U.S. House passes "Protect Life Act"

It would seem to me it is you who have no understanding of what qualifies as a human.

You can pretend children who aren't born aren't human all you want. But you're just lying to yourself. If you have ever had a child, or lost a child, you know otherwise.
I support it because it protects the First Amendment rights of hundreds of thousands of Americans.

I think that is a worthy cause.

And it's OK that you don't.

However, I do try to ensure that folks have accurate facts. And, you do now.

Just so you know, I have gone over the full text of the amendments in this bill and found that all they do is pull federal support from any form of abortion. To top this is allows doctors to refuse a patient even if they will die. It is not free speech if someone dies because of it.

Circular logic.
Yes, it does allow physicians to refuse to perform an abortion to save the mother. But that does not mean a physician is going to stand by and watch a mother and a fetus die.

I posted a link to the explanation earlier. You may want to read it. Or, just continue posting ridiculous assumptions.

I don't mind. You're not much of a challenge and I need something to make me drowsy. You're a great help.

If a physician can deny an abortion that would save the life of the mother, that is infringing on the human rights accorded to the mother by our constitution.

How is that liberty?
It would seem to me it is you who have no understanding of what qualifies as a human.

You can pretend children who aren't born aren't human all you want. But you're just lying to yourself. If you have ever had a child, or lost a child, you know otherwise.

I'm so glad you know my life better than I do.

Have your glass ball around so I can ask about the future of some other people?
Why is it mostly righties who think they know what's best regarding women's reproductive rights? Is it a religious thingy...?
Just so you know, I have gone over the full text of the amendments in this bill and found that all they do is pull federal support from any form of abortion. To top this is allows doctors to refuse a patient even if they will die. It is not free speech if someone dies because of it.

Circular logic.
Yes, it does allow physicians to refuse to perform an abortion to save the mother. But that does not mean a physician is going to stand by and watch a mother and a fetus die.

I posted a link to the explanation earlier. You may want to read it. Or, just continue posting ridiculous assumptions.

I don't mind. You're not much of a challenge and I need something to make me drowsy. You're a great help.

If a physician can deny an abortion that would save the life of the mother, that is infringing on the human rights accorded to the mother by our constitution.

How is that liberty?
Being ALLOWED to do something does not mean that it WILL be done. There are other controlling influences on the practice of medicine than the federal government, far more controlling influences.

As I said, I posted the information which clearly explains this earlier. You cannot be bothered to read it or you can.

As of now, this is mind-numbing to me and I need that to get to sleep.
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It would seem to me it is you who have no understanding of what qualifies as a human.

You can pretend children who aren't born aren't human all you want. But you're just lying to yourself. If you have ever had a child, or lost a child, you know otherwise.

I'm so glad you know my life better than I do.

Have your glass ball around so I can ask about the future of some other people?

Why do you think it's so difficult to simply read what you freakin say?
Quote: Originally Posted by Lakhota
Ya know, Republicans seem to care a whole bunch about the womb, but not so much after a baby is born: Screw child support, nutrition, health care, education, job. You're on your own...

I have never called anyone "stupid" on the board before, but you are coming so close, I can feel it.

Please, don't hold back. Let me go first: You are stupid. I can see it so clearly...

Do you have one decent bone in your body? Serious question.

I can vascillate sp between the yayes and the nayes. But when you start spewing and I know where you are going here to the child is really not a child till it is two years old, I'm going to have a problem with you.
tinydenser, get a grip.
You need to get a grip on your shameless racism against Blacks, but that is about as topical as what you posted.

Sorry, Si, you're just too goofy to play with...
Well, I understand why you would want to make light of your shameless racism. Most racists see nothing wrong with their racism, and the fact that you are shameless about yours, fits.
Why is it mostly righties who think they know what's best regarding women's reproductive rights? Is it a religious thingy...?

Why do you anyone has the right to kill a child?

Why do you think it's a child?

When you are 6 months pregnant in the middle of summer and your stomach is like the newest bigger and better balloon and the kid inside you is doing the freaking hully gully and you think you can even put a plate on it.....and the kid kicks your stomach so hard that the plate really does fly off, oh kiss my ass it's not an embryo. It's a child. Oh and by the way his name is Ryan.

Don't you get it? They are real. They are life inside you. And it's wonderous.
Why do you anyone has the right to kill a child?

Why do you think it's a child?

When you are 6 months pregnant in the middle of summer and your stomach is like the newest bigger and better balloon and the kid inside you is doing the freaking hully gully and you think you can even put a plate on it.....and the kid kicks your stomach so hard that the plate really does fly off, oh kiss my ass it's not an embryo. It's a child. Oh and by the way his name is Ryan.

Don't you get it? They are real. They are life inside you. And it's wonderous.

So a clump of cells with human genetics can constitute a human?

A bunch of congealed blood cells on the ground can be considered a human now is that it?

When that fetus becomes a parasite threatening the life of the mother like a cancerous growth, is it still a child?!

I don't believe you are thinking very rationally.
Why do you think it's a child?

When you are 6 months pregnant in the middle of summer and your stomach is like the newest bigger and better balloon and the kid inside you is doing the freaking hully gully and you think you can even put a plate on it.....and the kid kicks your stomach so hard that the plate really does fly off, oh kiss my ass it's not an embryo. It's a child. Oh and by the way his name is Ryan.

Don't you get it? They are real. They are life inside you. And it's wonderous.

So a clump of cells with human genetics can constitute a human?

A bunch of congealed blood cells on the ground can be considered a human now is that it?

When that fetus becomes a parasite threatening the life of the mother like a cancerous growth, is it still a child?!

I don't believe you are thinking very rationally.

Fetal Development Pictures Slideshow: Photos Month-by-Month by WebMD

Tell me this is not a child.

Go to 24 weeks.
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Why do you anyone has the right to kill a child?

Why do you think it's a child?

When you are 6 months pregnant in the middle of summer and your stomach is like the newest bigger and better balloon and the kid inside you is doing the freaking hully gully and you think you can even put a plate on it.....and the kid kicks your stomach so hard that the plate really does fly off, oh kiss my ass it's not an embryo. It's a child. Oh and by the way his name is Ryan.

Don't you get it? They are real. They are life inside you. And it's wonderous.

Length of Pregnancy

Most abortions (88%) are obtained in the first trimester of pregnancy. In fact, over half of all abortions are obtained within the first 8 weeks. Fewer than 2% occur at 21 weeks or later.5

National Abortion Federation: Women Who Have Abortions
When you are 6 months pregnant in the middle of summer and your stomach is like the newest bigger and better balloon and the kid inside you is doing the freaking hully gully and you think you can even put a plate on it.....and the kid kicks your stomach so hard that the plate really does fly off, oh kiss my ass it's not an embryo. It's a child. Oh and by the way his name is Ryan.

Don't you get it? They are real. They are life inside you. And it's wonderous.

So a clump of cells with human genetics can constitute a human?

A bunch of congealed blood cells on the ground can be considered a human now is that it?

When that fetus becomes a parasite threatening the life of the mother like a cancerous growth, is it still a child?!

I don't believe you are thinking very rationally.

Fetal Development Pictures Slideshow: Photos Month-by-Month by WebMD

Tell me this is not a child.

Go to 24 weeks.

You people have no concept of time, do you?

Is it fun to live in a personal reality where time doesn't exist?

Oh and just a quick FYI on the slideshow viewer.

THIS TOOL DOES NOT PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE. It is intended for general informational purposes only and does not address individual circumstances. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment and should not be relied on to make decisions about your health. Never ignore professional medical advice in seeking treatment because of something you have read on the WebMD Site. If you think you may have a medical emergency, immediately call your doctor or dial 911.
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