U.S. House passes "Protect Life Act"

How many jobs will this create?

Not a one. zero. zilch.

Those damned dirty RW apes up in Congress are just concerned with fattening their koffers by appealing to their scummy and skeezy red meat-loving base.

Buncha degenerates...the lot of 'em!
What does the abortionist do to kill the baby and make sure it dead when he aborts it,

First they grab an arm and cut that off. Then it is easier to mak sure he can see where he puts the knife between the eyes and into the soft part opf the brain. Cut a circle to drag the brain out and cut the rest of the apendages of the baby. It has to be brought out in pieces to be sure it cannot live.

That once little baby who was supposed to be in his mothers arms is in a bowl in pieces.

May God forgive you.
What does the abortionist do to kill the baby and make sure it dead when he aborts it,

First they grab an arm and cut that off. Then it is easier to mak sure he can see where he puts the knife between the eyes and into the soft part opf the brain. Cut a circle to drag the brain out and cut the rest of the apendages of the baby. It has to be brought out in pieces to be sure it cannot live.

That once little baby who was supposed to be in his mothers arms is in a bowl in pieces.

May God forgive you.

Yes, a dead mother is so much better, what with the fetus dying with her. (And killing her)

What does the abortionist do to kill the baby and make sure it dead when he aborts it,

First they grab an arm and cut that off. Then it is easier to mak sure he can see where he puts the knife between the eyes and into the soft part opf the brain. Cut a circle to drag the brain out and cut the rest of the apendages of the baby. It has to be brought out in pieces to be sure it cannot live.

That once little baby who was supposed to be in his mothers arms is in a bowl in pieces.

May God forgive you.

Well, gee, thanks for that. Hey, I had a vasectomy - wanna hear about it...?
You can always get an abortion if the mother's life is in danger.

Now the doctor can decline to give a mother an abortion in the event of it being life threatening.

Would that not be considered murder in our society as well?

Please note I do NOT advocate abortion for just any reason.

Some people seem to think I am for frivolous abortions. I DO believe that is murder.
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You can always get an abortion if the mother's life is in danger.

Now the doctor can decline to give a mother an abortion in the event of it being life threatening.

Would that not be considered murder in our society as well?

Please note I do NOT advocate abortion for just any reason.

Some people seem to think I am for frivolous abortions. I DO believe that is murder.

I have not read this whole thread, but I find it impossible to believe that no one has yet pointed out that what you are saying is not true.

  1. The law does not prohibit anyone from buying an insurance policy that covers abortions, it just prevents the government from requiring plans to cover abortion,
  2. It also codifies into law that no federal funds will ever be used for abortion, something that has been added to every budget for years, so it changes nothing.
  3. It prohibits any hospital that receives federal funds from requiring any medical personal to either be trained in, or to preform abortions.
  4. It specifically allows insurance polices to cover abortions if the pregnancy is a result of a crime, ir if the mother;s life is in danger.
  5. I suppose it is possible some idiot might read this law and think that it allows doctors and hospitals to let women die if their life is in danger, but no sane person can do so.
Read The Bill: H.R. 358 - GovTrack.us

All these good-for-nutting, damned, dirty RW apes up in Congress are good for is getting punch drunk and almost shooting of their big toes in public.

Look at this RW drunkard who's supposed to be a Representive from the state of TN:


A real damn fool. I wonder if constituents are proud of him now.
You can always get an abortion if the mother's life is in danger.

Now the doctor can decline to give a mother an abortion in the event of it being life threatening.

Would that not be considered murder in our society as well?

Please note I do NOT advocate abortion for just any reason.

Some people seem to think I am for frivolous abortions. I DO believe that is murder.

I have not read this whole thread, but I find it impossible to believe that no one has yet pointed out that what you are saying is not true.

  1. The law does not prohibit anyone from buying an insurance policy that covers abortions, it just prevents the government from requiring plans to cover abortion,
  2. It also codifies into law that no federal funds will ever be used for abortion, something that has been added to every budget for years, so it changes nothing.
  3. It prohibits any hospital that receives federal funds from requiring any medical personal to either be trained in, or to preform abortions.
  4. It specifically allows insurance polices to cover abortions if the pregnancy is a result of a crime, ir if the mother;s life is in danger.
  5. I suppose it is possible some idiot might read this law and think that it allows doctors and hospitals to let women die if their life is in danger, but no sane person can do so.
Read The Bill: H.R. 358 - GovTrack.us

I've read the bill directly, if a hospital receives federal funding (which is a good many of them, as it happens), they can abstain from performing the operation all together.
All these good-for-nutting, damned, dirty RW apes up in Congress are good for is getting punch drunk and almost shooting of their big toes in public.

Look at this RW drunkard who's supposed to be a Representive from the state of TN:


A real damn fool. I wonder if constituents are proud of him now.

How many of those right dunks have killed a person while they were drunk? We have our drunks but none of them have killed as many as your ape knockel dragging mouth breath leftest have
Several people here seem to be under the impression that I am against this bill because it is abortion and I'm pro choice.

I don't care. This bill isn't creating jobs, it isn't paying debt, it isn't bringing those in the Service back.

It shouldn't exist.

I oppose this on economic grounds.

If that makes me fascist, oh well.

You're pro choice? Well if you don't want the government in womens wombs get rid of obamacare, and while unemployment rose obama went for obamacare, so I really don't give a shit how you view this.
All these good-for-nutting, damned, dirty RW apes up in Congress are good for is getting punch drunk and almost shooting of their big toes in public.

Look at this RW drunkard who's supposed to be a Representive from the state of TN:


A real damn fool. I wonder if constituents are proud of him now.
man !!! you sure get pissed when people try to protect innocent unborn children !!!
Several people here seem to be under the impression that I am against this bill because it is abortion and I'm pro choice.

I don't care. This bill isn't creating jobs, it isn't paying debt, it isn't bringing those in the Service back.

It shouldn't exist.

I oppose this on economic grounds.

If that makes me fascist, oh well.

You're pro choice? Well if you don't want the government in womens wombs get rid of obamacare, and while unemployment rose obama went for obamacare, so I really don't give a shit how you view this.

Didn't say I'm pro-choice, just saying that seems to be what people think I am.

People seem to enjoy telling me what I am. I'll be more than happy to tell them what I think they are though.
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Several people here seem to be under the impression that I am against this bill because it is abortion and I'm pro choice.

I don't care. This bill isn't creating jobs, it isn't paying debt, it isn't bringing those in the Service back.

It shouldn't exist.

I oppose this on economic grounds.

If that makes me fascist, oh well.

You're pro choice? Well if you don't want the government in womens wombs get rid of obamacare, and while unemployment rose obama went for obamacare, so I really don't give a shit how you view this.

Didn't say I'm pro-choice, just saying that seems to be what people think I am.

People seem to enjoy telling me what I am. I'll be more than happy to tell them what I think they are though.

It sure sounded like you said you were prochoice. But anyway this is what will happen when you have the government involved with your healthcare.
You can always get an abortion if the mother's life is in danger.

Now the doctor can decline to give a mother an abortion in the event of it being life threatening.

Would that not be considered murder in our society as well?

Please note I do NOT advocate abortion for just any reason.

Some people seem to think I am for frivolous abortions. I DO believe that is murder.
And physicians do not stand around watching a patient die. As I said before, but it appears to be a concept you refuse to grasp, for some reason: being ALLOWED to do something does not mean the WILL do something.

But it just sounds so much better to say that physicians WILL do this.


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