U.S. Embassy Moves July 4th to June for Ramadhan


Platinum Member
Aug 7, 2011
Are we going to do this in all 50+ Muslim countries now? How long has this embassy, which is sovereign territory of the United States, been there? Why are we doing this now after so many years?

The Obamanation is through the looking glass.

US Embassy celebrates 4th of July earlier out of respect for Ramadhan

The United States Embassy enjoyed its annual 4th of July celebration on Thursday, June 4, one month early, in order to respect the upcoming Ramadhan month, which will begin on June 17 and last for one month.

(US Ambassador to Indonesia Robert) Blake explained that the theme of the event leaned toward “green” development, which supported the US’ focus on building and promoting a green economy and more environmentally sustainable development. -

He added that moving the 4th of July celebrations to June 4 was one done out of respect for the upcoming Ramadhan month, which will last from June 17 to July 17.

US Embassy celebrates 4th of July earlier out of respect for Ramadhan The Jakarta Post

US Embassy Moves Its Go Green Independence Day Celebration to June 4th Out of Respect for Ramadan - The Gateway Pundit
Just count ourselves lucky that the obastard didn't make the change for the whole USA.
So many conservatives here literally spend their days scouring the world for things to cry about.

And, naturally, they find them. Which is why they're always crying. What a sad existence they lead.
Disgraceful...they should have a whole month of July 4ths...with Mohammad cartoon drawing competitions every second day...just to remind those ragheads who the foreigners are!

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