U.S. Fencer Kneels During Anthem, Trashes America at Pan Am Games in Peru

He wasn't chosen for the team because he won some lottery, he was chosen for the team because he is one of the best fencers in this country. The country chose HIM to represent it, as he is one of the best we have.

They didn’t pick him up off the street and stick a foil in his hand. He had to attend multiple competitions of the USOPC. He knew their rules and standards. If he was not going to be willing to follow those, he should not have competed for a chance to represent the country in international competition.

USOPC chose him, with conditions. He agreed to those conditions. He violated those conditions. Now he needs to pay the price for those violations.
I was in the military for over 20 years and am now retired. I never swore an oath to either the flag or the anthem, the oath I swore was to support and defend the Constitution, against all enemies, foreign and domestic. That means I also support and defend what is in that document and two of those things are the right to free speech and the right to peaceful protest. If a person feels secure enough in their rights as a citizen to do peaceful protest, then that means my service wasn't in vain, because the Constitution is still in effect.

To tell you the truth, people who don't vote piss me off more than those that take a knee. Why? Because the people taking a knee are utilizing the rights that I defended for 20 years. The people who don't vote? They are the ones disrespecting veterans, because they have been given the right to vote, but don't use it.

Standard response for this asshat:
View attachment 274086

He served our country righteously, and you dare to mock him when you have never served our nation in any capacity? You're disgusting and deplorable.

Asshole. He should be honored to represent his country. This country gave him the opportunity to represent it at the Pawn Am games. He kneeled not to make a statement but to get notoriety. He is getting it now. No one knew he who he was. He is a spoiled little shitstain like yourself.

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He wasn't chosen for the team because he won some lottery, he was chosen for the team because he is one of the best fencers in this country. The country chose HIM to represent it, as he is one of the best we have.

Read my post again asshole. The USA gave him the opportunity to represent like any other athlete. To kneel during the National anthem of the country you represented. You don’t see other countries doing it. He did it to get his name out. No one heard of this shit stain before he took a knee like the true liberal pussy he is. If you don’t like it to fucking bad asshole.

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They didn't "give" him anything, he earned his place on the team by participating in tournaments and earning his place. And, like I said, I served over 20 years in the Navy, in 4 different war zones, and I think he has the right to kneel if he wants. He's actually utilizing his rights as an American, which means that my service to this country and it's Constitution wasn't in vain.
Someone exercising his right to free speech?

How awful.

Why do you hate the Constitution?
well you can freely say you hate America, then why stay here if you HATE it????!!!!
He doesn't hate America, brainwashed functional moron he hates the disgraceful right-wing racist greedy idiot GOP, dumbass. You would too if you weren't totally brainwashed. Everything you know is wrong and you don't care.... By the way, the same thing with people complaining about right-wing Israeli assholes like netanyahu and sharon is not anti-semitism. You people are so ignorant it's incredible...
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Standard response for this asshat:
View attachment 274086

He served our country righteously, and you dare to mock him when you have never served our nation in any capacity? You're disgusting and deplorable.

Asshole. He should be honored to represent his country. This country gave him the opportunity to represent it at the Pawn Am games. He kneeled not to make a statement but to get notoriety. He is getting it now. No one knew he who he was. He is a spoiled little shitstain like yourself.

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He wasn't chosen for the team because he won some lottery, he was chosen for the team because he is one of the best fencers in this country. The country chose HIM to represent it, as he is one of the best we have.

Read my post again asshole. The USA gave him the opportunity to represent like any other athlete. To kneel during the National anthem of the country you represented. You don’t see other countries doing it. He did it to get his name out. No one heard of this shit stain before he took a knee like the true liberal pussy he is. If you don’t like it to fucking bad asshole.

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They didn't "give" him anything, he earned his place on the team by participating in tournaments and earning his place. And, like I said, I served over 20 years in the Navy, in 4 different war zones, and I think he has the right to kneel if he wants. He's actually utilizing his rights as an American, which means that my service to this country and it's Constitution wasn't in vain.

That’s your opinion. It’s not mine.

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They didn't "give" him anything, he earned his place on the team by participating in tournaments and earning his place. And, like I said, I served over 20 years in the Navy, in 4 different war zones, and I think he has the right to kneel if he wants. He's actually utilizing his rights as an American, which means that my service to this country and it's Constitution wasn't in vain.

He signed an agreement and code of conduct that specifically banned him from making any sort of political act or statements while representing the USOPC. He intentionally violated thst agreement. He needs to have the book and the printing press thrown at him.
The idea that any real Americans, would need the President to tell them that any American citizen kneeling during the National Anthem is a piece of shit,

is fucking moronic.

That kinda crap really angers me, yannow? My uncle had nightmares for the rest of his life from seeing his buddy's leg that he went through basic with get blown off right in front of him. Fighting for America.

Then comes along these pansies that have had it made due to what those before them have endured and they don't respect a damn thing. Fuck Them.

Well, what you said is completely true, it is important to remember that the Flag is not the symbol of America's veterans, but the symbol of all of America.

When Kapaernic is kneeling during the National Anthem, his is indeed showing disrespect to people like your uncle who deserve that respect,

but he is also showing disrespect to ever single American, alive and dead.

That fact that he does this, and retains his citizenship, shows that while he feels no sense of loyalty to his fellow Americans, he is happy to benefit from their protection and support and sacrifices, and ect.

He is a piece of shit.

I was in the military for over 20 years and am now retired. I never swore an oath to either the flag or the anthem, the oath I swore was to support and defend the Constitution, against all enemies, foreign and domestic. That means I also support and defend what is in that document and two of those things are the right to free speech and the right to peaceful protest. If a person feels secure enough in their rights as a citizen to do peaceful protest, then that means my service wasn't in vain, because the Constitution is still in effect.

To tell you the truth, people who don't vote piss me off more than those that take a knee. Why? Because the people taking a knee are utilizing the rights that I defended for 20 years. The people who don't vote? They are the ones disrespecting veterans, because they have been given the right to vote, but don't use it.

I'm not criticism them for their use of their right to speech, I am criticizing them for the content of what they are saying.

It is odd that you have trouble understanding this.

My point stands. Americans that choose to express that level of disrespect to America and Americans are anti-American pieces of shit.

You're not criticism them (lol). Your response is based on false pathos, those which your dear leader told you to believe. Taking a knee is patriotic, since it expresses the failure of leadership to support the ethos, values and morals upon which the United States was once known for.

I already addressed and refuted the stupid idea that any real American needs to be told that any American citizen who kneels during the National Anthem is an anti-American piece of shit.

It is self evidence by their actions.

Your insults to the United States, based on lies and bullshit, is only moderately less bad, than their vileness.
The idea that any real Americans, would need the President to tell them that any American citizen kneeling during the National Anthem is a piece of shit,

is fucking moronic.

That kinda crap really angers me, yannow? My uncle had nightmares for the rest of his life from seeing his buddy's leg that he went through basic with get blown off right in front of him. Fighting for America.

Then comes along these pansies that have had it made due to what those before them have endured and they don't respect a damn thing. Fuck Them.

Well, what you said is completely true, it is important to remember that the Flag is not the symbol of America's veterans, but the symbol of all of America.

When Kapaernic is kneeling during the National Anthem, his is indeed showing disrespect to people like your uncle who deserve that respect,

but he is also showing disrespect to ever single American, alive and dead.

That fact that he does this, and retains his citizenship, shows that while he feels no sense of loyalty to his fellow Americans, he is happy to benefit from their protection and support and sacrifices, and ect.

He is a piece of shit.

I was in the military for over 20 years and am now retired. I never swore an oath to either the flag or the anthem, the oath I swore was to support and defend the Constitution, against all enemies, foreign and domestic. That means I also support and defend what is in that document and two of those things are the right to free speech and the right to peaceful protest. If a person feels secure enough in their rights as a citizen to do peaceful protest, then that means my service wasn't in vain, because the Constitution is still in effect.

To tell you the truth, people who don't vote piss me off more than those that take a knee. Why? Because the people taking a knee are utilizing the rights that I defended for 20 years. The people who don't vote? They are the ones disrespecting veterans, because they have been given the right to vote, but don't use it.

I'm not criticism them for their use of their right to speech, I am criticizing them for the content of what they are saying.

It is odd that you have trouble understanding this.

My point stands. Americans that choose to express that level of disrespect to America and Americans are anti-American pieces of shit.

Free speech means that a person can say whatever their opinion is, and express it freely, regardless of whether or not everyone agrees with it.

One of the reasons I have the view I do about the 1st is because of a class we had to take for 3 to 5 days every year, called Navy Rights and Responsibilities, where we discussed what our roles were as Sailors and American military personnel. They also told us how great our benefits were and how it was just as good as civilian pay (it wasn't). And, one of the main topics that was discussed was the 1st Amendment. As military personnel, there were restrictions on what groups we could belong to, what rallies we could attend, and where we could and couldn't wear our uniforms to events. As a military person, roughly 75 percent of my rights to free speech were suspended while I was active duty. There were things that I could not say, rallies and groups I was forbidden from joining or attending, as well as the fact that I could not wear my uniform to a rally for a specific candidate, as the civilian population would interpret that as a specific service supporting a specific candidate publicly. As one of the instructors put it, "I might not agree with what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

I don't agree with what he said. I expressed strongly my disagreement with what he said. I in no way am against his righ tto say what he said.

Your side's constant pretense that disagreeing with someone is the same as calling for censorship, is asinine.

Knock that shit off.

My point stands. He is a piece of shit.
Kap is kneeling FOR criminals and LIES
I've linked/proven this many times already
.....if you are LYING and saying bullshit about your country, that's NOT free speech--but treason/stupidity/etc
Another little douchebag that needs to be deported to Venezuela..... don't like it here...get the fuck out!

He's also a fashion model, btw. Looks like an epic douche to me.


American fencer Race Imboden deserves induction into the "Hall of Shame" for kneeling on the victory stand at the Pan American Games and dishonoring his country on social media Friday. The Democratic Underground certainly loves his tweet blaming a "hateful" President for his pathetic protest, and Bleacher Report gave him a platform for encouraging other athletes to disrespect the U.S. flag.

Along with teammates Gerek Meinhardt and Nick Itkin, Imboden helped the USA defeat Brazil, 45-23 in the team foil gold-medal match. Meinhardt and Itkin were the real heroes of the day Friday ― for standing, for representing the United States with dignity and for respecting all who sacrificed for the freedom we enjoy today.

Shamefully, Imboden proudly posted a photo of his despicable act on Twitter along with a sorry explanation:

"We must call for change. This week I am honored to represent Team USA at the Pan Am Games, taking home Gold and Bronze. My pride however has been cut short by the multiple shortcomings of the country I hold so dear to my heart. Racism, Gun Control, mistreatment of immigrants,

"and a president who spreads hate are at the top of a long list. I chose to sacrifie my moment today at the top of the podium to call attention to issues that I believe need to be addressed. I encourage others to please use your platforms for empowerment and change."

(Excerpt) Read more at newsbusters.org ...

Another snowflake libturd poseur.

He wouldn't last a second in a fight against a real man.

Makes me sick!
This thread got way out of hand. Discuss the topic and not each other. Flame Zone is in the basement.
Hey, may be the fencer is looking for a NIKE deal!

You never know! :wink_2:
I support his right to be able to peacefully protest and use his moment of accomplishment to do it, however, I personally don't believe that actions like this really create positive change or positive solutions. I believe that it mostly just creates more division unfortunately.
well you can freely say you hate America, then why stay here if you HATE it????!!!!

What's stupid is your comment that he and others who protest are haters. You hate them because you've been told by trump to hate them. Reality suggest Kap. is a much better leader than trump, the demagogue and charlatan you worship.

The idea that any real Americans, would need the President to tell them that any American citizen kneeling during the National Anthem is a piece of shit,

is fucking moronic.

That kinda crap really angers me, yannow? My uncle had nightmares for the rest of his life from seeing his buddy's leg that he went through basic with get blown off right in front of him. Fighting for America.

Then comes along these pansies that have had it made due to what those before them have endured and they don't respect a damn thing. Fuck Them.

Well, what you said is completely true, it is important to remember that the Flag is not the symbol of America's veterans, but the symbol of all of America.

When Kapaernic is kneeling during the National Anthem, his is indeed showing disrespect to people like your uncle who deserve that respect,

but he is also showing disrespect to ever single American, alive and dead.

That fact that he does this, and retains his citizenship, shows that while he feels no sense of loyalty to his fellow Americans, he is happy to benefit from their protection and support and sacrifices, and ect.

He is a piece of shit.

I was in the military for over 20 years and am now retired. I never swore an oath to either the flag or the anthem, the oath I swore was to support and defend the Constitution, against all enemies, foreign and domestic. That means I also support and defend what is in that document and two of those things are the right to free speech and the right to peaceful protest. If a person feels secure enough in their rights as a citizen to do peaceful protest, then that means my service wasn't in vain, because the Constitution is still in effect.

To tell you the truth, people who don't vote piss me off more than those that take a knee. Why? Because the people taking a knee are utilizing the rights that I defended for 20 years. The people who don't vote? They are the ones disrespecting veterans, because they have been given the right to vote, but don't use it.

That's all nice but no one is arguing they don't have a right to kneel during the anthem. You were suckered into the wrong discussion. Notice how you argued their right to kneel, but you never addressed why they were kneeling? Can you figure that out? If you do then you understand why kneeling doesn't solve anything and is nothing more than divisive. But the main ones kneeling sure are making good money with Nike on ads. Hmmmm.... LOL
What's stupid is your comment that he and others who protest are haters. You hate them because you've been told by trump to hate them. Reality suggest Kap. is a much better leader than trump, the demagogue and charlatan you worship.

The idea that any real Americans, would need the President to tell them that any American citizen kneeling during the National Anthem is a piece of shit,

is fucking moronic.

That kinda crap really angers me, yannow? My uncle had nightmares for the rest of his life from seeing his buddy's leg that he went through basic with get blown off right in front of him. Fighting for America.

Then comes along these pansies that have had it made due to what those before them have endured and they don't respect a damn thing. Fuck Them.

Well, what you said is completely true, it is important to remember that the Flag is not the symbol of America's veterans, but the symbol of all of America.

When Kapaernic is kneeling during the National Anthem, his is indeed showing disrespect to people like your uncle who deserve that respect,

but he is also showing disrespect to ever single American, alive and dead.

That fact that he does this, and retains his citizenship, shows that while he feels no sense of loyalty to his fellow Americans, he is happy to benefit from their protection and support and sacrifices, and ect.

He is a piece of shit.

I was in the military for over 20 years and am now retired. I never swore an oath to either the flag or the anthem, the oath I swore was to support and defend the Constitution, against all enemies, foreign and domestic. That means I also support and defend what is in that document and two of those things are the right to free speech and the right to peaceful protest. If a person feels secure enough in their rights as a citizen to do peaceful protest, then that means my service wasn't in vain, because the Constitution is still in effect.

To tell you the truth, people who don't vote piss me off more than those that take a knee. Why? Because the people taking a knee are utilizing the rights that I defended for 20 years. The people who don't vote? They are the ones disrespecting veterans, because they have been given the right to vote, but don't use it.

That's all nice but no one is arguing they don't have a right to kneel during the anthem. You were suckered into the wrong discussion. Notice how you argued their right to kneel, but you never addressed why they were kneeling? Can you figure that out? If you do then you understand why kneeling doesn't solve anything and is nothing more than divisive. But the main ones kneeling sure are making good money with Nike on ads. Hmmmm.... LOL

Trump's attack on Kap and others is an affront to the First Amendment. Knelling during the National Anthem is both a legitimate form of protest not even close to as divisive as flying the Stars and Bars or the German Flag under Hitler.

The former is and remains a silent protest to what had become an epidemic of murders by police officers of black men, under circumstances which were not capital crimes. In fact the protest has caused local police agencies around the nation to review use of force policies.

In fact it has grown and used to protest the hypocrisy of the land of the free when systemic racism, misogyny and homophobic continues with the overt and covert words and policies of trump.
Another little douchebag that needs to be deported to Venezuela..... don't like it here...get the fuck out!

He's also a fashion model, btw. Looks like an epic douche to me.


American fencer Race Imboden deserves induction into the "Hall of Shame" for kneeling on the victory stand at the Pan American Games and dishonoring his country on social media Friday. The Democratic Underground certainly loves his tweet blaming a "hateful" President for his pathetic protest, and Bleacher Report gave him a platform for encouraging other athletes to disrespect the U.S. flag.

Along with teammates Gerek Meinhardt and Nick Itkin, Imboden helped the USA defeat Brazil, 45-23 in the team foil gold-medal match. Meinhardt and Itkin were the real heroes of the day Friday ― for standing, for representing the United States with dignity and for respecting all who sacrificed for the freedom we enjoy today.

Shamefully, Imboden proudly posted a photo of his despicable act on Twitter along with a sorry explanation:

"We must call for change. This week I am honored to represent Team USA at the Pan Am Games, taking home Gold and Bronze. My pride however has been cut short by the multiple shortcomings of the country I hold so dear to my heart. Racism, Gun Control, mistreatment of immigrants,

"and a president who spreads hate are at the top of a long list. I chose to sacrifie my moment today at the top of the podium to call attention to issues that I believe need to be addressed. I encourage others to please use your platforms for empowerment and change."

(Excerpt) Read more at newsbusters.org ...

"Don't like it leave" lol

Spoken like a true supporter of small government and democracy who believes in the tradition of our founding fathers.

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