U.S. House passes "Protect Life Act"

How many jobs will this create?

How many jobs does "Kill The Rich" create????

Are you rich or are you like Joe the plumber...just dream of being rich. Most who vote Republican do so for two reasons...either they are a bible thumper or they dream of someday being rich themselves.

Yup....forget about that.

Dreaming of being comfortably wealthy is a thing of the past.

Just consign yourself to abject poverty because being rich is evil.

Put it this way; I have property that is currently worth about the same it was worth when I bought it before Obama. Problem is taxes have gone up and insurance has gone up and cost of repairs has gone up. Everything has gone up. If it weren't for his policies I could retire in a few years but that can't happen now. How evil of me to want to retire and enjoy life.

Right now I'm at the mercy of some asshole that is a ****-hair from causing me to lose everything I've worked for the last 20 years. His rhetoric puts ideas in the heads of the poor telling them that they don't have to pay their rent or be honest to those who have more than they have. Class-warfare will destroy this country if something isn't done about it soon.

What will happen if I have to sell everything I have?

Well, for starters, 26 families will be homeless. That's just for starters.

Isn't that a wonderful thought.
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How many jobs does "Kill The Rich" create????

Are you rich or are you like Joe the plumber...just dream of being rich. Most who vote Republican do so for two reasons...either they are a bible thumper or they dream of someday being rich themselves.

Yup....forget about that.

Dreaming of being comfortably wealthy is a thing of the past.

Just consign yourself to abject poverty because being rich is evil.

Put it this way; I have property that is currently worth about the same it was worth when I bought it before Obama. Problem is taxes have gone up and insurance has gone up and cost of repairs has gone up. Everything has gone up. If it weren't for his policies I could retire in a few years but that can't happen now. How evil of me to want to retire and enjoy life.

Right now I'm at the mercy of some asshole that is a ****-hair from causing me to lose everything I've worked for the last 20 years. His rhetoric puts ideas in the heads of the poor telling them that they don't have to pay their rent or be honest to those who have more than they have. Class-warfare will destroy this country if something isn't done about it soon.

What will happen if I have to sell everything I have?

Well, for starters, 26 families will be homeless. That's just for starters.

Isn't that a wonderful thought.

Before Obama???? Have you completely pardoned the absolute asshole who took eight years and wrecked everything we had going?

Bush assumed a surplus....first one in 50 years. The debt was scheduled to completely pay off by 2012. He cut taxes twice using reconciliation to block Democratic filibuster, started two wars...one totally unnecessary then proceeded to double the national debt from $5.7 trillion to more than $11 trillion. Then for an encore he wrecked the economy. What an ignoramous.
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How many jobs does "Kill The Rich" create????

Are you rich or are you like Joe the plumber...just dream of being rich. Most who vote Republican do so for two reasons...either they are a bible thumper or they dream of someday being rich themselves.
They dream of being evil?

Evil much as Love and Hate is an absolute. One is never more in love or hates more, such is true for real evil. At least that is my initial reaction to your rhetorical question. A question which when answered my do something to ameliorate the rancor conservatives express toward liberals and liberals express toward conservatives.

I doubt the vast majority of persons who post on this message board are evil, some are dishonest, some ignorant - willfully or congenitally - and some so partisan it defies reason. I'd like to see an anti-flame theme, where threads are posted for debate and only thoughtful posts on point are accepted - other comments (usually from the same members) which do not move a debate forward can be 'graded' by others with a "No Thanks" button causing the off-topic, non sequitur or 'idiotgram' to be colored red.
Are you rich or are you like Joe the plumber...just dream of being rich. Most who vote Republican do so for two reasons...either they are a bible thumper or they dream of someday being rich themselves.

Yup....forget about that.

Dreaming of being comfortably wealthy is a thing of the past.

Just consign yourself to abject poverty because being rich is evil.

Put it this way; I have property that is currently worth about the same it was worth when I bought it before Obama. Problem is taxes have gone up and insurance has gone up and cost of repairs has gone up. Everything has gone up. If it weren't for his policies I could retire in a few years but that can't happen now. How evil of me to want to retire and enjoy life.

Right now I'm at the mercy of some asshole that is a ****-hair from causing me to lose everything I've worked for the last 20 years. His rhetoric puts ideas in the heads of the poor telling them that they don't have to pay their rent or be honest to those who have more than they have. Class-warfare will destroy this country if something isn't done about it soon.

What will happen if I have to sell everything I have?

Well, for starters, 26 families will be homeless. That's just for starters.

Isn't that a wonderful thought.

Before Obama???? Have you completely pardoned the absolute asshole who took eight years and wrecked everything we had going?

Bush assumed a surplus....first one in 50 years. The debt was scheduled to completely pay off by 2012. He cut taxes twice using reconciliation to block Democratic filibuster, started two wars...one totally unnecessary then proceeded to double the national debt from $5.7 trillion to more than $11 trillion. Then for an encore he wrecked the economy. What an ignoramous.

If you own property or a business cutting taxes only helps you.

Bush didn't wreck the economy.....he had a lot of help from the Democrat Congress.

The Dems instituted new regulations on lending that cost me an extra $52,000 in 07' alone. Right now they've put the clamps down on lending to the point that even though interest rates are at an all-time low I can't take advantage of them....so I can't lower my payments to offset the cost increases in utilities and repairs this year. I've seen a 40% increase in operating expenses since Jan. The only thing keeping my head above water is the fact that I'm working a second job. Pretty soon I'll be too old to do that and even though I'm retired military my benefits are being cut back so much that I don't have enough coverage to deal with medical and dental expenses. I have to buy coverage instead. Obamacare will not cover me.
Yup....forget about that.

Dreaming of being comfortably wealthy is a thing of the past.

Just consign yourself to abject poverty because being rich is evil.

Put it this way; I have property that is currently worth about the same it was worth when I bought it before Obama. Problem is taxes have gone up and insurance has gone up and cost of repairs has gone up. Everything has gone up. If it weren't for his policies I could retire in a few years but that can't happen now. How evil of me to want to retire and enjoy life.

Right now I'm at the mercy of some asshole that is a ****-hair from causing me to lose everything I've worked for the last 20 years. His rhetoric puts ideas in the heads of the poor telling them that they don't have to pay their rent or be honest to those who have more than they have. Class-warfare will destroy this country if something isn't done about it soon.

What will happen if I have to sell everything I have?

Well, for starters, 26 families will be homeless. That's just for starters.

Isn't that a wonderful thought.

Before Obama???? Have you completely pardoned the absolute asshole who took eight years and wrecked everything we had going?

Bush assumed a surplus....first one in 50 years. The debt was scheduled to completely pay off by 2012. He cut taxes twice using reconciliation to block Democratic filibuster, started two wars...one totally unnecessary then proceeded to double the national debt from $5.7 trillion to more than $11 trillion. Then for an encore he wrecked the economy. What an ignoramous.

If you own property or a business cutting taxes only helps you.

Bush didn't wreck the economy.....he had a lot of help from the Democrat Congress.

The Dems instituted new regulations on lending that cost me an extra $52,000 in 07' alone. Right now they've put the clamps down on lending to the point that even though interest rates are at an all-time low I can't take advantage of them....so I can't lower my payments to offset the cost increases in utilities and repairs this year. I've seen a 40% increase in operating expenses since Jan. The only thing keeping my head above water is the fact that I'm working a second job. Pretty soon I'll be too old to do that and even though I'm retired military my benefits are being cut back so much that I don't have enough coverage to deal with medical and dental expenses. I have to buy coverage instead. Obamacare will not cover me.

If the "Dems" in Congress passed legislation costing you money, wasn't that legislation signed by GWB? Right now it is difficult to get loans, and getting loans can cost more and the hoops to jump through are many. Blame whomever you want, there is plenty to go around. Focusing only on one group is so obviously disingenuous weakens your argument.

If health care reform had provided basic universal preventative medicine as it should, the cost for all health care would drop and any additional insurance should cost less.
Exactly how many jobs did Cash for Clunkers create? Did we have a big employment spike of car salesmen or Detroit auto workers that I seemed to have missed somewhere? Is Michigan as a result, enjoying an unemployment rate far below the national average? I'm sure Obama shutting down the NASA space shuttle program, was a great decision that resulted in the boosting of our economy.

Since Obama loves to waste taxpayer dollars on "experiments" that fail, like Solyndra getting $535 million from taxpayers, Raser Technology receiving $33 million, or US Geothermal received $97 million, we have to look at cutting funding from somewhere. Would you rather it came from Social Security or Medicare? They need to be looking at costs that the Federal Government either can't afford, or has no business in funding (abortion happens to fall into both categories). What's wrong with abortion clinics that are privately funded through large donations, like a lot of your major metropolitan hospitals? (none of which are funded by the Federal Government)
all cash for clunkers did was triple the price for used cars making it harder for people straped for cash to purchase transportation !! it's hard to go to work or look for a job if you can't get there !!


In 1952 a new car cost about $2,000. I made $80 a week. How is it that you believe the cash for clunkers increased the cost of vehicles?

How is it that you believe Obama has done anything even resembling the absolute mess that Hank Paulson and George W. Bush made? Two wars, doubled the national debt and wrecked the economy. That's what George W. Bush did and it only took him eight years.

President Bush ended up costing taxpayers $820 Billion with the Iraq war in about 7 years, President Obama spent a vast majority of that under one Stimulus bill costing $787 Billion! Watching unemployment go from 7.2% to 10% what a big successs THAT plan was. That was for our bridges and our roads, as well as funding teachers pensions too wasn't it? Oh I'm sorry, was that a slip? Obama meant teachers' jobs right? A failed plan that was SO bad Senator Harry Reed couldn't get enough of his own party to swallow that same bait the second time around.
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Yup....forget about that.

Dreaming of being comfortably wealthy is a thing of the past.

Just consign yourself to abject poverty because being rich is evil.

Put it this way; I have property that is currently worth about the same it was worth when I bought it before Obama. Problem is taxes have gone up and insurance has gone up and cost of repairs has gone up. Everything has gone up. If it weren't for his policies I could retire in a few years but that can't happen now. How evil of me to want to retire and enjoy life.

Right now I'm at the mercy of some asshole that is a ****-hair from causing me to lose everything I've worked for the last 20 years. His rhetoric puts ideas in the heads of the poor telling them that they don't have to pay their rent or be honest to those who have more than they have. Class-warfare will destroy this country if something isn't done about it soon.

What will happen if I have to sell everything I have?

Well, for starters, 26 families will be homeless. That's just for starters.

Isn't that a wonderful thought.

Before Obama???? Have you completely pardoned the absolute asshole who took eight years and wrecked everything we had going?

Bush assumed a surplus....first one in 50 years. The debt was scheduled to completely pay off by 2012. He cut taxes twice using reconciliation to block Democratic filibuster, started two wars...one totally unnecessary then proceeded to double the national debt from $5.7 trillion to more than $11 trillion. Then for an encore he wrecked the economy. What an ignoramous.

If you own property or a business cutting taxes only helps you.

Bush didn't wreck the economy.....he had a lot of help from the Democrat Congress.

The Dems instituted new regulations on lending that cost me an extra $52,000 in 07' alone. Right now they've put the clamps down on lending to the point that even though interest rates are at an all-time low I can't take advantage of them....so I can't lower my payments to offset the cost increases in utilities and repairs this year. I've seen a 40% increase in operating expenses since Jan. The only thing keeping my head above water is the fact that I'm working a second job. Pretty soon I'll be too old to do that and even though I'm retired military my benefits are being cut back so much that I don't have enough coverage to deal with medical and dental expenses. I have to buy coverage instead. Obamacare will not cover me.

Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae was the key that brought the economy down Bush in 2003 up to 2007 said that Fanny and Freddie needed to be fixed. What did the democrats do? Whined that bush hated the poor.
all cash for clunkers did was triple the price for used cars making it harder for people straped for cash to purchase transportation !! it's hard to go to work or look for a job if you can't get there !!


In 1952 a new car cost about $2,000. I made $80 a week. How is it that you believe the cash for clunkers increased the cost of vehicles?

How is it that you believe Obama has done anything even resembling the absolute mess that Hank Paulson and George W. Bush made? Two wars, doubled the national debt and wrecked the economy. That's what George W. Bush did and it only took him eight years.

Taking unemployment from 5% to over 9%.

Increasing the debt from $10 trillion to $15 trillion in two years instead of 8.

Intentionally causing the price of gas to double.

Suing several states because they have to enforce immigration laws that he refuses to enforce.

Turning a free country into a socialist state and preventing the free movement of private businesses.

Using the EPA to destroy jobs and to destroy our energy industry and make us almost completely dependent on foreigners for our oil and other energy sources.

Causing massive inflation by shoving billions of dollars into the stock-market with their Quantitative Easing programs. 3 of them so far.

Causing the price of groceries to go up 40%.

Putting millions more on food stamps and encouraging more to apply for them.

Betting on solar power and alternative energy producers that have no market thus losing billions in stimulus dollars.

Suing fire departments to change the minimum requirements on tests to allow black applicants that previously were not qualified.

Using obscure laws to close down manufacturing plants simply because they aren't a union shop.

Destroying any trust we once had with our best allies and removing any semblance of integrity our government once had.

Going from two wars that were almost over to three wars (Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya) that are getting worse and almost starting another against Pakistan and possibly Iran.

I don't know....compared to Obama...Bush was doing a pretty decent job.

Bush was one of the greatest fuckups of history. Bar none.

All of what happened after 1 Jan 2009 is directly the result of Pub Congresses from 1994 to 2006 and the Dem Congress of 2007 and 2008, with the help of Clinton and Bush.

The effects since 1 Jan 2009 would have been far worse.

Any who say otherwise are incredibly ignorant or mentally feeble or malignantly motivated, or a combination of all of three.
What does the abortionist do to kill the baby and make sure it dead when he aborts it,

First they grab an arm and cut that off. Then it is easier to mak sure he can see where he puts the knife between the eyes and into the soft part opf the brain. Cut a circle to drag the brain out and cut the rest of the apendages of the baby. It has to be brought out in pieces to be sure it cannot live.

That once little baby who was supposed to be in his mothers arms is in a bowl in pieces.

May God forgive you.

Well, gee, thanks for that. Hey, I had a vasectomy - wanna hear about it...?

I'd MUCH rather hear about that than the lies he's spewing. OMG, it's like Witch Doctors r'Us in here!

Excellent article.

Thirty-Five Years After Hyde, It's Time to Start a New Conversation on Abortion | RH Reality Check

Targeting only needy women, the Hyde Amendment lacks as much in logic as it does in compassion. As one young mother I recently spoke with said — if I couldn't scrape together the $300 I needed for the abortion, why do they think I can afford to raise another child?

And so, for 35 years, anti-choice politicians have held poor women hostage in their unrelenting campaign to eliminate abortion access in America, arrogantly inserting themselves in a medical decision that is best left to a woman and her family. Abortion remains at the epicenter of the culture wars with Hyde being one of the biggest anti-choice trophies to date.

When it comes to women's reproductive health, political expediency trumps political principle: even President Obama reaffirmed the Hyde amendment, calling the restriction "longstanding" and "the status quo," when he signed an executive order asserting that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act would not allow the use of federal funds for abortion services.

Yet, a majority of Americans still supports safe, legal abortion. So why does the opposition grab all of the headlines? Because they have deftly deployed a weapon that for too long has silenced our voices, and that weapon is stigma.

Four decades of anti-abortion rhetoric has made it almost impossible to speak up about our abortion experiences. Yet one in three of us has a story to tell.

Please respond to the bolded, italicized above.
Yup....forget about that.

Dreaming of being comfortably wealthy is a thing of the past.

Just consign yourself to abject poverty because being rich is evil.

Put it this way; I have property that is currently worth about the same it was worth when I bought it before Obama. Problem is taxes have gone up and insurance has gone up and cost of repairs has gone up. Everything has gone up. If it weren't for his policies I could retire in a few years but that can't happen now. How evil of me to want to retire and enjoy life.

Right now I'm at the mercy of some asshole that is a ****-hair from causing me to lose everything I've worked for the last 20 years. His rhetoric puts ideas in the heads of the poor telling them that they don't have to pay their rent or be honest to those who have more than they have. Class-warfare will destroy this country if something isn't done about it soon.

What will happen if I have to sell everything I have?

Well, for starters, 26 families will be homeless. That's just for starters.

Isn't that a wonderful thought.

Before Obama???? Have you completely pardoned the absolute asshole who took eight years and wrecked everything we had going?

Bush assumed a surplus....first one in 50 years. The debt was scheduled to completely pay off by 2012. He cut taxes twice using reconciliation to block Democratic filibuster, started two wars...one totally unnecessary then proceeded to double the national debt from $5.7 trillion to more than $11 trillion. Then for an encore he wrecked the economy. What an ignoramous.

If you own property or a business cutting taxes only helps you.

Bush didn't wreck the economy.....he had a lot of help from the Democrat Congress.

The Dems instituted new regulations on lending that cost me an extra $52,000 in 07' alone. Right now they've put the clamps down on lending to the point that even though interest rates are at an all-time low I can't take advantage of them....so I can't lower my payments to offset the cost increases in utilities and repairs this year. I've seen a 40% increase in operating expenses since Jan. The only thing keeping my head above water is the fact that I'm working a second job. Pretty soon I'll be too old to do that and even though I'm retired military my benefits are being cut back so much that I don't have enough coverage to deal with medical and dental expenses. I have to buy coverage instead. Obamacare will not cover me.


The Republicans had a majority in the congress from 1994 till 2006...then the fault of the Bush crash goes to the Democrats. Very typical Republican thinking...or lack thereof. Wall Street and their formula for home mortages and bonuses for those who sold them is what crashed the economy. The Bush administration loved it. Did you know that the minimum wage for working Americans had not been raised during all those years and it's one of the first things the new Democrat majority did?

Anybody who votes Republican in national elections is either a bible thumper, a rich person or someone who dreams of being a rich person.

In 1952 a new car cost about $2,000. I made $80 a week. How is it that you believe the cash for clunkers increased the cost of vehicles?

How is it that you believe Obama has done anything even resembling the absolute mess that Hank Paulson and George W. Bush made? Two wars, doubled the national debt and wrecked the economy. That's what George W. Bush did and it only took him eight years.

Taking unemployment from 5% to over 9%.

Increasing the debt from $10 trillion to $15 trillion in two years instead of 8.

Intentionally causing the price of gas to double.

Suing several states because they have to enforce immigration laws that he refuses to enforce.

Turning a free country into a socialist state and preventing the free movement of private businesses.

Using the EPA to destroy jobs and to destroy our energy industry and make us almost completely dependent on foreigners for our oil and other energy sources.

Causing massive inflation by shoving billions of dollars into the stock-market with their Quantitative Easing programs. 3 of them so far.

Causing the price of groceries to go up 40%.

Putting millions more on food stamps and encouraging more to apply for them.

Betting on solar power and alternative energy producers that have no market thus losing billions in stimulus dollars.

Suing fire departments to change the minimum requirements on tests to allow black applicants that previously were not qualified.

Using obscure laws to close down manufacturing plants simply because they aren't a union shop.

Destroying any trust we once had with our best allies and removing any semblance of integrity our government once had.

Going from two wars that were almost over to three wars (Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya) that are getting worse and almost starting another against Pakistan and possibly Iran.

I don't know....compared to Obama...Bush was doing a pretty decent job.

Bush was one of the greatest fuckups of history. Bar none.

All of what happened after 1 Jan 2009 is directly the result of Pub Congresses from 1994 to 2006 and the Dem Congress of 2007 and 2008, with the help of Clinton and Bush.

The effects since 1 Jan 2009 would have been far worse.

Any who say otherwise are incredibly ignorant or mentally feeble or malignantly motivated, or a combination of all of three.

Let's see "Pub Congress" (as you call them) from 1994 to 2006, that's where the left LOVES to always boast about President Clinton giving us that nice debt surplus. Oh, the Democrat Congress from 2007 to 2010, is where we saw the economy collapse and unemployment go up to about 9.1% (as it currently stands) with our national debt on steroids? Just want to check to be sure I got all the "liberal talking points" correct here. :lol:

With California holding the highest DEBT of any state in the nation, and their representative Nancy Pelosi becoming the liberals "prime example" of where they want to see the direction of their Congress take, is it any surprise our nation's debt would soon follow the same course?
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even President Obama reaffirmed the Hyde amendment, calling the restriction "longstanding" and "the status quo," when he signed an executive order asserting that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act would not allow the use of federal funds for abortion services.

O NOES!! President Obama did something right!!

Now, will anyone on the right acknowledge it?
even President Obama reaffirmed the Hyde amendment, calling the restriction "longstanding" and "the status quo," when he signed an executive order asserting that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act would not allow the use of federal funds for abortion services.

O NOES!! President Obama did something right!!

Now, will anyone on the right acknowledge it?
Read the thread, then you won't ask stupid questions.
Before Obama???? Have you completely pardoned the absolute asshole who took eight years and wrecked everything we had going?

Bush assumed a surplus....first one in 50 years. The debt was scheduled to completely pay off by 2012. He cut taxes twice using reconciliation to block Democratic filibuster, started two wars...one totally unnecessary then proceeded to double the national debt from $5.7 trillion to more than $11 trillion. Then for an encore he wrecked the economy. What an ignoramous.

If you own property or a business cutting taxes only helps you.

Bush didn't wreck the economy.....he had a lot of help from the Democrat Congress.

The Dems instituted new regulations on lending that cost me an extra $52,000 in 07' alone. Right now they've put the clamps down on lending to the point that even though interest rates are at an all-time low I can't take advantage of them....so I can't lower my payments to offset the cost increases in utilities and repairs this year. I've seen a 40% increase in operating expenses since Jan. The only thing keeping my head above water is the fact that I'm working a second job. Pretty soon I'll be too old to do that and even though I'm retired military my benefits are being cut back so much that I don't have enough coverage to deal with medical and dental expenses. I have to buy coverage instead. Obamacare will not cover me.


The Republicans had a majority in the congress from 1994 till 2006...then the fault of the Bush crash goes to the Democrats. Very typical Republican thinking...or lack thereof. Wall Street and their formula for home mortages and bonuses for those who sold them is what crashed the economy. The Bush administration loved it. Did you know that the minimum wage for working Americans had not been raised during all those years and it's one of the first things the new Democrat majority did?

Anybody who votes Republican in national elections is either a bible thumper, a rich person or someone who dreams of being a rich person.

You're full of shit. The Republicans had the house. The Senate was bouncing back and forth.

Also you forget about that harebrained idea they came up with to get the Dems to quit crying about their lost power. You remember "Shared Leadership Responsibilties". Democrats were allowed to chair committees and call for investigations even though officially they didn't have the right to.

Whoever came up with that must have ether been on the take or needed his head examined.
Before Obama???? Have you completely pardoned the absolute asshole who took eight years and wrecked everything we had going?

Bush assumed a surplus....first one in 50 years. The debt was scheduled to completely pay off by 2012. He cut taxes twice using reconciliation to block Democratic filibuster, started two wars...one totally unnecessary then proceeded to double the national debt from $5.7 trillion to more than $11 trillion. Then for an encore he wrecked the economy. What an ignoramous.

If you own property or a business cutting taxes only helps you.

Bush didn't wreck the economy.....he had a lot of help from the Democrat Congress.

The Dems instituted new regulations on lending that cost me an extra $52,000 in 07' alone. Right now they've put the clamps down on lending to the point that even though interest rates are at an all-time low I can't take advantage of them....so I can't lower my payments to offset the cost increases in utilities and repairs this year. I've seen a 40% increase in operating expenses since Jan. The only thing keeping my head above water is the fact that I'm working a second job. Pretty soon I'll be too old to do that and even though I'm retired military my benefits are being cut back so much that I don't have enough coverage to deal with medical and dental expenses. I have to buy coverage instead. Obamacare will not cover me.

If the "Dems" in Congress passed legislation costing you money, wasn't that legislation signed by GWB? Right now it is difficult to get loans, and getting loans can cost more and the hoops to jump through are many. Blame whomever you want, there is plenty to go around. Focusing only on one group is so obviously disingenuous weakens your argument.

If health care reform had provided basic universal preventative medicine as it should, the cost for all health care would drop and any additional insurance should cost less.

I didn't say "Legislation".

I said new "Regulations".

Try learning the difference.

Also try learning about points, the difference between an ARM and a Fixed Loan.

Also read up on "Stated Income Loans" and how they relate to Sub-Prime loans.

There was a time that you could get a loan for over 100% of it's present value. That came crashing down in 07 and 08. Because homes were going up in value so fast you could get a loan for more then the appraised value of the property.

All of these tools were allowed to be used and when the bubble burst it all came to an end. Currently there are millions of properties that are in default still to this day. Nothing Obama and his Dodd-Frank bill does reverses this.

What happens when you let someone buy a home on credit when they haven't the means to pay back the loan, have poor credit, and don't have to come up with even one penny to close on the loan????

I'll let you think about that one for awhile.
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If you own property or a business cutting taxes only helps you.

Bush didn't wreck the economy.....he had a lot of help from the Democrat Congress.

The Dems instituted new regulations on lending that cost me an extra $52,000 in 07' alone. Right now they've put the clamps down on lending to the point that even though interest rates are at an all-time low I can't take advantage of them....so I can't lower my payments to offset the cost increases in utilities and repairs this year. I've seen a 40% increase in operating expenses since Jan. The only thing keeping my head above water is the fact that I'm working a second job. Pretty soon I'll be too old to do that and even though I'm retired military my benefits are being cut back so much that I don't have enough coverage to deal with medical and dental expenses. I have to buy coverage instead. Obamacare will not cover me.


The Republicans had a majority in the congress from 1994 till 2006...then the fault of the Bush crash goes to the Democrats. Very typical Republican thinking...or lack thereof. Wall Street and their formula for home mortages and bonuses for those who sold them is what crashed the economy. The Bush administration loved it. Did you know that the minimum wage for working Americans had not been raised during all those years and it's one of the first things the new Democrat majority did?

Anybody who votes Republican in national elections is either a bible thumper, a rich person or someone who dreams of being a rich person.

You're full of shit. The Republicans had the house. The Senate was bouncing back and forth.

Also you forget about that harebrained idea they came up with to get the Dems to quit crying about their lost power. You remember "Shared Leadership Responsibilties". Democrats were allowed to chair committees and call for investigations even though officially they didn't have the right to.

Whoever came up with that must have ether been on the take or needed his head examined.

To be on the take does not excuse the need to have their head examined.
I agree. No public money for abortions.

Ok ... but that's not what this is about. Allow me to quote the important part.
prohibits women from buying health insurance plans that cover abortion under the Affordable Care Act
Meaning, a woman could have zero intentions of ever having an abortion, but she would still not be allowed to buy a plan she wants, because of what the plan offers.

Anti-choice is taking on a whole new meaning.

BTW......What's HAPPENED to all o' those.....


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