U.S. Fencer Kneels During Anthem, Trashes America at Pan Am Games in Peru

We have to many people today who make a name for themselves by the demonizing of others. Real individualism is honor, integrity and character. This young man had that in his talent in fencing. And probably a better athlete at is then many who get paid. He sold out his individualism. For the line is longer to watch a a game of outdoor quates using brooms we see in the Winter Olympics then his sport. That sport must have been played on ice outside a lot of Canadian bars. Eat wood ....hoser!
Looks like he has his IQ tattooed on his arm.

He is smart enough to go from somebody nobody has ever heard of in a sport most people don't care about to being a headline subject.
Yeah, there’s lots of dumb things people can do to get lots of others to make fun of them.

More people know who John McEnroe is than Jimmy Connors. The Kardashians have sex tapped and ass bleached themselves into a mint. One person's mockery is another's cash cow.

So many triggered by someone no one has ever heard of competing in an event most people didn't know was taking place...

It's nice that you all have a place to freely express your opinions and exercise your right to free speech.

It's a shame you don't want to extend that right to people who don't share your opinions...

When your representing your country, you don’t disrespect it. If he feels that way then don’t compete. If your representing the red, white and blue, you do it with pride and dignity. I would love for home to go to a football, baseball or hockey game and kneel during the national anthem. He will be having a stay in the hospital.

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If we are going to set a standard for what is acceptable for representing the red, white and blue.......let's start at the top.

Typical liberal asshole comment.

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Looks like he has his IQ tattooed on his arm.

He is smart enough to go from somebody nobody has ever heard of in a sport most people don't care about to being a headline subject.
Yeah, there’s lots of dumb things people can do to get lots of others to make fun of them.

More people know who John McEnroe is than Jimmy Connors. The Kardashians have sex tapped and ass bleached themselves into a mint. One person's mockery is another's cash cow.
Jimmy Connors was the bad boy who set the tone for McEnroe. Most people under 50 don’t know of either.
Both achieved temporary fame for being successful athletes in spite of their boorishness.
Please point out me coming downn on the side of censorship anywhere.

I'll wait, but I'm not gonna hold my breath.

That's easy. You supported a beauty pageant firing a contestant for expressing unpopular political views on her social media account. This was after you supported Colin Kapernut engaging in political protest WHILE AT WORK.
Just another millennial copying whatever happens to be trending at the moment he will be forgotten in a week if not sooner.
Please point out me coming downn on the side of censorship anywhere.

I'll wait, but I'm not gonna hold my breath.

That's easy. You supported a beauty pageant firing a contestant for expressing unpopular political views on her social media account. This was after you supported Colin Kapernut engaging in political protest WHILE AT WORK.
Son, if you can't see the difference there I'm afraid I can't help you.

Maybe no one can.
Please point out me coming downn on the side of censorship anywhere.

I'll wait, but I'm not gonna hold my breath.

That's easy. You supported a beauty pageant firing a contestant for expressing unpopular political views on her social media account. This was after you supported Colin Kapernut engaging in political protest WHILE AT WORK.
Son, if you can't see the difference there I'm afraid I can't help you.

Maybe no one can.

No, tell us. What's the difference?

This is going to be priceless lol
Someone exercising his right to free speech?

How awful.

Why do you hate the Constitution?

The OP is exercising his right also. Did you miss that? I guess it's really YOU that hates the Constitution.
Another little douchebag that needs to be deported to Venezuela..... don't like it here...get the fuck out!

He's also a fashion model, btw. Looks like an epic douche to me.


American fencer Race Imboden deserves induction into the "Hall of Shame" for kneeling on the victory stand at the Pan American Games and dishonoring his country on social media Friday. The Democratic Underground certainly loves his tweet blaming a "hateful" President for his pathetic protest, and Bleacher Report gave him a platform for encouraging other athletes to disrespect the U.S. flag.

Along with teammates Gerek Meinhardt and Nick Itkin, Imboden helped the USA defeat Brazil, 45-23 in the team foil gold-medal match. Meinhardt and Itkin were the real heroes of the day Friday ― for standing, for representing the United States with dignity and for respecting all who sacrificed for the freedom we enjoy today.

Shamefully, Imboden proudly posted a photo of his despicable act on Twitter along with a sorry explanation:

"We must call for change. This week I am honored to represent Team USA at the Pan Am Games, taking home Gold and Bronze. My pride however has been cut short by the multiple shortcomings of the country I hold so dear to my heart. Racism, Gun Control, mistreatment of immigrants,

"and a president who spreads hate are at the top of a long list. I chose to sacrifie my moment today at the top of the podium to call attention to issues that I believe need to be addressed. I encourage others to please use your platforms for empowerment and change."

(Excerpt) Read more at newsbusters.org ...

Good to see the young man utilize his right of free speech, even while not on US soil.
Good to see the young man utilize his right of free speech, even while not on US soil.

Will you be promoting the free speech rights of the USOPC when they sanction him, and a female athlete who made a black power salute on the medal stand?

See, they both signed an agreement with the USOPC not to make any political statements or acts while in the program. They’ve both violated that agreement and USOPC is already considered sanctions against them for having done so.
Good to see the young man utilize his right of free speech, even while not on US soil.

Will you be promoting the free speech rights of the USOPC when they sanction him, and a female athlete who made a black power salute on the medal stand?

See, they both signed an agreement with the USOPC not to make any political statements or acts while in the program. They’ve both violated that agreement and USOPC is already considered sanctions against them for having done so.

That won't be my problem; will it?
Maybe the young man feels very strongly about his convictions.
Maybe he is willing to take the flak for voicing his opinion.
Maybe his moral beliefs have a higher standard.
Another little douchebag that needs to be deported to Venezuela..... don't like it here...get the fuck out!

He's also a fashion model, btw. Looks like an epic douche to me.


American fencer Race Imboden deserves induction into the "Hall of Shame" for kneeling on the victory stand at the Pan American Games and dishonoring his country on social media Friday. The Democratic Underground certainly loves his tweet blaming a "hateful" President for his pathetic protest, and Bleacher Report gave him a platform for encouraging other athletes to disrespect the U.S. flag.

Along with teammates Gerek Meinhardt and Nick Itkin, Imboden helped the USA defeat Brazil, 45-23 in the team foil gold-medal match. Meinhardt and Itkin were the real heroes of the day Friday ― for standing, for representing the United States with dignity and for respecting all who sacrificed for the freedom we enjoy today.

Shamefully, Imboden proudly posted a photo of his despicable act on Twitter along with a sorry explanation:

"We must call for change. This week I am honored to represent Team USA at the Pan Am Games, taking home Gold and Bronze. My pride however has been cut short by the multiple shortcomings of the country I hold so dear to my heart. Racism, Gun Control, mistreatment of immigrants,

"and a president who spreads hate are at the top of a long list. I chose to sacrifie my moment today at the top of the podium to call attention to issues that I believe need to be addressed. I encourage others to please use your platforms for empowerment and change."

(Excerpt) Read more at newsbusters.org ...
What’s wrong with you emotionally retarded PC a-holes? Don’t like free expression, unless it’s hate speech?

Choose a better venue and not when you're repping your nation
Our nation represents FREEDOM, including free expression. Other nations should respect that, especially Russia, China, N.Korea, etc.
Our nation selected him based on performance, which is the best “rep” in this case.
Ok, so if an American athlete was at an event and the venue wanted to do a ceremony celebrating gay pride. One of our athletes to a knee showing his disrespect for gays. You would be saying the same thing?

So many triggered by someone no one has ever heard of competing in an event most people didn't know was taking place...

It's nice that you all have a place to freely express your opinions and exercise your right to free speech.

It's a shame you don't want to extend that right to people who don't share your opinions...

We all are not representing The USA at an event.
Another little douchebag that needs to be deported to Venezuela..... don't like it here...get the fuck out!

He's also a fashion model, btw. Looks like an epic douche to me.


American fencer Race Imboden deserves induction into the "Hall of Shame" for kneeling on the victory stand at the Pan American Games and dishonoring his country on social media Friday. The Democratic Underground certainly loves his tweet blaming a "hateful" President for his pathetic protest, and Bleacher Report gave him a platform for encouraging other athletes to disrespect the U.S. flag.

Along with teammates Gerek Meinhardt and Nick Itkin, Imboden helped the USA defeat Brazil, 45-23 in the team foil gold-medal match. Meinhardt and Itkin were the real heroes of the day Friday ― for standing, for representing the United States with dignity and for respecting all who sacrificed for the freedom we enjoy today.

Shamefully, Imboden proudly posted a photo of his despicable act on Twitter along with a sorry explanation:

"We must call for change. This week I am honored to represent Team USA at the Pan Am Games, taking home Gold and Bronze. My pride however has been cut short by the multiple shortcomings of the country I hold so dear to my heart. Racism, Gun Control, mistreatment of immigrants,

"and a president who spreads hate are at the top of a long list. I chose to sacrifie my moment today at the top of the podium to call attention to issues that I believe need to be addressed. I encourage others to please use your platforms for empowerment and change."

(Excerpt) Read more at newsbusters.org ...

Good to see the young man utilize his right of free speech, even while not on US soil.

Having the right to say something, does not mean you have the right not to be judged based on the content of what you said.
He didn't "sacrifice" anything.

Here's an idea

Let him fence against the gold medal winning archer
Each with their appropriate equipment.
That won't be my problem; will it?
No. It will be Zorro's problem.
Maybe the young man feels very strongly about his convictions.
Maybe he is willing to take the flak for voicing his opinion.
Maybe his moral beliefs have a higher standard.
He can do all of that when not competing but then he certainly knows he won't be able to funnel all that attention on himself when he isn't in an international fencing competition.

Since he signed an agreement NOT to do what he's already done we can see his moral standards aren't very high at all.
They are just very situational and self serving.

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