U.S. govt wants LOCKOUT on smartphones to stop text-driving - This is long overdue

To be honest, I'm not afraid of much (I'm a syn) but I shit my pants pretty much every time I go out on the roads. HOLY SHIT are people reckless while driving... I've actually darkened all the windows on the car so that I can sit back and "pretend" it's safe on the roads these days lol
To be honest, I'm not afraid of much (I'm a syn) but I shit my pants pretty much every time I go out on the roads. HOLY SHIT are people reckless while driving... I've actually darkened all the windows on the car so that I can sit back and "pretend" it's safe on the roads these days lol

Which brings up sumping i've been fighting for for years...Ban tinted glass. It encourages people to drive crazy because they think no one can see them. Tinted glass is also a godsend to hit-and-run drivers.
It's partially banned in Alaska. Can't be over some level (30% I think) and I think there might be a law about it being on the front door windows. I'm pretty sure there's an exception for executive vehicles (aka taxi's, limos, company cars w/drivers.)

(As a note though, I kind of have a driver because my husband feels I drive to "meek" and piss off everyone [aka I follow every rule, including a full 3s at the stop signs] so he's not keen on me driving in any kind of traffic. I pretty much only drive around my little city of 30k and even then I don't drive during our "rush hour" I can't decide if I'm oppressed or spoiled... I lean toward spoiled because it frees me up to do whatever - like surf my forums whilst getting wherever I want to go)
How do you tell someone is not driving and merely a passenger in a car?

How do you tell a person is not on a bus or a train while they are texting?
I just had flash. Sensor in the steering wheel? 1/4 car range, phone won't work. Anything else U need? Let me know. You're welcome in advance.

If your GPS is changing, and sensor, you out.
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Possible but it'd only work on new vehicles so it'd take a long ass while to become effective (if it ever did) by which time the tech in cellphones will very likely have changed... Still it's a thought.
A "Cone of Silence" comes down over driver "like Get Smart". Only arm holes to steering wheel. Nothing works in the cone. Next.
If you want to watch porn or post, buy a self-driving car. We don't like getting rear-ended at 68mph.

Until then, no phone by driver. Bad enough they eat, makeup, maps, GPS, radio.........they do a lot now.
What's really needed is a lockout to all guns for every law abiding American!

What?? So you think the gun lockout should NOT apply to criminals??

Yeah - that's exactly what you stupid libs think

You've finally grown a brain, or somehow managed to pop one out of your ass. I don't know which. Phones are useful, guns are not. But you'd make phones illegal. You're a sure sign of white trash.
nobody is talking about making phones illegal. They are talking about restricting one privilege while taking part in another privilege, no rights involved.
Guns on the other hand are a right, but you dont seem to care about that. What other rights do you not care about? how about some of the rights I dont actually care about, can they be on the chopping block too?
Besides, what would all of you have done if you grew up in the 60s and 70s like me? closest thing we had to a cell phone was a CB radio. We actually had to talk to the other people in the car with us. You should try it some time.
If you want to watch porn or post, buy a self-driving car. We don't like getting rear-ended at 68mph.

Until then, no phone by driver. Bad enough ghey eat, makeup, maps, GPS, radio.........they do a lot now.
I have to seriously draw the line at them gheying while driving. That is a serious distraction.
First of all you have to be totally incompetent and negligent to "text" on a cell phone while driving and the numbers of accidents attributed to such idiots are probably exaggerated. What happens when there is an emergency and somebody has to text while the car is running? I hesitate to authorize the government to interfere with cell phone service in a vehicle or anywhere else.
First of all you have to be totally incompetent and negligent to "text" on a cell phone while driving and the numbers of accidents attributed to such idiots are probably exaggerated. What happens when there is an emergency and somebody has to text while the car is running? I hesitate to authorize the government to interfere with cell phone service in a vehicle or anywhere else.

I see it a lot. Age 18-35 maybe quite often? Gotta lock out all drivers. People will not obey unless life in prison, first offense?
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As soon as they can tell the difference between the driver and a passenger it will be fine.
What's really needed is a lockout to all guns for every law abiding American!

What?? So you think the gun lockout should NOT apply to criminals??

Yeah - that's exactly what you stupid libs think

You've finally grown a brain, or somehow managed to pop one out of your ass. I don't know which. Phones are useful, guns are not. But you'd make phones illegal. You're a sure sign of white trash.
nobody is talking about making phones illegal. They are talking about restricting one privilege while taking part in another privilege, no rights involved.
Guns on the other hand are a right, but you dont seem to care about that. What other rights do you not care about? how about some of the rights I dont actually care about, can they be on the chopping block too?
Besides, what would all of you have done if you grew up in the 60s and 70s like me? closest thing we had to a cell phone was a CB radio. We actually had to talk to the other people in the car with us. You should try it some time.

I didn't know using a phone was a privilege. We're all tasked with driving responsibly. Which is something I take seriously. My driving record is proof enough of that.
What's really needed is a lockout to all guns for every law abiding American!

What?? So you think the gun lockout should NOT apply to criminals??

Yeah - that's exactly what you stupid libs think

You've finally grown a brain, or somehow managed to pop one out of your ass. I don't know which. Phones are useful, guns are not. But you'd make phones illegal. You're a sure sign of white trash.
nobody is talking about making phones illegal. They are talking about restricting one privilege while taking part in another privilege, no rights involved.
Guns on the other hand are a right, but you dont seem to care about that. What other rights do you not care about? how about some of the rights I dont actually care about, can they be on the chopping block too?
Besides, what would all of you have done if you grew up in the 60s and 70s like me? closest thing we had to a cell phone was a CB radio. We actually had to talk to the other people in the car with us. You should try it some time.

I didn't know using a phone was a privilege. We're all tasked with driving responsibly. Which is something I take seriously. My driving record is proof enough of that.
we basically have rights and privileges, I would think that since we are using government backbone to some degree to use those phones, it would fall under a privilege. like getting married is a privilege and not a right, driving is a privilege not a right.
Its very possible that Im wrong on this one since its only my own thoughts or way of looking at it, but a cell phone is not a right, that much I can say for sure.
What's really needed is a lockout to all guns for every law abiding American!

What?? So you think the gun lockout should NOT apply to criminals??

Yeah - that's exactly what you stupid libs think

You've finally grown a brain, or somehow managed to pop one out of your ass. I don't know which. Phones are useful, guns are not. But you'd make phones illegal. You're a sure sign of white trash.
nobody is talking about making phones illegal. They are talking about restricting one privilege while taking part in another privilege, no rights involved.
Guns on the other hand are a right, but you dont seem to care about that. What other rights do you not care about? how about some of the rights I dont actually care about, can they be on the chopping block too?
Besides, what would all of you have done if you grew up in the 60s and 70s like me? closest thing we had to a cell phone was a CB radio. We actually had to talk to the other people in the car with us. You should try it some time.

I didn't know using a phone was a privilege. We're all tasked with driving responsibly. Which is something I take seriously. My driving record is proof enough of that.
we basically have rights and privileges, I would think that since we are using government backbone to some degree to use those phones, it would fall under a privilege. like getting married is a privilege and not a right, driving is a privilege not a right.
Its very possible that Im wrong on this one since its only my own thoughts or way of looking at it, but a cell phone is not a right, that much I can say for sure.

I think you're the one that's a little confused as you try to assign, however wrongly, rights & privivalges to the modern convinces we use on a daily basis.

Now questions regarding commerce and your willingness to engage in said commerce, or not, is a right. Although somewhat battered here as of late.

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