto babble last night.

Just goes to show you that no matter how many members of the Obumble Fan Club had wet dreams last night over the SOTU, it's the Day After (and beyond) that really counts.

Lame duck, indeed.
Bibi stands before Congress and says.....

That's about it. I don't think the PM of Israel should address our congress like our Pres. does. How would Bibi like our Pres to go to Israel and speak in front of what his cabinet or whatever its called. The Boner had lot of nerve to ask him.
I think it's rather comical that Boehner decided to blow right past Obumble and invite Bibi directly.

It lets Israel know in very clear terms that the Failed Messiah does not speak for America, when it comes to our friendship and alliance and support for Israel.

After months - years - of thinly-disguised animosity towards Israel on the part of the present US administration - Congress decided to send a much different message.

Good on them... bypassing Obama, and playing hardball back in return, for his Iran veto babble last night.

Just goes to show you that no matter how many members of the Obumble Fan Club had wet dreams last night over the SOTU, it's the Day After (and beyond) that really counts.

Lame duck, indeed.
Boner had no right to invite him. He is an instigator of war, jews love war, I could careless about a "greater Israel' and no one is attacking Israel. I think Obama is right, put more sanctions on and piss Iran them off. If Israel wants to fight Iran what the hell are they waiting for, hell to freeze over. They are scared shitless without our military and frankly I hope our military refuses. If anything Israel needs to be sanctioned.
U.S. Congress invites Netanyahu, Obama blindsided

WASHINGTON Wed Jan 21, 2015 2:51pm EST


Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (C) attends the weekly cabinet meeting at his office in Jerusalem January 18, 2015.


(Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Speaker John Boehner on Wednesday invited Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to address Congress without consulting President Barack Obama, and a White House spokesman questioned whether protocol had been violated.

An Israeli official said Netanyahu, whose relationship with Obama has often been tense, was looking into the possibility of meeting with Obama when he comes to Washington to address a joint session of Congress on Feb. 11.

White House spokesman Josh Earnest said, "The protocol would suggest that the leader of one country would contact the leader of another country when he's traveling there. This particular event seems to be a departure from that protocol."

Boehner announced the invitation the morning after Obama pledged in his State of the Union address to veto any legislation passed by Congress to toughen sanctions against Iran while Washington and other powers negotiate with Tehran over its nuclear program.

Asked by a reporter if inviting Netanyahu without speaking to the White House was a "poke in the eye" to Obama, Boehner, a Republican, said, "The Congress can make this decision on its own. I don’t believe I’m poking anyone in the eye."

Lawmakers trying to amass enough support to override any veto by Obama are developing several pieces of Iran-related legislation, including a bill to tighten sanctions if a final nuclear agreement is not reached before the end of June.


U.S. Congress invites Netanyahu Obama blindsided Reuters


Looks like Congress has had a bellyful of Obumble's kid-gloves treatment of Iran and his slap-downs of Israel.
I heard Obutthurt crying that Congress overstepped their authority. What an idiot, he does it all the time.

obumble has been bragging about avoiding Congress for months. Now Congress avoids him.

Good. I want to see more of this.
U.S. Congress invites Netanyahu, Obama blindsided

WASHINGTON Wed Jan 21, 2015 2:51pm EST


Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (C) attends the weekly cabinet meeting at his office in Jerusalem January 18, 2015.


(Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Speaker John Boehner on Wednesday invited Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to address Congress without consulting President Barack Obama, and a White House spokesman questioned whether protocol had been violated.

An Israeli official said Netanyahu, whose relationship with Obama has often been tense, was looking into the possibility of meeting with Obama when he comes to Washington to address a joint session of Congress on Feb. 11.

White House spokesman Josh Earnest said, "The protocol would suggest that the leader of one country would contact the leader of another country when he's traveling there. This particular event seems to be a departure from that protocol."

Boehner announced the invitation the morning after Obama pledged in his State of the Union address to veto any legislation passed by Congress to toughen sanctions against Iran while Washington and other powers negotiate with Tehran over its nuclear program.

Asked by a reporter if inviting Netanyahu without speaking to the White House was a "poke in the eye" to Obama, Boehner, a Republican, said, "The Congress can make this decision on its own. I don’t believe I’m poking anyone in the eye."

Lawmakers trying to amass enough support to override any veto by Obama are developing several pieces of Iran-related legislation, including a bill to tighten sanctions if a final nuclear agreement is not reached before the end of June.


U.S. Congress invites Netanyahu Obama blindsided Reuters


Looks like Congress has had a bellyful of Obumble's kid-gloves treatment of Iran and his slap-downs of Israel.
Why does this hypocritical Jew tumble beside our Congress. Or do we practice the import of Israeli lobby? Do you consider he can give any useful piece of advice except for bombing Iran?
I think it's rather comical that Boehner decided to blow right past Obumble and invite Bibi directly.

It lets Israel know in very clear terms that the Failed Messiah does not speak for America, when it comes to our friendship and alliance and support for Israel.

After months - years - of thinly-disguised animosity towards Israel on the part of the present US administration - Congress decided to send a much different message.

Good on them... bypassing Obama, and playing hardball back in return, for his Iran veto babble last night.

Just goes to show you that no matter how many members of the Obumble Fan Club had wet dreams last night over the SOTU, it's the Day After (and beyond) that really counts.

Lame duck, indeed.

Boehner did good. Welcome to Netanyahu---he will come way nearer the truth than Obama.

I expect the origin of this move was minutes after Obama brought Great Brittain's Prime Minister in to lobby Congress in support of Obama's bogus quixotic attempt to negotiate with ayatollahs.

Getting the leader of a foreign country to lobby Congress on an internal matter...well Boehner had enough at that point, and last night's speech--in which Obama pretended everything was fine in the Mid-East--was the last straw.

Good for Boehner. Bring on Netanyahu.
I think it's rather comical that Boehner decided to blow right past Obumble and invite Bibi directly.

It lets Israel know in very clear terms that the Failed Messiah does not speak for America, when it comes to our friendship and alliance and support for Israel.

After months - years - of thinly-disguised animosity towards Israel on the part of the present US administration - Congress decided to send a much different message.

Good on them... bypassing Obama, and playing hardball back in return, for his Iran veto babble last night.

Just goes to show you that no matter how many members of the Obumble Fan Club had wet dreams last night over the SOTU, it's the Day After (and beyond) that really counts.

Lame duck, indeed.
Boner had no right to invite him. He is an instigator of war, jews love war, I could careless about a "greater Israel' and no one is attacking Israel. I think Obama is right, put more sanctions on and piss Iran them off. If Israel wants to fight Iran what the hell are they waiting for, hell to freeze over. They are scared shitless without our military and frankly I hope our military refuses. If anything Israel needs to be sanctioned.

Boner has EVERY RIGHT, as there is a SEPARATION of government here, where the Legislature has all the rights in the world to do exactly what they did....They BITCH SLAPPED the little pro muslim, and his Executive branch, now the scumbag POTUS is all jacked out of shape.... "BONER" might have found a set of balls, hopefully, he won't drop them!

U.S. Congress invites Netanyahu, Obama blindsided

WASHINGTON Wed Jan 21, 2015 2:51pm EST


Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (C) attends the weekly cabinet meeting at his office in Jerusalem January 18, 2015.


(Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Speaker John Boehner on Wednesday invited Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to address Congress without consulting President Barack Obama, and a White House spokesman questioned whether protocol had been violated.

An Israeli official said Netanyahu, whose relationship with Obama has often been tense, was looking into the possibility of meeting with Obama when he comes to Washington to address a joint session of Congress on Feb. 11.

White House spokesman Josh Earnest said, "The protocol would suggest that the leader of one country would contact the leader of another country when he's traveling there. This particular event seems to be a departure from that protocol."

Boehner announced the invitation the morning after Obama pledged in his State of the Union address to veto any legislation passed by Congress to toughen sanctions against Iran while Washington and other powers negotiate with Tehran over its nuclear program.

Asked by a reporter if inviting Netanyahu without speaking to the White House was a "poke in the eye" to Obama, Boehner, a Republican, said, "The Congress can make this decision on its own. I don’t believe I’m poking anyone in the eye."

Lawmakers trying to amass enough support to override any veto by Obama are developing several pieces of Iran-related legislation, including a bill to tighten sanctions if a final nuclear agreement is not reached before the end of June.


U.S. Congress invites Netanyahu Obama blindsided Reuters


Looks like Congress has had a bellyful of Obumble's kid-gloves treatment of Iran and his slap-downs of Israel.
Easy to guess the contents of the speech-

1. "Declare war on Iran, because I can't do it without losing my Prime Ministership."

2. "Keep giving us stuff."

Usual fluff in-between.

Oh, and of course the Right saying "Obama didn't get down on one knee and kiss Bibi's ring....proves he's anti-Semitic."
I think it's rather comical that Boehner decided to blow right past Obumble and invite Bibi directly.

It lets Israel know in very clear terms that the Failed Messiah does not speak for America, when it comes to our friendship and alliance and support for Israel.

After months - years - of thinly-disguised animosity towards Israel on the part of the present US administration - Congress decided to send a much different message.

Good on them... bypassing Obama, and playing hardball back in return, for his Iran veto babble last night.

Just goes to show you that no matter how many members of the Obumble Fan Club had wet dreams last night over the SOTU, it's the Day After (and beyond) that really counts.

Lame duck, indeed.
Boner had no right to invite him. He is an instigator of war, jews love war, I could careless about a "greater Israel' and no one is attacking Israel. I think Obama is right, put more sanctions on and piss Iran them off. If Israel wants to fight Iran what the hell are they waiting for, hell to freeze over. They are scared shitless without our military and frankly I hope our military refuses. If anything Israel needs to be sanctioned.
Wrong again as usual. Way to go Boehner.
Suck it up Big Zero! Just think of it as someone else's Executive Order and it won't hurt so much.

Next up?

How about a congressional invitation to Uhuru Kenyatta to stop by and pick up his missing village idiot?
Oh yes the master of terrorism, who really invented islamophobia. Boehner is a war monger who wants to be a hero to Israel and attack Iran. Sick. I wish the scumbag PM Bibi would not be allowed to set foot in the US.

Nice to know you would like Iran to get Nuclear and give it to jihad terrorists to blow up a whole bunch of innocents in many countries, including us in America.
Iran is fighting jihadists in Syria, whereas Israel is aiding the Islamist rebels. But I doubt Congress will invite the Iranian President to speak.
UN Report Israel in Regular Contact with Syrian Rebels including ISIS
Glad to know what country that lap dog faggot Boehner stands with, we now know where his loyalties lie. The man is pathetic, he does nothing to stop Obama, but I mean, this isn't a surprise, he couldn't even stop his daughter from marrying a mangy jamaican pothead.
Oh yes the master of terrorism, who really invented islamophobia. Boehner is a war monger who wants to be a hero to Israel and attack Iran. Sick. I wish the scumbag PM Bibi would not be allowed to set foot in the US.

Nice to know you would like Iran to get Nuclear and give it to jihad terrorists to blow up a whole bunch of innocents in many countries, including us in America.
Iran is fighting jihadists in Syria, whereas Israel is aiding the Islamist rebels. But I doubt Congress will invite the Iranian President to speak.
UN Report Israel in Regular Contact with Syrian Rebels including ISIS

Iran is calling Hezbollah's shots. We've already seen how that works out for Lebanon:

"Hezbollah leader Sheik Hassan Nasrallah said yesterday that he would not have ordered the July 12 seizure of two Israeli soldiers had he known it would provoke a war that leveled Shi’ite villages and neighborhoods throughout Lebanon ... We did not think, even 1 percent, that the capture would lead to a war at this time and of this magnitude. You ask me, if I had known on July 11 … that the operation would lead to such a war, would I do it? I say no, absolutely not,” he told Lebanon’s New TV station."

Oh yes the master of terrorism, who really invented islamophobia. Boehner is a war monger who wants to be a hero to Israel and attack Iran. Sick. I wish the scumbag PM Bibi would not be allowed to set foot in the US.

Nice to know you would like Iran to get Nuclear and give it to jihad terrorists to blow up a whole bunch of innocents in many countries, including us in America.
Iran is fighting jihadists in Syria, whereas Israel is aiding the Islamist rebels. But I doubt Congress will invite the Iranian President to speak.
UN Report Israel in Regular Contact with Syrian Rebels including ISIS

Iran is calling Hezbollah's shots. We've already seen how that works out for Lebanon:

"Hezbollah leader Sheik Hassan Nasrallah said yesterday that he would not have ordered the July 12 seizure of two Israeli soldiers had he known it would provoke a war that leveled Shi’ite villages and neighborhoods throughout Lebanon ... We did not think, even 1 percent, that the capture would lead to a war at this time and of this magnitude. You ask me, if I had known on July 11 … that the operation would lead to such a war, would I do it? I say no, absolutely not,” he told Lebanon’s New TV station."

Hezbollah is protecting Christians in Syria at the moment. So I guess that means Iran is protecting Christians at the moment. Good, someone needs to , apparently America won't.
Christians In Northern Lebanon And Hezbollah Unite Over Shared ISIS Threat
Oh yes the master of terrorism, who really invented islamophobia. Boehner is a war monger who wants to be a hero to Israel and attack Iran. Sick. I wish the scumbag PM Bibi would not be allowed to set foot in the US.

Nice to know you would like Iran to get Nuclear and give it to jihad terrorists to blow up a whole bunch of innocents in many countries, including us in America.
Iran is fighting jihadists in Syria, whereas Israel is aiding the Islamist rebels. But I doubt Congress will invite the Iranian President to speak.
UN Report Israel in Regular Contact with Syrian Rebels including ISIS

Iran is calling Hezbollah's shots. We've already seen how that works out for Lebanon:

"Hezbollah leader Sheik Hassan Nasrallah said yesterday that he would not have ordered the July 12 seizure of two Israeli soldiers had he known it would provoke a war that leveled Shi’ite villages and neighborhoods throughout Lebanon ... We did not think, even 1 percent, that the capture would lead to a war at this time and of this magnitude. You ask me, if I had known on July 11 … that the operation would lead to such a war, would I do it? I say no, absolutely not,” he told Lebanon’s New TV station."

Hezbollah is protecting Christians in Syria at the moment. So I guess that means Iran is protecting Christians at the moment. Good, someone needs to , apparently America won't.
Christians In Northern Lebanon And Hezbollah Unite Over Shared ISIS Threat

America is indeed attacking ISIS, and shared enemies make strange bedfellows. Muslims in Lebanon have been chasing Christians out for decades:

"...There has been no official census in Lebanon since 1932. But official records confirm that in 1926 when the state of Lebanon was officially announced and recognized by the allies the Christians formed 84% of the population of the Mount Lebanon district ... One estimate of the Christian share of Lebanon's population as of 2014 is 41%."

Christianity in Lebanon - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Oh yes the master of terrorism, who really invented islamophobia. Boehner is a war monger who wants to be a hero to Israel and attack Iran. Sick. I wish the scumbag PM Bibi would not be allowed to set foot in the US.

Nice to know you would like Iran to get Nuclear and give it to jihad terrorists to blow up a whole bunch of innocents in many countries, including us in America.
Iran is fighting jihadists in Syria, whereas Israel is aiding the Islamist rebels. But I doubt Congress will invite the Iranian President to speak.
UN Report Israel in Regular Contact with Syrian Rebels including ISIS

Iran is calling Hezbollah's shots. We've already seen how that works out for Lebanon:

"Hezbollah leader Sheik Hassan Nasrallah said yesterday that he would not have ordered the July 12 seizure of two Israeli soldiers had he known it would provoke a war that leveled Shi’ite villages and neighborhoods throughout Lebanon ... We did not think, even 1 percent, that the capture would lead to a war at this time and of this magnitude. You ask me, if I had known on July 11 … that the operation would lead to such a war, would I do it? I say no, absolutely not,” he told Lebanon’s New TV station."

Hezbollah is protecting Christians in Syria at the moment. So I guess that means Iran is protecting Christians at the moment. Good, someone needs to , apparently America won't.
Christians In Northern Lebanon And Hezbollah Unite Over Shared ISIS Threat

America is indeed attacking ISIS, and shared enemies make strange bedfellows. Muslims in Lebanon have been chasing Christians out for decades:

"...There has been no official census in Lebanon since 1932. But official records confirm that in 1926 when the state of Lebanon was officially announced and recognized by the allies the Christians formed 84% of the population of the Mount Lebanon district ... One estimate of the Christian share of Lebanon's population as of 2014 is 41%."

Christianity in Lebanon - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
That's debatable. US is doing airstrikes, but ISIS has not loss ground and may very well move into Saudi Arabia now, along with northern Lebanon. And the only one seeming to confront them with troops on the ground is Syria, Iraq, Iran, and Hezbollah. The blood of innocent Christians is on the hands of the US Government for backing these Islamist rebels and letting American weapons get to ISIS in the first place . God Bless Hezbollah for protecting Christians today, whatever their transgressions were in the past. Whether it is political opportunism or not, they are doing the Lord's work.

It seems today Lebanese Christians have moved towards supporting Hezbollah by a 2/3rds majority because no one else will protect the Christians of the region.
Two-thirds of Lebanon s Christians believe Hezbollah is protecting country Al Akhbar English
Lebanese Christians Gun Up Against ISIS - The Daily Beast
Nice to know you would like Iran to get Nuclear and give it to jihad terrorists to blow up a whole bunch of innocents in many countries, including us in America.
Iran is fighting jihadists in Syria, whereas Israel is aiding the Islamist rebels. But I doubt Congress will invite the Iranian President to speak.
UN Report Israel in Regular Contact with Syrian Rebels including ISIS

Iran is calling Hezbollah's shots. We've already seen how that works out for Lebanon:

"Hezbollah leader Sheik Hassan Nasrallah said yesterday that he would not have ordered the July 12 seizure of two Israeli soldiers had he known it would provoke a war that leveled Shi’ite villages and neighborhoods throughout Lebanon ... We did not think, even 1 percent, that the capture would lead to a war at this time and of this magnitude. You ask me, if I had known on July 11 … that the operation would lead to such a war, would I do it? I say no, absolutely not,” he told Lebanon’s New TV station."

Hezbollah is protecting Christians in Syria at the moment. So I guess that means Iran is protecting Christians at the moment. Good, someone needs to , apparently America won't.
Christians In Northern Lebanon And Hezbollah Unite Over Shared ISIS Threat

America is indeed attacking ISIS, and shared enemies make strange bedfellows. Muslims in Lebanon have been chasing Christians out for decades:

"...There has been no official census in Lebanon since 1932. But official records confirm that in 1926 when the state of Lebanon was officially announced and recognized by the allies the Christians formed 84% of the population of the Mount Lebanon district ... One estimate of the Christian share of Lebanon's population as of 2014 is 41%."

Christianity in Lebanon - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
That's debatable. US is doing airstrikes, but ISIS has not loss ground and may very well move into Saudi Arabia now, along with northern Lebanon. And the only one seeming to confront them with troops on the ground is Syria, Iraq, Iran, and Hezbollah...

You just moved the goalposts. America is clearly part of the anti-ISIS coalition and despite your self-serving claims, is protecting Lebanon's Christians.
As already mentioned, Hezbollah is Iran's puppet in Lebanon and was the cause of much devastation when they provoked Israel in 2006. No doubt they will do so again when instructed by their masters in Tehran and with similar results. Today Iran sees ISIS as a threat to their hegemony and, as such, Hezbollah confronts them.
Iran is fighting jihadists in Syria, whereas Israel is aiding the Islamist rebels. But I doubt Congress will invite the Iranian President to speak.
UN Report Israel in Regular Contact with Syrian Rebels including ISIS

Iran is calling Hezbollah's shots. We've already seen how that works out for Lebanon:

"Hezbollah leader Sheik Hassan Nasrallah said yesterday that he would not have ordered the July 12 seizure of two Israeli soldiers had he known it would provoke a war that leveled Shi’ite villages and neighborhoods throughout Lebanon ... We did not think, even 1 percent, that the capture would lead to a war at this time and of this magnitude. You ask me, if I had known on July 11 … that the operation would lead to such a war, would I do it? I say no, absolutely not,” he told Lebanon’s New TV station."

Hezbollah is protecting Christians in Syria at the moment. So I guess that means Iran is protecting Christians at the moment. Good, someone needs to , apparently America won't.
Christians In Northern Lebanon And Hezbollah Unite Over Shared ISIS Threat

America is indeed attacking ISIS, and shared enemies make strange bedfellows. Muslims in Lebanon have been chasing Christians out for decades:

"...There has been no official census in Lebanon since 1932. But official records confirm that in 1926 when the state of Lebanon was officially announced and recognized by the allies the Christians formed 84% of the population of the Mount Lebanon district ... One estimate of the Christian share of Lebanon's population as of 2014 is 41%."

Christianity in Lebanon - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
That's debatable. US is doing airstrikes, but ISIS has not loss ground and may very well move into Saudi Arabia now, along with northern Lebanon. And the only one seeming to confront them with troops on the ground is Syria, Iraq, Iran, and Hezbollah...

You just moved the goalposts. America is clearly part of the anti-ISIS coalition and despite your self-serving claims, is protecting Lebanon's Christians.
As already mentioned, Hezbollah is Iran's puppet in Lebanon and was the cause of much devastation when they provoked Israel in 2006. No doubt they will do so again when instructed by their masters in Tehran and with similar results. Today Iran sees ISIS as a threat to their hegemony and, as such, Hezbollah confronts them.
Anti-ISIS coalition, tell me what has this grand coalition done to stop ISIS? I never moved the goalposts. I said the American government supported ISIS indirectly through arming islamist rebels before starting this "bombing campaign" which has done little if at all anything. So no, the goalposts have not been moved, and my comment stands. The blood of innocent Christians, including Lebanese Christians, is on the hands of the American Government. For if they did not arm the Islamist rebels in Syria to begin with, compounded with the withdrawal from Iraq, this would not have occurred.

As for the rest of your comment. Yes, Hezbollah dislikes sunni islamists, and yes, ISIS undermines their geopolitical position by trying to overthrow Assad, who is a main supporter of there's. But none of this negates the fact they are protecting the Christian minority. At the moment, Assad is the most ardent defender of Christians in the Middle East, and he is backed by Putin, the most ardent defender of the Faith worldwide.

In reality, without Putin, many more Christians would be dead today in the Middle East. God Bless Putin and his tireless to defend the Faith and the Faithful.

Whatever Hezbollah's entanglements are with Israel, I don't care. My concern is the welfare of Christians and the secular and shia forces that keep sunni islamists at bay.
U.S. Congress invites Netanyahu, Obama blindsided

WASHINGTON Wed Jan 21, 2015 2:51pm EST


Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (C) attends the weekly cabinet meeting at his office in Jerusalem January 18, 2015.


(Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Speaker John Boehner on Wednesday invited Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to address Congress without consulting President Barack Obama, and a White House spokesman questioned whether protocol had been violated.

An Israeli official said Netanyahu, whose relationship with Obama has often been tense, was looking into the possibility of meeting with Obama when he comes to Washington to address a joint session of Congress on Feb. 11.

White House spokesman Josh Earnest said, "The protocol would suggest that the leader of one country would contact the leader of another country when he's traveling there. This particular event seems to be a departure from that protocol."

Boehner announced the invitation the morning after Obama pledged in his State of the Union address to veto any legislation passed by Congress to toughen sanctions against Iran while Washington and other powers negotiate with Tehran over its nuclear program.

Asked by a reporter if inviting Netanyahu without speaking to the White House was a "poke in the eye" to Obama, Boehner, a Republican, said, "The Congress can make this decision on its own. I don’t believe I’m poking anyone in the eye."

Lawmakers trying to amass enough support to override any veto by Obama are developing several pieces of Iran-related legislation, including a bill to tighten sanctions if a final nuclear agreement is not reached before the end of June.


U.S. Congress invites Netanyahu Obama blindsided Reuters


Looks like Congress has had a bellyful of Obumble's kid-gloves treatment of Iran and his slap-downs of Israel.
Quid pro quo. How many things has Obama done without the approval of Congress?
Iran is calling Hezbollah's shots. We've already seen how that works out for Lebanon:

"Hezbollah leader Sheik Hassan Nasrallah said yesterday that he would not have ordered the July 12 seizure of two Israeli soldiers had he known it would provoke a war that leveled Shi’ite villages and neighborhoods throughout Lebanon ... We did not think, even 1 percent, that the capture would lead to a war at this time and of this magnitude. You ask me, if I had known on July 11 … that the operation would lead to such a war, would I do it? I say no, absolutely not,” he told Lebanon’s New TV station."

Hezbollah is protecting Christians in Syria at the moment. So I guess that means Iran is protecting Christians at the moment. Good, someone needs to , apparently America won't.
Christians In Northern Lebanon And Hezbollah Unite Over Shared ISIS Threat

America is indeed attacking ISIS, and shared enemies make strange bedfellows. Muslims in Lebanon have been chasing Christians out for decades:

"...There has been no official census in Lebanon since 1932. But official records confirm that in 1926 when the state of Lebanon was officially announced and recognized by the allies the Christians formed 84% of the population of the Mount Lebanon district ... One estimate of the Christian share of Lebanon's population as of 2014 is 41%."

Christianity in Lebanon - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
That's debatable. US is doing airstrikes, but ISIS has not loss ground and may very well move into Saudi Arabia now, along with northern Lebanon. And the only one seeming to confront them with troops on the ground is Syria, Iraq, Iran, and Hezbollah...

You just moved the goalposts. America is clearly part of the anti-ISIS coalition and despite your self-serving claims, is protecting Lebanon's Christians.
As already mentioned, Hezbollah is Iran's puppet in Lebanon and was the cause of much devastation when they provoked Israel in 2006. No doubt they will do so again when instructed by their masters in Tehran and with similar results. Today Iran sees ISIS as a threat to their hegemony and, as such, Hezbollah confronts them.
Anti-ISIS coalition, tell me what has this grand coalition done to stop ISIS? I never moved the goalposts. I said the American government supported ISIS indirectly through arming islamist rebels before starting this "bombing campaign" which has done little if at all anything. So no, the goalposts have not been moved, and my comment stands. The blood of innocent Christians, including Lebanese Christians, is on the hands of the American Government. For if they did not arm the Islamist rebels in Syria to begin with, compounded with the withdrawal from Iraq, this would not have occurred.

As for the rest of your comment. Yes, Hezbollah dislikes sunni islamists, and yes, ISIS undermines their geopolitical position by trying to overthrow Assad, who is a main supporter of there's. But none of this negates the fact they are protecting the Christian minority. At the moment, Assad is the most ardent defender of Christians in the Middle East, and he is backed by Putin, the most ardent defender of the Faith worldwide.

In reality, without Putin, many more Christians would be dead today in the Middle East. God Bless Putin and his tireless to defend the Faith and the Faithful.

Whatever Hezbollah's entanglements are with Israel, I don't care. My concern is the welfare of Christians and the secular and shia forces that keep sunni islamists at bay.

Interesting, yes Isis is trying to overthrow Assad, well since Iran is anti Isis and is fighting them in Iraq, against the wishes of Israel, Israel has to be supporting Isis of which I believe it is , Seems funny we bombed Isis out of Iraq and then avoided bombing the boarder to prevent them from entering Syria. Obama has said more than once we are helping the "moderate" rebel regimen with money and also weapons, why because Israel wanted us to, their New Year attack of a plane flying over the boarder, so we were told , was Israel's sign for the US to begin our bombing.

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