U.S. Leans Toward Providing Abrams Tanks to Ukraine


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
and yes, Moscow and its cuckold are gonna hate, so what ? 1% of the world economy without chances against us
30 Abrams as far as I know

Russia's entire military is going to be a trash heap pretty soon and their country a complete joke.

Some really good news today. the horde has left 6.1 trillion rubles of liquid wealth to cover budget deficit in the wealth fund. Last year hole was around 3.3 trillion rubles of deficit with sanctions not being there since the start of the year and the crazy prices. Real sanctions started in December and new ones will apply in February.
Translation to Putin´s cuckolds -> the horde has very little room left before default. Best case scenario the horde will survive till end of year but highly unlikely in my opinion. With the horde oil being traded at 40-50 $ while gas to Europe has been fully cut off and prices falling 5 fold, the horde will go in to default somewhere at the end of summer or after this year.

Screen shot 2017-04-02 at 3.14.03 PM.png
Russia's entire military is going to be a trash heap pretty soon and their country a complete joke.
I bought that line as well until I began searching for non-legacy media sources. There are vastly differing opinions about where this war is going to go. To listen to some, Ukraine will win and Russia will be humiliated. I try to remember that the same media saying this are the sources of massive numbers of lies and slanders against a certain Bad Orange Man and therefore are totally untrustworthy.

If we send the Abrams, we might as well just ship a couple directly to Moscow. They'll get their hands on them anyway. Those platforms are so maintenance-intensive that they'll spend more time in transport to and from the front than they do, fighting.
For the foreseeable future at least, Russia will likely up the ante on achieving the destruction of the Ukraine.

Later may come the use of a nuclear weapon directly on a large Ukrainian city?

The reason why that's possible and even probable is because the choice to pursue war against Russia will be placed in the hands of America.

I just can't see any possibility of Russia going down in a fight against America, while holding the world's most formidable weapons stockpile in reserve.

Could Putin and his military hold the support of the Russian people on defending their country?

Putin went into the game knowing at least that he has huge support and popularity with his people.

When negotiations begin, even if it has to be after a nuclear gambit, how will the spoils of war be divided?
Three words.... Don't do it.... Russia will get our tank technology because some Ukrainian soldier will run off and leave it on the battle field... Hey libs... when will your president start governing and bailing out Americans and our nation?.....
Three words.... Don't do it.... Russia will get our tank technology because some Ukrainian soldier will run off and leave it on the battle field... Hey libs... when will your president start governing and bailing out Americans and our nation?.....
Does anybody think that it matters if Russia gets US technology?
Russia is on the road to defeat against America and their coalition of the willing, as long as it remains non-nuclear conventional weapons.

The question remains, 'including' nuclear weapons. (not necessary to speculate)
What are the odds that McCarthy can get the votes for an declaration of war on Russia? It is looking damn likely that we're about to go in all the way.

If we're going to risk it all I think it should be done right and an declared war.
and yes, Moscow and its cuckold are gonna hate, so what ? 1% of the world economy without chances against us
30 Abrams as far as I know

Let's go, Brandon!

Screw Putin - call his bluff, Joe! So what if you have been wrong on EVERY foreign decision you have ever made! Your streak can't last forever! Poke the bear!

And if you need me, I'll just be hanging out in my nuclear bomb shelter.


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