U.S. Drone Strike Kills 30 Farmers in Afghanistan.

The US government only admitted to conducting a drone strike. They get intel from the local Afghans, it’s not their fault if the intel was wrong, if that is even what happened.
Oh well. Just..."shit happens" ....like 70% of the Guantanamo prisoners are innocent, turned in by rival tribes .
I think its cute how you think we apprehend terrorists and fly them across the world, based on the word of random middle easterners. :laugh:
No dumbass, like a report they were actually militants, or were mixed in among mitants.

You really couldn't puzzle that out for yourself? Damn, son.... Kind of embarrassing...
I'm not embarrassed by your sixth grade level writing skills though you should be. A "contrary" report could mean almost anything. Should I be able to read your puny reptilian mind? I don't think so.
It's sad when civilians are killed in military operations but strangely enough that was the strategy during WW2, to keep killing civilians until the maniacs give up. We abandoned that concept since then but it is estimated that the Clinton administration killed about 5,000 civilians and destroyed a number of buildings (some by mistake), in a totally unexpected war on a defenseless country in Europe when he was caught with his pants down. The left loved it.
It's sad when civilians are killed in military operations but strangely enough that was the strategy during WW2, to keep killing civilians until the maniacs give up. We abandoned that concept since then but it is estimated that the Clinton administration killed about 5,000 civilians and destroyed a number of buildings (some by mistake), in a totally unexpected war on a defenseless country in Europe when he was caught with his pants down. The left loved it.
Not really the 'left' but more like the neoliberal takeover and media conglomeration to the point that by 2003, journalists were being fired for reporting against the Iraq War .

But yes -true on Clinton, and also half a million Iraqis killed under sanctions in the 90's also unreported or grossly under-reported.
pine nut farmers eh ??

More likely poppy farmers

No they might hit our own guys.
How does killing innocent people by remote reflect American values?

It's much more American to do in person.

By the way, how do you know they're innocent?
Our allies are telling us that. Why do Americans struggle to take ownership for their actions?
--------------------------------------------- to heck with supposed 'allies' and whatever they say . And as far as this 30 farmer event the story is out in the open for all to see so I guess that 'I' and the drone operators and the USA Military and President TRUMP own the event Tommy .
Its not exclusive to trump. Its a US thing.
Remember these poor victims next time a bomb goes off in the US.

First, they were "innocent". What makes you think they're "poor victims"?
The US murdered them. The US is a terrorist state.
'Total Massacre' as U.S. Drone Strike Kills 30 Farmers in Afghanistan

A U.S. drone attack killed 30 pine nut farmers and wounded at least 40 others in Afghanistan Wednesday night, the latest killing of innocent civilians by American forces as the "war on terror" enters its 19th year.

The farmers had just finished work and were sitting by a fire when the strike happened, according to tribal elder Malik Rahat Gul.

"Some of us managed to escape, some were injured, but many were killed," said farm laborer Juma Gul.

Our tax dollars hard at work feeding the military industry and fueling the war on terror.

Pine nut is code for poppy farmer.

'Total Massacre' as U.S. Drone Strike Kills 30 Farmers in Afghanistan

A U.S. drone attack killed 30 pine nut farmers and wounded at least 40 others in Afghanistan Wednesday night, the latest killing of innocent civilians by American forces as the "war on terror" enters its 19th year.

The farmers had just finished work and were sitting by a fire when the strike happened, according to tribal elder Malik Rahat Gul.

"Some of us managed to escape, some were injured, but many were killed," said farm laborer Juma Gul.

Our tax dollars hard at work feeding the military industry and fueling the war on terror.

Strange that 30 "farmers" were gathered in one place.

You are a scumbag. Simple as that
No navy, air force or modern weapons were used on 9/11.
The Taliban weren't involved in 9/11 ... :cool:
They harbored terrorists. Thats all that matters.

If we couldn't get Bin Laden for several years, how were the Afghani's supposed to turn him over immediately?
Seriously? We werent just after OBL.

It looks like you agree with what I said, but that was the threat Bush made to hand over OBL or face war.

As far as Al Qaeda, it would have made a lot more sense to have our armed forces attack just them in Afghanistan and not the Taliban. Attacking everyone scattered Al Qaeda.
'Total Massacre' as U.S. Drone Strike Kills 30 Farmers in Afghanistan

A U.S. drone attack killed 30 pine nut farmers and wounded at least 40 others in Afghanistan Wednesday night, the latest killing of innocent civilians by American forces as the "war on terror" enters its 19th year.

The farmers had just finished work and were sitting by a fire when the strike happened, according to tribal elder Malik Rahat Gul.

"Some of us managed to escape, some were injured, but many were killed," said farm laborer Juma Gul.

Our tax dollars hard at work feeding the military industry and fueling the war on terror.

Pine nut is code for poppy farmer.


We know a military serviceman that served in Afghanistan

You're 100% correct

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