U.S. House passes "Protect Life Act"

With all these forms of birth control on the market why are there still so many abortions. If used correctly birth control methods control birth by 99.0 percent.. I dont want my tax dollars to go towards abortion unless its because the life of the mother is in jeopardy, period!!!
I agree. No public money for abortions.

Ok ... but that's not what this is about. Allow me to quote the important part.

Meaning, a woman could have zero intentions of ever having an abortion, but she would still not be allowed to buy a plan she wants, because of what the plan offers.

Anti-choice is taking on a whole new meaning.
Moronic poster is a moron.

3/17/2011--Reported to House amended, Part I. Protect Life Act - Amends the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) to prohibit federal funds from being to used to cover any part of the costs of any health plan that includes coverage of abortion services. (Currently, federal funds cannot be used for abortion services and plans receiving federal funds must keep federal funds segregated from any funds for abortion services.) Requires any qualified health benefit plan offered through an Exchange that includes coverage for abortions to also offer a qualified health benefit plan through the Exchange that is identical in every respect except that it does not cover abortions. Prohibits a federal agency or program and any state or local government that receives federal financial assistance under PPACA from requiring any health plan created or regulated under PPACA to discriminate against any institutional or individual health care entity based on the entity's refusal to undergo training in the performance of induced abortions, require or provide such training, or refer for such training. Creates a cause of action for any violations of the abortion provisions of PPACA. Gives federal courts jurisdiction to prevent and redress actual or threatened violations of such provisions by issuing any form of legal or equitable relief, including injunctions and orders preventing the disbursement of all or a portion of federal financial assistance until the prohibited conduct has ceased. Gives standing to institute an action to affected health care entities and the Attorney General. Requires the Secretary of Health and Human Services to designate the Director of the Office for Civil Rights of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to receive and investigate complaints alleging a violation of PPACA abortion provisions. Requires the Director of the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) to ensure that no multistate qualified health plan offered in an Exchange provides coverage of abortion services.​
[Link previously provided from GovTrack and emphasis added so morons can see it]
Ok ... but that's not what this is about. Allow me to quote the important part.

Meaning, a woman could have zero intentions of ever having an abortion, but she would still not be allowed to buy a plan she wants, because of what the plan offers.

Anti-choice is taking on a whole new meaning.
Moronic poster is a moron.

3/17/2011--Reported to House amended, Part I. Protect Life Act - Amends the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) to prohibit federal funds from being to used to cover any part of the costs of any health plan that includes coverage of abortion services. (Currently, federal funds cannot be used for abortion services and plans receiving federal funds must keep federal funds segregated from any funds for abortion services.) Requires any qualified health benefit plan offered through an Exchange that includes coverage for abortions to also offer a qualified health benefit plan through the Exchange that is identical in every respect except that it does not cover abortions. Prohibits a federal agency or program and any state or local government that receives federal financial assistance under PPACA from requiring any health plan created or regulated under PPACA to discriminate against any institutional or individual health care entity based on the entity's refusal to undergo training in the performance of induced abortions, require or provide such training, or refer for such training. Creates a cause of action for any violations of the abortion provisions of PPACA. Gives federal courts jurisdiction to prevent and redress actual or threatened violations of such provisions by issuing any form of legal or equitable relief, including injunctions and orders preventing the disbursement of all or a portion of federal financial assistance until the prohibited conduct has ceased. Gives standing to institute an action to affected health care entities and the Attorney General. Requires the Secretary of Health and Human Services to designate the Director of the Office for Civil Rights of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to receive and investigate complaints alleging a violation of PPACA abortion provisions. Requires the Director of the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) to ensure that no multistate qualified health plan offered in an Exchange provides coverage of abortion services.​
[Link previously provided from GovTrack and emphasis added so morons can see it]

Looks like Huffington Puffinton Post lied about the purpose of this.

It appears to be an attempt to counter the damaging effects of Obamacare.

Oh, excuse me.....The Affordable Health Care Act....

.Affordable....... my hairy nut-sack. :lol:
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Moronic poster is a moron.

3/17/2011--Reported to House amended, Part I. Protect Life Act - Amends the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) to prohibit federal funds from being to used to cover any part of the costs of any health plan that includes coverage of abortion services. (Currently, federal funds cannot be used for abortion services and plans receiving federal funds must keep federal funds segregated from any funds for abortion services.) Requires any qualified health benefit plan offered through an Exchange that includes coverage for abortions to also offer a qualified health benefit plan through the Exchange that is identical in every respect except that it does not cover abortions. Prohibits a federal agency or program and any state or local government that receives federal financial assistance under PPACA from requiring any health plan created or regulated under PPACA to discriminate against any institutional or individual health care entity based on the entity's refusal to undergo training in the performance of induced abortions, require or provide such training, or refer for such training. Creates a cause of action for any violations of the abortion provisions of PPACA. Gives federal courts jurisdiction to prevent and redress actual or threatened violations of such provisions by issuing any form of legal or equitable relief, including injunctions and orders preventing the disbursement of all or a portion of federal financial assistance until the prohibited conduct has ceased. Gives standing to institute an action to affected health care entities and the Attorney General. Requires the Secretary of Health and Human Services to designate the Director of the Office for Civil Rights of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to receive and investigate complaints alleging a violation of PPACA abortion provisions. Requires the Director of the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) to ensure that no multistate qualified health plan offered in an Exchange provides coverage of abortion services.​
[Link previously provided from GovTrack and emphasis added so morons can see it]

Looks like Huffington Puffinton Post lied about the purpose of this.

It appears to be an attempt to counter the damaging effects of Obamacare.

Oh, excuse me.....The Affordable Health Care Act....

.Affordable....... my hairy nut-sack. :lol:
Surprise! The HuffPo lied and look at all who lapped it up. ;)

Not too surprised, myself. I NEVER take anything from there at face value. I never take much of anything at face value. To do so would be to defer my thinking to others who clearly are not qualified to do so. I prefer to think for myself.
By Laura Bassett

WASHINGTON -- After an emotional floor debate, the House of Representatives on Thursday passed the so-called Protect Life Act, which prohibits women from buying health insurance plans that cover abortion under the Affordable Care Act and makes it legal for hospitals to deny abortions to pregnant women with life-threatening conditions.

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.), a proponent of the bill, told voters last week that its purpose is "to ensure that no taxpayer dollars flow to health care plans that cover abortion and no health care worker has to participate in abortions against their will."

In fact, the Affordable Care Act already keeps public dollars separate from the private insurance payments that cover abortion. A federal judge ruled in August that the anti-abortion group Susan B. Anthony List had to stop making the claim on its website that "Obamacare" subsidizes abortions because the assertion is false.

Protect Life Act Passes House: Congress Passes Controversial Anti-Abortion Bill

it won't get past the senate. it's another wingnut bill out of the House. and even if it got through the senate, the president would veto it. there aren't enough votes to override.

so ultimately, i wouldn't worry about it. more idiocy from the "small government" people.

not to mention it's unconstitutional, but there ya go.
The idiocy of it is dimwits supporting the murder of unborn babies. And don't give that bullshit lie about it being a womans body. When women use it for nothing more than contraceptive they are totally WRONG!!!!
You have the right to your opinion. Do you have the votes behind it is the issue here.

it won't get past the senate. it's another wingnut bill out of the House. and even if it got through the senate, the president would veto it. there aren't enough votes to override.

so ultimately, i wouldn't worry about it. more idiocy from the "small government" people.

not to mention it's unconstitutional, but there ya go.
The idiocy of it is dimwits supporting the murder of unborn babies. And don't give that bullshit lie about it being a womans body. When women use it for nothing more than contraceptive they are totally WRONG!!!!

....are totally RIGHT, huh??


BTW......What's HAPPENED to all o' those.....

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even President Obama reaffirmed the Hyde amendment, calling the restriction "longstanding" and "the status quo," when he signed an executive order asserting that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act would not allow the use of federal funds for abortion services.

O NOES!! President Obama did something right!!

Now, will anyone on the right acknowledge it?

You can forget it...,the fantasy crowd allows real solid citizens like Rupert Murdoch and the Fox News crew think for them.
Now the doctor can decline to give a mother an abortion in the event of it being life threatening.

Would that not be considered murder in our society as well?

Please note I do NOT advocate abortion for just any reason.

Some people seem to think I am for frivolous abortions. I DO believe that is murder.

I have not read this whole thread, but I find it impossible to believe that no one has yet pointed out that what you are saying is not true.

  1. The law does not prohibit anyone from buying an insurance policy that covers abortions, it just prevents the government from requiring plans to cover abortion,
  2. It also codifies into law that no federal funds will ever be used for abortion, something that has been added to every budget for years, so it changes nothing.
  3. It prohibits any hospital that receives federal funds from requiring any medical personal to either be trained in, or to preform abortions.
  4. It specifically allows insurance polices to cover abortions if the pregnancy is a result of a crime, ir if the mother;s life is in danger.
  5. I suppose it is possible some idiot might read this law and think that it allows doctors and hospitals to let women die if their life is in danger, but no sane person can do so.
Read The Bill: H.R. 358 - GovTrack.us

I've read the bill directly, if a hospital receives federal funding (which is a good many of them, as it happens), they can abstain from performing the operation all together.

I linked to the bill, I know what it says. Federal law and court precedents require a hospital to give life saving treatment to anyone that shows up at the door. This bill does not release them from that requirement, it is simply an amendment to Obamacare that clarifies that no federal funding is ever going to abortion through anything the PPACA sets up, and clarifies the conscious exemption. It does not permit a hospital to watch someone die.

Just because a politician tells you something will happen does not mean it will. Pelosi loves to drum up her base by claiming the Republicans want to kill women. If you choose to buy into the claptrap fine, just remember that it is claptrap.
Now the doctor can decline to give a mother an abortion in the event of it being life threatening.

Would that not be considered murder in our society as well?

Please note I do NOT advocate abortion for just any reason.

Some people seem to think I am for frivolous abortions. I DO believe that is murder.

I have not read this whole thread, but I find it impossible to believe that no one has yet pointed out that what you are saying is not true.

  1. The law does not prohibit anyone from buying an insurance policy that covers abortions, it just prevents the government from requiring plans to cover abortion,
  2. It also codifies into law that no federal funds will ever be used for abortion, something that has been added to every budget for years, so it changes nothing.
  3. It prohibits any hospital that receives federal funds from requiring any medical personal to either be trained in, or to preform abortions.
  4. It specifically allows insurance polices to cover abortions if the pregnancy is a result of a crime, ir if the mother;s life is in danger.
  5. I suppose it is possible some idiot might read this law and think that it allows doctors and hospitals to let women die if their life is in danger, but no sane person can do so.
Read The Bill: H.R. 358 - GovTrack.us
Right. But, when you do read the thread, you will see that so many WANT to believe the HuffPo lies.

They let the HuffPo think for them.

Sad, really.

Some people like to be scared. I bet every single person that wants to believe this really enjoys horror movies.
Why can't we have an honest discussion about this? I think this is what makes me crazy about this.

there is no "honest discussion" with someone who, instead of talking about the vile and disgusting nature of a bill that would allow a woman to die rather than provide a life-saving abortion, starts ranting and raving about "partial birth abortion" which is almost non-existent as a problem.

there is no such thing as "partial birth abortion" that is a term made up by anti-choicers who would allow a woman to die rather than help her and terminate a pregnancy.

it's D&X... dilation and extraction.

and, frankly, i'm not interested in having someone else make my moral choices for me... particularly when i've never found anyone who makes them better for me than i do.

taking ignorance to a new high water mark I bring you;

there is no such thing as "partial birth abortion"
By Laura Bassett

WASHINGTON -- After an emotional floor debate, the House of Representatives on Thursday passed the so-called Protect Life Act, which prohibits women from buying health insurance plans that cover abortion under the Affordable Care Act and makes it legal for hospitals to deny abortions to pregnant women with life-threatening conditions.

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.), a proponent of the bill, told voters last week that its purpose is "to ensure that no taxpayer dollars flow to health care plans that cover abortion and no health care worker has to participate in abortions against their will."

In fact, the Affordable Care Act already keeps public dollars separate from the private insurance payments that cover abortion. A federal judge ruled in August that the anti-abortion group Susan B. Anthony List had to stop making the claim on its website that "Obamacare" subsidizes abortions because the assertion is false.

Protect Life Act Passes House: Congress Passes Controversial Anti-Abortion Bill

Ok, I agree with this little tiny provision but does that mean they have legitimized the dreaded "Obama Care"
Why can't we have an honest discussion about this? I think this is what makes me crazy about this.

there is no "honest discussion" with someone who, instead of talking about the vile and disgusting nature of a bill that would allow a woman to die rather than provide a life-saving abortion, starts ranting and raving about "partial birth abortion" which is almost non-existent as a problem.

there is no such thing as "partial birth abortion" that is a term made up by anti-choicers who would allow a woman to die rather than help her and terminate a pregnancy.

it's D&X... dilation and extraction.

and, frankly, i'm not interested in having someone else make my moral choices for me... particularly when i've never found anyone who makes them better for me than i do.

taking ignorance to a new high water mark I bring you;

there is no such thing as "partial birth abortion"

She is one of the people that tried to tell me that no one is pro abortion.
Why can't we have an honest discussion about this? I think this is what makes me crazy about this.

there is no "honest discussion" with someone who, instead of talking about the vile and disgusting nature of a bill that would allow a woman to die rather than provide a life-saving abortion, starts ranting and raving about "partial birth abortion" which is almost non-existent as a problem.

there is no such thing as "partial birth abortion" that is a term made up by anti-choicers who would allow a woman to die rather than help her and terminate a pregnancy.

it's D&X... dilation and extraction.

and, frankly, i'm not interested in having someone else make my moral choices for me... particularly when i've never found anyone who makes them better for me than i do.

taking ignorance to a new high water mark I bring you;

there is no such thing as "partial birth abortion"

No such thing as 'partial birth abortion'. Jillian, wtf??

Partial-birth abortion is performed in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, with the goal of delivering a fetus that is not alive and incapable of surviving outside the womb.

Specific steps in the most commonly used partial-birth abortion procedure, Dilation and Extraction, are:
1. A medical professional induces a breech (feet first) delivery with forceps.
2. Legs, arms and torso of the fetus are delivered (i.e. expelled from the mother).
3. The back of the fetus' skull is punctured with a scissors-like instrument.
4. A suction device is inserted into the skull.
5. The device sunctions out the contents of the fetus' skull, causing the skull to collapse.
6. The lifeless fetus is delivered.

Pros & Cons of Partial Birth Abortions

"Partial-birth abortion" defined by law

The term "partial-birth abortion" was first coined by Douglas Johnson of the National Right to Life Committee.[8] The term has been used in numerous state and federal bills and laws, although the legal definition of the term is not always the same. The Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act defines "partial-birth abortion" as follows:
“ An abortion in which the person performing the abortion, deliberately and intentionally vaginally delivers a living fetus until, in the case of a head-first presentation, the entire fetal head is outside the body of the mother, or, in the case of breech presentation, any part of the fetal trunk past the navel is outside the body of the mother, for the purpose of performing an overt act that the person knows will kill the partially delivered living fetus; and performs the overt act, other than completion of delivery, that kills the partially delivered living fetus. (18 U.S. Code 1531) ”

In the 2000 Supreme Court case of Stenberg v. Carhart, a Nebraska law banning "partial-birth abortion" was ruled unconstitutional, in part because the language defining "partial-birth abortion" was deemed vague.[9] In 2006, the Supreme Court in Gonzales v. Carhart found that the 2003 act "departs in material ways" from the Nebraska law and that it pertains only to a specific abortion procedure, intact dilation and extraction.[2] Some commentators have noted that the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act's language was carefully crafted to take into account previous rulings.[10] Although in most cases the procedure legally defined as "partial birth abortion" would be medically defined as "intact dilation and extraction", these overlapping terms do not always coincide. For example, the IDX procedure may be used to remove a deceased fetus (e.g. due to a miscarriage or feticide) that is developed enough to require dilation of the cervix for its extraction.[11] Removing a dead fetus does not meet the federal legal definition of "partial-birth abortion," which specifies that partial live delivery must precede "the overt act, other than completion of delivery, that kills the partially delivered living fetus."[12] Additionally, a doctor may extract a fetus past the navel and then "disarticulate at the neck", which could fall within the terms of the statute even though it would not result in an intact body and therefore would not be an intact dilation and extraction.[13]

Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Do you want pics too??
there is no "honest discussion" with someone who, instead of talking about the vile and disgusting nature of a bill that would allow a woman to die rather than provide a life-saving abortion, starts ranting and raving about "partial birth abortion" which is almost non-existent as a problem.

there is no such thing as "partial birth abortion" that is a term made up by anti-choicers who would allow a woman to die rather than help her and terminate a pregnancy.

it's D&X... dilation and extraction.

and, frankly, i'm not interested in having someone else make my moral choices for me... particularly when i've never found anyone who makes them better for me than i do.

taking ignorance to a new high water mark I bring you;

there is no such thing as "partial birth abortion"

She is one of the people that tried to tell me that no one is pro abortion.

well, when you're in an alternate universe, or gone down the rabbit hole, anything is possible I guess...;)
I agree. No public money for abortions.

I fail to see why that's such a difficult and "controversial" idea for leftists. On the other hand, I've never had the IQ of a rock, so it's really hard for me to see anything from a leftist point of view.
the cold hard facts of the matter are that most women don't want a bunch of men deciding what they can decide. Face it...abortion is legal and it's the law of the land. Only Republican bible thumpers believe they can tell a woman what they can or cannot do to or with their bodies.

What the Republicans do make's soooo much sense. They consider a wad of cum life but then when somebody loses it and kills an adult human being they can't wait to put them to death. I guess I'm just a little weird but that sounds like a major dose of bullshit to me.

That doesn't even mention nuts like George Bush saying he prayed for weeks and god told him to invade Iraq. Thousands of our young men and women killed and crippled while hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqis died and millions fled their homes to
Syria and Jordon. Did any of you people ever think for a minute that you should develop a little consistency into your "Rock Solid Faith?"
I agree. No public money for abortions.

I fail to see why that's such a difficult and "controversial" idea for leftists. On the other hand, I've never had the IQ of a rock, so it's really hard for me to see anything from a leftist point of view.
the cold hard facts of the matter are that most women don't want a bunch of men deciding what they can decide. Face it...abortion is legal and it's the law of the land. Only Republican bible thumpers believe they can tell a woman what they can or cannot do to or with their bodies.

What the Republicans do make's soooo much sense. They consider a wad of cum life but then when somebody loses it and kills an adult human being they can't wait to put them to death. I guess I'm just a little weird but that sounds like a major dose of bullshit to me.

That doesn't even mention nuts like George Bush saying he prayed for weeks and god told him to invade Iraq. Thousands of our young men and women killed and crippled while hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqis died and millions fled their homes to
Syria and Jordon. Did any of you people ever think for a minute that you should develop a little consistency into your "Rock Solid Faith?"

The cold hard facts is that this bill will not affect a woman's choice in any way.

Do you think Obama prayed before he decided to go after a group of people in Africa who has never attacked the US? Did you ever think that it is incredibly easy to see the things in others that most upset you about yourself?
I fail to see why that's such a difficult and "controversial" idea for leftists. On the other hand, I've never had the IQ of a rock, so it's really hard for me to see anything from a leftist point of view.
the cold hard facts of the matter are that most women don't want a bunch of men deciding what they can decide. Face it...abortion is legal and it's the law of the land. Only Republican bible thumpers believe they can tell a woman what they can or cannot do to or with their bodies.

What the Republicans do make's soooo much sense. They consider a wad of cum life but then when somebody loses it and kills an adult human being they can't wait to put them to death. I guess I'm just a little weird but that sounds like a major dose of bullshit to me.

That doesn't even mention nuts like George Bush saying he prayed for weeks and god told him to invade Iraq. Thousands of our young men and women killed and crippled while hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqis died and millions fled their homes to
Syria and Jordon. Did any of you people ever think for a minute that you should develop a little consistency into your "Rock Solid Faith?"

The cold hard facts is that this bill will not affect a woman's choice in any way.

Do you think Obama prayed before he decided to go after a group of people in Africa who has never attacked the US? Did you ever think that it is incredibly easy to see the things in others that most upset you about yourself?

I've never heard of president Obama saying he prayed about anything. I do remember when his microphone was left on accidently and he said, "During Hard Times People Cling To Ther Religion And Their Guns."

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