U.S. govt wants LOCKOUT on smartphones to stop text-driving - This is long overdue

What?? So you think the gun lockout should NOT apply to criminals??

Yeah - that's exactly what you stupid libs think

You've finally grown a brain, or somehow managed to pop one out of your ass. I don't know which. Phones are useful, guns are not. But you'd make phones illegal. You're a sure sign of white trash.
nobody is talking about making phones illegal. They are talking about restricting one privilege while taking part in another privilege, no rights involved.
Guns on the other hand are a right, but you dont seem to care about that. What other rights do you not care about? how about some of the rights I dont actually care about, can they be on the chopping block too?
Besides, what would all of you have done if you grew up in the 60s and 70s like me? closest thing we had to a cell phone was a CB radio. We actually had to talk to the other people in the car with us. You should try it some time.

I didn't know using a phone was a privilege. We're all tasked with driving responsibly. Which is something I take seriously. My driving record is proof enough of that.
we basically have rights and privileges, I would think that since we are using government backbone to some degree to use those phones, it would fall under a privilege. like getting married is a privilege and not a right, driving is a privilege not a right.
Its very possible that Im wrong on this one since its only my own thoughts or way of looking at it, but a cell phone is not a right, that much I can say for sure.

I think you're the one that's a little confused as you try to assign, however wrongly, rights & privivalges to the modern convinces we use on a daily basis.

Now questions regarding commerce and your willingness to engage in said commerce, or not, is a right. Although somewhat battered here as of late.
I still think it would be a stretch to consider cell phones a right in the terms of constitutional rights. If you consider it a right based on commerce being a right, then any product that is sold could be considered a right to have, but, as I said in the last post, perhaps considering it a privilege is not correct either. I cant think of any instance that someone would be told they were not allowed to have a phone.
Bad drivers are the biggest crime problem we have .

U.S. government wants to lock out most phone apps while driving

nov 23 2016 The U.S. government wants smartphone makers to lock out most apps when the phone is being used by someone driving a car.

Voluntary guidelines unveiled Wednesday by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration are designed to reduce crashes caused by drivers distracted by phones.

Drivers could still make calls, but the phones and automaker systems would lock out the ability to enter text. Internet browsing, video not related to driving, text from books, and photos also would be locked out. Navigation systems would be permitted, but with guidelines on how to avoid driver distraction.

Fatal crashes caused by distracted drivers are on the rise, and that's contributing to a spike in traffic deaths during the past two years.

The government says 3,477, or about 10 per cent, of the more than 35,000 traffic fatalities last year involved distracted drivers. That's up 8.8 per cent over 2014. Traffic deaths spiked 10.4 per cent in the first six months of this year and rose 7.2 per cent last year, after years of declines.

OMG that would be awesome. This is one of my all time biggest pet peeves.
Bad drivers are the biggest crime problem we have .

U.S. government wants to lock out most phone apps while driving

nov 23 2016 The U.S. government wants smartphone makers to lock out most apps when the phone is being used by someone driving a car.

Voluntary guidelines unveiled Wednesday by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration are designed to reduce crashes caused by drivers distracted by phones.

Drivers could still make calls, but the phones and automaker systems would lock out the ability to enter text. Internet browsing, video not related to driving, text from books, and photos also would be locked out. Navigation systems would be permitted, but with guidelines on how to avoid driver distraction.

Fatal crashes caused by distracted drivers are on the rise, and that's contributing to a spike in traffic deaths during the past two years.

The government says 3,477, or about 10 per cent, of the more than 35,000 traffic fatalities last year involved distracted drivers. That's up 8.8 per cent over 2014. Traffic deaths spiked 10.4 per cent in the first six months of this year and rose 7.2 per cent last year, after years of declines.

OMG that would be awesome. This is one of my all time biggest pet peeves.
I just hate cell phone users. Or I should say those that will sit there for hours texting while ignoring the people they are actually physically with. I think its rude.
Bad drivers are the biggest crime problem we have .

U.S. government wants to lock out most phone apps while driving

nov 23 2016 The U.S. government wants smartphone makers to lock out most apps when the phone is being used by someone driving a car.

Voluntary guidelines unveiled Wednesday by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration are designed to reduce crashes caused by drivers distracted by phones.

Drivers could still make calls, but the phones and automaker systems would lock out the ability to enter text. Internet browsing, video not related to driving, text from books, and photos also would be locked out. Navigation systems would be permitted, but with guidelines on how to avoid driver distraction.

Fatal crashes caused by distracted drivers are on the rise, and that's contributing to a spike in traffic deaths during the past two years.

The government says 3,477, or about 10 per cent, of the more than 35,000 traffic fatalities last year involved distracted drivers. That's up 8.8 per cent over 2014. Traffic deaths spiked 10.4 per cent in the first six months of this year and rose 7.2 per cent last year, after years of declines.

OMG that would be awesome. This is one of my all time biggest pet peeves.
I just hate cell phone users. Or I should say those that will sit there for hours texting while ignoring the people they are actually physically with. I think its rude.

I have to say, it's not entirely their fault. Smart phones have a "drug-like" effect on the brain and can even lead to withdrawal symptoms in the super addicted. I've read some pretty fascinating stuff about the addictive nature of smart phones, and the future doesn't look good if we continue down this path. Not only is a driver more dangerous than a drunk driver if they're texting and fucking around on facebook while driving, it's also turning people into zombies.
First of all you have to be totally incompetent and negligent to "text" on a cell phone while driving and the numbers of accidents attributed to such idiots are probably exaggerated. What happens when there is an emergency and somebody has to text while the car is running? I hesitate to authorize the government to interfere with cell phone service in a vehicle or anywhere else.

What a stupid argument, you moron. That's like saying drunk driving should be made legal cuz "maybe someday i'll be drunk and my kid will get sick and i'll have to drive the kid to the hospital".

You can justify anything that way, you brainless jackass.
I have to say, it's not entirely their fault. Smart phones have a "drug-like" effect on the brain and can even lead to withdrawal symptoms in the super addicted. .

Oh shut up with that nonsense about "psychological addiction". There is no such thing, you simpleton. Nobody is addicted to shopping or golf or using a cell phone.
How do you tell someone is not driving and merely a passenger in a car?

How do you tell a person is not on a bus or a train while they are texting?
I just had flash. Sensor in the steering wheel? 1/4 car range, phone won't work. Anything else U need? Let me know. You're welcome in advance.

If your GPS is changing, and sensor, you out.
No thanks.
And who is going to pay to retrofit the hundreds of millions of cars on the road?
Bad drivers are the biggest crime problem we have .

U.S. government wants to lock out most phone apps while driving

nov 23 2016 The U.S. government wants smartphone makers to lock out most apps when the phone is being used by someone driving a car.

Voluntary guidelines unveiled Wednesday by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration are designed to reduce crashes caused by drivers distracted by phones.

Drivers could still make calls, but the phones and automaker systems would lock out the ability to enter text. Internet browsing, video not related to driving, text from books, and photos also would be locked out. Navigation systems would be permitted, but with guidelines on how to avoid driver distraction.

Fatal crashes caused by distracted drivers are on the rise, and that's contributing to a spike in traffic deaths during the past two years.

The government says 3,477, or about 10 per cent, of the more than 35,000 traffic fatalities last year involved distracted drivers. That's up 8.8 per cent over 2014. Traffic deaths spiked 10.4 per cent in the first six months of this year and rose 7.2 per cent last year, after years of declines.
How totalitarian of you
Bad drivers are the biggest crime problem we have .

U.S. government wants to lock out most phone apps while driving

nov 23 2016 The U.S. government wants smartphone makers to lock out most apps when the phone is being used by someone driving a car.

Voluntary guidelines unveiled Wednesday by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration are designed to reduce crashes caused by drivers distracted by phones.

Drivers could still make calls, but the phones and automaker systems would lock out the ability to enter text. Internet browsing, video not related to driving, text from books, and photos also would be locked out. Navigation systems would be permitted, but with guidelines on how to avoid driver distraction.

Fatal crashes caused by distracted drivers are on the rise, and that's contributing to a spike in traffic deaths during the past two years.

The government says 3,477, or about 10 per cent, of the more than 35,000 traffic fatalities last year involved distracted drivers. That's up 8.8 per cent over 2014. Traffic deaths spiked 10.4 per cent in the first six months of this year and rose 7.2 per cent last year, after years of declines.

If I'm free to carry a gun around I think I should be trusted with a phone. So much for freedom.
How totalitarian of you

HAHAHA. So you want drunk driving and speeding and red light running legalized too? Stopping people from injuring others is why governments were invented!! THINK

Then outlaw assault rifles.

Innocent until proven guilty. I should be free to speed and IF I kill someone I'll pay for it. Boy, you cons seem very liberal about this. Very BIG GOVERNMENT. BIG BROTHER.

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