U.S. House passes "Protect Life Act"

You can always get an abortion if the mother's life is in danger.

Now the doctor can decline to give a mother an abortion in the event of it being life threatening.

Would that not be considered murder in our society as well?

Please note I do NOT advocate abortion for just any reason.

Some people seem to think I am for frivolous abortions. I DO believe that is murder.

I have not read this whole thread, but I find it impossible to believe that no one has yet pointed out that what you are saying is not true.

  1. The law does not prohibit anyone from buying an insurance policy that covers abortions, it just prevents the government from requiring plans to cover abortion,
  2. It also codifies into law that no federal funds will ever be used for abortion, something that has been added to every budget for years, so it changes nothing.
  3. It prohibits any hospital that receives federal funds from requiring any medical personal to either be trained in, or to preform abortions.
  4. It specifically allows insurance polices to cover abortions if the pregnancy is a result of a crime, ir if the mother;s life is in danger.
  5. I suppose it is possible some idiot might read this law and think that it allows doctors and hospitals to let women die if their life is in danger, but no sane person can do so.
Read The Bill: H.R. 358 - GovTrack.us

Right. But, when you do read the thread, you will see that so many WANT to believe the HuffPo lies.

They let the HuffPo think for them.

Sad, really.
By Laura Bassett

WASHINGTON -- After an emotional floor debate, the House of Representatives on Thursday passed the so-called Protect Life Act, which prohibits women from buying health insurance plans that cover abortion under the Affordable Care Act and makes it legal for hospitals to deny abortions to pregnant women with life-threatening conditions.

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.), a proponent of the bill, told voters last week that its purpose is "to ensure that no taxpayer dollars flow to health care plans that cover abortion and no health care worker has to participate in abortions against their will."

In fact, the Affordable Care Act already keeps public dollars separate from the private insurance payments that cover abortion. A federal judge ruled in August that the anti-abortion group Susan B. Anthony List had to stop making the claim on its website that "Obamacare" subsidizes abortions because the assertion is false.

Protect Life Act Passes House: Congress Passes Controversial Anti-Abortion Bill

A head fake by the Right Wing to detract from the fact that their only purpose is to defeat President Obama a year from now. They know the possibility that it might pass is as likely as a volcano erupting ice cubes.
By Laura Bassett

WASHINGTON -- After an emotional floor debate, the House of Representatives on Thursday passed the so-called Protect Life Act, which prohibits women from buying health insurance plans that cover abortion under the Affordable Care Act and makes it legal for hospitals to deny abortions to pregnant women with life-threatening conditions.

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.), a proponent of the bill, told voters last week that its purpose is "to ensure that no taxpayer dollars flow to health care plans that cover abortion and no health care worker has to participate in abortions against their will."

In fact, the Affordable Care Act already keeps public dollars separate from the private insurance payments that cover abortion. A federal judge ruled in August that the anti-abortion group Susan B. Anthony List had to stop making the claim on its website that "Obamacare" subsidizes abortions because the assertion is false.

Protect Life Act Passes House: Congress Passes Controversial Anti-Abortion Bill

A head fake by the Right Wing to detract from the fact that their only purpose is to defeat President Obama a year from now. They know the possibility that it might pass is as likely as a volcano erupting ice cubes.
That's a shame, then. But it will show that Democrats don't respect the First Amendment.
How many jobs will this create?

Exactly how many jobs did Cash for Clunkers create? Did we have a big employment spike of car salesmen or Detroit auto workers that I seemed to have missed somewhere? Is Michigan as a result, enjoying an unemployment rate far below the national average? I'm sure Obama shutting down the NASA space shuttle program, was a great decision that resulted in the boosting of our economy.

Since Obama loves to waste taxpayer dollars on "experiments" that fail, like Solyndra getting $535 million from taxpayers, Raser Technology receiving $33 million, or US Geothermal received $97 million, we have to look at cutting government funds from somewhere. We already cut military spending on the new YF-22 Raptor stealth fighter to cover defense spending, that eliminated over 20,000 jobs in over 8 states. Would you rather it came from Social Security or Medicare? They need to be looking at costs that the Federal Government either can't afford, or has no business in funding (abortion happens to fall into both categories). What's wrong with abortion clinics that are privately funded through large donations, like a lot of your major metropolitan hospitals? (none of which are funded by the Federal Government)
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How many jobs will this create?

Exactly how many jobs did Cash for Clunkers create? Did we have a big employment spike of car salesmen or Detroit auto workers that I seemed to have missed somewhere? Is Michigan as a result, enjoying an unemployment rate far below the national average? I'm sure Obama shutting down the NASA space shuttle program, was a great decision that resulted in the boosting of our economy.

Since Obama loves to waste taxpayer dollars on "experiments" that fail, like Solyndra getting $535 million from taxpayers, Raser Technology receiving $33 million, or US Geothermal received $97 million, we have to look at cutting funding from somewhere. Would you rather it came from Social Security or Medicare? They need to be looking at costs that the Federal Government either can't afford, or has no business in funding (abortion happens to fall into both categories). What's wrong with abortion clinics that are privately funded through large donations, like a lot of your major metropolitan hospitals? (none of which are funded by the Federal Government)
all cash for clunkers did was triple the price for used cars making it harder for people straped for cash to purchase transportation !! it's hard to go to work or look for a job if you can't get there !!
You can always get an abortion if the mother's life is in danger.

Now the doctor can decline to give a mother an abortion in the event of it being life threatening.

Would that not be considered murder in our society as well?

Please note I do NOT advocate abortion for just any reason.

Some people seem to think I am for frivolous abortions. I DO believe that is murder.

I have not read this whole thread, but I find it impossible to believe that no one has yet pointed out that what you are saying is not true.

  1. The law does not prohibit anyone from buying an insurance policy that covers abortions, it just prevents the government from requiring plans to cover abortion,
  2. It also codifies into law that no federal funds will ever be used for abortion, something that has been added to every budget for years, so it changes nothing.
  3. It prohibits any hospital that receives federal funds from requiring any medical personal to either be trained in, or to preform abortions.
  4. It specifically allows insurance polices to cover abortions if the pregnancy is a result of a crime, ir if the mother;s life is in danger.
  5. I suppose it is possible some idiot might read this law and think that it allows doctors and hospitals to let women die if their life is in danger, but no sane person can do so.
Read The Bill: H.R. 358 - GovTrack.us

Nancy Pelosi said this bill is specifically designed to leave mothers "Dying on the floor" and I believe her. :iagree:

I think the House GOP wanted to call it the "Leave Mother's Dying On The Floor Act".
How many jobs will this create?

Exactly how many jobs did Cash for Clunkers create? Did we have a big employment spike of car salesmen or Detroit auto workers that I seemed to have missed somewhere? Is Michigan as a result, enjoying an unemployment rate far below the national average? I'm sure Obama shutting down the NASA space shuttle program, was a great decision that resulted in the boosting of our economy.

Since Obama loves to waste taxpayer dollars on "experiments" that fail, like Solyndra getting $535 million from taxpayers, Raser Technology receiving $33 million, or US Geothermal received $97 million, we have to look at cutting funding from somewhere. Would you rather it came from Social Security or Medicare? They need to be looking at costs that the Federal Government either can't afford, or has no business in funding (abortion happens to fall into both categories). What's wrong with abortion clinics that are privately funded through large donations, like a lot of your major metropolitan hospitals? (none of which are funded by the Federal Government)
all cash for clunkers did was triple the price for used cars making it harder for people straped for cash to purchase transportation !! it's hard to go to work or look for a job if you can't get there !!


In 1952 a new car cost about $2,000. I made $80 a week. How is it that you believe the cash for clunkers increased the cost of vehicles?

How is it that you believe Obama has done anything even resembling the absolute mess that Hank Paulson and George W. Bush made? Two wars, doubled the national debt and wrecked the economy. That's what George W. Bush did and it only took him eight years.
Exactly how many jobs did Cash for Clunkers create? Did we have a big employment spike of car salesmen or Detroit auto workers that I seemed to have missed somewhere? Is Michigan as a result, enjoying an unemployment rate far below the national average? I'm sure Obama shutting down the NASA space shuttle program, was a great decision that resulted in the boosting of our economy.

Since Obama loves to waste taxpayer dollars on "experiments" that fail, like Solyndra getting $535 million from taxpayers, Raser Technology receiving $33 million, or US Geothermal received $97 million, we have to look at cutting funding from somewhere. Would you rather it came from Social Security or Medicare? They need to be looking at costs that the Federal Government either can't afford, or has no business in funding (abortion happens to fall into both categories). What's wrong with abortion clinics that are privately funded through large donations, like a lot of your major metropolitan hospitals? (none of which are funded by the Federal Government)
all cash for clunkers did was triple the price for used cars making it harder for people straped for cash to purchase transportation !! it's hard to go to work or look for a job if you can't get there !!


In 1952 a new car cost about $2,000. I made $80 a week. How is it that you believe the cash for clunkers increased the cost of vehicles?

How is it that you believe Obama has done anything even resembling the absolute mess that Hank Paulson and George W. Bush made? Two wars, doubled the national debt and wrecked the economy. That's what George W. Bush did and it only took him eight years.
Supply goes down, demand is same, cost goes up.
Exactly how many jobs did Cash for Clunkers create? Did we have a big employment spike of car salesmen or Detroit auto workers that I seemed to have missed somewhere? Is Michigan as a result, enjoying an unemployment rate far below the national average? I'm sure Obama shutting down the NASA space shuttle program, was a great decision that resulted in the boosting of our economy.

Since Obama loves to waste taxpayer dollars on "experiments" that fail, like Solyndra getting $535 million from taxpayers, Raser Technology receiving $33 million, or US Geothermal received $97 million, we have to look at cutting funding from somewhere. Would you rather it came from Social Security or Medicare? They need to be looking at costs that the Federal Government either can't afford, or has no business in funding (abortion happens to fall into both categories). What's wrong with abortion clinics that are privately funded through large donations, like a lot of your major metropolitan hospitals? (none of which are funded by the Federal Government)
all cash for clunkers did was triple the price for used cars making it harder for people straped for cash to purchase transportation !! it's hard to go to work or look for a job if you can't get there !!


In 1952 a new car cost about $2,000. I made $80 a week. How is it that you believe the cash for clunkers increased the cost of vehicles?

How is it that you believe Obama has done anything even resembling the absolute mess that Hank Paulson and George W. Bush made? Two wars, doubled the national debt and wrecked the economy. That's what George W. Bush did and it only took him eight years.

supply and demand simple economics 101
Exactly how many jobs did Cash for Clunkers create? Did we have a big employment spike of car salesmen or Detroit auto workers that I seemed to have missed somewhere? Is Michigan as a result, enjoying an unemployment rate far below the national average? I'm sure Obama shutting down the NASA space shuttle program, was a great decision that resulted in the boosting of our economy.

Since Obama loves to waste taxpayer dollars on "experiments" that fail, like Solyndra getting $535 million from taxpayers, Raser Technology receiving $33 million, or US Geothermal received $97 million, we have to look at cutting funding from somewhere. Would you rather it came from Social Security or Medicare? They need to be looking at costs that the Federal Government either can't afford, or has no business in funding (abortion happens to fall into both categories). What's wrong with abortion clinics that are privately funded through large donations, like a lot of your major metropolitan hospitals? (none of which are funded by the Federal Government)
all cash for clunkers did was triple the price for used cars making it harder for people straped for cash to purchase transportation !! it's hard to go to work or look for a job if you can't get there !!


In 1952 a new car cost about $2,000. I made $80 a week. How is it that you believe the cash for clunkers increased the cost of vehicles?

How is it that you believe Obama has done anything even resembling the absolute mess that Hank Paulson and George W. Bush made? Two wars, doubled the national debt and wrecked the economy. That's what George W. Bush did and it only took him eight years.

Taking unemployment from 5% to over 9%.

Increasing the debt from $10 trillion to $15 trillion in two years instead of 8.

Intentionally causing the price of gas to double.

Suing several states because they have to enforce immigration laws that he refuses to enforce.

Turning a free country into a socialist state and preventing the free movement of private businesses.

Using the EPA to destroy jobs and to destroy our energy industry and make us almost completely dependent on foreigners for our oil and other energy sources.

Causing massive inflation by shoving billions of dollars into the stock-market with their Quantitative Easing programs. 3 of them so far.

Causing the price of groceries to go up 40%.

Putting millions more on food stamps and encouraging more to apply for them.

Betting on solar power and alternative energy producers that have no market thus losing billions in stimulus dollars.

Suing fire departments to change the minimum requirements on tests to allow black applicants that previously were not qualified.

Using obscure laws to close down manufacturing plants simply because they aren't a union shop.

Destroying any trust we once had with our best allies and removing any semblance of integrity our government once had.

Going from two wars that were almost over to three wars (Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya) that are getting worse and almost starting another against Pakistan and possibly Iran.

I don't know....compared to Obama...Bush was doing a pretty decent job.

By Laura Bassett

WASHINGTON -- After an emotional floor debate, the House of Representatives on Thursday passed the so-called Protect Life Act, which prohibits women from buying health insurance plans that cover abortion under the Affordable Care Act and makes it legal for hospitals to deny abortions to pregnant women with life-threatening conditions.

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.), a proponent of the bill, told voters last week that its purpose is "to ensure that no taxpayer dollars flow to health care plans that cover abortion and no health care worker has to participate in abortions against their will."

In fact, the Affordable Care Act already keeps public dollars separate from the private insurance payments that cover abortion. A federal judge ruled in August that the anti-abortion group Susan B. Anthony List had to stop making the claim on its website that "Obamacare" subsidizes abortions because the assertion is false.

Protect Life Act Passes House: Congress Passes Controversial Anti-Abortion Bill

Yep, make a real stink about abortions, but deny the children care after they are born. The reality of the 'Conservative'.
all cash for clunkers did was triple the price for used cars making it harder for people straped for cash to purchase transportation !! it's hard to go to work or look for a job if you can't get there !!


In 1952 a new car cost about $2,000. I made $80 a week. How is it that you believe the cash for clunkers increased the cost of vehicles?

How is it that you believe Obama has done anything even resembling the absolute mess that Hank Paulson and George W. Bush made? Two wars, doubled the national debt and wrecked the economy. That's what George W. Bush did and it only took him eight years.

supply and demand simple economics 101

If it's so simple how did George W. Bush, Hank Paulson and Ben Bernanke make such a horrible mess of our economy. Maybe they didn't study 101...maybe they should have studied 101. Seems to me that the smartest economists are the greediest assholes on the face of the earth. Their main objective seems to be absolute control of the working class.

September 24, 2011
The majority of Americans still do not have confidence in the mass media to report the news fully, accurately, and fairly. The 44% of Americans who have a great deal or fair amount of trust and the 55% who have little or no trust remain among the most negative views Gallup has measured.
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In 1952 a new car cost about $2,000. I made $80 a week. How is it that you believe the cash for clunkers increased the cost of vehicles?

How is it that you believe Obama has done anything even resembling the absolute mess that Hank Paulson and George W. Bush made? Two wars, doubled the national debt and wrecked the economy. That's what George W. Bush did and it only took him eight years.

supply and demand simple economics 101

If it's so simple how did George W. Bush, Hank Paulson and Ben Bernanke make such a horrible mess of our economy. Maybe they didn't study 101...maybe they should have studied 101. Seems to me that the smartest economists are the greediest assholes on the face of the earth. Their main objective seems to be absolute control of the working class.

amd obama had nothing to do with this mess? I noticed you Ben Bernanke and george bush. Since obama kept Ben Bernanke wuld it also be obama's mess?
supply and demand simple economics 101

If it's so simple how did George W. Bush, Hank Paulson and Ben Bernanke make such a horrible mess of our economy. Maybe they didn't study 101...maybe they should have studied 101. Seems to me that the smartest economists are the greediest assholes on the face of the earth. Their main objective seems to be absolute control of the working class.

amd obama had nothing to do with this mess? I noticed you Ben Bernanke and george bush. Since obama kept Ben Bernanke wuld it also be obama's mess?

It took Franklin Delano Roosevelt over eight years to even begin to recover from the Hoover mess in 1932. Even then the second world war is what really brought us out of it. Guess What?? The American people continued to reelect him to office so many times that the congress made it illegal for a president to serve more than two terms.

You folks aren't fooling anybody except yourselves. Obama will get four more years. Unless Sarah Palin decides to run...ROTFLMAO!!
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Herein lies the moral conflict. And this is why I keep going the morning after pill. The blood doesn't flow for a number of days. That's when life begins. Life is in the blood.

My heart would break though. I don't know how to answer your question. Some have. Some have carried their children to term despite rape. Could I? I honestly can't say. It's a horrid situation. And I will not judge others of rape or incest. That's not for me to judge.

One day it will all shake out and we'll know the answer.

They are completely taking away the rights of rape victims, mothers who may be killed by being pregnant can now be refused. This could turn into murder through government. That bill is unspeakably evil and it needs to die.
That simply is not true. The HuffPo lied about the contents of the bill.

The bill says no such thing.

I linked to the summary of the bill (at govtrac) in one of the first few posts (ETA post 18).

Read the bill to figure out what is in it; don't let HuffPo's interpretation of the bill take the place of your own thinking.

Summary of the bill?
Yep that will tell you everything that is in it.
They are completely taking away the rights of rape victims, mothers who may be killed by being pregnant can now be refused. This could turn into murder through government. That bill is unspeakably evil and it needs to die.
That simply is not true. The HuffPo lied about the contents of the bill.

The bill says no such thing.

I linked to the summary of the bill (at govtrac) in one of the first few posts (ETA post 18).

Read the bill to figure out what is in it; don't let HuffPo's interpretation of the bill take the place of your own thinking.

Summary of the bill?
Yep that will tell you everything that is in it.

No......read it once it's passed.

I need a sleep-aid.
They are completely taking away the rights of rape victims, mothers who may be killed by being pregnant can now be refused. This could turn into murder through government. That bill is unspeakably evil and it needs to die.
That simply is not true. The HuffPo lied about the contents of the bill.

The bill says no such thing.

I linked to the summary of the bill (at govtrac) in one of the first few posts (ETA post 18).

Read the bill to figure out what is in it; don't let HuffPo's interpretation of the bill take the place of your own thinking.

Summary of the bill?
Yep that will tell you everything that is in it.
And the entire bill is at that link. I've seen noting in the bill that contradicts the summary. If someone can post something that contradicts the summary, that would make the summary invalid.

Pretty simple.

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