U.S. Drone Strike Kills 30 Farmers in Afghanistan.

The US government only admitted to conducting a drone strike. They get intel from the local Afghans, it’s not their fault if the intel was wrong, if that is even what happened.
Oh well. Just..."shit happens" ....like 70% of the Guantanamo prisoners are innocent, turned in by rival tribes .

Yeah, that's what they say, and your dumbass believes them!
It's sad when civilians are killed in military operations but strangely enough that was the strategy during WW2, to keep killing civilians until the maniacs give up. We abandoned that concept since then but it is estimated that the Clinton administration killed about 5,000 civilians and destroyed a number of buildings (some by mistake), in a totally unexpected war on a defenseless country in Europe when he was caught with his pants down. The left loved it.
Not really the 'left' but more like the neoliberal takeover and media conglomeration to the point that by 2003, journalists were being fired for reporting against the Iraq War .

But yes -true on Clinton, and also half a million Iraqis killed under sanctions in the 90's also unreported or grossly under-reported.

Sanctions don't kill people, dumbass! Not abiding by the standards of conduct by their government and letting their people suffer under sanctions is what kills people.
Knock knock.....
'Total Massacre' as U.S. Drone Strike Kills 30 Farmers in Afghanistan

A U.S. drone attack killed 30 pine nut farmers and wounded at least 40 others in Afghanistan Wednesday night, the latest killing of innocent civilians by American forces as the "war on terror" enters its 19th year.

The farmers had just finished work and were sitting by a fire when the strike happened, according to tribal elder Malik Rahat Gul.

"Some of us managed to escape, some were injured, but many were killed," said farm laborer Juma Gul.

Our tax dollars hard at work feeding the military industry and fueling the war on terror.

Strange that 30 "farmers" were gathered in one place.

Strange that 30 "farmers" were gathered in one place.
Try reading the link if you're not too busy saluting the flag.

'Total Massacre' as U.S. Drone Strike Kills 30 Farmers in Afghanistan

"Haidar Khan, who owns the pine nut fields, said about 150 workers were there for harvesting, with some still missing as well as the confirmed dead and injured.

"A survivor of the drone strike said about 200 laborers were sleeping in five tents pitched near the farm when the attack happened."

Pine nut fields lololololol.....laborers...most of which were children, I'm sure.
Maybe the "innocent" Muslims should stop sheltering them. Democrat voters seem all to happy with the concept of human shields in warfare -- another common tactic Democrat tards shared with Islam.
Could say the same for the "innocent" white males who keep sheltering the INCEL terrorists. Maybe they should stop.

Speaking of INCEL, has your girlfriend let you back in her pants yet?
'Total Massacre' as U.S. Drone Strike Kills 30 Farmers in Afghanistan

A U.S. drone attack killed 30 pine nut farmers and wounded at least 40 others in Afghanistan Wednesday night, the latest killing of innocent civilians by American forces as the "war on terror" enters its 19th year.

The farmers had just finished work and were sitting by a fire when the strike happened, according to tribal elder Malik Rahat Gul.

"Some of us managed to escape, some were injured, but many were killed," said farm laborer Juma Gul.

Our tax dollars hard at work feeding the military industry and fueling the war on terror.

Strange that 30 "farmers" were gathered in one place.

Strange that 30 "farmers" were gathered in one place.
Try reading the link if you're not too busy saluting the flag.

'Total Massacre' as U.S. Drone Strike Kills 30 Farmers in Afghanistan

"Haidar Khan, who owns the pine nut fields, said about 150 workers were there for harvesting, with some still missing as well as the confirmed dead and injured.

"A survivor of the drone strike said about 200 laborers were sleeping in five tents pitched near the farm when the attack happened."

Oh well. They massacred 3000 Americans on 9/11. My give a fuck broke a long time ago.

That is the mindset of a terrorist.
Why waste munitions attacking terrorists, militants and insurgents and risk getting your shiny new war machines scratched or holed when the target-rich environment is innocent civilians.

Innocent civilians don't shoot back which makes the job so easy.

The general in command just measures your performance by the body count irrespective of who the bodies are.

Remember to leave no witnesses and shoot off all your rockets and munitions to please your masters of war.

Remember that dead persons cannot deny that they are terrorists, militants, or insurgents.
pine nut farmers eh ??
Really. You would think they would be out on their large John Deere tractors with the air conditioned cabs farming hundreds of acres. Or could it be that they don;t have that equipment & it is labor intensive?
'Total Massacre' as U.S. Drone Strike Kills 30 Farmers in Afghanistan

A U.S. drone attack killed 30 pine nut farmers and wounded at least 40 others in Afghanistan Wednesday night, the latest killing of innocent civilians by American forces as the "war on terror" enters its 19th year.

The farmers had just finished work and were sitting by a fire when the strike happened, according to tribal elder Malik Rahat Gul.

"Some of us managed to escape, some were injured, but many were killed," said farm laborer Juma Gul.

Our tax dollars hard at work feeding the military industry and fueling the war on terror.

Strange that 30 "farmers" were gathered in one place.

Strange that 30 "farmers" were gathered in one place.
Try reading the link if you're not too busy saluting the flag.

'Total Massacre' as U.S. Drone Strike Kills 30 Farmers in Afghanistan

"Haidar Khan, who owns the pine nut fields, said about 150 workers were there for harvesting, with some still missing as well as the confirmed dead and injured.

"A survivor of the drone strike said about 200 laborers were sleeping in five tents pitched near the farm when the attack happened."

Oh well. They massacred 3000 Americans on 9/11. My give a fuck broke a long time ago.

some people did something; Saudis .......

Some people did something...muslims.

Yes; George W, Bush's family's friends = Saudi Sunni Muzzies ...... and we still have not seen the 28 redacted pages .........

they did something on 9/11 & George W. is still covering it up.

Thanks a lot, GOP.
'Total Massacre' as U.S. Drone Strike Kills 30 Farmers in Afghanistan

A U.S. drone attack killed 30 pine nut farmers and wounded at least 40 others in Afghanistan Wednesday night, the latest killing of innocent civilians by American forces as the "war on terror" enters its 19th year.

The farmers had just finished work and were sitting by a fire when the strike happened, according to tribal elder Malik Rahat Gul.

"Some of us managed to escape, some were injured, but many were killed," said farm laborer Juma Gul.

Our tax dollars hard at work feeding the military industry and fueling the war on terror.

Strange that 30 "farmers" were gathered in one place.

Strange that 30 "farmers" were gathered in one place.
Try reading the link if you're not too busy saluting the flag.

'Total Massacre' as U.S. Drone Strike Kills 30 Farmers in Afghanistan

"Haidar Khan, who owns the pine nut fields, said about 150 workers were there for harvesting, with some still missing as well as the confirmed dead and injured.

"A survivor of the drone strike said about 200 laborers were sleeping in five tents pitched near the farm when the attack happened."

Oh well. They massacred 3000 Americans on 9/11. My give a fuck broke a long time ago.

Oh well. They massacred 3000 Americans on 9/11. My give a fuck broke a long time ago.
15 Saudi Muslims attack New York eighteen years ago, so it's perfectly MAGA to murder innocent Afghan Muslims today in order to contain China?

Try a little context:

'Total Massacre' as U.S. Drone Strike Kills 30 Farmers in Afghanistan

"MSNBC host Chris Hayes tweeted Thursday that Americans should pay attention to the attack and try to put themselves in Afghan shoes.

"'It is so easy to read this and be upset or shake your head and still see it as an abstraction,' said Hayes. 'But take a second to play through a missile from, say, Iran landing in Iowa and killing 30 farmers and what that would do to domestic politics.'"
pine nut farmers eh ??
Really. You would think they would be out on their large John Deere tractors with the air conditioned cabs farming hundreds of acres. Or could it be that they don;t have that equipment & it is labor intensive?
------------------------------------------ pine hut harvesting is a good job in the 'afghanistan' --- How to Harvest Pine Nuts --- and recently its been learned that help is needed eh ??
Last edited:
'Total Massacre' as U.S. Drone Strike Kills 30 Farmers in Afghanistan

A U.S. drone attack killed 30 pine nut farmers and wounded at least 40 others in Afghanistan Wednesday night, the latest killing of innocent civilians by American forces as the "war on terror" enters its 19th year.

The farmers had just finished work and were sitting by a fire when the strike happened, according to tribal elder Malik Rahat Gul.

"Some of us managed to escape, some were injured, but many were killed," said farm laborer Juma Gul.

Our tax dollars hard at work feeding the military industry and fueling the war on terror.

Strange that 30 "farmers" were gathered in one place.

Strange that 30 "farmers" were gathered in one place.
Try reading the link if you're not too busy saluting the flag.

'Total Massacre' as U.S. Drone Strike Kills 30 Farmers in Afghanistan

"Haidar Khan, who owns the pine nut fields, said about 150 workers were there for harvesting, with some still missing as well as the confirmed dead and injured.

"A survivor of the drone strike said about 200 laborers were sleeping in five tents pitched near the farm when the attack happened."

Oh well. They massacred 3000 Americans on 9/11. My give a fuck broke a long time ago.

Oh well. They massacred 3000 Americans on 9/11. My give a fuck broke a long time ago.
15 Saudi Muslims attack New York eighteen years ago, so it's perfectly MAGA to murder innocent Afghan Muslims today in order to contain China?

Try a little context:

'Total Massacre' as U.S. Drone Strike Kills 30 Farmers in Afghanistan

"MSNBC host Chris Hayes tweeted Thursday that Americans should pay attention to the attack and try to put themselves in Afghan shoes.

"'It is so easy to read this and be upset or shake your head and still see it as an abstraction,' said Hayes. 'But take a second to play through a missile from, say, Iran landing in Iowa and killing 30 farmers and what that would do to domestic politics.'"

This has been going on through three administrations and yet everyone is only now enraged because 30 farmers were killed. Thousands of civilians have been killed by drones for the last 18 years. Bush had 57 drone attacks, Obama 563 and now Trump. It’s called war, either win or don’t go at all. Bring the troops home from around the world and let the rest of the world take care of themselves.
To me its all BS , these 'pine nut ' farmers and Wedding parties and 'mosques' and 'gov' are full of Americas enemies . ------------------ just a comment .

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