U.S. Drone Strike Kills 30 Farmers in Afghanistan.

the latest horseshit lie your America-hating commie propaganda Dream site can spread?
No, it's accurate reporting of every report coming out of Afghanistan.
Get that towel off your head and go pick a nut. Glad to hear you're up on EVERY report coming out of Afghanistan! What are you, their local US news wire?
Have you heard a contrary report? No. So spare us your whining. The reports are what they are. If you want to throw your little fit and say you don't believe them, go right ahead. But be aware you are just talking out of your ass.
Htf do you now they were farmers?
I don't know with 100% certainty. Do you?
'Total Massacre' as U.S. Drone Strike Kills 30 Farmers in Afghanistan

A U.S. drone attack killed 30 pine nut farmers and wounded at least 40 others in Afghanistan Wednesday night, the latest killing of innocent civilians by American forces as the "war on terror" enters its 19th year.

The farmers had just finished work and were sitting by a fire when the strike happened, according to tribal elder Malik Rahat Gul.

"Some of us managed to escape, some were injured, but many were killed," said farm laborer Juma Gul.

Our tax dollars hard at work feeding the military industry and fueling the war on terror.

Strange that 30 "farmers" were gathered in one place.

Must have been a huge opium farm...
the latest horseshit lie your America-hating commie propaganda Dream site can spread?
No, it's accurate reporting of every report coming out of Afghanistan.
Get that towel off your head and go pick a nut. Glad to hear you're up on EVERY report coming out of Afghanistan! What are you, their local US news wire?
Have you heard a contrary report? No. So spare us your whining. The reports are what they are. If you want to throw your little fit and say you don't believe them, go right ahead. But be aware you are just talking out of your ass.
Htf do you now they were farmers?
I don't know with 100% certainty. Do you?
I don't know with any certainty at all. I do know there's a lot of BS spread because it fits someone's agenda with a lot of certainty..
A contrary report....you mean like a bunch of Afghani farm laborers were not killed today by a drone strike?
No dumbass, like a report they were actually militants, or were mixed in among mitants.

You really couldn't puzzle that out for yourself? Damn, son.... Kind of embarrassing...
the latest horseshit lie your America-hating commie propaganda Dream site can spread?
No, it's accurate reporting of every report coming out of Afghanistan.
Get that towel off your head and go pick a nut. Glad to hear you're up on EVERY report coming out of Afghanistan! What are you, their local US news wire?
Have you heard a contrary report? No. So spare us your whining. The reports are what they are. If you want to throw your little fit and say you don't believe them, go right ahead. But be aware you are just talking out of your ass.
Htf do you now they were farmers?
I don't know with 100% certainty. Do you?
I'll start worrying about that as soon as I see one Saudi, one Muslim shedding a tear worrying about the guilt or innocence of the 3,000 Americans brutally murdered on 9/11.
No, it's accurate reporting of every report coming out of Afghanistan.
Get that towel off your head and go pick a nut. Glad to hear you're up on EVERY report coming out of Afghanistan! What are you, their local US news wire?
Have you heard a contrary report? No. So spare us your whining. The reports are what they are. If you want to throw your little fit and say you don't believe them, go right ahead. But be aware you are just talking out of your ass.
Htf do you now they were farmers?
I don't know with 100% certainty. Do you?
I don't know with any certainty at all. I do know there's a lot of BS spread because it fits someone's agenda with a lot of certainty..
I know one thing, Meat, its a cold day in hell before you ever hear the media report ANYTHING saying anything positive for Trump or the military! So I ain't worrying about 30 towel heads on the other side of the planet picking nuts until I hear FOR SURE from a credible source because all I know is that,

WE WOULDN'T BE THERE IN AFGHANISTAN, ET AL IN THE FIRST PLACE if the fuckers weren't up to no good!
Who knew pine nuts were so dangerous. It's a good thing I never ate them.
Go back to Starbucks homey.
This was a terrorist act- whoever gave the order and pulled the trigger
are murderers.

It was sarcasm, and I mostly agree with you.
You can be sure of one thing - Taliban recruiters are lining them up as we speak, and don't forget also in Pakistan. This is great PR for them.
You sure love the Taliban!
'Total Massacre' as U.S. Drone Strike Kills 30 Farmers in Afghanistan

A U.S. drone attack killed 30 pine nut farmers and wounded at least 40 others in Afghanistan Wednesday night, the latest killing of innocent civilians by American forces as the "war on terror" enters its 19th year.

The farmers had just finished work and were sitting by a fire when the strike happened, according to tribal elder Malik Rahat Gul.

"Some of us managed to escape, some were injured, but many were killed," said farm laborer Juma Gul.

Our tax dollars hard at work feeding the military industry and fueling the war on terror.

Well it could very well be that Drones are not the way to go. It could be very hard to verify just WHO IS WHO........ but then again, it was the Democrats pushing for technology over boots on the ground.It may be that we very well need more human spotters on the ground to call in drone strikes. I don't think we really have a war against Pine nut farmers, its really about going after terrorists. I hope at least we can all agree on that.

Obama’s covert drone war in numbers: ten times more strikes than Bush

The US government only admitted to conducting a drone strike. They get intel from the local Afghans, it’s not their fault if the intel was wrong, if that is even what happened.
The US government only admitted to conducting a drone strike. They get intel from the local Afghans, it’s not their fault if the intel was wrong, if that is even what happened.
Oh well. Just..."shit happens" ....like 70% of the Guantanamo prisoners are innocent, turned in by rival tribes .

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